Hydaelyn Role-Players
Closing Ranks [closed] - Printable Version

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RE: Closing Ranks [closed] - TheBlob - 05-28-2014

Andralyn stared at her for a long moment, her tongue moving over her teeth behind pursed lips.

How much to say.. what to say. Should she? Her mind raced, she was not cut from this cloth. Dealing with folks like Zhavi... she was in way over her head and this was just a runner. 

Damn him... 

She had to ask.

She ignored her question, "And if trouble finds you? If you end up on the wrong end of a spade in all your digging? Will you break Clove's word and turn on me to save your hide? Start digging on me to slip from a noose? What happens if you get cornered," she grinned almost proudly, "and they will corner you if you're not as good as Clove boasted... I need to know you're sincere in working for me, for your boy. In seeing that we..that he comes out of this unscathed."

RE: Closing Ranks [closed] - Zhavi - 05-28-2014

"If I get caught I'll double flip. So ye best prepare words fer me t'spew if it comes t'that. Not that it will, but if it puts yer heart at ease. . ." Zhi shrugged.

There was no guarantee. There was never a guarantee. Not with anyone.

At the end, when the chips were down, everyone was in it for themselves. If Thatcher didn't know how to protect herself from that, it wasn't Zhi's problem to correct.

RE: Closing Ranks [closed] - TheBlob - 05-28-2014

Her lips curled into grin and she nodded, lifting a shoulder nonchalantly, "My heart doesn't need to be put at ease, I need enough information to start hitting back, I just need to know you're capable of getting it. Clove makes friends too easily, Seems like he may be a mite upset if something happened, I really don't need consoling someone on my plate right now.

Keep digging and keep your head down, they don't seem to be interested in making deals. "

She offered her a smirk, moving her hand to her ear , "Set up a meeting. Something that doesn't require me to dress like this place smells."

"Was there anything else?"

RE: Closing Ranks [closed] - Zhavi - 05-29-2014

Zhi wasn't about to waste her breath in an attempt to protect her (admittedly niche) reputation, so she let Thatcher's comments pass. Either the woman would value what she had to offer, or she wouldn't. Nothing Zhi could do about it but do her job; that was the line of work she was in. The only time it mattered was when it came time for payments to be handed out -- Zhi did not let herself get gipped. Unless weapons were involved. Weapons pointed at her, that is, be they blades, fists, or books. Arcanists. She withheld a shudder. The bane of her existence, in more ways than one.

"Clove'd be fine. Always is," was what she did wind up saying, all unconcerned. She and Clove had no love lost for each other; it was something like mutual respect, but neither would be too put out if the other bit it tomorrow. "That's what I got. I'll be in touch more frequently. Me main concern is Jaded -- I'll let ye handle Coral's Parlor. Ahh," and here she smirked. Likely she was playing for drama with this last tidbit. Or not.

"They're based in Gridania. Likely if ye hit 'em there, hit 'em hard, they won't be so eager t'mess wi' ye here. They've a solid reputation there. Their owner, Madame Coral, well, ye might find that it weren't always th'case. Connect Jaquelle Voiriere t' Coral, and could be they won't have th'werewithal t'mess wi'ye in Limsa. Jes don't let her know 'twas yerself what spilled th'beans. Mebbe let it track back t'one of her Gridanian enemies. Me own two cents.

"If ye want me t'handle that, it'll cost ye extra. Otherwise, jes use yer own people t'spread some rumors of yer own. There's some in yer ranks what could be good wi'that."

Zhi touched her forefinger to an imaginary hat. "If that's all, fair winds t'ye, boss."

Okay, she was being deliberate. Definitely deliberate.

RE: Closing Ranks [closed] - TheBlob - 05-29-2014

Andralyn grinned as she tucked her hair and slipped out, a hand moving to her ear as she made her way back to the upper decks, meandering along the way.

"Oh Loverboy..." her voice was cheerful, an unusual sound these days, "I need a word with you."

RE: Closing Ranks [closed] - Melkire - 05-29-2014

Deep within the Hourglass, Osric Melkire sat back in his chair, dropping his papers to the desk as he plucked the vibrating little blue linkpearl - the one dotted with four black diamonds - off the wood and plopped it into one ear.

"Lady Grace," he replied, smiling at the timbre of her voice. "What can I do for you at this ungodly bell?"