Hydaelyn Role-Players
Girls Day Out - Printable Version

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RE: Girls Day Out - Martsia - 02-11-2015

"Mithril huh? Sounds pricey if you ask me...maybe when I'm a bit more...wealthy?" She said, looking away from the professors gaze. Why did he always seem to be glaring at people. When he mentioned that Ana was nearby she smiles and ran up to the other girl. 

"Ana! I didn't expect to see ye here!! Oh! Check out my new axe!" She beamed, holding it in front of her. She had to admit she'd been surprised with Jig's information about metals and such, but he probably used them for other weapons? It was at that point that she realized she didn't know a lot about him. What fighting style did he use? Was he really strong enough to protect Melody, or for Melody to feel safe around him? She snapped back to reality, looking back up at Ana expectantly.

RE: Girls Day Out - SM Nick - 02-11-2015

Sakura knocks on the Midnight Moogle's door leaving some cherry blossoms on the doorstep as she walks around the Mist, also leaving a note saying, "Hello fellow people! Please enjoy my blossoms!"

((Feel free to rope Sakura in lol))

RE: Girls Day Out - Jig - 02-12-2015

Glares at Martsia for a bit thinking...
Certainly this girl can quickly loose her attention. What did she wanted with him anyway? Think's he's no good for Melody or something? Well... certainly there was some truth in that but he tries his best. A little vote of confidence will do him good.

Wait... what?

Jigumundo searched for Melody in this ruckus. There she was. Being clever as always. 

This girl is so sweet. What the hell even happened at that Ball, anyway, making Jig so soft and polite all of sudden!? Jigumundo never really cared about anyone in his life without few exceptions from the past, but now? What's with this girl? Looking at her is making his legs tremble and heart beating faster. And this feeling up in the stomach... annoying.

What the hell is he even thinking about?! Bomb! Think about the bomb!

Jig groaned quietly as coming towards Melody.

"Any good?" - He asked and gazed upon Ana. - "Oh... Hello Miss... Ana, was it?."

RE: Girls Day Out - Melody - 02-13-2015

Melody traded the seller his payment for a finalized agreement and receipt of purchases. She rolled up the documents and added them to her satchel, feeling pleased with everything. 'Now just need to take care of Martsia's list...'

"Sorry about that, Ana." she notices the girl's new hat and sees her daydreaming about...something. Was that drool on her chin? "So...you're running some errands today too?" she tries to snap Ana out of whatever coma she's fallen into.

She turns to see Mar run over gushing about a shiny new axe and smiles, not understanding the geek talk behind it but pleased to see her so happy. She notices the Professor following Martsia at a walk, looking grumpy. They made eye contact and his look changed to something else...something that made her tummy flutter.

"Um..yes. Most of the food supplies are in order now. Did you find what you needed yet?" she answered his question, feeling awkward all of a sudden. She thought she felt her cheeks getting warm, but that might've just been her imagination.

"And yes, this is Ana. Don't tell me you forgot about the waitress training incident already?" she gets back to normal and teases him lightly.

All three Lalafells are looking at Ana now, two with eager attention and one with possibly some mild interest.

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RE: Girls Day Out - E'jusana - 02-14-2015

Ana was still dreaming when she heard several familiar voices and they all seemed to be directing questions towards her.

Ana blinked several times and shook her head a little to snap herself back to reality. She looked down to see the three lalafells all looking up at her and smiled not noticing the drool on her chin. "Oh! Most everyone is here it seems!" she beamed with delight to see her new friends looking excited to see her and bowed in greeting. She looked to Jig and then to Melody and inwardly smirked. It was cute how Jig and Melody never seem to be too far apart but still they had yet to announce they were officially dating. She was glad they all seemed so happy. "It's nice to see you again Mr. Jigumundo. Hello miss Martsia." she greeted with a happy chime.

"I'm just here picking up a few things to fix up that old garden out front. It's been quite an eye sore and it breaks my heart to see it being unused." she answered with a smile on her lips and in her eyes.

Ana looked to Martsia and the shimmering steel she held in her hand, "Another to add to your collection? What will you name this one, miss Martsia?"

RE: Girls Day Out - Martsia - 02-15-2015

Martsia beamed proudly and swung the axe around, placing it onto her back holster.

"Mordecai! Like all the others! Except this is better than the others! Except Mordecai number 8...he was a beauty! but I cracked it and had to get a new one!" She chattered on and on about axes and glanced past Ana, to a nearby stall selling food and heard her stomach grumbling. She hadn't had much food lately, so any and all food was tempting to her.

"ManI'mhungry..." she muttered.

RE: Girls Day Out - Jig - 02-16-2015

Glaring at people (expect being creepy) had its benefits. Jigumundo was able to notice things, ordinary man couldn't like... sudden changes in women emotions. He could hear even the slightest sigh.
Well... now he heard a growl from the depths of seven hells which was actually Martsia's stomach.

He reached for his pouch to offer some food to girls. Then he noticed something. Food stand was just next to alchemy reagents. Was gods just mocking him?



Distilled water!

Cinammon buns!

Bomb ash!





"Let's go grab something to eat..." - he sighed and took his coin pouch.

RE: Girls Day Out - SM Nick - 02-16-2015

Sakura and Solis are seen in the Lower Decks near the food stand, getting some groceries to bring back to their estate.

Solis: "Oh boy apples!"
Sakura: "Why are you so into apples now, Solis-san?"
Solis: "Blame Nik. His tastes are starting to rub off me. Now remember if you see a Lalafell, resist the urge to hug it. You might get hurt, and in the bad way."
Sakura: "Ah mou~ you're annoying Solis-san. I've been good so far right~?"

They get to the food stand to see there is only one apple remaining, and three Lalafells also got to the same food stand as the same time as them.

Solis: "Only one apple left? Agh I can't wait another sun for more!" [Thinking Gotta get this one before someone else takes it!]

Solis then tries to get the apple first before anyone else tries to, all the while Sakura trying to resist the urge to cuddle the three Lalafells silly.

((Want to start a comedic moment guys?? Solis trying to get the apple and Sakura trying not to strangle the Lalafells in hugs!))

RE: Girls Day Out - Melody - 02-17-2015

"Let's see..." Melody looks for the cheapest items the food stand had to offer. She still felt bad for the Professor's coin pouch. Apples seemed to be a good price. Only one left. "I'll take a dinner roll and this apple." She tells the seller and reaches for the last juicy fruit.

Hearing footsteps and voices growing louder and closer, she turned to see two strange Hyurs coming this direction. She cocks her head and looks at them oddly, not really hearing what they are talking about. She doesn't like the look of the girl Hyur. That one was eyeing her and her friends funny.

"Here you go, miss." the sell hands her the fresh steaming dinner roll on a small napkin. Melody turns away from the strangers with the roll and the apple and moves aside for Mar to make her order.

RE: Girls Day Out - SM Nick - 02-17-2015

Solis barely missed the apple, and it was taken by the Lalafell. With a comedic sad expression, he then asked the Lalafell as politely as he can be, which is not that polite.

Solis: "Um excuse me miss, I was here first and I was going to get that apple. May you perhaps..." He then reaches out his hand in a gesturing motion, wanting the Lalafell to give him the apple.

Meanwhile Sakura is hiding behind Solis, showing futile resistance to hug the extremely cute Lalafells. Quietly she says,

Sakura: "S-s-so c-c-cute...Just need....one hug....please...." Solis quickly slaps the sense into Sakura comedically (not seriously)

Solis, despite trying to be polite, is showing signs of anger, with an anger vein popping out of his head.

RE: Girls Day Out - E'jusana - 02-17-2015

Ana didn't like the way the male Hyur looked at Melody and stepped between them. "Can I help you, sir?" she said curtly looking him in the eye. "I hope you don't mean to bother my friend," she eyed him carefully then suddenly changed into a smile and picked up a sunny yellow fruit from the cart.

"If I may make a suggestion though, an apple is great but the honey lemon here is what you should want right now," she motioned to the fruit in her hand. "They are at the peak of perfection right at this very moment. Oh!" she crooned "and these look to have been freshly picked this morning!" She turned with an excited and expectant expression to see the vender give her an odd look and a nod before she continued "Most don't know but this type of lemon isn't native to Eorzea. However, the only place they grow here is in Bloodshore basking in the warm sun of Costa Del Sol. They say this specific species is so sweet you can eat them raw!"

She spoke with such excitement over seeing the honey lemon she forgot she was holding a large woven basket and almost hit everyone near her with it as she went on and on. She also forgot that the Hyur wanted an apple or that he meant to take the one in Melody's hand.

Not barely moving from her spot Ana tossed a few coins on the counter for the lemon and took a nice big bite. The juice dribbled on her chin as she moaned with utter delight. She chewed slowly with her eyes closed, savoring every moment of Costa's heaven brought to her and sighed happily.

RE: Girls Day Out - Martsia - 02-18-2015

Martsia practically drooled when Ana bit into the fruit...but that would come later. She stepped beside Melody and drew her new axe. Ana was busy eating, and while she had stepped in, one more vague threat couldn't hurt against these hooligans.

"I should hope ye aren't bein threatenin to me best lass are ye?" She said stepping into attack formation in front of her friend, next to Ana. "Because there ain't any tolerance get harassin me friend...so either take ye hand away from her...or lose it. She bought it fair an square." She practically growled. No one threatened, scared, scratched, or hurt Melody on her watch.

RE: Girls Day Out - Jig - 02-18-2015

Jigumundo sighed at the ridiculousness of this situation and stepepd towards food stand noticing some snacks being fruit slices on a stick covered in honey.

"No one's getting hurt today... believe me or not... I can't even bielieve I'm saying this..."

Jig tossed his entire coin pouch on the counter and pointed on previously spotted snacks.

"I want six of them..."

The Professor took some of them fruits-on-a-sticks and handled them to everyone.

"Here. Enjoy..."

His tone of voice being calm and yet resigned and cynical. Probably due to trying hard to be nice. He promised...

When he gave the snack to Sakura, Jig noticed her urge to cuddle him in her eyes.

"Don't you even think about it!" - Jigumundo furrowed with a slight threat in his voice.

RE: Girls Day Out - SM Nick - 02-18-2015

Sakura eventually could not resist the cuddle. She pushes Solis and Ana out of the way and moves for the Lalafells

Sakura: "Ah I can't take it! SOO CUUTEE~!"

She then proceeds to hug all three of the Lalafells in her bosom really hard, wiggling them around comedically like plush dolls, all the while saying stuff like "CUTE!" and "Kawaii~".

Solis then regains himself and tries to restrain Sakura into letting go of the Lalafells, all the while with a comedically scared expression on his face.

Solis: "Stop it stop it Sakura! Let them go now! [to the Lalas] Oh gods I'm so sorry you three she really LOVES Lalafells! [back to Sakura, now her wiggling him around to let go of her] Gods damn Sakura just let...them...GO!"

Sakura: "NO~please Solis-san! Just a bit more~!" She immediately tackles Solis into a nearby stand making him a bit dizzy.

RE: Girls Day Out - Melody - 02-20-2015

What was happening right now?

This thought was running through Melody's head as she was getting tossed around and squeezed much too tight.

Were they falling now? She lurched when the woman hugging them backwards tackled the man. All her food was getting crushed between her and the attacker.

"P-Please...let go.." she strained as her lungs emptied themselves of air. She wriggled around trying to break free, not really caring what parts of her captor's body she might be smooshed up against or kicking.