Hydaelyn Role-Players
Looking for lasting rp connections. - Printable Version

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RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - LandStander - 12-14-2013

(12-14-2013, 07:43 AM)Vysce the Lad Wrote: I agree with this. I often liked making an evil character on mmos... but I never get any action because everyones nice. I need a league of doom... y'know?

But if anyone wanted to form a group of big baddies, I'm totally down for that!
*cough* There is a bit of a Legion of Doom forming :3. I'll find you in game and poke you

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Gray - 03-31-2014

Just tossing this out.  I took some time off because of...stuff, but I am back now, and still looking for rp.  Sorry for disappearing from the topic.

I am no longer playing the same IC character. The avatar and name are the same, but he is a different person entirely, an deasier to get along with.

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Zhavi - 03-31-2014

What sort of character is he? Where does he frequent? Do you have a wiki entry on him? (quick search didn't turn one up for me, though I wouldn't put it past me to be typing it in wrong)

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Gray - 03-31-2014

He's a scholar at heart, and his main focus is archaeology, though he also has experience as a treasure/bounty/monster hunter.  He's got a calm personality.  No wiki.  I would like to do one soon, though.  As for where he frequents, anywhere, really.  As a researcher, he constantly travels to different places to follow leads and obtain information.  His hunter background also puts him on the road a lot.  He's used to long periods in uncomfortable areas and weather conditions.  I am trying not to close doors by sayin g"He only stays here and here and here" but basically, at the moment, he frequents various settlements, main cities included.

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Zhavi - 04-01-2014

Definitely do up a wiki. More information means more opportunities to strike someone's fancy. Though, I will say that it's always difficult to be at one end of the spectrum or the other; people tend to congregate at the middle of things. The one thing I can say is that even if you define yourself as being one step beyond hardcore, don't close yourself off to forming rp connections with those who do not class themselves the same way as you do. Rp has been a hobby of mine for years and years (though mostly through forums). I think in that aspect I can sympathize with you; on my main forum I experienced something similar (rp partners lost to family, kids, university, new job, etc), and I would sorta be stuck figuring out where to go from there. But, you know, the longer you stick with it, the more people you're willing to give a chance, the likelier you are to find someone who does match up with what you're looking for -- even if they don't classify themselves the same way. That and sometimes it's those people who can only log in a few times a week who turn out to be the most dedicated.

(also, maybe update the OP if anything has changed)

So, even though I'm not so much in game right now (too much restricting playtime irl), I still wish you the best and hope that you don't give up. Good luck!

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Haruka - 04-10-2014

I would definitely be interested in that! I'm all about immersion in Role-Playing, though I am still a bit green when it comes to RP.

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Entity - 04-12-2014

Until I can get my renewal fee to freaking work, I won't be able to come on the game right now (Haven't for several days now >.> ), BUT I do have a thread somewhere in RP thread list about what I'm currently on the lookout for. I have a friend of mine who's looking for other inspiring or active doctors/alchemists, and personally I am too because being a lone Alchemist can be tiring for one little lalafell! And if that doesn't strike you up, I have...3-4 other active alts I play IC, all with their own little stories. Like  I said I have a thread up somewhere that describes them fairly decently enough, but if you want a more comprehensive study of Emiiresa I have her wiki in my signature...currently working on Lydahn's Wiki since I will be using her more now since my stories with Emii and Lyda have progressed enough for me to use her IC now. =] But yeah, normally (When I'm NOT Having renewal problems) I'm usually on at least once a day, so you can count on me always being around unless something better than FFXIV comes or all my friends like, disappear on me, lol. But yeah, after I solve this renewing issue, I'm always up for RP! Big Grin And just to let you know, you can tell Emii's IC if she has glasses on. =]

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Haruka - 04-12-2014

Hey, I'm totally up for that, friend! Smile I try to stay IC all the time as well.

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Entity - 04-12-2014

(04-12-2014, 03:50 AM)Haruka Wrote: Hey, I'm totally up for that, friend! Smile I try to stay IC all the time as well.
You're in Gilgamesh though... D:

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Gray - 05-01-2014

It appears the interest in this topic has died out, and I left my FC last night so am currently entirely unconnected.  So I'll ask this.  Are there any rp linkshells that are actually used to find rp?  I've been through so many of them at this point, I can't remember them anymore, but they all have had the same problems for me.  They are one or all of the following:

Just another general chat channel where anyone who isn'ta big name is ignored, and said big names use channel to broadcast ic drama.

They're used only as a means for broadcasting when scheduled events are starting.

They are borderline inactive, offering only silence, or going silent when someone states they're seeking rp.

Basically, I'd like an environment where people can log in and check if anyone wants to rp, as opposed to a general chat that just broadcasts events starting.

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Gar - 05-01-2014

I read the first few posts and the last one, so I apologize if there was more in this thread that I'm not addressing... or something.

But I sympathize with your plight. For whatever reasons, it can be hard to find good, solid RP in the community. I don't think its really anyone's fault, just a circumstance.

I'm not 100% sure if my LS is what you are looking for, but I will offer it. My FC is a small RP group, and we're currently on the upswing of RPing more and having more IC stuff happening. Our OOC LS has us and a few friends and allies, and is used to find RP and dungeon buddies.

You're more than welcome to come RP with us and have fun. I'd love to have some more dedicated RPers around. But in either case, I do hope you find some people to connect with. They are out there, I promise, the search can just be a little work.

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Paradox Reality - 05-01-2014

Ifn you're still looking for interested parties, give me a shout! Screaming Fist is my main, but she's kinda got a lot on her plate recently. Maybe you can help my alt Rosalie Mondeux search for her roses? Lemme know!

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - dearie doe - 05-01-2014

I tend to stay in character all of the time, and I've finally made it onto the Balmung server! (It's been closed out for awhile...)
I'll be on quite often, on Eudalie N'aal, and I'm looking for RP connections too. Ihave to admit, I'm a bit disappointed that thus far, I haven't seen any open world roleplaying. I know there are linkshells floating around out there and free companies, but I can't seem to find anyone just... roleplaying. ;  ;

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Eva - 05-01-2014

I know I'm late to the party here too, and probably echoing similar sentiments already expressed, but I think it varies depending on the day and what's going on. Open world RP most certainly happens often on Balmung - usually I seem to see it when I'm stuck on my way to some other RP or event or otherwise caught up in something. I haven't actively sought it out yet, but one of these days I'll just be ambling along and find a way to participate.

Like most things there will be times when it's not happening for whatever reasons. The problem may be that you can't be everywhere at once, and it's possible the RP may be happening elsewhere. This is where having a network of linkpearls (even something OOC for RPers like Intermission) can be valuable in at least being able to pinpoint where something is happening so you can find an excuse for your character to be there.

The hotspots seem to be the taverns (I seldom see silence at the Quicksands), but the other day I ran by some group RPing out in Thanalan in /say - though they did all have the same FC tag so it might have been a company thing, which still shouldn't detract anyone from getting involved or at least asking OOC.

Without tooting our own horn too much (and since this thread kind of begets it and others are doing the same thing anyway), our company is also endeavoring to "get out there" more and interact outside of our headquarters, and I think many of us feel we've made lasting RP connections with each other - and are slowly and steadily recruiting new members. We have sort of repurposed ourselves once again (in large part due to the RP that has taken us to this point, so it's an in-character repurposing) and will be updating our post here soon to reflect these changes. But we generally RP with most anyone who will RP with us, not just those amongst our own ranks, and are looking to get involved with other companies and individuals as well.

I think it's fair to say that most everyone is looking for these same sort of lasting connections and folks they can RP with. Many among us have been involved with characters who have just sort of upped and vanished (often when another MMO comes along) and it's always tricky dealing with those voids when they come about, so I certainly sympathize.

RE: Looking for lasting rp connections. - Lucianna - 05-01-2014

Hey! I'm interested in building lasting RP connections! I made a similar thread earlier lol. Find me in game or send me a message and we can work something out x3