Hydaelyn Role-Players
A Box!? [Open] - Printable Version

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RE: A Box!? [Open] - SunTzu7 - 04-22-2015

(I think if this topic has taught us anything, it's that we're horrifically racist to boxes.)

Now that the issue of blame had been resolved, Newton joins the rapidly building crowd around this box of mysteries. Except one mystery has now been solved, there was a bag in there the entire time.

... Well wasn't that a resolution for the ages.

'I can only say it would be morally reprehensible if someone were to open this bag. It's bad enough we took it out of the box, shouldn't we have some respect for the belongings of other people?'

Newton's stern, judgemental and reproachful gaze vanishes almost instantly as she (edits for idiocy) puts her hand in the exposed crack in the box, trying to get a feel of whatever's in there. Wow, that's a loaded sentence. Eos is now the judgemental one, because it was her that was interested in the first place! She flies back onto her Scholar's shoulder to see what's inside.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Gegenji - 04-22-2015

Slipping a hand into the crack of the still not fully opened box was easy enough, as was grabbing at the soft fabric of the bag within. Satin, Newton would be quick to realize, definitely satin. However, pulling a closed fist - let alone the bag the fist was gripping - would be much harder without opening the box further. For, despite her claims, Franz had not gone quite so far as to fully open the box.

There was definitely more to learn from the grab, though. Whatever was in the bag was... soft. It gave under the pressure of Artemis' fingers grasping for a handhold, and returning to normal shape underneath. A pillow perhaps? Maybe a nice soft towel or blanket all rolled up.

Well, once she explained her whole "caught with the hand in the cookie jar" situation to the rest of the crowd gathered, she could tell them all about it. At least she could indeed work at the knot of the ribbon, albeit at a bit of a disadvantage both from only being able to use one hand and the odd angle of trying to do it while the bag was still in the box.That, and the knot itself was rather tightly done.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - SunTzu7 - 04-22-2015

Having completed her (utterly illegal) totally justified search of the boxes contents, dodge withdraws her hand and looks at the assembled party. And coughs.

'Um well. Yes from a preliminary investigation I conclude the item within is... Soft. Not alive either which is a plus given the lack of air holes in this thing. Can't really work the knot though... I'd need smaller hands like...'

Her gaze suddenly turns to the fluttering creature on her shoulder, who if you squinted right at almost seems to sigh and roll her eyes. Joy of joys, she's been volunteered.

'Excellent! We'll have a looksee Eos. Can't very well return it to a potential owner without knowing what it is and how terrifically deadly it might be!'

Eos flutters down again, exceptionally reluctant, and tries to get a peek in before she puts her tiny hands in and tries to work the knot.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Jana - 04-22-2015

Jana Ridah, walking down the street with a kebab in one hand (more like half of one, at this point), happened upon the strange gathering. Some faces were familiar and others were not, but the gloomy miqo'te decided to just address them as a group... Especially since she was out of uniform and couldn't pretend to hold some sort of authority over any of those present.

In her usual dour tone, she crossed her arms in an attempt to scold the mass from some distance away. "What are you lot playing with a box in the middle of the street for...? You're going to get in the way of the merchant carts and market shoppers.. "

RE: A Box!? [Open] - T'caska Khevo - 04-23-2015

Still standing behind Franz, T'caska musters all the courage of her safe position and calls out in reply, "We didn't choose the place for this, someone left that box here and the nosiest ones of us have taken it upon themselves to delve into it!"

At that, the young Miqo'te walks out from behind her most safest of scapegoat pillars and kneels down next to the fairy working on the knot, careful to not get in the way but close enough to perhaps be a bother while craning her neck to be one of the first to see the bag's contents.

"If you can't untie it, just rip it... We know it isn't alive right? You won't be hurting anything."

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Gegenji - 04-23-2015

Eos' peek returned the same information as Franz's - a pretty pink bag tied shut with a blue ribbon. Her smaller hands, though, were much better for reaching through the crack in the box lid to get at the knot.  Newton's attempts before had not helped matters much - in fact, they had pulled the knot tighter. However, it was not something that couldn't be undone with a little work by a dextrous pair of fairy hands.

And so, forced into a position not unlike a car repairman under the hood due to her shortened arm length, Eos managed to undo the knot in the ribbon. The bag was still in the box, with its point of entry still being that slim crack in the lid that everyone seemed to be using to peer in and work at the bag, but at least the ribbon was undone now. Opening and moving the bag around while it was still more or less enclosed (and taking up almost all of the space) in the box, however, might be much more difficult a venture.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Unnamed Mercenary - 04-23-2015

"Should we really be doing this?" He realized he was still holding onto the box.

What was he still doing there? It was just a box. And now we're opening what isn't ours.

"It's not even ours. It shouldn't be damaged."

I'm still curious, however.

And so he continued to stand, holding the box as it were. The poor, battered, wooden box.

And yet, he wanted to know what was inside. What was in the box? Could they figure out the owner after opening it?

"If we're going to do this, could we at least open the damned box to prevent damage to the contents?"

RE: A Box!? [Open] - SunTzu7 - 04-23-2015

Eos could just rip it. But it's such a nice bag. Satin. With a lovely pink motif and contrasting blue ribbon. Tearing that would be a tragedy. Against craftsmanship, against weaving, against art, against all aesthetics and moral decency. Sacred is the charge of those with an appreciative eye for craftsmanship. Toil, labour and love has been poured into this. This is not simply a bag. This is a crucible for the soul of the man or woman who has weaved dreams into life.

Plus her summoner's clumsy attempt to open the damn thing has tightened the knot and made it really difficult to get a hold.

But get a hold she does, and undoes the bag! And frankly they're in no better shape to discern the contents than they were before.

Newton meanwhile takes a thought as to how the box got there if none of the people present are claiming it. '... You'd think something like this would be delivered by a moogle.'

All well and good, but Eos would appreciate support on her attempt to pry the box lid open rather than rampant speculation.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Unnamed Mercenary - 04-23-2015

"Well if we've gone this far..."

Franz shifted the box to be held in one arm and attempted to slide his fingers into the gap of the box to pry off its top panel.

"Suppose the box is somewhat battered at this point anyways. A new one would be needed to have it mailed again."

And so, with whatever might he may have, he worked to unbox the bag that so many were curious to see opened.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Gegenji - 04-23-2015

It took some doing, wrangling that lid off the box. It was nailed down pretty solidly, save for the corner where it had been bent upward through the less than gentle ministrations that had been brought upon it. It was only one nail per corner, though, and the other three had also been jostled about in all the shoving and kicking and other such low-grade atrocities the little container had suffered. As such, it was not long at all before the lid was pulled off and the full contents exposed to the light.

The bag was there, as was to be expected. Untied as it was, the blue ribbon rested almost defeatedly against the swell of the bag's main mass, which still pressed snugly up against the remaining walls of the box. The mouth of the bag was open somewhat, giving all present the sight of something yellow. Whether the yellow thing was the entirety of the contents, or simply what was on top? That would require opening the bag further and/or just trying to remove it to see what lay beneath.

There was one more little caveat though - the bag wasn't the only thing in the box. Pressed up against the far side of the box, held in place by the bulk of the bag, was a red envelope.  The front of it faced inward, revealing half of a name written rather neatly - if with unpracticed or unskilled handwriting - upon it in black ink: "Sun." The other half of both name and envelope was hidden beneath the satiny swell of the bag.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Cliodhna Eoghan - 04-23-2015

Tool belt clinking as she walked, Cliodhna made her way down the street. Under her arm was tucked her leather-bound book as she walked, thoughts full of swirling numbers and figures as she debated the current side project she was given recently. It was the perfect thing for Kurt to learn on. Building the steering mechanism for a personal sized airship had lots of room for creativity and was something he needed to stat with as Cliodhna could easily supervise the project. Glancing down at her book a moment, she smiled....and bumped right into Leanne.

"Oops." She murmured, quickly grabbing the smaller Miqu'te as she knocked her slightly off balance. It was then Cliodhna noticed the rather large crowd. "So uh.....What's going on?" She asked, eyes scanning over the group as she still held Leanne still a moment before letting go.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - SunTzu7 - 04-23-2015

Newton looks up from her thoughts at the arrival of another familiar face. Nodding her head in welcome, she proceeds to summarise goings on.

'Right now? About half the realm,' she inclines her head to take in the gathering, 'and the world's most interesting box!'

Being the meddling sort she is, she decides to go right to the heart of the matter, which means picking up the Crimson letter and examining the front of it for any address or recipient. The others can investigate the inticing yellow thing.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Cliodhna Eoghan - 04-23-2015

"Mystery box huh?" She replies to Artemis with a light nod, eyes settling on the envelope in her hands. "Sounds a little too familiar..." She adds with a light chuckle, her recent conversation with Kellach drifting to her the front of her thoughts. He also was in possession of a mystery box that listed no owner but needed to be delivered.

Tilting her head to the side, ponytail spilling over her bare shoulder, she eyed the open box. "So what's in it? Seems there's a letter too....with that you should be able to track down at least the sender if not the recipient, right?"

RE: A Box!? [Open] - Gegenji - 04-24-2015

With the bag no longer obscuring it, it was easy enough to determine the name on the envelope - even with the less than stellar handwriting. Obviously done by someone new to - or out of practice with - writing. The name? "Daring Sun."

The envelope wasn't sealed, either. The flap was instead tucked into the envelope behing whatever letter filled it. Possibly a sign that this was from no noble house, or perhaps just a sign that it was added last minute. Maybe the contents weren't even worth a proper wax seal. It didn't feel any heavier than a normal letter...

Meanwhile, the bag remained more or less crammed in that box, ribbon askew about its girth and it's mouth ajar just enough to show that strange stretch of yellow.

RE: A Box!? [Open] - SunTzu7 - 04-24-2015

Newton flips the envelope over and examines both sides. 'Huh, Daring Sun? Well we're looking for a Hellsguard then? That narrows it down to... Well not at all really.' She notes that it's unsealed, and it's going to be really unethical but necessary to open it and see what's inside!

Eos meanwhile decides hey, if the bags already open, why not have a peek? Not to mention fairies aren't liable to prosecution for stealing things.