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Canon RPers and You - Printable Version

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RE: Canon RPers and You - Kellach Woods - 09-18-2016

(09-18-2016, 05:41 AM)Dante Abigor Wrote: Edit: for a more extreme example of what I mean, imagine someone rping as Lightning. We know it's canon that she could be there, and she could be easily remade without it directly mucking up ffxiv because her story is done, so to speak. But how easy is that character to digest in a public rp setting? I think that more easily sums up what I was getting at if my points seemed unclear.

It doesn't directly muck up FFXIV but it mucks up FFXIII-2 and LR since the crossover event happens directly between that gap.

RE: Canon RPers and You - Lutra - 09-18-2016

I respect their decision to create their own fun in the way they want to do it, but I do not interact with them ICly or even want to be in the same areas where they are roleplaying. I am fine with them on an OOC level, but I am not the type of person to react in a starstruck manner when I see a "famous" NPC. I usually just go "hm" in my head, and carry on with whatever PvE thing I was doing. In fact, I've seen them so much since HW released I usually don't even react anymore?

Luckily, for me, it doesn't come up too much, as I don't participate in large server events for the most part. But for a person who does do a lot of public/walk-up RP, I could see a major NPC being there as a huge distraction for both me and the people I'm trying to connect with. That seems to be the most inconsiderate thing about them, in my opinion. You can individually choose to ignore or engage with them, which is fine, but if everyone else around you is suddenly in a tizzy ICly (or OOCly even), to use a phrase from my FC lexicon: RP is die. And that's not very fun.

So tl;dr: Private RP with famous canon NPCs among friends or other canon NPCs is okay with me entirely. Have fun! Showing up to public events as them is not so much.

RE: Canon RPers and You - Cecily Jisi - 09-18-2016

(09-16-2016, 07:27 PM)Enla Wrote:
(09-16-2016, 06:16 PM)Kellach Woods Wrote:
(09-16-2016, 06:07 PM)Virella Wrote:
(09-16-2016, 05:37 PM)Cecily Jisi Wrote: Yeah, definitely gotta say no on that. It's like when people RP on Facebook as Youtubers. It just feels weird.

People do that o_O?

Hoo boy.

Real People Fiction is a thing, a very terrifying thing. I've stumbled upon a few Jacksepticeye x Pewdiepie fanfictions. x_x

Oh it most definitely is. Hell, it's gotten to the point where I see OC versions of Youtubers. Found an account that was Markiplier as a deer. Or how about a Markiplier that's blue?! OR a Rock-type Markiplier. Like... if Markiplier was a Rock-type Pokemon.

RE: Canon RPers and You - Cailean Lockwood - 09-18-2016

I kinda see it as the same as playing the Warrior of Light. You are giving your character some priviledges that he/she shouldn't actually have. Like, as if you see yourself as being a more important character in the world's lore than everybody else, because you RP as one of the "main characters" of the current history.

I don't think that's cool.

However, I have the attitude that anyone can play anything they want to play! As long they don't expect everyone else to accept it, should they RP something like this. But if they have friends to RP with who accept their RP, then go for it!

I just personally don't like it.

RE: Canon RPers and You - Zelmanov - 09-18-2016

Nope nope nope nope. I will ignore a canon RP'er. I will not approach them, nor will I try to involve myself in a convo who is currently engaged with a canon RP'er. Likewise I hope the same courtesy is afforded to me. 

Granted I am in a weird spot because I am part of a roll system with campaigns that can oft include named characters (thought it tends to be avoided) but it is more akin to a DM NPC in a dungeons and dragons game. Which to me makes more sense. Also these events are private with willing participants.

Any Haurchefant at the quicksands is invisible to me.

RE: Canon RPers and You - Verad - 09-19-2016

(09-16-2016, 02:05 PM)Aegir Wrote: I think RPing with them is a lot of fun~ and it's cool when I see one around <3

Please, please follow up on this and explain further. As the thread has shown, the RPC is mostly of one mind towards canon RPers, and I'd like to hear more from people who do like them about the draw, as well as some of the more complicated elements like how they handle characters that are canonically dead.

RE: Canon RPers and You - Pascaleret - 09-19-2016

(09-19-2016, 10:21 PM)Verad Wrote:
(09-16-2016, 02:05 PM)Aegir Wrote: I think RPing with them is a lot of fun~ and it's cool when I see one around <3

Please, please follow up on this and explain further. As the thread has shown, the RPC is mostly of one mind towards canon RPers, and I'd like to hear more from people who do like them about the draw, as well as some of the more complicated elements like how they handle characters that are canonically dead.

In regards to the last part, I saw a member of the Heaven's Ward RPing in the middle of the Quicksand last night. His search comment stated that he had been "raised from the aether" which might have something to do with why he was now an Au Ra Raen instead of an Elezen?

RE: Canon RPers and You - Valen - 09-20-2016

I've RP'd exactly one time with a canon RPer. It was during an event where my FC was hired by someone on their behalf to fulfill a task for them. All in all, the canon RPer didn't really do much other than show up at the end. Strangely enough, most of the issues came from the person acting on their behalf, and not the canon RPer themselves. Though the canon RPer seemed really inconsequential. They didn't detract from the RP, but they didn't really add much either. It was like they were just there to be there.

All in all, I wouldn't say it was a bad experience, but they left me and the rest of the FC with absolutely no desire to RP with a canon RPer again.

RE: Canon RPers and You - Solenne - 09-20-2016

I'll admit I don't quite get the appeal of playing an NPC, but clearly it's something many people enjoy. I definitely wouldn't want to mess up anyone's fun. 

I will not personally RP with people who play NPCs for a lot of the reasons other people have already outlined. I think the biggest of those reasons is the automatic power imbalance it creates between my character and the NPC. I have worked hard to develop each of my characters. Some of them are respected by other characters, and that's because they've had a chance to earn that respect through the months I've been playing them. But anyone can create an Aymeric, Haurchefant, etc. and automatically command the respect of the world (theoretically). I'm not okay with that. It doesn't seem fair. Because of this, I also won't go to public events where I might be forced into acknowledging or even RPing with NPC players. 

Again, I don't want to spoil anyone's fun. But I also want to be able to have fun myself, so I avoid NPC players (and politely ask them not to engage in RP with my characters if we're thrown together by chance).

RE: Canon RPers and You - Sylentmana - 09-20-2016

I generally don't engage with people who play as NPCs. Make your own character, I say.

RE: Canon RPers and You - Cecily Jisi - 09-20-2016

Last night, I was in a PotD run with someone who made their character to look exactly like Papalymo (was even named Papalymo). When I questioned them about it, they simply said they didn't RP, but just enjoyed messing around looking like them. It was actually kinda funny pretending that the real Scion member was with us (even though the player was in no way RPing).

But I kind of think a bit of an exception can be made with a canon RPer if, for example, the character was to make a minor "special guest appearance" sort of thing like... um... I dunno, say like "Our FC has been given a special mission by Ser Aymeric himself" and that RPer would be there just for the mission briefing? Something like that I guess.

RE: Canon RPers and You - FullmoonFeline - 09-20-2016

I've yet to RP with someone RPing as a canon NPC, but I used to RP as Rogue in a Twitter-based Marvel'verse RP, and I enjoyed it immensely. It was fun interacting with other Marvel characters and creating stories that suited headcanons we all had, etc. There was no pressure to build this amazing OC because the character's backstory, personality, etc already exist. 

I would have no issues RPing with a NPC, as long as they're still good roleplayers. Someone in this thread mentioned that we have no idea what SE has planned for NPCs, hence why they're NPCs, and that's true...but so? I'd LOVE to roleplay with a Thancred. xD We could easily say it was pre-ARR and just have fun with it. 

I also think it's cool when I see a NPC running around. Like how fun would it be to run a dungeon with Minfilia (actually that wouldn't be fun at all because I don't really like her haha)?

RE: Canon RPers and You - Gegenji - 09-20-2016

(09-20-2016, 02:51 PM)FullmoonFeline Wrote: Like how fun would it be to run a dungeon with Minfilia (actually that wouldn't be fun at all because I don't really like her haha)?
"You must needs pull faster. I have more errands to send the Warrior of Light on and I have a kidnapping plot RP I'm a big part of in half a bell."

RE: Canon RPers and You - Val - 09-20-2016

Personally, I tend to ignore them. I just don't see the point in RPing an NPC. If people want to write fanfiction and all of that, that's fine. As was mentioned earlier, I don't have to read fanfiction if I don't want to. If Val's hanging out in the Quicksand and Thancred or someone walks up behind him and thwaps him on the back of the head, he's forced to respond to that. I feel it's kind of egotistical to think that someone could write/assume everything about a character they never made up. There's just too many variables, many of which have already been listed here, that could come into play. Not only that, but while the RP may be personal headcanons, they're being written in a medium that everyone responds to things which are canon. If it was done somewhere else, privately, it wouldn't be such a big deal, and I don't mind people that do.

To be honest, I really just don't understand it. I write/RP because I enjoy making characters and throwing them at whatever the world has to offer them, often changing them in various, surprising ways. That's the fun in RP for me, you know? Looking back a few years after making a character and seeing where they've ended up, as well as the various events (some small, some large) that helped shape them on their path. I like seeing all of these new, unique characters and the uncertainty of what they are like and how they will react to things. When you see X canon character, you already know (at best) how they are going to act, or at worst, have to deal with someone that quite honestly plays them poorly.

RE: Canon RPers and You - Pip - 09-20-2016

(09-20-2016, 02:51 PM)FullmoonFeline Wrote: I also think it's cool when I see a NPC running around. Like how fun would it be to run a dungeon with Minfilia (actually that wouldn't be fun at all because I don't really like her haha)?

She is the tank by default, as all attacks seem to find their way her direction regardless of intent. Her DPS is a negative number. Her weapon is for materia melding demonstrations only. Her attack is oddly inflected shouts, "noO0O0oo.... oO!" Her support skill is an aoe brainwash that somehow convinces allies to go out of their way to protect, rescue, protect, and rescue her again because she is the All-Important, All-Valuable Special for.... reasons? (I may have a history of disdain for the Utterly-Important/Utterly-Useless Female anime trope.)

Even Tataru trained not one but two classes because she felt useless, despite being the administrator that keeps the Scions functioning from one day to the next as well as an adept information broker. Minfilia's response to the notion? 'Aw, that's cute, but why would someone do a thing like that?' Why indeed, Minfilia. Why indeed.

Not that I'd want to RP with a Tataru impersonator. #totesontopic