Hydaelyn Role-Players
A Witch and a Doll [Pre-Event RP] (Open) - Printable Version

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RE: A Witch and a Doll [Pre-Event RP] (Open) - JudicialHunter - 12-09-2015

Rihxo blinked as Quint counted off on all her fingers the amount of siblings she had. Quint apparently omitted the exact amount she had, and thus Rihxo didn't press the question. "I guess it is," she said slowly, as if testing the words in her mouth.

She couldn't help but smile a bit at Quint's comment; she really shouldn't be talking about herself like that. Her training had been rigorous, and it paid off; this showed in the Grindstone, and, soon, against Stalhart. But she wouldn't think about that right now. "Thank you," she stated simply, a small smile tugging at her lips.

At the question about love, Rihxo would blush. Obviously, a certain Elezen came to her mind; inevitably, of course. "W-Well... love is... hard to explain." She paused, attempting to gather her words. "It's both heavenly and hellish at the same time; your heart is racing, you just feel warm when they're with you... happy. And then you get sad when they're gone... ah... s-sorry, am I, uh, rambling?" Her cheeks had turned a rather rosy pink, a hand pressed against her right cheek nervously.

RE: A Witch and a Doll [Pre-Event RP] (Open) - Parth Makeo - 12-09-2015

"Fascinating..." Quint was too busy writing down notes as is to even answer her about rambling. She added a few more to the conversation. "So on one account, it's just a warm feeling. You say it's good and bad feeling when the heart pumps blood at a higher than normal rate. Maybe that is why some people faint during such odd circumstances..." and with another note she continued.

"Love seems to be this emotion that is on a higher plane than joy. A sort of Euphoric feeling and a high moment. Such a feeling then can involve moments of physical contact that only such people between their emotions can consider like tight embraces, hugs, fondling, sexual intercourse, and cuddling." was she some sort of encyclopedia? This woman was odd...

When she looked back up to Rihxo, she noticed something off about her face. "Your cheeks are ablaze. Do you have a sickness coming on? A possible fever?" Quint offered as she allowed the crystal of water to float over as if to inspect her. This woman seems to be both smart but generally clueless.

RE: A Witch and a Doll [Pre-Event RP] (Open) - JudicialHunter - 12-09-2015

"W-What? No, no, I'm not sick or anything, I'm just..." She paused. "Thinking of... someone. Is all." She shook her head, beginning to run a hand through her cerulean mane. Even after being with Gil for all this time, she still got all kinds of shy from admitting they were together. It was like some kind of weird thing for her, even though it really wasn't at all.

She'd let out a sigh as her hands dropped to her lap. Her cheeks remained a bit pinked, but for the most part, she'd seemed to calm; momentarily, at least. "Um... you seemed to recite all that stuff from... memory, I guess. How do you know so much about the topic,  but not the feeling?"

Finally, she'd asked something logical. Something anybody else probably would've asked long ago; but then again, it was Rihxo. And a flustered Rihxo at that. A rather adorable, but kind of useless combination.

RE: A Witch and a Doll [Pre-Event RP] (Open) - Parth Makeo - 12-09-2015

Quint wanted to reply. To answer, but from what she was told by Arala it was hard not to.
"You can't let anyone know about you being a doll."

At this time, Rihxo just met Quint. Much like others before her. She may never know if they meet again or not. Instead, she lied with her Monotone voice and straight as board face.

"I've never experienced the emotion."
It was all she could say to prevent her knowing what she is. She pulled a book to her face to somehow evade the question further that delved into her being. All she wanted was to try and blend in. But her oddity and the crystals didn't help much. Some just accused her of being a witch simply because of how she did magic. It seemed completely unnecessary. 
"Maybe i will, maybe i will not. It all depends on future events...But even history can repeat itself..." and strangely, she started to say something completely random.

"Time is but a flat circle....Everything we have ever done or will do, we are going to do over and over and over again." dreading what the future held for her, Quint fell silent in her own sorrow. The book that she was reading was closed.

"I told you she was a witch." one random patron said to his companion, as if betting if she was not.
A woman nearby scoffed. "Time...Such ideas that witches have."
A third patron just shrugged. "...Eh. So long as she doesn't harm anyone, I don't care what she says. Stupid Witch."

Yet even when their voices could be heard, Quint seem to not react much. Her emotion spectrum does not exist so much. But even anyone could feel at the last bit sorry for her. 

RE: A Witch and a Doll [Pre-Event RP] (Open) - JudicialHunter - 12-09-2015

"Ah..." Rihxo's flustered expression seemed to relax into one more like the one she held previously; sympathy was evident in her single eye. Her ears perked a bit as Quint began to speak once more about time. They fell again, slowly, as her gaze dropped only momentarily. "Well, you're not wrong. About history repeating itself," she said gently.

She wanted to say something to the other patrons she heard around her, but she didn't want to deal with the confrontation right now. Just one more thing. One more thing, and I'll say something... She let out a silent sigh, peering at Quint.

"You're nice company," she stated simply, and suddenly. A smile showed her words were genuine. "You're different. It's interesting."

She had to be ignorant. That's the only explanation anyone could gather.

RE: A Witch and a Doll [Pre-Event RP] (Open) - Parth Makeo - 12-10-2015

Different and Interesting. Those words together never sat right with Quint at all.
She was different for the wrong reason.
She was interesting because of who made her.

No matter how much it was true to them, they would never understand until it was time.
All she could do though was reply to the best of her ability.
"You are a kind one, that's for sure. Talking to a witch like me." She couldn't put a smile on despite her trying. It was like any sense of emotion had faded from this person. But soon enough, Quint caught from the corner of her eye an Elezen in a robe. No doubt it was one of 'Her Kin'. Knowing that some of those accursed copies were still around made Quint stand up from her chair. "Pardon me, but i have some business to attend to...."

Without another word, Quint followed the hooded figure. Waiting and wanting to strike. The figure continued walking down the street, reaching the inner section of Ul'dah. From there, Quint waited for the perfect chance. When no one was around she would begin. A wave of her hand created a small wall before the figure to block her path. 
"What are you doing in Ul'dah still? Haven't the rest of you returned to the cold north?" Quint asked with an intimidating glare. Her hands hovering just between the crystal of fire. The figure grinned.

"Xyla wanted us to spread more rumors...and hopefully convert new followers to the cause. Like what you should be doing as well."
Quint did not enjoy that idea. "No. I left on my own choice. All communications lost. And i will do whatever it takes to stop Varthamith and Xyla." the fire building up more. Yet the figure sighed.

"If you must kill me do it now, number four zero one."

That was the last straw. Calling her by the production name. With a flick of her wrist, the ball of flame made it's mark on the figure's head first. Slamming it into the wall behind her. As the Elezen body started to burn in a lifeless manner, the wall returned to the earth and ash would be left in it's wake.

"I am not a doll, anymore. I'm Not Xyla. I'm Quint."

Even still, a pain shot through her heart. A feeling she couldn't describe but it was one where she wanted to clench her chest in pain, a cry of agony and help. Yet none of that came through. All she did was stand there and stare at the pile.

RE: A Witch and a Doll [Pre-Event RP] (Open) - Parth Makeo - 12-10-2015


Xyla Prime stood among a new batch of dolls. One with an elemental rune etched into their heads. Each one different from the other like her other copies. It wasn't until the brown haired and brown rune marking Elezen approached her.

"Master. Number Six hundred thirty nine has been killed by Four Zero One."

Xyla halted her process of creating Mythrite fragments to angrily glare at the doll. "And you sat there idly while she did that?!" a swift arm grabbed at the doll's neck. Forcing her to struggle in pain. Gasping. Now Xyla wasn't one to care about her dolls one bit, but Four Zero One was a special creation to her and Varthamith. A being made with Au Ra DNA as oppose of Xyla's own. She never anticipated that she would harm other dolls. This was news to her.

"M-my...creator..." the copy gasped before being tossed to the wall. With an intimidating voice she cried out "The moment she steps outside of the city walls, capture her and bring her back to me. It's about time she stopped playing with those Augmentations and return them to their rightful owner..."