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A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Printable Version

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RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Kage - 02-07-2014

I remember seeing this and loving it. Also "Nailed it." and "Not my fault." parts.

Also lalafell pally.

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Aya - 02-07-2014

That's beautiful!  I would gladly run with you Steel, too bad you're still on the wrong server! ^_^

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Aleister - 02-07-2014

(02-05-2014, 11:54 AM)Steel Wolf Wrote: I've actually not even unlocked Pharos Sirius, by virtue of reading the popular opinion of it being generally unbalanced and discarded by most.  Actually, my inexperience is more embarassing a list.

  • HM Ultima
  • HM Copperbell
  • HM Other Dungeon I Can't Remember
  • Qarn
  • Cutter's Cry
  • Coil in any measure
  • Crystal Tower
....but, I really do appreciate the pep talk, honestly.  I should probably mention that I am very good at marking targets, and I DO read up on dungeons I've not entered before.  Though, I also should mention that I learn better by doing.
You shouldn't be afraid of these dungeons. They really aren't that crazy hard for tanks. Just watch video guides and normal videos of the fights you wanna do, pay attention to everything going on first then pay attention to what the tanks are doing. You'll notice its not all that scary, yes you have to learn and develop your own style to handling things but your role isn't that scary if you know what to expect and idea on how to counter it. Don't care what others say that have this new gen mmo "raider" attitude, ignore them and continue to learn.

Crystal tower is REALLY easy, my FC calls it Casual Tower so don't worry about that, go in and lewt. I'm a WAR tank with a 50 PLD tank i use for loling but I'm a tank nonetheless and I've pretty much tanked everything so far I think so if you ever have any questions about how to go about a fight or something you can PM me if you want and I'll offer the best advice I can. Smile

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - TheLastCandle - 02-07-2014

It sounds like you're doing exactly what you should do, which is try to know the fights before you try tanking a given dungeon the first time. Just be up front about it: if you're new, tell the group. No DPS/healer in his/her right mind is going to expect you to speedrun Wanderer's Palace/Amdapor Keep/HM Copperbell the first time you do it. You (along with the healer) have the hardest job in the party. (In general - I'm going to agree that playing crystal delivery boy in HM Copperbell can be stressful.)

Speaking as a primarily DPS player, I even appreciate having a new tank in the group, because it generally means they're not going to be an elitist prick. Wink

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Oriel - 02-08-2014

I can relate to what you're going through, since I've got a lot of the same issues regrading tanking and playing the game. >x>;;  Everyone has already given fantastic advice, though I would say that if you haven't, try to find a friend or two to go into new dungeons with.  Yes, watching videos of the dungeons and boss fights helps, as do reading guides.  However, having at least one friend in there cheering you on or telling you in /ls chat that it's okay, or giving you advice, is always a source of comfort.

I have also found that my stress while tanking drops tenfold when I turn off the ingame music.  While I love the tunes themselves, listening to Titan's music while trying to finish the HM battle for my relic just amps up t he stress to the point of distraction.  I've also found that physical symptoms of my anxiety (mostly bad stomach aches) don't even appear if I do this. Smile

Just keep trucking along, and keep at it at your own pace.  You'll get to where you want to be eventually. ♥

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Aldotsk - 02-08-2014

The only dungeon for any members should be afraid of especially WHM would be Pharos Sirius's final boss.

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Nebbs - 02-08-2014

(02-07-2014, 10:19 AM)Ilwe Wrote:
Show Content


Oh and make sure Shield Oath 1st - pro tip

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Saefinn - 02-09-2014

Gilgameshian represent!

I think these are genuine concerns, but i've learned as healer and a tank that you will wipe and it's okay, I call it a part of the learning process. Protip, I wiped on CT because I instinctively dodged AOEs on Atomos, when really I should have taken it like a man. Wiping a 24 man raid IMO is quite epic, so I feel pride more than anything. At the moment, it's CT for me, have done the HMs, but am currently too cowardly to heal the Ex's :p, but will get round to it once my relic is +1 and possibly I level 80 (currently 75).

You'll get your ragers, but actually, I find people are more often than not tolerant of others, at least compared to other MMOs, of course as a tank, you get the advantage of getting a group quick, so really and truly, the DPS should be nice to you, because they could just end up in another long queue. That said not everybody thinks that way.

However, our FC does some endgame, whilst we're not end game focused, being mainly RP, we do have tines we run content and we're always happy running with others, so by all means give us a shout and we could drop an invite to our ooc ls.

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Steel Wolf - 02-09-2014

(02-08-2014, 08:58 PM)Nebbs Wrote:
(02-07-2014, 10:19 AM)Ilwe Wrote:
Show Content


Oh and make sure Shield Oath 1st - pro tip

That flow chart is AMAZING.

I'm reasonably confident in my cadence of combat, and usually am pretty good at holding hate--even when there's a psychotic BLM in my PuG....can't TELL you how many runs of WP I had to deal with that sh**.

It's that FIRST entry into things that gets me...itchy.  I'm a bit new at this whole "dungeon runs = content" endgame thing, so....yea.

This all has been mighty helpful.  I really appreciate it, RPC.  Now...LET'S HAVE MARGARITAS!!  Big Grin

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Kage - 02-09-2014

>Big Grin Is that a change in server I see?

Don't forget to hit me if you want a BLM.

Though I'm not sure if you'd want me. What is this psychotic BLM behavior you speak of in WP? XD

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Aleister - 02-09-2014

I think it is! Perhaps we can assist this fellow Balmungion with the stuff they need sometime. Smile

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Vairemont Malveaux - 02-09-2014

Being relatively new to Paladin tanking (just got to level 32), I'm pretty glad that the rotation I figured out for myself pretty much matches that guide Ilwe posted and reaffirms that I seem to be doing it right. I just need a little more practice gauging threat before I start Rage-of-Halone comboing other targets while the first target is still alive and steadily losing threat on me.

I didn't read any guides or anything on tanking before I made attempts at it, but I've done warrior/paladin/druid tanking in WoW, as well as lancer tanking in TERA, so I figured it would be self explanatory. Also went on advice from my FC-mates.

And I have the advantage of being able to run every new place as a DPS to get a feel for it before I tank it.

By the way, welcome to Balmung, Steel Wolf. I hope to run into you soon in the coming days. Smile

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Illira - 02-10-2014

For groups, comboing Fast+Savage on one target, Rage of Halone on next, then repeating ad nauseum works decently. I find getting off a round or two of strictly Rages helps, for quick aggro. If its a big group, don't be afraid to flash every few cooldowns, to keep up aggro on those targets not being burned down, if this is the case, keep most of your heat on the main target.

But yeah, thats a pretty decent guide. I loled at it Big Grin

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Steel Wolf - 02-10-2014

My rotation tends to look a bit like this... Oh, I should mention that I , of course, have Shield Oath running. Seems derpy to point that out, but...apparently not everyone remembers to tick that toggle on.

Shield Lob primary marked target -> Flash -> Circle of Scorn -> Spirits Within target #1 -> Fast Blade target #1 -> Savage Blade target #2 -> Flash -> Rage of Halone target #3 -> Back to target # 1 with one more Flash in there most of the time. 

I might move the Flash up depending on how many AoEs are falling down on the mobs or how fast the Blind effect wears off, which I use as a timer for readying the next Flash.  Also, one more Circle of Scorn if needed as well, just to keep that DoT ticking.

I'm pretty confident in my cadence, and it's carried me through the game so far..it's getting started on new dungeons that makes me wiggly.

RE: A Nervous Paladin's Plea - How to Make Friends and Flash Enemies - Illira - 02-10-2014

(02-10-2014, 10:24 AM)Steel Wolf Wrote: Shield Lob primary marked target -> Flash -> Circle of Scorn -> Spirits Within target #1 -> Fast Blade target #1 -> Savage Blade target #2 -> Flash -> Rage of Halone target #3 -> Back to target # 1 with one more Flash in there most of the time. 

I might move the Flash up depending on how many AoEs are falling down on the mobs or how fast the Blind effect wears off, which I use as a timer for readying the next Flash.  Also, one more Circle of Scorn if needed as well, just to keep that DoT ticking.

I was actually more responding to the post above mine in my description of a rotation. Its always good to discuss strategy though!

It should be noted though, that Fast Blade in and of itself doesn't give increased enmity. The reason that people use it in rotation is to make use of the combo multiplier. It in and of itself does little to gain you aggro, which is why if a full Fast Blade -> Savage Blade -> Rage of Halone combo is being used, I suggest that ideally, Fast and Savage blades should be released onto the same target, i.e.:

Enemy 1. Fast + Savage Blade
Enemy 2. Rage of Halone
Enemy 3. Fast + Savage Blade
Enemy 1. Rage of Halone... and so on.

Circle of Scorn should be kept on CD, Spirits too, if you don't need it for the purpose of silencing enemy attacks. Rage of Halone just by itself off combo generates a good deal of enmity, which is why its not a bad idea to use it on its own sometimes, depending on the mobs coming at you and the level of damage output your DPS is dealing with.

When I first hit 50 and was grinding philos with friends, I was stuck with a Darklight Macuahuitl for a little while trying to hold hold aggro against Relic +1ed friends. It was... awkward. lol. So I had to really learn to adapt, even with them holding back some DPS and watching their aggro. That was when I started shooting off solo Rages for a couple of rounds, even if it seemed to go against my instinct.

Anyway! Probably talked too much. Just sharing thoughts Smile

Now that you're on Balmung though, Steel Wolf, if you're running any 8-mans and want to bring in an MT or OT to help you settle into a new dungeon/primal, feel free to shout at me. If I'm on and not raiding/RPing I'd be glad to lend a hand.