Hydaelyn Role-Players
A Question for Balmung - Printable Version

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RE: A Question for Balmung - M'isha - 07-09-2015

The best way to invite walk-up RP is to RP! People expect to initiate some kind of hook through forum, through status, though 'slow RP walk', but 9/10 times I have found wonderful RPer it has been because I say something silly to an NPC, make a joke about something in the environment, or just "act" like my character would: sleepy from too much walking, not liking the smell of something in the world, being rushed and late for some appointment or sale, that kind of thing.

There is so much you can do to 'liven' up the world. Just look how Square Enix makes their stupid town fodder so wonderful and funny. You can be that too! And if you are RPing by yourself, worst thing is there is no other RPer around. Best thing is you get to be immersed in your environment and you might meet a wonderful and spontaneous RPer who's just standing nearby.

All that ramble aside, it is helpful to indicate that you're RPer in your status. I think it's nice when people say walk-ups are fine because they're making you feel at ease but I think very rarely do people just 'walk up' to each other in real life to talk. I mean, unless you're getting picked up at a bar or chatted up on the bus by someone slightly creepy, maybe...

Shortly, create a situation doesn't have to be through PC/PC interaction. There's a whole world around us!!! Let's use it!!

RE: A Question for Balmung - Syranelle Ironleaf - 07-09-2015

Problem:  I don't know how to start/initiate contact with someone.

Solution:  Compliments!  If you're standing around in an area actually listen/read the conversations going on around you.  If you see someone being funny, entertaining, or otherwise engaging then send them an OOC tell and compliment them for excellent roleplay.  I've found it rare that people will ignore a compliment.  Once you've gotten their attention, then bring up the suggestion that you'd like to join in.  More often than not, you'll find people more receptive to welcoming you into whatever they're doing.  Or, if it's something you can't immediately join in on, they will usually be up for scheduling something later.  

Smile   Just a suggestion on how to break the ice without feeling like the Interrupting Cow.

RE: A Question for Balmung - Isoei - 07-09-2015

For me personally, I love walk ups. I love getting them and I love doing them. But saying that I must also add that it takes me a bit to get up the courage to actually do the walk up. I plan my emote, I have to convince myself it is ok to do it, and I may not be ignored, or laughed at. (yes that is a fear don't ask I don't know) I spend a few minutes doing this - and more often then not the person that I was going to approach has already wandered off, or had another person approach (planned or not) then I'm left to slowly turn around and walk off (of course trying to convince myself it didn't look funny at all -- me creeping on some poor person targeting them then turning around and running off with my tail between my legs). So long story short - I suck at walk ups. Although I do try!

RE: A Question for Balmung - Riken Avadur - 07-09-2015

(07-09-2015, 04:51 AM)M Wrote: The best way to invite walk-up RP is to RP!

This may seem redundant/obvious, but it really should be highlighted. I'm not going to try and interact with every person who at one point or another decided to put a 'Walkups encouraged' tag in their Search info, and may be afk, not-interested, or being eaten by a kraken at that moment. But, if I see someone emoting with a good comprehension of the english language, seeming alone/non-committal, and then they have that tag? That's the cherry on top.

TL;DR 'Walkups welcome' is a supplement to inviting RP, not a replacement.

RE: A Question for Balmung - Gone. - 07-12-2015

Honestly I'd much prefer a small blurb about the character in question and/or a wiki link than the usual note about how walk-ups are supposedly encouraged. With so many roleplayers about, every little bit of incentive matters; I definitely don't have the time or willpower to poke everyone I see, just the ones that pique my interests in some way.

RE: A Question for Balmung - Milloux - 07-12-2015

Like some folks have already said, I think it's just an easy shorthand (considering the very limited space we have in our notes. ) way to denote someone is receptive to meeting new folks  to RP with? At least, that's always been my own interpretation, across MMOs.

As for actually strolling up to  strangers?  It's definitely on a per-character basis for me.  My introverted arcanist isn't likely to approach someone on the street without prompting or cause. (and in her case, likely needs to be approached - but I certainly want people to know that I want to RP, even if the character is reluctant.) My loud-mouthed and gregarious little courier or my  super curious and nosy (former) pirate? They have no qualms doing just that!

That said, I will generally toss a /tell to someone first to see if they'd mind if I strolled up. (and I've noticed the same. This really is a polite community!) I don't like intruding on folks that might be busy or otherwise occupied if I see no outward indicators that they're IC.

Actually, that's something that helps clue me in a good deal, in the absense of RP / IC flags.  Seeing a few idle emotes - someone flipping through a book, or scanning a crowd, grumbling at a merchant, or maybe even looking for something,  is going to pique my interest and make me far more likely to wander on up.

Even if you're super anxious about specifically approaching others (like me!) making it even a little easier for others to approach you can go a long way!