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Favorite Comic hero? - Printable Version

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RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Martiallais - 07-01-2013


I could go on about this topic for literally hours. But first I'll say there's been some great characters listed here so far. I'm a huge comic fan and it's always great to know I'm in good company with other fans (that aren't nerd raging over how one favorite could beat up another favorite).

My favorite at the moment is, Luke Cage.

Say what you like about his (old) costume (or lack thereof), and how he began as a very blatant blaxsploitation character, he's become not only one of the few steady moral compasses of the marvel universe, but he's just a good guy. Not good in that he never messes up, but that he tries to do right by his friends/family and stick to what he believes in. All of which are fairly rare in minority comic characters in the larger companies, given how many other stereotypes they're written into. He's this guy whose done time, married the woman who had his baby after a fling, and has led two superteams (with a third coming up). 

Other mentions include Nightwing (despite how much I hate the VAST MAJORITY of the New 52), the Red Hood (who I dressed as for Halloween one year), Black Panther, and way too many Avengers to mention.

I think in a way, yes those characters (and the stories they've been involved in or are historically a part of) do influence the type of characters and RP I write/enjoy most. I like characters who can be relevant in every 'level' from sagas and tales about life on the street level and everyday stories where money is an issue all the way up to those that affect things on the worldwide (at least as much as we can in an RP community) scale. Zarek is a character who (by and large) grew up in a mafia-style environment. He has some skewed views on what's important and while he can't call down fiery rocks from the sky, he can float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. He falls back on what he knows and while some people might think it's wrong, it's his way of helping and bringing something to the table.

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Orlog - 07-01-2013

So, while I as grinning like a fool when I was reading the responses to this thread, because I love 90% of the characters posted here, I remembered some more! (I'm really bummed I don't have my comic collection with me at the moment, so I'm sure a bunch will come to me as I go)

[Image: watchmen%20Rorschach.jpg]

I'm a fool for Watchmen, I really am. It's it, without a doubt, probably one of my most favorite comics and movies. So, of course I'd have to find a favorite character in there somewhere.

Rorschach: Here we have an individual striving to make things right, but only in the worst sort of way. I'd follow up Shuck's post in saying that he probably has some Captain Ahab similarities in that he wants to rid the city of filth and he'll bludgeon, stalk, torment and murder his way into doing it. And this is probably one of the only times I've felt that the protagonist was considered far more dangerous and, hell, scary than the antagonist. Rorschach is fucking busted as all hell.

A particular scene from the movie stands out the most to me for this example where Rorschach is locked up in prison, mask off for the first time. He's surrounded by the criminals that he himself put in jail and of course, they want some pay back and start trying to pick a fight with him. And... Well, you know what? A clip of the video says a lot more than I could possibly type.


RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Uther - 07-01-2013

(07-01-2013, 03:32 PM)Bea Wrote: So, while I as grinning like a fool when I was reading the responses to this thread, because I love 90% of the characters posted here, I remembered some more! (I'm really bummed I don't have my comic collection with me at the moment, so I'm sure a bunch will come to me as I go)

[Image: watchmen%20Rorschach.jpg]

I'm a fool for Watchmen, I really am. It's it, without a doubt, probably one of my most favorite comics and movies. So, of course I'd have to find a favorite character in there somewhere.

Rorschach: Here we have an individual striving to make things right, but only in the worst sort of way. I'd follow up Shuck's post in saying that he probably has some Captain Ahab similarities in that he wants to rid the city of filth and he'll bludgeon, stalk, torment and murder his way into doing it. And this is probably one of the only times I've felt that the protagonist was considered far more dangerous and, hell, scary than the antagonist. Rorschach is fucking busted as all hell.

I was going to talk about Rorschach a little bit too, or generally just Watchmen as a whole so I'm glad you brought this up.

The real reason I like Watchmen is because it has all of the "classic" super hero elements. You have your Justice League or Avengers (Minutemen) who all came from different backgrounds but united for justice. You have your arch-villain (Moloch) who they've fought and fought again one hundred times. But then it spins it on its head. Alan Moore takes these elements and says "Well, if this was real, and was happening today (1985) and had been happening since the '40s, when comic book super heroes became popular, how would the world be different?" That's when you get real characters who play the part but aren't really super heroic. Comedian, Silk Spectre, Rorschach. All of them bad in their own way (Rorschach's methods, Silk Spectre I's vanity, Comedian's... well, everything), and the only one who actually seems like a genuinely good guy is the one who blows up all the major cities on the planet. It's essentially a comic book that asks "What if this whole thing we've been doing for the past 50 years wasn't confined to comic books? How would this be different if the heroes and villains were real people?" and "What kind of people would this line of work attract in the real world?"

Rorschach is definitely one of the most interesting characters in the book. He's scary, he's mean, and he's insane, yet he's the good guy. But he's not just the good guy because the government says he is, like the Comedian. He actually does want to help. Rorschach is an outlaw for trying to fight crime, and in the end of the story, he cares more about stopping Ozymandias than anyone. He doesn't want to see innocents get hurt. He'll kill baddies mercilessly all day, but despite his brutality, he'll never hurt an innocent man. He's a strange and extreme character and I think it makes him very interesting.

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Dogberry - 07-01-2013

[Image: kTpVshk.jpg]
Marv from Sin City was a big inspiration for me in creating Dogberry. Marv has a lot of problems, but in his own way he's got a strong moral compass and knows how to enjoy the simpler things in life. Obviously Dogberry can cope a little better with his problems, but the idea of a scratched up hulk with self-control issues was more or less the cloth Dogberry was cut from.

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Scarlet Willow - 07-01-2013

(07-01-2013, 10:53 AM)Zarek Wrote: My favorite at the moment is, Luke Cage. 

Say what you like about his (old) costume (or lack thereof), and how he began as a very blatant blaxsploitation character, he's become not only one of the few steady moral compasses of the marvel universe, but he's just a good guy. Not good in that he never messes up, but that he tries to do right by his friends/family and stick to what he believes in. All of which are fairly rare in minority comic characters in the larger companies, given how many other stereotypes they're written into. He's this guy whose done time, married the woman who had his baby after a fling, and has led two superteams (with a third coming up). 

I knew there was I reason I liked you other than the Patriot icon!

So while Uther and Zarek pulled great posts about some of my favorites as well (Batman and Luke Cage) I'm quite taken by the Maximoff twins The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (semi-biased, I have a thing for speedsters, I actually just bought a pair of Flash converse). It started with House of M and Decimation, then pretty much snowballed from there.

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Nox - 07-01-2013

Alright, I'm going to preface this whole post by admitting that I don't read comic books in the traditional sense. I've never touched a Hellboy comic, never touched Deadpool, nothing. I am, however, an avid manga (or manwha in some cases) reader; so I'll use characters from those instead. If it wasn't for manga and anime, I wouldn't be rping today. I wouldn't be having nearly as much fun. So yeah, you could say that manga and anime have influenced my rping.

Character 1: Jotaro Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

[Image: 260px-Jotarokujo2.png]

My God. What can I say about Jotaro? This guy is awesome. He's just cool. He comes from a series that is kind of goofy (a lot of characters are based on bands/songs/albums. In fact, the name of the series "JoJo" comes from a Beatles song) but is, in the very same breath, extremely fun and cool. Much of the first few series's revolve around punching vampires to death (or said vampires killing you) and later, Hirohiko Araki managed to make a whole series on horse racing cool. But now I'm away from the topic of Jotaro. He's on of the first "Stand" users (stands are basically spirits that help you fight) and his Stand is Star Platinum. He's just a really cool character and, if you can get passed the art style, I'd highly recommend the series.

Character 2: Dark Mousy (D.N.Angel)

[Image: Dark.Mousy.385065.jpg]

Hm... What to say about Dark. Well, to be honest, Dark has had the largest impact on my rping and web life. My first handle (DarkWings) was derived from Dark and his... well... dark wings. Even now, after all these years of creating new characters, little hints of Dark's personality shine through. Because of the time that I read the manga (and subsequently, watched the anime) I actually absorbed some Dark Mousy-isms into how I am. He was just such a well written character. Basically, he was Phantom Thief Dark, who is functionally immortal due to a series of events. As his title says, he's a thief, though there's always a reason why he steals something. He doesn't do it just for the sake of stealing. The item is usually cursed or something of that nature. What he steals is... of little importance, really. What makes the character memorable for me is his social interactions. D.N.Angel is, at its heart, a romance story. As such, Dark is a very interesting character and the writer was smart with the character dynamics. Once again, I'd highly recommend this to anyone.

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Martiallais - 07-01-2013

(07-01-2013, 09:42 PM)Scarlet Willow Wrote:
(07-01-2013, 10:53 AM)Zarek Wrote: My favorite at the moment is, Luke Cage. 

Say what you like about his (old) costume (or lack thereof), and how he began as a very blatant blaxsploitation character, he's become not only one of the few steady moral compasses of the marvel universe, but he's just a good guy. Not good in that he never messes up, but that he tries to do right by his friends/family and stick to what he believes in. All of which are fairly rare in minority comic characters in the larger companies, given how many other stereotypes they're written into. He's this guy whose done time, married the woman who had his baby after a fling, and has led two superteams (with a third coming up). 

I knew there was I reason I liked you other than the Patriot icon!

So while Uther and Zarek pulled great posts about some of my favorites as well (Batman and Luke Cage) I'm quite taken by the Maximoff twins The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (semi-biased, I have a thing for speedsters, I actually just bought a pair of Flash converse). It started with House of M and Decimation, then pretty much snowballed from there.

*Dramatic High Five*

Flash converses for the win. Also, you equally rock, SW. Big Grin

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Freyar - 07-01-2013

Nobody mentioned Judge Dredd? D:

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Nomine - 07-04-2013

Alright, I've DEFINITELY got to get in on this.  With having a multiple man tattoo, and an avid comic book fanatic myself, I can't believe I took this long to post on this topic!  That being said, here we go!

[Image: 1455356-madroxmasturbate.jpg]

Like I said, I have that design on his shirt as a tattoo so it's kind of a default that he has to be a favorite.  Ever since x-factor got it's reboot as a detective agency, I've loved Jamie Madrox.  For those of you who don't know, he can create multiple duplicates of himself (hence the name multiple man, gasp!) who, hilariously so, sometimes exhibit the wrong personality for the situation.  For example, in a street brawl in central park, he slaps out a dupe to help him out who only contributes by crying and wailing out "Why is everyone so violent!?"  His personality though is what I love the most.  He's not the most confident or talented leader, and he's always second guessing himself, but in the moments that he pulls through he's amazing.  One scene that always sticks out is shortly after the M-day fiasco, Quicksilver takes refuge with x-factor and the x-men come to apprehend him.  The whole x-factor team is up in arms after finding out the x-men had misled and lied to them about an earlier incident, and Jamie is late on the scene right when a fight is about to break out.  He shows up just in time to take an optic blast from cyclops (weaker, meant to stun mind you) that was meant for his team-mate Siren, and the next panel just shows jamie with about 20 pissed off copies of himself calling out cyclops saying: "That all you got Scott?  Come on, take another shot!  Make fifty more of me, maybe a hundred! -EMPOWER me to kick your astonishing X-butts all over the street all by myself!  My team-mates can pick up the pieces!"  That takes guts to call out the "first stringers" like that.

Another favorite is Cable
[Image: 917852-cable.jpg]

Cable is the man.  There's a period in the comics where he's so overpowered it's just madness.  Mind you it doesn't last long but he has a conversation with Xavier half way around the world, hovering inside a cottage in the alps, with the entire cottage dismantled down to the screws in the desk he's at, just hovering there disjointed, while listening to the thoughts of like, half of europe.  It got just nuts for a while there.  That's not while I love him, (nor his giant guns which are always a plus)  Cable's the guy from the future who keeps trying to save the past to make a better life for everyone than the one he suffered through.  Everything that gets thrown at him, no matter how torn apart or beaten he is, he keeps picking himself up because he knows that he's the only one who can do what needs to be done no matter who becomes his enemy and no matter what hell he subjects himself to.  Also, to touch back on the deadpool mention from earlier, I -adore- deadpool, and my favorite set of comics I've read to date has -still- been Cable and Deadpool.  The two of them being as good friends as they are during that while being such opposite personalities has some of the most hilarious exchanges, and some oddly touching moments as well.  If you haven't read it, I'd strongly suggest it, it's some of the best I've read on the marvel side that is. Big Grin

And finally!
[Image: ST1.PNG]

Starlord!  El Capitan of the Guardians of the Galaxy.  He's the man.  The recent "reboot" gave him a bit more tangible clout than he had before (still getting used to that).  He's another one of those "get the job done, screw the rest" type of characters, albeit with a bit more smart mouthed flare to him.  I loved the old Star Lord because he had this huge weight of failure on his shoulders from all the sacrifices he had to make or was forced into making and he threw together a team to solve issues on the "end of the universe" level not the "end of the world" level.  And it was a team that was seriously under powered in doing so, with some of the primary members being, basically a Treant in space, and a racoon with assault rifles and rocket launchers.  That practically screams suicide mission for every crisis you try to solve.

There is DEFINITELY aspects of these characters in Jeris (or will be with more rp opportunity hopefully!). I've had my hand at rping a myriad of characters, most of them turning out to be rather tragic in their own way. Jeris is something I can't wait to flesh out more and to put more pen to paper as it were with a character who fails, who has failed, and will continue to fail, but each and every time he'll grit his teeth and pick himself up even if it means he'll keep failing over and over again. There's that stubborn, maybe arrogant determination that always leaves me in awe when it fits the moment just right.

There's a few more of course, but I think my post is big enough >.> -cough-

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Uther - 07-04-2013

(07-01-2013, 10:24 PM)Freyar Wrote: Nobody mentioned Judge Dredd? D:

I love Judge Dredd.

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Renaise - 07-04-2013

[Image: supermanlead.jpg?1360325163]

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Kassandra Dawn - 07-04-2013

I'm Batman....

that is all.

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Tivahlt - 07-04-2013

(07-04-2013, 08:04 PM)Kassandra Dawn Wrote: I'm Batman....

that is all.

RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Kassandra Dawn - 07-04-2013

(07-04-2013, 08:07 PM)Tivahlt Wrote:
(07-04-2013, 08:04 PM)Kassandra Dawn Wrote: I'm Batman....

that is all.


RE: Favorite Comic hero? - Uther - 07-04-2013

(07-04-2013, 08:07 PM)Tivahlt Wrote: But are you THE GODDAMN BATMAN?

Always a good line. It's a shame that the comic that line comes from was a huge piece of shit though. You're better than that, Frank Miller.