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Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Printable Version

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RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Melodia - 07-17-2014

Thank you so far for the ideas and the posts. It's exciting to see some great ideas out there and even some interested.

The overall goal, as always, is to attract folks to come and rp in the city. Setting up a stable environment will really help a group like this thrive. Please keep the ideas coming. Smile

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Coatleque - 07-17-2014

I made my first comment after just waking up. I can also echo everything Erik and Warren said.

A typical night as a Sultansworn is just me walking around the city and standing on street corners listening to others. Maybe 25% of the time a fight breaks out in the Quicksand and I just flex RP muscle till both sides disperse. 25% is people murmuring about a Sultansworn seen outside of the palace. I've only had to draw a weapon twice in three months real time.

As long as you respect the position, the lore, and others, most people seem content to play along with the idea. Then once your presence is established it's fun to see the shady characters throw you glances and take their scheming outside the city.

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Kage - 07-17-2014

All I have is pretty much an echo of what others have posted before me.

Not everyone will respect the RP you will endeavor for. However, I think most will embrace it because it does become fun. In my experience, most people liked seeing Sultansworn RPing but there were some who just hated it, especially with the thought that Sultansworn just should be confined to the Royal Chambers (making sure Nanamo's bath is well soaped and not cold I MEAN Rolleyes ) So some might think you are breaking lore, others... may still think you are breaking lore. True story I saw someone say to a Sultansworn RPer that they should follow the law of Eorzea and do X for the good of Eorzea etc. Because, SULTANSWORN!

I've never done daily reports except for possibly in forum RP a check-in or debrief. I go about my day. Perhaps off-duty. Perhaps Kage is on patrol (as Sultansworn just keeping an eye on things in concern and not a 'oh this guy is breaking the law ohhh I can throw him in gaol!' As Brass Blade he got to actually patrol. In fact, the first night I walked around in my (gimped, damn u sollerets y u no drop?!) uniform I stumbled across some RP that ended oddly but they actually saw my uniformed patrolling Blade and called for assistance.

Everyone and their carbuncle will have expectations on how you are supposed to RP X type of character. It's really up to you whether or not you reach a compromise with their expectations or if you have fun with it while staying true to what you believe works within lore.

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Melodia - 07-17-2014

Okay.....so tonight I plan to log in for a little while as Melodia and get things set up for her. Additionally I will set up a LS and invite whoever is interested in participating. That way we can keep in contact and would make sense anyway that the officers would be in touch. Smile  Also thank you to Rosekitten who has offered to assit if anyone needs help with the uniforms (YAY!).

I'm so happy to see this taking root and getting set up. Like Erik had mentioned, it does provide for opportunities for cross city rp scenarios. Big Grin

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Warren Castille - 07-17-2014

...someone get the cameras rolling. We can do COPS: Thanalan and COPS: La Noscea now.


RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Melodia - 07-17-2014

(07-17-2014, 09:30 AM)Warren Castille Wrote: ...someone get the cameras rolling. We can do COPS: Thanalan and COPS: La Noscea now.

LOL!! Sweet!!!

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Roen - 07-17-2014

I think you already got some really great advice Ruru.

When I RPed Sultansworn and then subsequently Brass Blades, I made sure I looked the part, then walked around in that mindset doing my patrols or standing guard. I think writing posts on the forum helped...? I am not sure about that.  (but I do that because I enjoy it)

As Sultansworn, there were times where Roen was not wearing the Paladin Regalia but was still on duty. I saw random RP between four people where it looked like violence was about to break out. I emoted watching them, getting tense, then consciously having her make the decision to stop it, even though I had no idea who the RPers were! But when I did get involved she did announce that she was on duty and violence was not going to happen on the Market Strip.  And they played along!

RP doesn't change, you still have to be conscious of how you RP with others, being respectful and courteous. But emoting tons about what you are doing as a law officer definitely helps, and also provides a hook for others if they want to RP with you!

Having a law enforcement LS helps also, since you can respond to IC situations when other law enforcement calls for help.

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Melkire - 07-17-2014

I don't know how much or how well I can contribute, seeing as how I RP as Immortal Flames and that organization is more analogous to the Maelstrom than to the Yellowjackets (closest thing in Ul'dah to the jacks are the Brass Blades; Jacks and Blades are the coppers, Flames and Storms are the soldiers), but seeing as how I was asked in a PM to do so, I'll try my best.

First and foremost, I reiterate everything Erik said. You should have a leader-type character, if not a leader, who embodies the living ideal of the organization. You need to be inclusive. You need to have some semblance of structure, and an "official" LS helps a lot with this. Do not assert authority or make arrests or anything of that nature without OoCly checking with the other person first (I didn't check one time when I was assisting others with their arrest, and that got rolled back; I checked the only time I personally made an arrest, and it went smoothly). And yes, RPing as an authority figure will catch you a lot of flak, undeserved or otherwise.

Personal feedback that I haven't seen given yet:

1. One of my biggest concerns when RPing as an authority is... when I'm IC, when is my character on duty? When is my character off-duty? When my character is off-duty, how much authority do they have? Can they act on an incident, or not? More often than not, I find myself making these decisions and judgments on a case-by-case basis.

2. Be very, very careful OoC when eavesdropping IC. Not everyone keeps what they believe should remain private conversations to /party and /tell, and their style and preference may have them in /say and /emote instead. There's potential there for drama, rollbacks, etc.

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Melodia - 07-17-2014

Thank you all that replied and to those that I sent the PM to, I appreciate it. I needed some good feedback and got it. Smile  I think there;s a very valuable wealth of knowledge here.

Now, just getting folks that want to be a part.

*looks around for volunteers.*

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - McBeefâ„¢ - 07-17-2014

I think you have to be willing to start by yourself. I RPed a Sultansworn for months by myself before I got apprentices, and the organization started to feel like it had any sense of coherence. If you're going to do it I suggest two things, simply start doing it, and walk around as a yellow jacket, and also to make an alt to be the commander.

It might be lonely for the first week, or even months, but that's what it takes to build something from the ground up. You have to be the person people see walking around and go "Cool, I didn't know anyone RPed as that."

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Xydane - 07-17-2014

(07-17-2014, 09:30 AM)Warren Castille Wrote: ...someone get the cameras rolling. We can do COPS: Thanalan and COPS: La Noscea now.


Most wanted? I'm about to abuse your idea. I am about to abuse it A LOT.

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Melkire - 07-17-2014

(07-17-2014, 01:54 PM)Xydane Wrote:
(07-17-2014, 09:30 AM)Warren Castille Wrote: ...someone get the cameras rolling. We can do COPS: Thanalan and COPS: La Noscea now.


Most wanted? I'm about to abuse your idea. I am about to abuse it A LOT.

*rounds the corner, points with authority*

"There he is! GET HIM!"

[Image: 335563-praa_miles_edgeworth4.jpg]

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Melodia - 07-17-2014

(07-17-2014, 01:49 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: I think you have to be willing to start by yourself. I RPed a Sultansworn for months by myself before I got apprentices, and the organization started to feel like it had any sense of coherence. If you're going to do it I suggest two things, simply start doing it, and walk around as a yellow jacket, and also to make an alt to be the commander.

It might be lonely for the first week, or even months, but that's what it takes to build something from the ground up. You have to be the person people see walking around and go "Cool, I didn't know anyone RPed as that."
Yeah I have mentally prepared myself for this. And I am okay with it. There's so many shady types it hopefully won't be hard to at least interact with them in some way. Smile  As for the alt. Damn. Good thing I am up at 4 anyway. Laugh

Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it.

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Zhavi - 07-17-2014

(07-17-2014, 01:49 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: I think you have to be willing to start by yourself. I RPed a Sultansworn for months by myself before I got apprentices, and the organization started to feel like it had any sense of coherence. If you're going to do it I suggest two things, simply start doing it, and walk around as a yellow jacket, and also to make an alt to be the commander.

It might be lonely for the first week, or even months, but that's what it takes to build something from the ground up. You have to be the person people see walking around and go "Cool, I didn't know anyone RPed as that."

I'll be sure to keep him busy.



(*cough* being serious though -- yeah, that is really good advice. Smile )

RE: Calling all Yellowjackets (Brainstorming and Discussion) - Rosekitten - 07-17-2014

As already pointed out, you may have to start rp'ing by yourself before anyone jumps on or inquires. I'd also recommend looking at some wiki's or character bios for the Limsa area. Like seeing what information is public knowledge or even asking the person if something is common knowledge. Maybe ic try recruiting those with certain skills who may or may not be a good fit. ^^

~just my thought~