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The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - Printable Version

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RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - Coatleque - 12-05-2014

It was late in the afternoon when Coatleque arrived at the Forgotten Springs. She had made the treacherous journey herself from Little Ala'Mhigo down through Zanr'ak. The trip was dual purpose for her. She had promised the Flame Commander stationed at her departure that she would report back on any Amalj'aa movements she could spy on as she hugged the mountains down through the pass. Thankfully the trip was uneventful.

She kept to the side of the cliffs as much as possible to shield from the desert winds. At least her target was a known destination. There was no envy lost for those who had need to wander aimlessly into the Sagolii. The springs were a stationary landmark, and the last, best source of water for at least three days.

Having stabled and made arrangements for her bird at the Flames outpost, she first checked in with the local Commander to make her report. They would be able to send word back north as soon as a runner was available. Once that business was settled she proceeded to question the Commander about her own business.

There was a prisoner back in the city who was waiting transport to his clan. They had offered a five-hundred thousand gil reward for his capture. The Blades promptly accepted the task and put out their own bounty notice of seventy-five thousand to whoever could bring him in. There was profit to be made here. What a surprise when the man had turned himself in. He may have even saved his own life by doing so to a Paladin rather than a Flame or Blade.

But that was almost a sevenday ago, and there had been no word. While the Blades would have been content to simply let him rot, and the Flames had nobody to spare for such a menial task, contacting the G tribe had fallen to the woman who brought him in.

Unfortunately for her, this outpost knew barely any more than the last. There was only one advantage here, however, which was the presence of the U tribe. It would take a Miqo'te to find a Miqo'te. And so as the sun hung low in the sky she found herself slowly approaching U'odh Nuhn with hand raised as if to hail him.

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - G'leo Nuhn - 12-05-2014

"My Nuhn! My Nuhn!" One of the female scouts runs into the house where U'odh usually resides. U'odh shakes his head as if summoned from a trance as she finishes. "One of the Sultansworn is approaching the springs!"

"Prreparrre for the knights arrrival, stow away the drrakes, and lock G'leo's rrroom." The Huntress runs off at her instruction as U'odh turns to address both of the Tia's. "Come with me, we will meet her at the gate." Both nod in response.

It is in a mere matter of seconds before a small clamor of life surges back into the Springs. As everyone scatters to prepare for the unexpected arrival of the Sworn, U'odh shoots a wavering glance at the Aetheryte; hoping that this time G'leo would appear.

He doesn't...and this guest doesn't bode well. They've not entertained a Sultansworn for some time, and when they have ill news is sure to follow. A lump rises in U'odh throat as he walks to the gate, the two Tia's trailing behind, and takes a deep breath.  

Please...have news of G'leo, but most of all...Please...let it be good.

U'odh raises his hand in response as the Sultansworn's greeting as she approaches the Springs. His face taking on his usual stoic but cheerful demeanor despite his worry. 

"Sultansworrn, it is an honorrr to welcome you to the Forrgotten Sprrrings."

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - Coatleque - 12-05-2014

She smiled and bowed low to the Nuhn, one hand remaining on the hilt of her sword all the same. Righting herself slowly she stood with feet slightly parted. "The honor is mine, Master U'odh. It has been quite some time since I have been this far south. Even longer since I had attempted to traverse the Sagolii. Be at ease, however. I am not here in official capacity. Her Grace certainly has no qualms with your tribe."

Pausing for a moment, she shifted slightly on her heels. "I am here, rather, to discuss the fate of a prisoner who decided to turn himself in recently."

She proceeded to explain the situation of how G'leo came to her and accepted his imprisonment without aggression, of how nobody had come from the G tribe yet to claim him. Her words were laced with sympathy to his plight, but it was clear she had come to perform her duty to the city just the same.

"So, you know my predicament here. He is unharmed, well fed, and waiting. I've come to find someone who is to take charge over him that we may receive the promised payment."

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - G'leo Nuhn - 12-05-2014

U'odh ushers Lady Crofte to the house as she recounts the previous event over the last week. A huntress, one of U'odh favorites, brings them both water from the spring and bows as she departs. U'odh remains stoic and resolute for the majority of Crofte's tale, as a Nuhn should, but he can feel his heart sinking with each word. 

How did it come to this...G'leo...have I failed you?

He allows her to finish before responding, "I thank you forrr showing hospitality to G'leo Nuhn, and yes I do underrstand the currrent situation you arre in; howeverrr, to answerrr yourr question on the werreabouts of the G trrribe is difficult. They rrremain isolated frrrom much of the known worrld, living farrrtherr south of Sagolli. They chose to rremain this way keep theirrr part of the worrrld excluded frrrom ours, but I do have some news that will benefit you. One of the U scouts had rrreporrted seeing memberrrs of the G trrribe moving accrrross the deserrt not but 2 days ago. By this time now they should be arrriving in Ul'dah rrrelatively soon."

He pauses as his face looses some of it's temperance. 

"If I may ask..." U'odh's strength actually begins to fade to deep concern. "Is therrre naught that can be done to save him? To save G'leo? If therrre would be a way...I would seek it."

Both of the Tia's in the room look at U'odh in shock; they've never seen him like this except in times of desperate need, and even that was only once before.

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - Coatleque - 12-05-2014

Coatleque had since taken a seat within the house. Her legs bent straight in front of her, and her posture rigid. She may as well have remained standing as it may have been more comfortable.

"Save him? From what, exactly? The man has confessed to the crimes. I know not what he meant to you, but I would be a very poor Paladin if I simply allowed him to walk out of his cell before answering to a charge of murder let alone treason."

They sat in silence for a moment as she allowed him to consider her words. Coatleque took that moment to drink from her cup before continuing.

"Master U'odh. It is my job to see that justice is served. Justice, however, must be blind as they say. What I know of this man is what we have been told by the G tribe's representative when the bounty was posted. Perhaps, however, you can shew me a different perspective of the man?"

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - G'leo Nuhn - 12-06-2014

U'odh shifts slightly. Even under the rigidness of the Sultansworn's demeanor, he has never found himself to be uncomfortable under the scrutiny of another (he's fucking fought Titan for Hydalen's sake), but his request to the woman is what stokes the sense of uneasiness that he feels kindling inside of him. 

"Please do not misinterrrprret what I ask of you, Lady Crrrofte. I underrrstand your position in this matter verrry clearrly, and I have faith in what that boy is doing, but I will not rrrevoke what I have said earrlier...if it werre up to me..." his voices wavers, even falters, as he speaks. "I...I would see that boy be finally able to walk frreely without being hunted forrr the crrrime of simply defending himself."

U'odh adjusts his posture in his chair, trying to retain his stoic demeanor. It is unlike him to react so passionately and he knows that. U'khuba Tia sees the Nuhn's pain and places a reassuring hand on the Nuhn's shoulder, who nods his thanks in reply. U'odh corrects himself before his emotions reign free of his judgement, and looks back to Crofte. 

"What I am about to tell you has not been sharred except with a select few of this trribe and most trusted allies; I would ask that you would rrrespect this knowledge forrr it's lack of disclosurrre. G'leo Nuhn is the orrrphaned son of his fatherrr, G'anu Nuhn (who was my verrry close friend) and exile of the G trrribe, but morrre than that...I am his Rrrito, his godfatherrr. When his fatherrr was defeated in an dishonorrable conflict with G'rrramau Tia, who used magic to poison and overrpowerrr the former Nuhn, G'leo was subject to be hunted by his own trrribe; he was only eleven at this time and had just barrely earrned his rrright to manhood. As dirrrected by G law, any offsprrring of the defeated (in this unlawful case, murdered) Nuhn should be hunted down and killed to prrrevent the sprrread of lesserr offsprrring. This law, was instituted by G'rrramau Nuhn, who still rrrules the G trrribe with an irron fist."

U'odh pauses, drinking from his cup of water, before continuing. He'd spit on the floor from just uttering that bastard's name, but he retains his composure.  

"G'leo's brrrotherrs and sisterrs werre hunted down one by one and killed along with G'leo's motherr who was defiled when she rresisted G'rrramau's rrright to rrrule. The boy...He trried to sneak back into the camp and kill G'rrramau, but the cowarrrd knew of the boys intent and capturred G'leo. He allowed the boy the chance to challenge him in the same fashion as his fatherrr, but G'leo was no match forrr him. G'ramau was and prrobably still is a powerrful warriorr, and, despite his outlawed use of magic in battle, was able to defeat and injurre the young G'leo. G'leo still carrries the scar of that fight acrross his chest and back." U'odh motions with his hand showing that the scar would cross from his shoulder blade down to the length of his lower abdomen.

"The boy did the only thing he could think of after his defeat and rrran for his life. Frrom then on he was labeled as a trrraitor to his trrribe. G'rrramau sent his own sons to hunt down G'leo, but they werre not as skilled a hunterrr as the young G'leo was; the boy has always been verrry resourceful and managed to evade them forrr some time in the desert, but, as fate would have it, he was forrrced to face them eventually. G'leo was able to kill one of his purrsuers by taking him by surrrprrise and then stealing his weapon to face the others, and his valor caused the other pissants to flee. Alas...he was forrrced to surrrvive in the Sagolli alone forrr the next month; it was afterrr that time when I found him."

U'odh finishes with a heavy sigh; he hasn't recounted that story for a long time now. 

"His fatherr asked me to be the child's godfatherr in the event that anything unforrtunate should happen, and when word of G'anu's death rrreached mine earrs, I stole no time to mourrn my frrriends death...I simply went looking forrr the boy...That brrrave, stupid, noble boy...Therre is no doubt in my mind that when he turrrned himself in he did so to prrrotect anotherrr. He has always been like this, always seeking to defend those he carres for, and always being stubborrnly Irrrational in his decision making...I admirrre him for that fact, but...it pains me to see how much he forrrces upon himself to sufferrr when he has alrrready sufferrred enough. I love that boy, as if he werre my own son, and that is why I ask you...if therrre is any way my tribe can unite funds to buy his contrrract, or to keep him from the hands of that madman...please, let us. What you subject him to is a fate that is worrse than death if he rrreturns there. Not only will he be victim to G'ramau's torture, but also the furrrther disgrace of his family in frrront of his trrribe. It would brrreak my heart to see his legacy end in such dishonorr."

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - Coatleque - 12-06-2014

Coatleque sat quietly as she listened to the story. If she had felt any emotion either way she did not show it. Her eyes remained fixed on the Nuhn and she occasionally sipped water from her cup. Even after he had finished his pleas, she was silent while left to her thoughts. As his looks of despair began to fade she set her cup down on the table and broke the thick silence that had settled.

"I will tell you true that I am glad my journey led me to you. You have shed much light on not only the man's past, but why he behaves as he does. As a Paladin, I am charged with administering justice where it is due. Surely justice is not deserved by the man, G'leo, in this case.

However, I am also charged with upholding the law. That is not the same as enforcing it, mind you. His tribe offered the Brass Blades a substantial amount of coin. They would laugh me out of their offices if I arrived with the notion of dismissing such a sum. This is especially true because it is Miqo'te tribal laws, not Ul'dahn which are now in question. In short, they have no incentive to care about the man except by whatever goodness of their hearts they can muster.

The Sultana has allowed the tribes of the Sagolii to handle their own affairs in this way out of a cultural respect, so neither shall I infringe upon it. The man is not guilty in Ul'dah, nor the borders of Thanalan except to the extent that his tribe is willing to hunt for him."

She leaned forward, her gauntleted hands steepled in front of her.

"I regret that I myself cannot release him. But do not lose heart. This man surely requires some aid, and I do know a branch of the Immortal Flames who specialize in humanitarian relief. I will contact them to see if they can have him moved discretely away from the city, right from under the Blades' noses. What happens to him then is his own affair, as well as yours I would imagine, and his tribe's.

I can almost guarantee the bounty notice will also be drawn up again. I have a ... contact who has some pull with the Blades. Perhaps I can trade a... favor to have this ignored. I highly doubt they will ignore the sum of five-hundred thousand though. Do not wait for me in this matter if you have your own way to call of the hunt.

If these terms are acceptable to you, then I will declare my judgement complete and return to my duties in the city."

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - G'leo Nuhn - 12-07-2014

U'odh nods his head to Crofte's verdict to his plea. 
"Everrr faithful to the law forrr which you serrrve to protect; The law we find ourrrselves all subject too...You have hearrrd my plea, and forr that I am thankful that it didn't fall on deaf earrrs."

He sounds bitter, but of course the man would only wish for more for his own godson. 

"Thank you, Lady Crrrofte, for yourrr visit. I hope that the inforrrmation my trribe has been able to prrrovide you will aid you in yourrr searrch to find the G trrribe, and that you arrrive to yourr city beforrre they do. Please, feel frrree to use the Aetherryte to see you home safely. You go with my best wishes in yourrr success, and may the fates everrr guide yourrr blade in the rrright dirrection."

He rises from his seat nodding his head to the woman.


Refugee Camps (Central Thanalan, Ul'dah)

Norrington huffs a cloud of smoke in the tent he currently occupies. Myst has been doing her best to console the drake, which has fallen under a spell of depression, by stroking his large, hard scales 

She knows what he is feeling, for she is feeling similar...She misses G'leo, a lot. 

The drake has reached an unhealthy level by this time having eaten little and rarely going out to warm himself under the sun. Norrington has been grateful to Eva for not completely neglecting him. (( :B )) She'd been gone, he believes, to train with a male no-scales; he was currently keeping to himself.

He raises his head to nudge Myst's hand as a sign of reassurance for the girl who smiles in response.

"The scent is close! I can alrrready feel my blood boiling knowing that ourrr hunt forr the trrraitorr is overrr! I'm ready to drink this cur's blood, and cut of his tail! Death to the disgrrraced!"

A chorus of cries can be heard throughout the camp as a savage band of Miqo'te move through the camps and onwards to the gate. The G tribe has finally arrived. 

Norrington scales begin to ripple at the sound of their cries; his belly filling up with fire as danger approaches. Myst's looks around inside the tent nervously seeing the Drake become suddenly aggressive. Her scream pierces the air as a large, savage-looking, Miqo'te male peels away the tent flap and, with a sinister smile, glares at the Sundrake. 

"Therrre you arre..."

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - Gharen - 12-10-2014

>Continued from here<

"Seems we be startin' with a practical lesson lass." He motions for Evangeline to follow, and promptly begins to move in the direction of the scream.

He weaved through tents and the refugees emerging from them in response to the cries with a nimbleness that belied his size, the lance in his hand remained peace bound with a strip of leather as to avoid injury to his student, for now though, it remained in place.

He skidded came to a stop when he arrived at what he assumed to be the scene.

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - McBeefâ„¢ - 12-10-2014

Evangeline jogs after him, her long legs allowing her to keep pace with the man.

She see's the strange armed figures roaming the camp, and does not stop to ask questions. From the folds of one dingy shelter she see's a small familiar face, and the unmistakable scaly head of Norrick. "Haven't these people had enough?" She yells before charging forward and low. She sets her feet suddenly and strikes outward with her shield. Placing her full weight behind it as Gharen had taught.

"Get away from her!" She growls, as she attempts to knock the man from the tent's entrance.

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - G'leo Nuhn - 12-10-2014

The Miqo'te's ears turn into the direction of the advancing Eva as she draws near. He regards her simply for what she intends and jumps backwards to avoid her shield. He clears a good 5 yalms as five more female hunters join the large Miqo'te male; his gaze flicking from the would be attacker, Eva, and to the lance-wielding male. 

Myst runs promptly up to Eva; squeezing her leg in terror. 

"Who are they?! Why do they want to hurt us?!"

Words are exchanged between the miqo'te in their own language. A young, female huntress casts a glance at Eva; she huffs, glaring murderously towards her, as she draws a dagger. She races towards Eva with knife in hand, but even she couldn't predict the Sundrake which has charged, almost directly into Eva, and lunged in her direction with claws and teeth bared. 

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - Gharen - 12-11-2014

Gharen darts forth, stripping the leather strap from the lances bladed end, placing himself between his student and the Sundrake. Upon reaching his chosen ground he plants his right foot and pivots, redirecting his forward momentum into a spin, and using that force in an attempt to drive the butt of the lance into the side of the sundrake's head, hopefully stunning, or knocking the scalekin out cold.

He falls into a defensive stance afterwards, the look on his face is is clear, daring any others to make another foolhardy attempt to harm those behind him.

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - McBeefâ„¢ - 12-11-2014

"Master Wolf..." Just for once, Evangeline wondered if her love of formal titles was a drawback in fast paced situations.

She grimaces as the haft of Gharen's weapon smacks into Norrick, but cannot spare a moment as of yet to check on the Drake's health.

Gritting her teeth she lunges towards the Miqo'te, or would have, at least, if not for the tiny arms gripping her leg. Instead she sets her shoulders and faces forward.

She aims a few swipes at the woman, using her longer blade to keep the knife wielder at range, "I'll handle this one." She nods to Gharen, as she attempts to study the shoulders of her assailant, and waits for the woman to make a move.

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - G'leo Nuhn - 12-11-2014

Their is a loud "THUNK" as the lance slams into the head of the Sundrake. The venom and murder that were previously in it's eyes are now replaced with surprise and confusion as the drake collapses onto the ground. Myst's screams (still she vice-gripping Eva's leg) begin to attract a few of the men and women of the refugee camp who brandish their makeshift weapons; however, they do not advance towards any particular group, unsure of what exactly is going on. 

The Huntress sees her opportunity and vaults her lean frame over Eva's person. She sails through the air landing directly a top the unconscious Sundrake, crouching over it as a predator would its prey. A feral hiss is emitted in the direction of the Elezen and Hyur as she glares daggers in their direction; daring them now to make an attempt to seize her prize.  

The other Miqo'te, which have not busied themselves in involvement of any kind, simply watch the huntress. The large male smiles in a sadistic fashion, murmuring a few words to his comrades; however, they do not seem as caught up in the aggression or tension of the moment...seeming more relaxed by the outbreak of commotion in the camps.

"The Sundrrrake is our prrrey, and we now have claim to it. Lowerrr yourr weapons," said to Eva and Wolf. "And no harrrm will come to you. Our quarrrel isn't with city dwellerrrs."

RE: The Wandering Warrior Part 2 - Gharen - 12-11-2014

Gharen returns the glare at the huntress, a low feral growl unconsciously rumbles from within his chest. He launches a flurry of swings and thrusts at the huntress perched atop the sundrake, meant to force her off and away from the beast and ultimately putting himself between them, "No deal!" 

He gives a quick glance to Eva, "Get them away from here."