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Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Printable Version

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RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Desu Nee - 02-11-2015

(02-11-2015, 11:13 AM)Warren Castille Wrote: The only other piece of advice I can give is that not every roleplayer in the game hangs out here. While your intentions sound perfectly acceptable to me, it's possible that others see the fight start and jump in. As Kage mentioned sometimes these things take on a life of their own, and you effectively lose "control" of the fight as soon as it starts.

I'm not meaning to sound discouraging! I just don't want you to bite off more than you can chew if you start a full-scale riot.
[Image: ecw-ons2006_ifcenawinsweriot.jpg]

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - SicketySix - 02-11-2015

(02-11-2015, 11:13 AM)Warren Castille Wrote: The only other piece of advice I can give is that not every roleplayer in the game hangs out here. While your intentions sound perfectly acceptable to me, it's possible that others see the fight start and jump in. As Kage mentioned sometimes these things take on a life of their own, and you effectively lose "control" of the fight as soon as it starts.

I'm not meaning to sound discouraging! I just don't want you to bite off more than you can chew if you start a full-scale riot.

Yes true, that's currently why I'm still kinda on the fence on how to go about this. It just sucks to see 50+ people sitting in a tavern %15 of them are reading books or sipping tea, while all these heavy weight badasses sit there bored out of their minds because theres not a thing going on for them.

If there was a way to maintain some sort of structure, I would be doing this in an instant, willing to RP the whole 9yrds, injuries arrest, everything!

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Kinono - 02-11-2015

(02-11-2015, 11:16 AM)Desu Nee Wrote: [Image: ecw-ons2006_ifcenawinsweriot.jpg]

[Image: hVCe9li.jpg]

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Desu Nee - 02-11-2015

(02-11-2015, 11:18 AM)Kinono Wrote:
(02-11-2015, 11:16 AM)Desu Nee Wrote: [Image: ecw-ons2006_ifcenawinsweriot.jpg]

[Image: hVCe9li.jpg]
[Image: 104.gif]

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - SicketySix - 02-11-2015

Let's try to keep this on topic, pleaseSmile

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Aya - 02-11-2015

Alright, my original post was more tongue-in-cheek, but seeing where this has gone since then I do have some more serious points to add!

Firstly, the idea that people are opposed to a bar brawl being immersion breaking is ridiculous.  The Quick Sand is not a low-end dive bar, its a high end business and center of activity.  The place is bustling busily, and serves a wide range of clientele from the lowly starting adventurer to the highest end of professionals in Ul'dah.  Nothing in the entire setting appears cheap and inexpensive, Momodi takes her business seriously that much is obvious.

The last thing she would want is to have the business of the day interrupted by a brawl, broken glasses, drinks, bottles, and a wanton interruption of her steady gil-making activities.  Adding to the confusion in the moment will come the tab for replacement of everything broken, for cleaning up the mess, and the added hassle when the Blades come by to find out what happened.  This isn't a pirate or cowboy bar (where I am sure fights are still not desired, but just far more difficult to avoid without a legion of armed and armored guards in proximity), and if you think that's immersion breaking you're simply wrong.

From my own in-character perspective, who gets to clean up after the thugs when they're done?  Who is at risk when the violence escalates? Yeah, my character!  So, you can be sure that she does her best to prevent the outbreak of violence and often tries to intervene early to get those involved to step outside (then its the Brass Blades' problems, not her own).  Some people really don't appreciate that, to the point of being jerks, but guess what, you're dealing with my immersion too!

Lastly from an OOC perspective I do not appreciate bar-fights because so often they result in wanton disregard for consequences and other people.  I do realize that having a half dozen individuals interfere in your attempted RP is a huge annoyance, but for those of us that RP staff, regulars, and law-enforcement on the premises, we either expect to be respected when we become involved, or else we have to roll our eyes at an immersion breaking mess in the midst of the area that we have to ignore.  There really is no good solution for this, and because of how crowded it is you're probably going to have some amount of trouble with it.

Now, it sounds to me like you have the right OOC mindset for it, and would play along reasonably!  That means it could make for a fun scene that I'd enjoy OOCly! (even if Aya were quite very unhappy about it ICly!) If you really want to go through with it, I'd suggest sometime a little later in the evening (after 11 est) when the place is usually pretty quiet.  Just be ready to pay the consequences including a hefty tab from Momodi for all damages (plus whatever suitable amount she thinks she can get away with extracting from your hide with the help of her bribed Brass Blade friends). 

Lastly, to Askier: Tongue
The Quick Sand is as fun as you let it be.  It is vastly better for a conversation or meeting than an action scene, but not all serious RP is action.

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Kinono - 02-11-2015

(02-11-2015, 11:32 AM)Aya Wrote: Firstly, the idea that people are opposed to a bar brawl being immersion breaking is ridiculous.  The Quick Sand is not a low-end dive bar, its a high end business and center of activity.  The place is bustling busily, and serves a wide range of clientele from the lowly starting adventurer to the highest end of professionals in Ul'dah.  Nothing in the entire setting appears cheap and inexpensive, Momodi takes her business seriously that much is obvious.

The last thing she would want is to have the business of the day interrupted by a brawl, broken glasses, drinks, bottles, and a wanton interruption of her steady gil-making activities.  Adding to the confusion in the moment will come the tab for replacement of everything broken, for cleaning up the mess, and the added hassle when the Blades come by to find out what happened.  This isn't a pirate or cowboy bar (where I am sure fights are still not desired, but just far more difficult to avoid without a legion of armed and armored guards in proximity), and if you think that's immersion breaking you're simply wrong.

I dunno about others, but my impression from multiple cutscenes in the game, as well as instanced battles that take place within this very establishment, seem to imply that, while not necessarily "common," fights are expected. The very opening cutscene involves two men roughing up another man right in front of Momodi and she just shrugs it off cavalierly.

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - SicketySix - 02-11-2015

I've seen a fight break out at a church (for real) so I'm sure that in regards to it being a high place of business, a fight still would not be uncommon.

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Aya - 02-11-2015

Uncommon and undesired are two entirely different adjectives.

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Kinono - 02-11-2015

(02-11-2015, 11:49 AM)Aya Wrote: Uncommon and undesired are two entirely different adjectives.

They are indeed! Big Grin

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Telluride - 02-11-2015

When it comes down to it, the source of contention is that people want different things in their RP hub.

I'm personally thankful that Balmung even has one that is so popular - as much as some may scoff at "Tavern RP", it serves a purpose of allowing down time, and a chance to observe other RPers in the community, and get a sense of who does what in a "natural" environment. Not every game I've tried to RP in developed a really good hub, and the community seems to dry up much, much faster in the absence of one. So, don't knock the Quicksand for being "boring" just because not everything there is a slugfest.

After all, some people want this:

Show Content

...and some people want this:

Show Content

...but it's tough for those to happen at the same time. A good rumble pretty much takes up ALL the playing space and the environment.

It may also be worth pointing out that, despite my earlier comments, one could possibly have this work - as many people hang out outside the actual Quicksand as within it, so you could very well have an awesome knock-down, drag out scene while still allowing people a space to go to for their less hostile environment, by taking a couple of dozen steps away and inside.

I have a personal bias, I admit, because of the number of times I've seen people start up brawls in other MMOs in such ways as to be little more than god-mode trolling, and who flat-out refuse to acknowledge that if they are taking up public, well-used playing space, and not being mindful of the greater RP community, then they are rightly labeled as @$$hats by that community. I say to the OP, if this is not you, sir, then please disregard any implied criticism.

A little excitement and change-around IS good! I could not be TOO critical of the way people use the public RP space, else I'd be a hypocrite for the very thing I have been doing this week - delivering singing telegrams everywhere. Others in this thread have made some very excellent points. So, I can only really say at this point to be public-minded when using public space.

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Kage - 02-11-2015

I'm just cautioning having it in a very... public space and knowing who is involved.

As someone who has seen the confrontation rp go from 5 people to 30... it really wasn't the most enjoyable experience. It got to a point where so many people and the chaos involved with so many made me ready to say "yeah go ahead and push that knife/axe into him Im just done."

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Inessa Hara - 02-11-2015

Yes, finally I have the chance to tackle someone and cuff them and drag them off to the Brass Blades for a reward.

Hey, its your RP. You do what you want to do. However, if you want it to be private and not cause a huge riot such as brawling in the midst of forty people then take it to party chat. Nobody can interfere there.

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - Aya - 02-11-2015

(02-11-2015, 11:57 AM)Telluride Wrote: I have a personal bias, I admit, because of the number of times I've seen people start up brawls in other MMOs in such ways as to be little more than god-mode trolling, and who flat-out refuse to acknowledge that if they are taking up public, well-used playing space, and not being mindful of the greater RP community, then they are rightly labeled as @$$hats by that community. I say to the OP, if this is not you, sir, then please disregard any implied criticism.
Exactly this!  And I think from reading the OP's posts he's not expecting this sort of thing, but hopefully he can understand where some of the OOC friction he's seeing originates.  Barfights for me typically begin as an unwelcome interruption to normal tavern RP, take a loooong time to wind to some point where usually things end up in kind of a muddled mess. It has not exactly made for thrilling and powerful RP.  Not to say that it couldn't!

I guess I'd be a lot more inclined to just gasp, shout, and hide if these things tended to be explosive and short Smile

Honestly, the best "barfight" that I've seen was the quick and realistic reaction to someone getting hit over the head with a full bottle of wine.  The target (I think entirely unsuspecting that this was going to happen) fell out cold (*thunk*).

However, just to make my point, said assaulter not only continues to come by the QS regularly, but has conducted further assaults in the QS itself!  Its like there just are no consequences at all, and that is the sort of thing that really bugs me.  You attempt to murder someone enough times in the QS, and you're probably barred from the place.

RE: Looking to brawl in The Quicksand! - SicketySix - 02-11-2015

Oh I totally see where everyone is coming from, would just be nice to find something exciting to pull others in without it turning into a chaotic clusterf***