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Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Printable Version

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RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Ozma - 11-16-2015

It's your character and your rp. I think you should take pride in your creation and enjoy rping the unique character concept you've come up with. There will no doubt be people who looks at your ideas and think that it doesn't fit into the universe therefore they can choose to ignore your very existence and miss out on the opportunity to roleplay with you. That's completely up to them to belittle your ideas, don't let others hinder you from thinking outside the box. As LoL players would say, break the META lol. 

When they introduced the Valerian armor sets from the Level 60 dungeons I had a similar idea of raising a character that somehow made his/her way into Eorzea via the Chaos Gate. Idea that was short lived but I still think it would have been an interesting concept to work with. Yes haters are going to hate but again that's a choice they make and shouldn't be a factor to peer pressure you to think otherwise. Ogre Battle series was and still is my favorite RPG title to date and I'm in love with the lore they've introduced so far which is why I was thinking about the idea myself when the armor pieces made their way into Eorzea. 

Others might condemn you for having what they've decided to be a "bad idea" but it might be acceptable to others who enjoy roleplaying with you. Who knows? Maybe you can pioneer a linkshell for people who came from Vana'diel? Might be a good opportunity to start something new. If I was able to make a alt on Balmung I might have tried to experiment by creating a Linkshell for adventurers from Valeria and create a unique roleplay environment where they found themselves stranded in an alternate world. If the options presents itself I think there will be some who will flock over to try it. Just remember, you're not able to and never will be able to please anyone and everyone with the ideas you come up with so don't expect yourself as a miracle worker.

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Melphina - 11-16-2015

Can the mods please lock this thread? My question was answered already and I kinda stopped posting in the thread because I didn't really see a point in continuing.

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Unnamed Mercenary - 11-16-2015

(11-16-2015, 06:39 PM)Melphina Wrote: Can the mods please lock this thread? My question was answered already and I kinda stopped posting in the thread because I didn't really see a point in continuing.

Welcome to a tricky predicament! By default, mods do not normally lock threads that have become, from what I'll refer to as "generalized," which takes a little to get used to. In the case of this thread, it was opened as "Can a person exist who has travelled from Vana'diel to Eorzea and how would it work?"

For character-specific things, I would normally recommend trying to keep those in  the Character Workshop section, where threads are inherently "owned" by their posters, instead of the more general and open-ended discussion boards, like this one, where a topic can continue long past its creator's interest, but not necessarily past the interest of other users.

As a green-name mod, I cannot actually lock the thread because it's not one of the boards I have mod access to anymore. However, if the alerts are getting to you, there's an option in the User CP to disable them, or I'd suggest using the report button to alert the other moderators who can better assist! (They may just branch the thread so that others can continue discussing it).

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Momo - 11-16-2015

This thread was made to be specifically about her character, and then derailed into something wholly other.  Another similar thread already exists and isn't more than a couple months old at this point:


There is little reason to continue this circular discussion on why some should be more special-er snowflakes than others.  The original poster, specifically stated that she had a hard time covering the lore of this world, and a dedication to her character on XI.  Conversely to my own statements,  

Some points:

Atomos in XI are dead.  At the end of the 4th expansion, it states that the Atomos of both timelines, sent to watch over the happenings of each world by Cait Sith (empowered by Altana herself), and judge them accordingly, is now dead and frozen.  So post that time, it was impossible to travel through the Void using an Atomos, as when the Atomos deemed the two simultaneous timelines as unworthy of keeping, it tried to swallow them both, thus effectively overwhelming itself, causing self-destruction.  Basically you did not come over through a Cavernous Maw, unless you went through one pre-Wings of the Goddess.  Further more, there is no evidence, nor is it ever said that other than being a "Voidsent" that the Threshold which the Atomos and it's Cavernous Maws are connected to, is the Void, or leads to the Void.

Another point which some have brought forth as a means of travel between worlds, are the Swirling Vortexes located in Valkrum Dunes and Qufim Island.  These do not transport you through the void into other dimensions.  They have set destinations, as do the other swirling vortexes, namely: Lufaise Meadows, Misareaux Coast, and Apollyon.  These are parts of the Emptiness...the Epmtiness is not the Void, it is the manifested will of Promathia, slowly destroying existence.  Hence, you did not take a swirling vortex to Eorzea.

And so on and so forth, on and on, until you have nothing left to propel you into this world except for the sheer magnitude of brilliance, strength, and will which are contained within Shantotto herself, thus propelling you to major characters status, and therefor justifying your transport into the world of XIV from another FF...good luck with that as I said, that kind of character creation is basically void of creativity, or an interest in truly being part of this community (flawed or not).  This all leads back to what I was saying, just don't bother.  There is no evidence of "Ooops, I have fallen into a wormhole and ended up in this strange land called Eorzea, herpderp!", there is so far only evidence of, "Oh look, I am a major player where I come from, the will of the Void, the will of the Crystals, the will of whatever god/goddess or otherwise, has chosen me to travel through a portal to interact, and have an affect on the world of Eorzea." or "I am Shantotto, I have in my great power ad brilliance, made a gateway here to affect the world of Eorzea, causing the rise of a nation and consequently a Calamity.  As well as creating one of the most powerful weapons in existence, and teaching ever greater forces to the mages of this world."

So if you are willing to allow your characters to fall into these categories, go ahead.  There is little else to support some random character of lesser importance falling through a portal into another FF world.  Besides mostly the desire of either a person unwilling to learn the lore of the world that the community loves, or a selfish interest in only continuing their character from before, without taking into account others.

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Paradox - 11-16-2015

A few things here.

Quote:There is little reason to continue this circular discussion on why some should be more special-er snowflakes than others.

In your opinion. Some are still discussing it. Also, unrelated, I find the words 'special snowflake' generally tend to come form people who like to crush the ideas and creativity of anyone who wants to be different and not 'fit in' under the assumption they're doing it just to draw attention to themselves. And such statements are generally given, I've observed by a person or persons who don't try to see why people make the different types of characters they do. I recommend asking a person their reasons before deciding why they made it.

Telling someone why they made something because you said so is IRL godmodding, you know. You prefer to think within your own specific box, and that's fine for you. But don't talk down about others as 'special snowflakes' just because you don't like what they do. This kind of character and idea shaming has become more and more prevalent in roleplay communities of late I have found. The narrow mindedness saddens me on a lot of levels considering the community I originally came from was more interested in learning a character's story and the whys of it than judging the character or their player for their ideas, even if a bit of lore bending was done.

Quote:Further more, there is no evidence, nor is it ever said that other than being a "Voidsent" that the Threshold which the Atomos and it's Cavernous Maws are connected to, is the Void, or leads to the Void.

To be fair, there's no evidence that it isn't connected to or leads to the void either. Since there's been no specific topics on this by the Lore devs, we'll simply have to assume for the sake of creativity and potential situations. No lore is a hundred percent concrete, and there will always be loopholes, holes, inconsistencies, and openings in a lore that leave leeway for many possibilities. Just saying 'it can't happen because we haven't seen it' quashes potential creativity. Speaking of creativity.

Quote:as I said, that kind of character creation is basically void of creativity, or an interest in truly being part of this community (flawed or not)

In your personal opinion. Just because that's what you think, doesn't make it a fact. And while one is entitled to their opinion, a sweeping generalization like that demeans those that find a way to do it and put effort into it. You don't like the idea. That's fine. But saying it's 'void of creativity' is a very broad brush when you may not know the reasoning behind it and just decide that's the way it is without even being told the reason. It's excessively rude to tell a writer, even one just starting out that their idea is 'void of creativity' just because you think it is. If you have the time to say something mean, you might try being more constructive in your approach to the matter. You very likely have no idea if someone has interest in being part of the community or not based on character idea alone. You have your own perception, and that is all.

Quote:There is little else to support some random character of lesser importance falling through a portal into another FF world.

Except the fatal flaw in this argument is that generally, the game only tells the story of major players in the first place, so of course there's little to support it that we see because most games specifically focus on the main characters and their immediate supports. There's all kinds of NPCs in every universe. Let's look at Gilgamesh. While we can argue he's mostly comic relief, he hardly got into the void by being a 'major player'. He sort of just fell into it, and has appeared in various places.

Interesting isn't it? He was never a main villain. He was a sidekick at best. He was never a great hero. He was this derpy guy meant to make people laugh, and yet here he is, going from world to world. No will of the goddess. No will of the crystals. Just Exdeath being a dick and chucking him in the void. And..wow, something like that could happen to anyone if they were in the right place at the wrong time. It's not for anyone to say 'you can't do that' unless you can absolutely prove beyond a shadow of all doubt it can't be done. And one absolutely can't, because no lore is 100% foolproof. And some of it is even left open for the players to grasp onto and make of it their own. Lore is meant to be a vehicle with which to launch creativity, not chains with which to stifle it, and sometimes the vehicle is driven a bit off-road.

Quote:Besides mostly the desire of either a person unwilling to learn the lore of the world that the community loves, or a selfish interest in only continuing their character from before, without taking into account others. 

Again, a very broad, sweeping generalization based on your own opinion. I know the lore of the world, and yet I could think of many reasons to play such a character. And you wouldn't know any of those reasons, because you can't read intent or minds. It's interesting that you mentioned such a character is 'void of creativity', and yet the very nature of what you're saying voids any creativity anyone might have in doing such a thing. There's little in your argument other than a thinly veiled judgmental viewpoint obscured by a few random facts spattered here and there because you don't like the idea.

If you don't want to roleplay with someone who chooses this method, then that's fine. But telling someone basically that wanting to play a character who's ended up from another world is just them wanting to be 'special' or 'void of creativity' is frankly insulting. Maybe they like the idea. Maybe they want to put forth the effort of this difference.  Because doing it well does take effort, and can be done. If you don't want to be included, that's your right. But it's no reason to insult the people that do.

I might have made an error in what I said previously, though. Perhaps you are right that there's no point in continuing the discussion further. Because if discussion at this point comes to where we're judging with the snowflake comments and telling someone their idea is void of creativity just because it doesn't mesh with what one thinks is right, I think one can no longer call it a discussion at all. Really all I have to say on the matter, and I think it's time for me to withdraw. Happy roleplaying all.

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Sounsyy - 11-17-2015

(11-16-2015, 11:05 PM)Momo Wrote: "I am Shantotto, I have in my great power ad brilliance, made a gateway here to affect the world of Eorzea, causing the rise of a nation and consequently a Calamity.  As well as creating one of the most powerful weapons in existence, and teaching ever greater forces to the mages of this world."

Not to really carry on this thread any longer as the OP has already long taken away her answer on the first page, but I wanted to address this - Shantotto (FFXI) and Shatotto (FFXIV) are not the same person. While Shatotto is an obvious reference to Shantotto, the latter is not responsible for the pioneering of the Mhachi's magical arts, the catalyst for the War of the Magi, or the eventual calamity resulting from it.

In Burgeoning Dread, Shantotto has never heard of "Eorzea" before. Also, her minion description confirms she's a Tarutaru, not a Lalafell.

Wind-up Shantotto Wrote:If it looks like a Lalafell, rhymes like a Lalafell, and alliterates like a Lalafell ,then it is probably a Lalafell... except when it is a wind-up Shantotto. Then it is not a Lalafell.

Lodestone Wrote:All in the Order of Nald’thal know well the legend of Shatotto, a mighty thaumaturge from the fifth of Astral Eras. Her creation of destructive and catastrophic spells evoked as much fear as it did respect, prompting ignorant souls to call her unsavory names—Death’s Handmaiden, the Black Witch, and the She-Devil among them. She was also possessed of an otherworldly talent for crafting thaumaturgical staves. Among her creations, the Stardust Rods are by far the most powerful and coveted, believed as they are to be fashioned from the celestial remnants of a star Shatotto herself brought down to Hydaelyn and clove asunder.

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Melphina - 11-17-2015

(11-16-2015, 11:05 PM)Momo Wrote: This thread was made to be specifically about her character, and then derailed into something wholly other.  Another similar thread already exists and isn't more than a couple months old at this point:


There is little reason to continue this circular discussion on why some should be more special-er snowflakes than others.  The original poster, specifically stated that she had a hard time covering the lore of this world, and a dedication to her character on XI.  Conversely to my own statements,  

Some points:

Atomos in XI are dead.  At the end of the 4th expansion, it states that the Atomos of both timelines, sent to watch over the happenings of each world by Cait Sith (empowered by Altana herself), and judge them accordingly, is now dead and frozen.  So post that time, it was impossible to travel through the Void using an Atomos, as when the Atomos deemed the two simultaneous timelines as unworthy of keeping, it tried to swallow them both, thus effectively overwhelming itself, causing self-destruction.  Basically you did not come over through a Cavernous Maw, unless you went through one pre-Wings of the Goddess.  Further more, there is no evidence, nor is it ever said that other than being a "Voidsent" that the Threshold which the Atomos and it's Cavernous Maws are connected to, is the Void, or leads to the Void.

Another point which some have brought forth as a means of travel between worlds, are the Swirling Vortexes located in Valkrum Dunes and Qufim Island.  These do not transport you through the void into other dimensions.  They have set destinations, as do the other swirling vortexes, namely: Lufaise Meadows, Misareaux Coast, and Apollyon.  These are parts of the Emptiness...the Epmtiness is not the Void, it is the manifested will of Promathia, slowly destroying existence.  Hence, you did not take a swirling vortex to Eorzea.

And so on and so forth, on and on, until you have nothing left to propel you into this world except for the sheer magnitude of brilliance, strength, and will which are contained within Shantotto herself, thus propelling you to major characters status, and therefor justifying your transport into the world of XIV from another FF...good luck with that as I said, that kind of character creation is basically void of creativity, or an interest in truly being part of this community (flawed or not).  This all leads back to what I was saying, just don't bother.  There is no evidence of "Ooops, I have fallen into a wormhole and ended up in this strange land called Eorzea, herpderp!", there is so far only evidence of, "Oh look, I am a major player where I come from, the will of the Void, the will of the Crystals, the will of whatever god/goddess or otherwise, has chosen me to travel through a portal to interact, and have an affect on the world of Eorzea." or "I am Shantotto, I have in my great power ad brilliance, made a gateway here to affect the world of Eorzea, causing the rise of a nation and consequently a Calamity.  As well as creating one of the most powerful weapons in existence, and teaching ever greater forces to the mages of this world."

So if you are willing to allow your characters to fall into these categories, go ahead.  There is little else to support some random character of lesser importance falling through a portal into another FF world.  Besides mostly the desire of either a person unwilling to learn the lore of the world that the community loves, or a selfish interest in only continuing their character from before, without taking into account others.

Alright I'm going to have to put my foot down on this nonsense. This is my thread, and I'm going to report it so that this crap ends right here and now. You seem to forget that not only were there Wings of the Goddess Cavernous Maws, but there were ACTIVE MAWS in the form of the Abyssea add-on scenarios. These maws were very much alive, and as you can plainly see in Crystal Tower, there are Atomos' there. 

I'm not trying to defend my statement, even I saw the writing on the wall a long time ago that it'd be a bad idea, but don't knock something out of the way before exploring every possible avenue. I've already learned a great deal of the lore in FFXIV, from the reign  of Emperor Xande, to making speculations on these warriors of darkness, to even the fact of the spell Flow, I take my time and read as much as I can. When someone says I am uncreative, I take that as a slap to the face, and I do not appreciate that at all. 

The reason I asked about my character coming over from FFXI in the first place, was not out of laziness of wanting to learn the lore, or to be a special snowflake, but because I loved my character from FFXI, she was a member of the immortals, and had a huge story culminating over 5 years of RP on FFXI. I would take that mantle up in a heartbeat if there was a way to, even if she lost all of her abilities as a blue mage (Which would have to be the case since BLU won't be coming to FFXIV as far as I am aware.)

I'm going to be reporting this thread so that the moderators can dispose of it as they wish, and if anyone here has any problems with my thoughts I have put down, take it to PM and keep it out of here. This thread was answered on page 1, there is no point to continue it now.

EDIT: Also I continued reading through your post Momo, and think for a moment. If I am being selfish for wanting to play a character that I want to play, are you any different because you're playing a character you want to play yet you say I can't? Think about it, because life is a two way street buddy, you can ignore it and move on.

It's not that hard to think of minor characters doing awesome things (Looking at you Stark Jegan Pilot from Gundam Unicorn, you sir were a badass and nearly beat Marida Cruz in that one episode.) and it's even more common that an innocent bystsander would get caught up in some form of accident. In fact, it happens every day in reality, by that I mean having random accidents.

Unless you can prove to me without a shadow of a doubt that it would be IMPOSSIBLE 100% to dimension hop via getting sucked into a Cavernous Maw (Which I am not supporting myself because in RP it'd be a bad idea and no one would really want anything to do with me or think I was ICly crazy.)

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Momo - 11-17-2015

(((All of the below is in reply to the post before Melphina's, which wasn't posted when I started typing, but in reply to Melphina, you specifically said in your post that you "didn't have time" to get through the lore of the game, though it seems you are well read and thought out. I don't think you specifically un-creative, but I do think the idea of world hopping into an RP community as such in every incarnation, and so don't take my thoughts on "those who posts these threads." to heart, as I am speaking of my experiences, rather than you in particular, and how those experiences shaped my opinion of "Just no please.". )))

I actually never use the term special snowflake, that is the first time I have ever used it on these forums, or even in my personal thoughts.  I am not unreasonable at all, forcing my ideas on others, I am stating my opinion with sound arguments in reply to some of the nonsense I have had to listen to over the years of being on this site, and in this community.  I am not just making things up and generalizing, I am looking at the sort of people that make these threads, and looking at the sorts of arguments against what I view as beyond the reasonable content of the community, from first hand, not from random thoughts.
Over the years, there has been an unceasing flow of people who want to not only just have their way with their not just "a little special or different" characters, but extraordinary characters, designed to the enjoyment of that RPer alone.  Sure, some of you think "Yes, why not, could be fun?  Could be fun to imagine this person is crazy, could be fun to let them play out this nonsense story-line, could be fun to imagine they are crazy, or playing a game, or god knows what else just because they should be allowed to", but what is really being said is, that even though we value our community, we should just let someone trample all over it by doing whatever they please.  By allowing someone the rudeness of just coming into a generally fun and pre-established community while making whatever character they want, we are saying to prospective members of the community, and veteran ones alike: "Hey it is okay to just do whatever you want and ignore the rest of us, as long as someone RPs with you, who am I to say no?".

Okay...sure.  We will go with that, we will go with the fact that someone else gets to be rude to those around them by being totally ignorant of the norms of the community which allow most of us to have fun in an environment without worry of crazy randoms the internet often throws out and into MMOs, but to any of us who want just say, "No, please don't do that, because the community isn't just you, it is all of us, and we may have to RP with you at some point, and would prefer you had a character that wasn't so far-fetched as to be completely annoying and awkward to the point of ruining the enjoyment of others around them."  we are out to ruin fun.

Guess what?  I say NO, we aren't ruining other people's fun, we are trying to have fun ourselves, and we are trying to uphold some of the scant norms of the community so that when we all get together from time to time, there isn't this glaring black-hole of stress at having to ignore, and being ignored in a social situation with creative little souls we work very hard on to protect and grow.  Let me come at you from the prospective of the actual person I am, rather than the person you believe me to be, shall I?

As I said before, and this is in no way a popular opinion: Magi of all types should be allowed to play their roles as their characters.  Someone wants to be a white mage?  Let them!  Elementals cannot control succor, they cannot take all the teaching away literally, and they tried to leave no trace of them before, but the practices still remain in some places, so I say, "Let them eat cake!", but less accidentally hypocritically, and more literally.  Be a white mage, find a soul stone lost from the time of Amdapor, learn the ancient arts that brought about a Calamity, because you know what?  Not every white mage was that powerful, not every single one was out to abuse their strength, and not every person is going to come along and claim all-powerful white mageness to themselves, because they know, that there are other people in this community who would like to play with them without having to jump through hoops for a conversation or adventure.

Wanna be a black mage?  Please do!  Mhach was one of the greatest civilizations to ever grace Eorzea.  They were strong, ruthless, and their power unmatched at the time, and the Void Ark flies free!  Somewhere, at some time, a black mage soulstone other than the singular Gem of Shatotto has been dropped, has been left behind by its dying master, only to be picked up again, thought nothing of, or sold as a precious artifact on the blackmarket, or hell, is still somewhere in the many ruins of the nations which rose out of it!  Please do, it isn't popular, but guess what: It has actual precedence in the game!  We know of the warrior of light being one right now of course, but the many jobs we have seen, some of them aren't hidden behind the gate the community builds around the lore of those jobs, and as we know much more about things than we might, things that we know that carry over into other jobs, we know that it is possible to have more than one soulstone per job, it is possible that anyone skilled enough could create one, and while not as likely, there are still more than three instances of it happening in the game and lore other than that of the WoL, so do it!

Approach with caution, these are jobs which aren't popular, but I think are well within the lore to do.  You don't have to be a Thaumaturge forever, or a Conurer for the rest of your character life never to advance, because minimalism will win the day now, but at the start of the community, it wasn't like that at all, and I am sure sometime down the road, these jobs will likely become more widespread in the community.  Hey, some of those claimed minimalists, have characters so grandiose and nonsensical, that I can barely even hear them talk about the character, much less RP with them, so don't let them tell you that you can't be a powerful mage, work for it, work up to it, be creative and do it!

See all that up there?  Those are just a couple of my actual opinions on things, rather than me just being a person who generally crushes the hopes of all creativity.  I am not like that, there are people here who are, but that isn't what I am asking.  I have lots more opinions that are similarly "unpopular", and in reality, because of many of my opinions, I don't consider myself to be a very popular part of this community, but that is okay, because I am not afraid to share my opinion whether people think it is PC of whatever.  I will be the first to tell you that this community has changed, and not always for the better, but I am not trying to "retake it for freedom!" or what have you, I am doing my thing and hoping to be a no-nonsense sort as I do so.  I am asking people to very specifically:

1. Be actually creative, don't say, "Hey I am doing something new, that is creative!"  but tell yourself, "Hey, I love this character, this character has worth and meaning, now how can I genuinely bring that worth and meaning into another world, so that I can share that with others while still actually playing with them, and not in a majority against them?"

2. Call on your sense of sharing the community, don't act like a victim because nearly every person asks, why do something like this when you can literally do a thousand other, genuinely shareable and interesting ideas without making the rest of us bend over backwards to include you?  Just want to be with us, want to be a part of the community, and want your character to function with a variety of people, and not just "some that accept you", because you are cutting us off and yourself off, but blaming the rest of us who gave you perfectly good reasons not to do so, and plenty of space with which to build on.

3. Don't generalize others opinions so that it gives just cause to do whatever you want.  RPing isn't about doing "whatever you want", none of the lasting characters who have been with the community for years now, came here, to a Coalition of RPers, and said, "Hey, I am just going to do whatever I want, and screw you guys, I am freedom and liberty, and more nonsense like that!" No...just no, we didn't, we thought: "Oh hey, more people who love to do what I do, we should get together and colab on stories and have fun together!"  You aren't the nail which sticks out and gets hammered down, you are the child at the end of the row still trying to fit a square block into a round hole and refusing to see how others do things so that you can get the enjoyment of figuring this all out with us.

There is a much longer list around here somewhere, but those are a few of my thoughts pertaining to this particular discussion, so I will leave them at that.  Furthermore (yes really), forget the Atomos and Void, it isn't going to happen for you, you can't make "fetch" happen.  The Atomos no longer lives, it's Maws are inactive and permanently closed (Except Abyseean ones? Which still transferred you to a given place as far as I know.), and to be honest, whatever "mysteries" the world of XI or XIV holds for us, in both instances, these stories have been very clearly thought out.  Besides the three trans-dimensional mover and shakers, we have not one single other "normal" person who popped through, we do not have a single bit of flavor text that has ever been mentioned by any of the numerous NPCs which have lore bits so obscure as to point out nearly every other plot point outside of the MSQ, but apparently, they "forgot, or didn't pay any attention to" the admittedly big event of trans-dimensional travel...right, please keep that hope alive.   Also...each final fantasy is worked on by a team, there is no hivemind of creators in the FF world, where they all have a say, a boss (or a board of them likely) chooses a director for each game, they put together a team, and work on their own project, just because one person says somewhere down the line that "all the FF worlds are connected" doesn't mean that every single director or writer has to agree on that, and certainly, like many of the things in the cash shop, i.e. fantasia, and the like, this is an MMO...some things have to happen to help keep the game interesting and accessible, whether they are canon to the lore or not.  Lightning?  Gimmick. Iroha?  Gimmick.  Shantotto as I said (whether we assume her to be Shatotto or otherwise in our own heads (mine)), is one of the most powerful characters in XI, and her way of transportation is through a spell of her own design, so figuring you used the same spell, now we have to take you as an all-powerful mage strong enough to match Shantotto as well as a trans-dimensional traveler...hmmm, sure, that could be fun, would you like to be the WoL too? I see no one backing that claim.


If nothing else, one should take Shantotto/Shatotto as their precedence of what to do with their XI character...adapt them...

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Paradox - 11-17-2015

Meh. I had a long reply post written out, but considering it further,  it seems like you've already stated how you feel and nothing said will change that set of opinions. I'll simply agree with the OP in that the productive discussion is over and nothing more can be added to it. I'll only add that next time I suggest avoiding throwing around terms like 'void of creativity' or 'special snowflake', first time saying it or no, as there's a difference between not being PC, and being borderline condescending. And while it's hard to read tone in text, it came across far less like the former, and much more the latter.

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - LiadansWhisper - 11-17-2015

(11-17-2015, 12:50 AM)Melphina Wrote: I'm going to be reporting this thread so that the moderators can dispose of it as they wish, and if anyone here has any problems with my thoughts I have put down, take it to PM and keep it out of here. This thread was answered on page 1, there is no point to continue it now.

It um...it really doesn't work that way. Not trying to be a dick, but if you tell a group of opinionated people that they're not allowed to do something, it's kind of like telling your cat not to do something. Let me know how that works out for you. This is a discussion forum, and the discussion isn't in your control once you throw it out to the public.

Now, it's possible that the moderators may disagree, but there's a lot of corollary stuff that's ended up being discussed here. At any rate, you really don't have the power or authority to halt a discussion. Sorry.

...more to the topic, I think it's possible to do a trans-dimensional character, but it's kind of like playing a character with a mental illness or a disability - if where you came from is what defines your character, and is the entire focus of your character, it's pretty two-dimensional and probably a bad idea.

But, seriously, play whatever you want. Just understand that everyone's got opinions, and there may be some people who simply won't interact with you if/once they realize your character is literally from Vana'diel. YMMV.

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Maril - 11-17-2015

/modhat on

We seem to be straying a bit too far from the original intention of this thread, I'd like to encourage people to please stay on topic (Even though OP's question has pretty much been answered) and/or make a different thread for discussing the things that do not belong to this topic if you wish to discuss those things further.


/modhat off

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Oli! - 11-17-2015

Can't we just make a new thread for further speculation? The OP already stated earlier on that they're uncomfortable with this going any further in a thread that they created to ask a specific question.

There's no reason why more posting can't be done in a thread made specifically for this discussion, if the OP doesn't want it talked about in their thread anymore.

RE: Stupid Question: Vana'diel - Warren Castille - 11-17-2015

(11-17-2015, 09:04 AM)Oli! Wrote: Can't we just make a new thread for further speculation? The OP already stated earlier on that they're uncomfortable with this going any further in a thread that they created to ask a specific question.

There's no reason why more posting can't be done in a thread made specifically for this discussion, if the OP doesn't want it talked about in their thread anymore.

Sounds good to me.