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Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] COMPLETE! - Printable Version

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RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - E'jusana - 02-16-2015

((Excuse our dust. Ana in undergoing personality reconstruction. Thank you for your patience. -She's going from happy bubbly do-nothing, one dimensional Ana to, dun dun dun! Ana the huntress, cool girl that doesn't need no man and more info to come =D. We will be retconning some stuff but for now just use the fact that no one really knows her much as she was still calling everyone miss or mr and was very curt.))

Ana had told Brio almost a week ago that she was leaving and needed some time off for an errand she had to run. She promised she would be back as soon as she was finished and would try to hurry along knowing the Moogle would need its head waitress.

She had been riding all night and was tired, dirty and covered in a foul smelling paste that she had smeared over her clothes and skin. At least they paid well for this one she thought to herself as they approached the Mist. Terra, her trusty blue-feathered friend, was clad in iron and was also covered in the same foul ooze. The bird went straight to the ocean. "Come on, Terra. I'm tired. Let's just go home," Ana whined as the bird shook its head and went straight into the crashing waves.

They had gotten most of the disgusting smell off of them before heading up the steps to their home at the Midnight Moogle. It was mid-day by the time they reached the archway to the yard. Ana stabled Terra, removed the armor, gave her friend a treat, and lovingly patted the chocobo before she nestled in to fall asleep.

Ana fiddled with the hard leather armor on her chest and legs as she walked up to the door. Ah, I wish she'd let me just take a bath when we got home, I hate when the sand gets under my armor she thought with a sigh. I didn't even get all of it out of my fur. Hmm, what's this? I wonder who got mail. Ana spied a bulging letter in the mailbox and grabbed it to bring inside.

She set the letter on Melody's welcoming counter since it wasn't addressed to her and started across the quiet bar hoping not to disturb anyone who might still be sleeping. She didn't notice the lalafells on the couch until she almost reached the door to the private quarters, even then she just only caught sight of them out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head with a smile, knowing whose white and sandy heads she briefly saw but when she looked upon the scene of the wounded and weary lala's Ana couldn't believe her eyes and was instantly struck with worry.

In a just a few steps Ana was right at their side. "Melody, Melody!" she said with quiet urgency. "What the hell happened? Melody, please wake up, please be ok." she looked at Jig with worried eyes as she gently shook Mel's shoulders to wake her. Jig seemed like he was just barely hanging on. By the Twelve, please be ok.

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Martsia - 02-16-2015

Martsia woke up tied to the same chair she'd been in earlier, her face was bleeding from her brow and her cheekbone where Kershaw had kicked her. She was in trouble now...she had no more weapons, she was injured, and she'd lost track of how long she'd actually been here. Was it two days? Or three? She sighed, realizing it was up to her to escape. There was no way anyone would have known she was here, and after all...she didn't want any of her friends getting hurt. 

Wincing from the pain and constant headache, she leaned forward until her feet were on the ground, and the chair was in the air. It took a lot of focus, but she jumped, doing a very poorly executed front flip and crashed into the floor of the cellar, breaking the chair in the process. Luckily for her, they had tied her up to the chair that needed to be repaired all the time. Probably because they didn't want to ruin any of their good chairs. She writhed and wriggled free from the ropes and began using all wooden bits and ropes to make herself a kind of club. She would escape, and all of Gridania would know it.

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Mortine - 02-16-2015

Mortine had to be the dumb one that day. He'd been sending letters to the moogle as clues so they would come and get Martsia before it was too late. He could only stall Kershaw for so long, and Martsia herself was doing a fine job in distracting him and stalling any horrid events to come. But Mortine wanted nothing more than to run away and hide...to be free from all of this. In that way he and Martsia were very much alike. He was walking outside near the cellars when he smelled smoke. Dashing around the corner he saw it seeping through the cracks of the cellar his sister was contained in. Without thinking of calling for help he lunged forward and unlocked the chains.

He should have known. Mar was always crafty, always clever...and at times, very very angry. The moment the chains were freed he heard a muffled yell. Reaching for the handles, he didn't realize that he was in for a surprise. Within seconds the doors broke off of their hinges as Mar, weilding a strange, mangled weapon of chair parts, smashed into it with her shoulder. She had torn a sleeve of the dress she'd been so 'kindly' given and tied it around her mouth so she wouldn't breathe the smoke. She'd started the fire to get him to do exactly what he'd just done. And now she turned on him. He didn't have time to react as she slammed her makeshift weapon into his side, feeling splinters digging into his flesh as he was propelled into the nearby brush. He heard her take off running into the woods, muttering curses under her breath. Moments later Kershaw was outside with Bortun, and just happened to see her sprinting through the forest.

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Desu Nee - 02-16-2015

There was little she could do there. Jigumundo was already cooling down and recovering, she had no clue where one of her cru-friend was, and ultimately, she really was out of her depth to this situation. What else could she do than just wait and hope for a lead...something?! She barely noticed Ana noticing her, just dwelving on her own thoughts, holding Jigumundo's staff. It always brought her a smile on her face, seeing the small planet-esque system on the staff...

Black Magic. She wouldn't be lying if she said it always interested her, on the little she actually readed about. What she knew was what most knew already, Black Magic gave one limitless power and it caused the War of Magi...did that mean Jigumundo was a Black Mage?!

She glanced at her uncoscious professor, and sighed again, turning away to the fireplace and laying her forehead on the side of it, mentally cursing everything...she couldn't have done nothing, maybe if she came sooner she could have stopped this, stopped Marty running away, sto-


Was she really going over what ifs and could haves again? It didn't really change nothing, the present was here, her "father" was once again, laying on the ground, hurt...

This time he wasn't withering to death, like her own true father. She could take something positive out of that.

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Melody - 02-17-2015

Melody's hand felt warm. Her eyes fluttered open slightly when she felt something go bump on the floor next to her. When she felt a nudge against her head, she turned a little to see Jigumundo. A soft sigh escaped her as she felt his forehead's temperature had gone down considerably. She gripped the hand in hers and let her eyes close once more, feeling relieved but her thoughts drifted back to Mar...

Next she was being shaken.

"Huuhwa-whatsgoing-on?" she turned to see Ana and grimaced slightly at a hint of foul odor hitting her nose. "Ana! Thank twelve you're back!" she woke up immediately and told Ana everything that had happened while wiping some wetness away from her eyes.

She looked around to look for Quki and spotted her by the fireplace. "Thanks for your help last night, Quki." she couldn't have taken care of things so quickly if the girl hadn't been there.

Feeling Jig stir next to her, she got up off the floor and stretched, heading to the bar. Her joints ached from sitting on the hard floor all night. "I'm going to make some tea and check his arm. Then we need to figure out how to get Mar back."

As she was working behind the counter she looked up and noticed an envelope on her desk. She felt her heart drop.

"When did that get there?"

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Jig - 02-17-2015

"I'm... Fine..."

Jig tried to stand up on trembling legs, supporting himself by the couch. His right arm was still hanging motionless. He still had no sensation in it. He noticed Ququki.

"Ququki... are you all right?"

Jig asked through his teeth still feeling pain, however she could hear concern in Professor's voice. Then he saw Cookie holding his staff, showing even bigger concern on his face, yet trying to act cool. 

"Mind... giving it back to me?"

He tries to move towards his student, supporting himself on every object he came across, almost tripping at one moment.

"It's not... safe..."

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - E'jusana - 02-17-2015

((Sorry, I missed that you were there Quqi >.< Sorry!!))

Ana sat listening to Melody with intense eyes. She was a bit shocked at the turn of events but now wasn't the time to act shocked, it was time to bring back her friend.

As Melody crossed to the counter Ana sat and mulled everything over in her head analyzing everything she had heard. Her old home was in the Black Shroud, she went to Coerthas to escape, Jig and Mel fought with Mortine, Martsia has been lala-napped. Where could she be? as she thought she heard Melody ask a question.

Quote:"When did that get there?

Ana turned to look at what Melody was speaking of. "I just brought it in, it was in the box when I arrived home." She paused for a split second. "Do you think it's another note about Martsia?" Ana flew across the room, snatched the envelope, and tore it open. With a puzzled look she said "There are white berries on a small branch with green leaves, that's it." Ana turned the small fruited branch in her hand examining it closely just to be sure."I know this plant! This is tinolqa mistletoe, there's no doubt about it," she said confidently. "It's only found in Central Black Shroud. Hunters use it in traps to catch anole in that area. What do you think?" she crossed the room and handed off the envelope and the small branch to Melody.

She hoped that it was a clue to where Martsia is being held, but who is sending letters and why? It smelled like a trap but she hoped that they could stay one step ahead of the Troy's since Ana learned to hunt in that area and knew it very well.

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Martsia - 02-17-2015

Martsia ran as quickly as she could, darting between trees, branches catching onto her dress and tearing bits off. She didn't care at this point...all she was focused on was escaping. The plan had worked so far, and  if she could just make it around the bend and past the small creek, she would find a small village. She didn't realize that her father was in pursuit of her, with Bortun in hot pursuit. She could hear the creek water up ahead, if she could just...

The pain was so sudden, and then it dulled into nothingness. When she fell to the ground it felt like her limbs were melting away, and then she could feel no more. An enchanted arrow, or in this case, a cursed one...most likely produced by Kershaw. He was always using them against creatures in the woods...testing them. Apparently she had been reduced to wild game then...because the look on his face when he loomed over her was one of immense satisfaction.

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Mortine - 02-17-2015

It took him a few minutes to regain his composure and climb out of the  brambles he'd been knocked into. He should have known it was a trap...he had underestimated his sister. He saw her running, and felt like it might be his only chance to escape as well. Then he  saw the bow being drawn and the arrow was loosed. He reached out a hand, as futile as it was, to warn her. He saw it hit it's mark, and saw her fall. What he didn't see was Bortun loading another arrow into his bow, aiming at him and then he felt the pain. He instantly began feeling tired, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

He was woken only a few hours later when a bucket of water was splashed on him. He found himself tied to a chair, in the same situation he'd put Martsia in.

"Welcome back, son." Kershaw said, stepping forward. They were in another one of their cellars, Martsia was nowhere to be seen. He worried for her, but he also knew why he was here. "Ye have been sendin a lot of letters lately, Mortine...who have ye been sendin them to?" Kershaw asked, picking up a fire poker as he approached the younger lalafell. Mortine went pale, keeping his mouth closed. He was going to stall Kershaw as long as he could...hoping Mar would find a way out of any predicament she was in.

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Desu Nee - 02-19-2015

[ Really don't have much to do for now heh ]
She nodded, absently minded to Melody...she needed some time. She took off to the door, looking at Melody.
" I'm gonna go wind up at the beach. Call me when you have a plan or something "
She turns to the Professor and grimaces a bit...she leaves the staff at the door and walks away

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Melody - 02-23-2015

Though feeling somewhat relieved when Ana identified the contents of the mysterious envelope, Melody frowned as she held the branch and wondered if it was actually Mortine who sent it. After what guy did to her two special people, she found it highly difficult to believe he'd be feeling any semblance of guilt. Her look turned dark as she finished making a cup of lemon balm tea.

Quki Wrote:" I'm gonna go wind up at the beach. Call me when you have a plan or something "

"Alright, I'll check on you in a little bit." She nodded understandingly as the girl left. She thought it odd that Quki didn't just hand Jigumundo's staff back to him since he'd been about to reach for it. Then she remembered this was Quki she was thinking about, and Quki didn't make a lot of sense to her sometimes...
But then again, the events from yesterday seemed to hit the girl fairly hard. It would probably be good for her to get her thoughts and feelings together sooner rather than later.

"Mar talked a few times about growing up in the Shroud. If that is in fact another clue sent to us by...Mortine...why would he do that? Actually, why would he even have sent the other note that blatantly proclaimed he already took her. Wouldn't he want us to be distracted and go to Coerthas so her family could have all the time in the world to do what they're planning on doing?" she felt her jumbled thoughts start pouring out her mouth and quickly stopped herself from rambling too much. She took a deep breath and let it out, "Aside from that, we obviously need to go there and start looking for her."

Making her way back to the living room with the tea, Melody picked up the staff on her way and set it against the chair Jig was leaning on. "Sit down, please, before you hurt yourself even more." The look she had was strained and her tone was warning. She stood next to Jig with the tea and waited for him to do so, noticing he wasn't using his injured arm at all. It just hung limp at his side. Her look turned to strained worry. This was all starting to be too much.

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RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Jig - 02-23-2015

Jig sat on a couch, surprised of Melody's tone, as he walked Ququki outside with his gaze. Then he'd turn to Melody with expression of concern. Jig finally opened his mouth as he took the tea from Miss Adagio.

"Why would he leave a trace after he got what he wanted? That makes no sense..."

Jig tried to deduce what is happening, regretting that his arm laid limp, since it could be useful to comfort his girl.

"Even if it's a trap, it's worth checking. At least it's a good start. Don't worry... we WILL find her. And those bastards WILL pay! I'm sure Mortine wasn't working alone or for his own benefit. It's obvious. Our next move should be checking the shroud."

Professor spoke with faint voice. He was still weak, yet he regained his ability to speak. Melody's treatment worked... yet his right arm still leaves much to be desired.

"Sit by me..." - Professor turned his voice down to soothing whisper. "You need to rest as well... I..."

Words that he wanted to tell her as usual were hard for him to spit out.

"I'm here for you, and your family."

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - E'jusana - 02-23-2015

Ana suddenly ran back to her room and disappeared for several minutes. When she reappeared in the main area of the Moogle she was no longer wearing her leather armor but lighter weight clothing in shades brown and green. She was also carrying a quiver full of arrows, a light pack on her back, and a beautiful, hand-carved bow in her hand.

"If this is a clue as to where Martsia is we can't let the trail go cold we have to act quickly," she spoke with authority in her voice as she crossed the room to where Melody and Jig were sitting and looked at them with a stern face "I'm going to the Shroud to gather a few of my tracking friends. We will scour the Black Shroud to find Martsia's location, you all will stay here." She held up a hand when she saw them about to say something "Tracking and finding things is what we do. A small group of hunters can move through the forest quickly and quietly. We do not want to tip our hand so please, let me do what I do best. We will find their location and as soon as I know where they're keeping Martsia I will send for you."

Ana shoved her hand into a small pocket on the side of her pack, pulled out a small, cream-colored linkpearl, and handed it to Melody "This way we can keep in contact with each other." She looked at the two weary Lalafells on the couch "Regain your strength quickly, this shouldn't take long" she said with a confident smirk and a spark in her eye then turned towards the door to leave with the letter and gear in hand.

RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - Melody - 03-02-2015

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RE: Rebuilding the Troys [MiMo FC and Associates Only] - E'jusana - 03-04-2015

Ana strode determinedly out the door, not waiting for Melody or Jig to put up a fight about her going without them. She crossed the yard, the sun beating down on her in the hot Limsan day, to the chocobo stables where her icy-blue feathered friend was sleeping in the cool of the shade.

“Come on Terra, we’ve got to go” she said to the bird urgently. She started gathering the reins and saddle as she spoke “We’re going home to find Martsia. Get up, we have work to do.” Terra looked up at Ana with groggy disbelief, snorted, and laid her head back down. Ana looked down at the stubborn bird and nudged her with her foot. “I know you just laid down but get your feathered arse up, we need to go, now!” as she finished Ana gave the ornery bird a good push and managed to get her on her feet.

The red-headed Moqo’te placed the gear on Terra without much resistance from her old friend and mounted her. “Alright, let's go!” she gave the bird a quick pat and they headed off towards the nearest aetheryte.

Dressed in her green and brown garb, Ana waited at the Carline Canopy in a darkened corner table for her meeting. Only a few moments passed before she saw three familiar faces, Ana smiled and stood to welcome them. She gave each of them a hug as they greeted each other.

The first to speak was a weathered yet handsome looking Miqo’te with jet black hair, a thin tail, and slightly sun-kissed skin. “It’s great to see you E’jusana, but what is your urgency?” he said with concern as he sat down and rested his chin on his hand. A younger Miqo’te with strawberry blonde hair and fair skin chimed in with a soprano voice “Yeah, sis', what’s goin’ on? We don’t see you for six months and then you show up out of the blue with all this swift secrecy.” The third was a tall, fair-skinned Elezen. His chocolate brown eyes matched his hair and as he spoke he laid a gentle hand on Ana’s arm, almost intimately. “Are you alright, Ana?”

Ana examined the three old friends sitting in front of her matter-of-factedly. “It is very nice to see you all again. We can catch up later but right now a friend of mine needs us and I need you to help me find her.” Ana caught them all up on what all had transpired at the Midnight Moogle and showed them the envelope containing the berry branch. They all agreed to help and started dividing up the area into search patterns. Ana wrapped a shawl around her crimson locks and all four of them headed out.

Ana and the Elezen had been scouring their appointed areas on the map when her linkpearl went off. The soprano's voice spoke softly through the creamy pearl, "We think we've found something of interest. You said your friend's brother was a black mage, correct? This area of forest is all withered and has signs of thaumaturgy everywhere, you'll want to see this." Ana collected the coordinates then she and the Elezen rushed to meet the others. When they drew nearer the location indicated Ana noticed the unusual dead plant matter and signs of burns on tree trunks and surrounding vegetation.

As they approached Ana dismounted and spoke softly to the others. "Good job," she nodded to the two Miqo'te. "There is a house several yalms away. We haven't seen any signs of life but the area seems to indicate at minimum of four Lalafells have been here recently," the male Miqo'te reported in a whisper. "Thank you. You all have been very helpful," Ana looked at her surroundings and to her friends deep in thought. "It's almost like the life has been sucked out of this area of the Shroud," her eyes furrowed and then she said adamantly, "I'm going to call for the others, things might get bad very quickly and I do not want any of you here when it does. You all have done me a great favor, do me one more. Please, leave this place. I cannot have any of you here if things go sour. I love you all and will contact you when it is safe to do so."

She gave each of them a hug farewell and sent them away. The three left trusting Ana knew what she was doing and that her Midnight Moogle family would be strong enough to support and protect her. They swore if she died that they would seek revenge on not just this friend's family but on Ana's new family for not keeping her safe.

Ana safely hid Terra nearby then went closer to find the house. She silently moved through the forest to a tall, leafy tree where she could keep watch on the house in question yet not be seen. With little effort Ana climbed the tree. Once situated she pulled out her linkshell and activated it. "Melody, I think we've found where the Troy's are keeping Martsia" she whispered into the pearl. She gave the details of the area to Melody then heard her familiar voice say with excited panic, "Send me your coordinates and wait there for us."