Hydaelyn Role-Players
Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Printable Version

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RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 03-30-2014

"Just take your time and drink some more," K'ile said. He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, but didn't rest much weight there. Luha's skin felt dry and sticky under his hand, like she'd run out of sweat. "You were pretty out of it for awhile. First thing when we get back is you going to see the shaman. We'll be there tomorrow."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 03-30-2014

At K'ile's words of encouragement, K'luha lifted the canteen again and sipped at it clumsily. She still didn't feel like she could just drink, or more accurately, spill the entire thing on herself. So she only took a bit more before pausing again.

"I still feel... out.... of it..." Luha replied, shaking her head faintly. There were awkward pauses between her words that ought not to have been there. But there was a smolder of her usual fire at least in her tone of voice now. Thinking of returning home and seeing the shaman, more of her mind returned to her.

"We have to see the... elders... first. They... we're in trouble...." Luha shook her head a little again and frowned before trying to push the canteen back towards K'ile. "Do we have more water...? Or... is this... the last?"

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Xha'li Moui - 03-31-2014

Xha'li's tail bristled at the implication that he could end up being a lazy good for nothing.  Seeing the chocobos were going well and Rin was following along fine Xha'li turned around to face K'ile and grinned, "Nice to meet you, you've got two other nephews back up in the Coerthas Foothills-my older twin brother Xha'to and our older brother Xha'a."

Turning back towards the birds he took a tighter hold of the reigns and adjusted their course slightly.  Hearing the question about water he turned his head around, "I've got a few full canteens stowed on Rin if you need some, though they are buried under my camping gear."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 03-31-2014

"We have water," K'ile answered both of the Miqo'te on the cart with him. "I've been conserving it." Sort of a lie, but sort of not. Every time he'd poured water of K'luha to keep her from overheating, he'd made the choice to compensate by abstaining from a sip or two himself. The Tia briefly mumbled toward the red-headed Keeper, "Leave it K'zhuzu to fail to both shack up with a Keeper and fail to give her any useful offspring. Bunch of boys and off he goes."

With only a very quick breath in pause, K'ile turned his eyes on K'luha and said more firmly, "I will go to Elders immediately after seeing you to the shaman. If I bring you to the Elders like this they'll just yell at me for not taking good care of you and then send you to the shaman themselves."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Xha'li Moui - 03-31-2014

Xha'li just shrugged, "Worked out well either way, we were the only boys in the village of our generation until the Calamity, poor little kit was born as hell rained down around Eorzea."

Looking towards K'luha his gaze softened and he briefly looked puzzled before shrugging it off, "Is she going to be ok to reach your shaman?  I am trained as a conjurer and could see if I could do anything to help if you wish."  As he turned back towards the chocobos and his eyes settled momentarily on his uncle, the puzzled look momentarily returning before vanishing as he turned fully back towards the way ahead of them.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 03-31-2014

K'luha heard a voice that wasn't K'ile's and blinked awkwardly. There was another person with them? She couldn't turn to see him, or it, but it sounded vaguely familiar. But the lack of assuring 'we have tons of water' was very concerning to her. They were already burnt out and if he had been pouring water on her...

Luha made an unhappy face and pushed the canteen back towards K'ile. She couldn't bring herself to drink any more of it, or rather spill it. Since she was doing far more spilling than drinking. K'ile was right about one thing though, the elders wouldn't be happy to see her in this shape. She was certain that being so physically injured now was going to get her in more trouble than K'ile was. She was going to be a burden, if she wasn't one already.

K'luha half-paid attention to the conversation, instead thinking to herself before looking back to K'ile.

"I'll be fine. I don't need more water. You should have the rest. And the elders can come to the shaman's tent then. I won't have you getting yourself in more trouble than you're already in with your big mouth." K'luha insisted, seeming to regain more of her natural self after some hydration.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 03-31-2014

"I don't need to drink any more until we get home," K'ile responded, putting the canteen down on the bottom of the cart near K'luha and standing away from it. He then reached up and stuck a finger in his mouth, pulling one his cheek and saying in garbled words, "An my mouf dosin even gep vereh big, thee?"

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 04-01-2014

K'luha tried not to laugh at K'ile, which wasn't too hard since she was mift at him for refusing water when he also needed it. Was it a self-sacrifice competition or something? Apparently. If he wasn't going to drink it maybe she just might.

"It's huge." Luha snorted faintly before weakly reaching out towards the canteen. "And if you're going to be stubborn I'm going to drink it then. Give it here."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 04-01-2014

Nudging the water towards K'luha, making sure to allow her to frame it as a victory so that she didn't decide to keep being stubborn, K'ile pulled his finger from his mouth and shifted his jaw around, tasting the dirt. He wiped his hand off on the leg of his pants, tail whipping around behind him. "I know how to control it. The Elders have never been too hard on me in the past, and besides, it's not like they're going to be exiling me right before the tribe migrates anyway."

One ear twitching, he glanced over his shoulder at the young man, Xha'li, recalling something he'd said moments before. "We don't have use for conjury out here, so don't worry about it. You're more useful steering the Chocobo."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 04-01-2014

K'luha took the canteen with a small struggle and tried to settle back down into her prison. She was rather tired of being stuck where she was already and very much was looking forward to getting out of it.

She glanced back to K'ile as he addressed the other. Conjury? If she heard the damn word again... Luha narrowed her eyes towards the stranger before looking back towards K'ile.

"Hey, come here."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 04-01-2014

His ears and brow perking up in vexation, K'ile was at once confused as to what K'luha wanted from him, why, and how exactly he was to deliver it. "Uhm. What?" Where? He was here, in the cart, in the Sagolii, relatively close to her. What here did she mean? Shifting about briefly, K'ile eventually guessed by taking the short step over towards K'luha and dropping into a crouch next to her shoulder. "Here?"

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 04-01-2014

Sometimes, K'ile was very dense. Well, all the time but sometimes more than others. K'luha was satisfied he at least figured out to come close to her, enough so she could whisper towards his ear.

"Who the hell is in the cart with us again? And why are you letting him drive?" She hissed lightly.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 04-01-2014

His ears dipped for a moment, then popped back up. He'd been half-afraid she was going to kiss him or grab his tail or soemthing. The Tia responded, "Just some Keeper looking for the tribe. Said he's K'zhuzu's kid, and with our luck lately I don't doubt it. At this rate I'll be blood-brothers with an Amal'jaa before the week is out. Anyway, he likes Chocobo, so he's welcome to steer."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 04-01-2014

Some keeper from the tribe? What...? That didn't make any sense. At least, until she heard it was K'zhuzu's kid. Luha's ears flattened and she glanced back towards the Keeper before back at K'ile.

"I met that kid in the tavern back in Ul'dah... I don't think it's a great idea to take him to the tribe with the way K'zhuzu was..." K'luha muttered before grumbling. She looked rather fiercely at K'ile on the comment about blood-brothering with Amal'jaa. Her ears flattened and straightened and then flattened again before she just picked up the canteen and sipped from it.

"You should drink some water too." She finally settled on grumbling.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 04-01-2014

"He's family. He's coming home." K'ile said, watching the woman drink. He watched K'luha's throat and features, her ears, the way her longer hand lay over her shoulders. His fingers worked the fabric of his pants where they rested on his knees. Straight-faced, K'ile said, "He's not that different from Tahj." And he reached for the canteen.