Hydaelyn Role-Players
Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Printable Version

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Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Verence - 02-10-2012

Someone say trolls?
[Image: skyj.png]

It just seemed appropriate, somehow.
Please ignore the unwitting sexual innuendo.

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Moltove - 02-10-2012

I don't think keeping us away from our home-server's discussions is a good idea, and while I haven't even been playing yet (waiting on a new motherboard to come in), I've had the unfortunate experience through other games to realize that, even in a designated RP server, it seems like the regular players are always against us. So I also want to say it won't matter.

But, I don't know the community in FF14 in general, and I don't know Besaid's community either, but I'm going to wager it's the same anti-RP jokes as it is everywhere else (if it comes up): Cyborz and Vampires and Vampire Cyborz. Wait, this game has cat-people, so Cyborz and Cat-people, and Cat-people Cyborz. So the general worry should be no different between servers, unless if the People of Besaid actually care/acknowledge the RPC's existence more than another.

Agreeing on a solid place for us to roam is important, but I think the ultimatum is your RP friends vs your non-RP friends. Check it: Guilds are going to stick together, either based on some server-wide discussion or internal discussion. The alternative is if there's any kind of announcement to find out the server names before the merge. Besaid will most likely be Besaid, in this instance and I'm confident in saying the server's population will mostly stay, while some will take advantage of the free transfer service. Considering that your non-RP friends are most likely in their own guild, they are going to follow their guild, and you will follow yours (or at least go with their/your general consensus of friends).

This makes things slightly complicated, especially without a designated RP server, and even worse because of SE's handle on this.

Apologies for using non-FF14 terms...replace 'guild' with...Linkshell...I think?

And as for my Vote...I still don't even know...It's crazy SE's handling a server merge like this and just not merging low-population servers either with medium ones or just each other, Either way, there will be complaints, but disheveling everyone who's comfy isn't the way to go. Because of this, I find this poll just and otherwise appropriate. This is unavoidable. We have to choose, and it's as complicated as picking a number 1-10

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Lior - 02-10-2012

Just wanted to put my two cents in (again):

I've noticed some people jumping the gun on forums and in-game, spreading two different kinds of information. One is that Besaid is 8esaid, and Server 8 is the option of choice. The other is that Server 9 is the RP server if nothing else comes out of SE, be it server names or an official server designation. I personally don't think anyone should be spreading any plans yet whatsoever, not until we've had some more time to see how this is going to turn out and what the rest of Besaid plans to do. Forum-goers are the minority in most cases, and so if word of mouth is already spreading that people should be going to one server or another, well...we're going to be left in a sticky situation if the final result ends up being something different.

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Lior - 02-10-2012

And just as soon as I post that, apparently the new plan is to go with "Option 2", wherein two worlds are merged together and people can elect to move elsewhere after the fact, thus negating most of this anyway Tongue

At least, it was posted JP-side...and that's strictly word-of-mouth as I can't read japanese and didn't bother to search for a link, but I'd expect a translation soon.

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Forra - 02-10-2012


Here, one Reinhart post link >.>

I'll hold off putting that in the first post, for now, since he's only 'seeing if it's possible'.

I must admit, however, it remains a flicker worrisome. If 'Option 2' happens and players are still going to be ejected from their servers and asked to pick again, there's a real possibility of being unable to rejoin Besaid.

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Lior - 02-10-2012

I was under the impression that Option 2 was something more along the lines of two servers land on server x by default, anyone who doesn't specify wanting to go elsewhere ends up on server x. In that way, those already on Besaid would have priority of remaining on the new server.

Still, it's SE so...who knows what will actually happen. Rolleyes

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Forra - 02-10-2012

I admit, I read people only being moved if their server closes or if they're asked to as a possible interpretation too, and it's very much my hope that that is the case.

I just can't be sure enough it isn't 'name the worlds but punt everyone' to not be really uncomfortable, still.

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Hayden - 02-10-2012

In lue of recent events, we might want to seriously consider going with 8. See, number 2 on our list is "if they name a server Besaid, go with it!" but what is in a name?

The COMMUNITY makes the server, and if we know a majority of them have chosen 8, maybe that us enough?

Just food for thought.

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - discarded_1 - 02-10-2012

With the new disturbance in the force, it's uncertain what will happen at this stage.

If SE does not auto-assign, it's looking more and more like the RP folks are doing a shift to World 9.

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Rhin - 02-10-2012

Some more people were able to gather more information this morning in regards to what's goin on, so for those who don't wanna dig through all the forums to find it here are the links.


Basically, DevTeam realized there's a lot of confusion/dissatisfaction in regards to the current plan (#4 in the above poll) and are trying to make alternatives work.

Tl:dr :

Option 1 - High population server is merged with Low population server (Server A + Server B = Server AB, straight merge, no transferring servers)

Option 2 - High population server is merged with Low population server, but people can choose to leave for any other server (Same as opt 1, but people can choose to go to Server Whatever)

Option 3 - High population server is merged with Low population server, but people can leave for a specified server if they want (Server A + Server B = Server AB, plus optional Server C)

Option 4 - Current plan - All servers nuked, entire game population chooses new server individually.

Then later this morning Bayohne posted a translation from Yoshi-P's direct input on the discussion


The current opinion is leaning heavily towards Option 2, they just need to re-evaluate the technical aspect of the details to make it happen. Likely this means that they need to figure which servers high population servers should be paired with which low population servers, and make a system that can balance out the load across all servers in case people do decide to switch around.

The only problem I'm concerned about is what'll happen if the new server can't handle the influx of RPers from other servers. Let's say the new home for the RPC becomes BesaidKarnak, but RPers from the other 16 servers who have heard the legends of the RPC of Besaid take the opportunity to join. BesaidKarnak's population could spike so hard that former Besaid residents who want to return could find their homeworld full...

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Gospel Gestalt - 02-10-2012

It's going to sound cruel... But no matter what way I look at this, some people are just going to get screwed over till 2.0 It's good that they're doing a revaluation on the matter but I won't hold my breath.

We got our options and we know what to do. Well, all we really can do is follow the chart we made and hope the server isn't "full"

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Kadika - 02-10-2012

Well, before reading the thread proper, i voted 8, due to the word of mouth 8esaid deal going on both ingame and on a few community forums i've visited.

Though 9 has Torn way ahead with the votes in this poll.

If however SE decide to go with their option 2, i don't have anything to worry about eh~? cept pestering my friends on other worlds to get their friends to come with them to us!

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Aysun - 02-10-2012

Guh I really hope they go with option 2. Then this won't be such a pain.

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Eva - 02-11-2012

I agree, Option 2 looks the best. This entire restructure seemed awfully convoluted from the get-go and I had hoped that the inevitable community push-back would urge them to reconsider.

If they keep with their plans to assplode everything and make us choose I think the previously mentioned plan is pretty solid: Designated RP server > Besaid > Server#9

I just went with the majority and voted #9 in the poll.

I play for the RP before anything else, and I'll go wherever the RPC decides, since that worked out quite well the last time. If much of the rest of the Besaid server is kind of following our lead, than I think that's wonderful!

Re: Which server ought RP'ers regroup on? [SERVER MERGE] - Selyne - 02-11-2012

As I've stated in the official forums, I'm hoping Yoshi-P goes with server merge option ②, and Besaid is pronounced the official RP server ahead of time. This will give current Besaid residents (and those who will be merged into the server) an informed decision of whether or not they wish to stay, plus give RPers on other servers a chance to come join us!

It would be a win-win for everyone.