Hydaelyn Role-Players
How Much of YOU is in Your Character? - Printable Version

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RE: How Much of YOU is in Your Character? - Erik Mynhier - 11-05-2013


I tend to play like "If I was born to this, how would I honestly react?"

RE: How Much of YOU is in Your Character? - Raccoon - 11-06-2013

Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Seth, my main, only has some minor aspects of me. I cringe at the things he says and does. Though that's part of what makes him fun to play.

Deitrych on the other hand is much more like me than I'd like to admit. It's probably why I rarely play him.

RE: How Much of YOU is in Your Character? - Freemoon - 11-06-2013

(11-06-2013, 06:39 AM)Raccoon Wrote: Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Seth, my main, only has some minor aspects of me. I cringe at the things he says and does. Though that's part of what makes him fun to play.

One of my favorite "bad" characters was something like that.  A decent chunk of what made her so cringe inducing was because I kinda pushed some of my own buttons and gave her some traits that I normally find very annoying.  There were still a few aspects we shared, like my love of cheesy bad puns, but otherwise she was the sort of character that if I met her in the real world I'd probably want to punch her after two minutes.

RE: How Much of YOU is in Your Character? - Claris - 11-08-2013

My "bad" character is a really really horrible person, though it's cathartic to play her since I find her motives so interesting. Whenever I play her, I tend to push myself past my inner censor to go that extra mile and achieve her goal. She's not evil and cruel for evil's sake. She has reasons for doing the things she does.

... wait, did I just admit that I'm a bad person?

Anyway, she's fine in small doses. The only thing we share is that we have a love for shiny objects.

My main, Clalaris, is still kind of an enigma to me in that her thoughts and motives teeter from good to bad to good again. She believes herself to be a horrible and cruel person for the most part, yet most of her intentions are good and maybe even pure. It's really fluid and depends on what company she keeps (or lack thereof) and what's happened to her recently. Blame it on her history, and on family like the bad person mentioned above.

I doooo see a little of myself in her as my own intentions are good!... but we can be a little cruel sometimes. Also, together we make some bad decisions! Big Grin

RE: How Much of YOU is in Your Character? - Zac Evans - 11-08-2013

Yes. That is your answer. Zachary Evans is a 100% accurate representation of me in Eorzea-I purposely made him that way. I've made a lot of characters in the past and eventually thought to myself "Man....to have these kinds of adventures." Since that thought, I've always made a character to fully represent myself and immerse myself in the story. Trust me it isn't to be all like "Zac! We NEED you to save us!!!" 'Gods damned right you do.' my ego does not need that kind of boost.

Now understand, I've made other characters and given them parts of me. Raging Behemoth got my drive and morals..

To wrap all this up, yeah. You can't make a character without using something you know as a building block. Some people may call you uncreative and egotistical. Hells with 'em.

RE: How Much of YOU is in Your Character? - Rosekitten - 11-08-2013

eh.. there are some aspects I've noticed without me planning it that way. not as bad as some of my past oc's that is for sure. I can't make a female character because odds are they will be a copy of me ^^;

RE: How Much of YOU is in Your Character? - Maril - 11-09-2013

I try to keep it to only being the stuff I can't avoid mixing in, because of the way my head is screwed together irl. What I do instead, and something I find really interesting, is that I carry over some traits/quirks/habits from my past longer-standing characters, which ends up with being rather interesting combinations. Of course not to the point of being an exact copy, but just in the way that the character makes it work - to other people who don't know my past characters, it wouldn't seem out of place or familiar to anything, but I find it a little funny to keep these aspects in the character.

RE: How Much of YOU is in Your Character? - Xydane - 11-09-2013

Hm, Xydane and I do share a few common traits.

1) We're both military; both being elite members of an certain group in their own.

2) We both like to fight; five years of Mixed Martial Arts for me.

3) We're both cocky and stubborn at the same time as well. However, it's not like a bad "rub it in your face" cocky. Tongue

The reason behind that is probably because he's... well, human. Therefore I can relate more. My character in WoW is completely different. Let's just say my Orc Warrior portrays who I -strive- to be. The only thing we have in common is our sense of honor but I sometimes find it strange that I have created someone who is wiser than myself, if that makes any sense.