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Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - Printable Version

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RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - OttoVann - 12-03-2014

(12-03-2014, 03:21 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: Evangeline blinks a few times, "Master Otto... have you ever known me to be anything but direct? I have no motives in this matter other than the ones I have expressed. Namely a concern for your well being."

She seems slightly hurt, "As for payment, I knew not this was a business transaction. If you do not wish to converse with me, then that is your choice." She shrugs, "Though if it would ease your nervousness, you may ask any question of me as well. My life, my past, my exile. None of it shames me."

"Ask away, Master Otto, and if it pleases you to share your worries in return, I would be happy to help."

Otto removes his black cotton gloves and throws them on the table haphazardly. He pinches at his temple with squinted eyes as he grimaces a moment before regaining his composure.

"Look...uh Eva. Do you not understand your position right now?" He says this tilting his head down while looking at her with a confusion across his face.

"Let me paint the scene for you so you can remember. You came to me" he says poking his chest with his fingers on one hand. "You gave me a uh flier of sorts with your political rantings. Now I don't judge you for doing that - what was said on that flier though...and how you followed up with it once you learned who I was..."

Otto sits forward, pulling his suit jacket closed but not buttoning it "Look ahh, first impressions matter. A lot. With anyone about anything. I'm not trying to punish you but lets be realistic - your mood swings involving me and my station could give the most stout of Roe whiplash. It's going to take a little more before I just...treat you as a confidant."

Otto sighs heavily, slouched shoulders. After a moment he breathes in deeply , reinflating his person seemingly as he brightens and regards her. "Have you ever heard of the ideals of man and him having three hearts?"

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - McBeefâ„¢ - 12-03-2014

Evangeline leans back, "I understand my position quite well." She clears her throat, "And my mood does not 'swing', Master Otto. I update my decisions and thoughts based on reality. As any logical being should do."

"I thought the syndicate merciless tyrants... to a good extent I still do. Though, I have learned there is diversity among all things." She smiles, "I believe you a good man, Master Otto, albeit one who had has some less savory connections. Then again, so do I."

She watches him with concern, due to his troubled look, before nodding as he speaks again, "Three hearts?" She drains her glass and looks at it curiously, face beginning to flush "The taste is growing on me. I have not heard of this three hearts... and may I have another drink?"

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - OttoVann - 12-03-2014

Otto stands from his chair, taking off his coat and placing it on the back of his chair. He begins to roll up his sleeves after unbuttoning his cuffs. As he is pulling his bow-tie loose and unbuttoning his collar he looks down to her with a curt tone "I'll return shortly then". He leaves his bowtie to hand on the back of the chair as well as he heads to the bar. When he arrives he raises his brow in a sigh as he sits at the bar.

"Just the usual Ocahn. Two please."

The Roe behind the bar doesn't speak, doesn't change his expression, he simply turns his back to me and starts to craft the drinks. Otto sits on a barstool, one arm propped on it as he rests his face in his hand and looks to Eva at the table. Her posture so rigid and formal.

>> (perspective shift)

What does that woman want? Thats all I can think of. She is fair looking, she mentions lust for me but her tone left much to be desired. She's not seeking money, and he insists at every rebuff that she is just concerned about my mental state. I very much doubt this. I can count on one hand the amount of people that legitimately give a fuck about me past the shell of a person I parade around most days.

Without looking away from Eva I tilt my head slightly in the direction of the bar. "Ocahn. Make a third please."

Ocahn's seldom words humbly reach from behind the bar "You got it boss."

I like that. I like it when a man, any man, understands station and works within its confines.

It takes no time at all before I hear three glasses slid my way - drinks made the way I prefer. I take one and immediately down it, all at once in two large gulps, the burning instantaneous - making your stomach lurch in protest. I'd grimace, but I've gotten used to it and instead only the slightest perspiration hits my forehead for a moment until I wipe it away. Sliding the empty glass back on the bar, I reach to my pocket and pull a ten-thousand gil coin and leave it on the bar.

"That's too much Otto you know that." Ocahn's ability to humble himself at all times, in the face of more gil than he earns in a year never fails to impress. Normally I'd talk to him but instead I take the two remaining glasses and walk back over to my table. I make it a point of setting one of the glasses down in front of Eva, sliding it with a finger pushing the glass from behind to the edge of the table directly in front of her before I take my seat across from her.

>> (perspective shift)

Otto would take his seat across from her, setting his own glass down with a bit more care and attempting to put on a more cheery facade.

He leans back in his chair and crosses a leg again, letting it dangle idly as he regards Eva while turning the glass with his pointing finger and thumb. "So, Three Hearts."

Otto clears his throat as he takes only a minor sip from his drink, enjoying its flavor as the orbs of ice clink in it alongside the glass when he sits it back down on the table.

"The ideal goes like this Eva. All men and women possess three hearts. All have equal weight and importance. The first one is the one we use to show the outside world. The second, is our inner-selves we only show our loved ones and family. The third one is our most inner-heart. No one but ourselves can ever see this one under any circumstances. Otherwise we would die. I have dictated every day of my life off of this philosophy for a very long time now."

"What you see before you here and now is my outer heart. There are..." Otto would look up as he emphasizes his next words "few who have ever and will ever see my second, inner heart."

Otto sighs again as he takes another sip from his drink, clicking his tongue off the roof of his mouth as he sets his drink down with pursed lips, mulling over what to say next to Eva.

"What else would you like to know? Or what would you like to share about yourself?" Otto tilts his head as he speaks "I could ask you aimless questions all day - instead why don't you treat me like Leanne again and share with me something you /want/ to share."

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - McBeefâ„¢ - 12-03-2014

She takes the glass with a nod of thanks, enjoying a small sip. "Three hearts...? Then I must have but one." She smiles softly, "Could I hide things better, I'd likely never have been exiled."

"My heart, in its entirety, is what you see before you, Master Otto." She laughs softly, "It might be hard for one such as you to believe, but I assure you, it is the truth."

She takes another sip, "As for sharing? Shall I tell you how I fell into heresy? Then perhaps you can tell me how you learned of this drink?"

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - OttoVann - 12-03-2014

(12-03-2014, 06:51 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: She takes the glass with a nod of thanks, enjoying a small sip. "Three hearts...? Then I must have but one." She smiles softly, "Could I hide things better, I'd likely never have been exiled."

"My heart, in its entirety, is what you see before you, Master Otto." She laughs softly, "It might be hard for one such as you to believe, but I assure you, it is the truth."

She takes another sip, "As for sharing? Shall I tell you how I fell into heresy? Then perhaps you can tell me how you learned of this drink?"

Otto would shrug and tilt his head with closed eyes and a defeated sigh "Share with me whatever you want. You've got my attention thus far, shouldn't be hard to keep it." He finishes his words with a large and lazy sip of his drink, not downing it instantly forcing a reaction from him - coming almost to a cough as he sets his glass down. He's had too much already but that only means he should drink more and quickly at a time like this.

"Please go on" he gestures with a flourish of his hand.

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - McBeefâ„¢ - 12-03-2014

Evangeline rolls her eyes, "Such excitement you display, at the baring of my soul." She takes another small sip, "It is a simple thing, to lose one's faith in the world, Mr Otto."

"I was training as a barrister. A thankless job in Ishgard, the Holy Inquisitors do not look kindly upon those who defend the accused. Nonetheless I thought, even in Ishgard, justice would prevail."

She grimaces slightly, "After arguing a particularly unbalanced case, I was taken aside. They explained to me that my role was simply to fulfill a requirement. That I only existed to add an air of legitimacy to a unstoppable process."

She takes a sip, "The thought did not sit well with me, and I began devouring the literature and thoughts of... subversives. One of whom later became quite famous. You might know her as Lady Iceheart. Her writings were easily obtainable, used as evidence in the constant Heresy investigations. It was easy to study them."

She takes a slow sip, "Her words were enticing, words of coexistance between Ishgard and Dravania." Evangeline shrugs, "So I began attending her meetings, many of my clients were more than happy to tell me the details."

"However my words became more outspoken with every meeting I attended, raising the ire of the inquisitors. Until, one day, tracking my movements, I was exposed."

"I will not bore you with the specifics of my trial, though only my family connections protected me from the fate of common heretics."

She sighs, "So I came to Ul'dah." She tilts her head, "Have you ever had a subversive belief, Master Otto?"

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - OttoVann - 12-03-2014

Otto sits forward, keenly interested in what she has to say and her questions towards him. He finds her wholly more attractive almost instantly - if only because she is educated - though sadly young.

He pushes his half empty drink far in front of him, near the center of the table. He is done with alcohol for now. He is drunk enough as is and the warmth in the air causes him to want to sweat so he pulls one button loose closest to his collar to open his shirt more with a hooked finger, running around the rim.

Getting comfortable he relaxes as he looks across the table to the Elezen before him. "If I recall correctly..." he holds up a finger to his face to mime where she is scarred "you got that from your 'heresy' while up North. Yes?"

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - McBeefâ„¢ - 12-03-2014

Evangeline turns her head slightly, revealing it. The mark is black and twisted, seeming almost a cross between a tatoo and a scar. "Indeed, I will not bore you with the process involved, though rest assured, it was not a pleasant one."

"Though it was either this, or the headsman... and I have never been one for vanity." She smirks slightly, "Though it does cause some difficulties when dealing with my countrymen, most seem to think I will corrupt them as well with a touch."

She takes another slow sip, "Why do you ask Mr Otto? Afraid the inquisitors will be after you as well?" Her grin turns sardonic, "I dare say you are safe, despite your association with me."

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - OttoVann - 12-04-2014

Otto maintains his posture as he continues to investigate more about the Elezen woman, wild-eyed yet still attractive.

"I find it interesting you wear a scar on your face such as that, yet you don't flinch when its existence is brought up and you are quite calm in recollecting to others how and where you got it. I am not...trained in therapy and I don't pretend to understand your psyche but I have worked in fashion long enough to get to know women fairly well, and I was indeed married at one point. Most women would not be so at ease with a branding across their face like that, robbing them of their symmetry and beauty. Here you are though, showing it and speaking of it as if you had little care, humored even."

Otto clears his throat "I'm more concerned with who and what you are over any conceivable threat I could face from Ishgard or even here in Ul'Dah."

Otto inhales as he looks forward and takes in his surrounding. A table with this woman, at the Airstrip...in Ul'Dah.

"You mentioned earlier...wanting to know about me and whats wrong with me due to caring? Well lets see. Tell me about your ideals of Justice and we can trade."

Otto leans forward in his chair, speaking legitimately with a hushed and amused tone "I might even tell you why I hate the Syndicate more than you ever could."

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - McBeefâ„¢ - 12-04-2014

Evangeline laughs, "Hate the Syndicate more than I? It could be easier than you think. My disagreement with them is professional... or at least it should be. Though I have a habit of letting my feelings bleed over."

She raises a hand to her face, "As for this... as you say, I would rather it didn't exist. But we mortals cannot turn back the clock, and so I must live with what I am given." Evangeline shrugs, "If I bow to it, hide it, live in shame because of it, then those foolhardy inquisitors of Ishgard will have won."

She shakes her head, "But I will now allow them to win, Master Otto. I will not be cowed by shame. If men and women are disgusted by my visage, than so be it, for I will not admit defeat."

Evangeline seems slightly heated by the conversation, and she unbuttons her jacket, folding it onto the back of the chair. She leans forward, mail shirt sparkling slightly, "You wished to know of justice, yes?" She takes another drink, draining the glass before placing it back onto the table, the flush on her face increasing, "That is a question for a philosopher, not a revolutionary. Though I will hazard an attempt."

She looks up for a moment, "Justice is the greatest good, for the greatest number, without sacrificing overly upon any one individual."

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - OttoVann - 12-04-2014

Otto keeps his forward leaning posture as he bounces his reply off of her "But you studied Law correct? A 'barrister' you said?"

"It's interesting your idea of Justice leaves no room for dispute. As in you disputing the facts of a case in a court. I was under the impression what makes Eorzean Justice so interesting is that it is in constant dispute by practitioners of Law when people are brought before 'Inquisitors' or Courts or any other system."

With an almost disappointed expression he tilts his head to the side "Or were you speaking of something more...societal?"

Otto would click his tongue off the roof of his mouth to make a 'tsk' sound "I suppose you are a revolutionary first and foremost though. Your undershirt is as much as an indicator as any."

Otto shakes his head at his last immediate thought "As far as the Syndicate is concerned. I can assure you your disagreements with most of us would be far more than professional. Most of the people who are in this little organization are little lordlings, inheriting wealth from their parents with no self-worth or talent. True, some are shrewd at business - and even good at it. Most though are so incompetent and lazy that they resort to petty things like smuggling to make coin then pat themselves on the back and declare it a good day's work."

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - McBeefâ„¢ - 12-04-2014

"Master Otto, you misunderstand the role of law, and of Barristers. We do not seek to define justice, only to define if an act is just or unjust."

"The concept itself is much more elusive..." She nods, "For example, if you are with someone, I am sure you know if you love them or not." She looks at her empty glass forlornly, "But to /define/ love? Such is a feat."

"Similar things could be said of art, or good, or evil. They are often easy enough to recognize, and nigh impossible to categorize."

At his syndicate comments she drums her fingers on the table, "That... is depressingly accurate sounding." Evangeline sighs, "Though, as I said, I have given up my attempts to simply exterminate them like vermin. The situation is far more complicated, like you describe."

"Though, I am curious, why you would hate your own compatriots so?"

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - OttoVann - 12-04-2014

Otto stands with a knock on the table with his knuckles "I'll go fetch you another drink. In the meantime consider this. You may frame actions within the confines of a Justice System to paint them as just or unjust. Thats fine, but expand on that for me. I thought you revolutionaries sought to dispute the current forms of Justice - challenge what is 'right' and 'wrong'. Have something for me by the time I return."

With his last words hanging, he turns and heads to the bar to signal for two more drinks. He stands while leaning to the side, propping himself up again with an arm as he leans and observes her thinking. He smiles for just a moment - enough to appreciate the fact that he is sitting across from someone who is educated - but also intelligent. Very different traits that many lack together. He would speak to the barkeep without turning his head towards him "Keep our drinks coming for the rest of the night, I won't be fetching them repeatedly."

As soon as his words end two glasses smoothly slide across the bar to him and not a word of acknowledgment. There doesn't need to be. He takes his fresh drinks and walks back to his table with Eva, she gleaming in light from her freshly revealed chain she wears. He can't help but to think of how to work on her fashion sense. Another time perhaps.

Otto stands before Eva smiling as he places a fresh glass on the table, again sliding it from behind with a finger to the edge of the table in front of her. He would take his seat at once, depositing his own tumbler on the table before clearing his throat to speak.

"Before you go on with your ideas and ideals, I should do you the courtesy of answering your question. To be blunt I don't consider many, if any Syndicate members to be my compatriot because most of them are never going to be my equal. They aren't self-made, they lack the acumen needed to succeed without inheritance, most of them can't balance a ledger. These people are not my own. We are merely apart of the same...union to reap benefits."

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - McBeefâ„¢ - 12-04-2014

She takes the drink with a thankful nod, "There are no forms of justice, Master Otto, merely interpretations of it."

"However they are all shadows of a concrete idea, like how a flickering flame might throw many different shadows of an object onto a wall." She smiles wryly, "If only we had the original to examine, we could understand it better."

She leans forward, "You spoke of benefits, Master Otto, ones that outweigh both risks, and your own distaste for the organization. What benefits might those be? And why should a man of your status need such things?"

RE: Theory and Practice, Supplemental Lessons - OttoVann - 12-04-2014

Otto takes the slightest sip from his drink, wanting to avoid losing his sobriety too much with this woman.

Setting his glass back on the table he shakes his head once as he speaks "Mmm I would like to think justice takes on the form of custom or what is already established. What gets assigned as customary and established is whatever shows the most might. I would not like to think of it as this nebulous concept that you can't assign even a border to. You could say 'Well what is custom?' I like to think custom is what people can most consider agreeable.

Think about the people who have by and large ignored your desire to be radical with their idea of what should be customary. There hasn't been a revolt in Ul'Dah for some time, mostly because people have assigned antiquity to our ruling family and accepted them as just and fair, what they can agree to. What other reason would this peace remain?"

"I think I can further make my point with what you just said. 'Why does a man of my status need the Syndicate'?"

Otto rubs his eyes with both palms of his hands, tired and wishing he were elsewhere with this woman - not this city. "Well a man like myself has no status. I came to Ul'Dah as an outsider, selling everything my past life had in it to afford the move and to try to establish myself here. People chose to not ignore me because I offered generosity and fair and just pricing. I never gouged, even when I could. Even now you can buy one of my finest Ruby Rings for less than four-hundred thousand gil. I've personally held in my hand a competitors ring that had three times the asking price and one-third less workmanship. Despite all of that - making a large amount of gil was nothing in this city. Joining the Syndicate is what I needed to do to have status assigned to me - because that is customary, and fair for this city. Just like nobility is automatically assigned fair treatment. You have to belong to your societies norms for status."

Otto takes another, small and insignificant pull from his drink before setting it back onto the table "Forgive my rambling. You wanted to know specifics about the benefits of Syndicate?"

"Well lets start with the easiest - having access to force. It gives me might, something so obvious that you can't dispute it." Otto holds up his hand as he continues into his example "People do not touch me, did you know that? Do you know how many times I've had little half-men Miqo wanting for an excuse to hit me to show off? And then you lean into these people get face to face with them, with your arms behind your back - totally defenseless and you tell them 'Do you really want to touch a Syndicate man'?" Otto holds his hand to his face to show closeness. "You don't have to say anything else, their bravado evaporates instantaneously."

"Don't mistake me though. I am no bully. I mostly use Syndicate connections for business reasons. To trade favorably - to secure better interest rates. I very much view it as a club more than a political arm of Ul'dah'n governance - which it very much is. I refuse on a matter of principle to abuse the system like...so many other Syndicate people do. I don't break the law for the sake of it and smuggle, I don't twist peoples arms and get people out of their criminal charges. I view the Syndicate as a way to further my own business and I very much keep to myself. Its what makes me feel so superior to the rest of the louses running around within it - always scheming like children at the playground. They're so busy playing with mommy and daddies wealth that they can't run a proper stall - much less a business or even a collective of businesses."

A thought of particular Syndicate men that Otto loathes with a passion crosses his mind and he outbursts at the mere existence of such petty people. He would take one last sip from his drink and then sling it with force into the wall perpendicular to their table several feet away. "Want to know whats wrong with me? Everything this city has to offer."