Hydaelyn Role-Players
Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Printable Version

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RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 04-17-2014

Arrogance of the young had always been a pain in K'yohko's side. Truly, it was nothing new to him and although it always annoyed him, he should have been used to it enough to ignore it. To call it the ignorance of the foolish youth and let it pass for nothing more. But for some reason, the arrogance of the outsider here now ran wrong against K'yohko. His felt his blood boil at the boy, who insinuated to know anything about their culture. As if he were one of them, as if he belonged here. Not only that, but K'yohko had never introduced himself as the Nunh. The boy was making rather grand assumptions, although this particular one was correct.

His brows furrowing down into an angry stare, K'yohko barred his fangs at Xha'li as he stepped forward again, meaning to push Xha'li back with physical force if the boy wouldn't move on his own.

"You are not welcome here." K'yohko repeated, every word an emphasized and angry hiss. His hand moved to grasp his sword tightly. "There are no elders to see you now. You are not welcome in this camp. I do not care were else you go, but you will not stay here."

K'yohko's courel snarled and feinted forward at one of Xha'li's chocobos. With a small but swift backwards motion of his hand, he signaled the other huntresses to the ready. A few of the huntresses tentatively grabbed their bows to the ready, others stepping back, but they still outnumbered Xha'li greatly.

K'iara looked to her sister, her ears flattening. An old injury? K'iara had been out when K'luha returned. They weren't very close, so she had only heard about it vaguely... But Zhumi was out of the tent quickly and K'iara grabbed another bag of supplies and hurried after her sister. The sight the greeted her was one of thick hostility in the air and she paused at the back of the huntresses and moved a hand to stop K'zhumi as well. If there was a fight going to break out, she didn't want Zhumi in the middle of it. She instead looked to her right where her brother, K'rahto stood. She pushed the sack of medical supplies at him and pulled her ax from her hip.

"Watch K'zhumi." She order at her brother harshly, her raspy voice sounding tense with the scene in front of them. K'iara took her place towards the front with the other huntresses whom were baring arms now. She twirled the axe in her arm and stared down at Xha'li with her burning blue eyes. She did not know what was happening, but if the outsider was posing a threat to her family, she did not need to know.

K'luha stirred faintly at Tahj's gesture. She felt better with the cool water on her face and the thick and crusted grime removed from at least her face. The elder woman faintly recognized there was a tension off to the side, but couldn't quite comprehend what was happening yet. Her attention instead remained on Tahj as her neice post of the goings on at camp.

"That's good, that's good... we always need more huntresses..." Luha smiled faintly, giving a small nod of her head. When Tahj suddenly mentioned her bindings, Luha thought for a moment. "Ah... right. I had almost forgotten. K'ile did it. Because I wouldn't stop getting up and getting hurt again. S'not my fault really..." Luha shrugged, as if the motion would remove the blame from her and shift it elsewhere.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Clover - 04-17-2014

K'rahto's unfriendly gaze turned into a surprised one as the scene became heated. He wasn't sure of what was going on, but their Nunh seemed suddenly ready to bite their new guest's head off. Was he a threat for the tribe? If so, why did K'ile and K'luha allow him to come with them?

In such confusing and alarming thoughts he was that he didn't even notice his two sisters' presence. A small gasp of surprise escaped his throat when one of them, K'iara, abruptly caught his attention with a sack of supplies. He grabbed it the best he could, before he could finally turn his questioning, half irritated gaze towards her. K'iara simply ordered him to watch their other sister K'zhumi; then, she took a defensive position with the other huntresses, leaving her siblings behind. K'rahto frowned. Of course his sister would give him such a task. He was just the useless Tia, after all.

The boy only glanced at K'zhumi sideways, his expression back to his unfriendly self. Or in this case, his unfriendly, slightly humiliated, pride hurt self.


From her position, K'mih's closed hands moved near her mouth, shocked at how the scene had developed in a matter of seconds. She didn't join the other huntresses just yet, still confused. It wasn't like they needed help, for the guest was clearly outnumbered, and he didn't even have a weapon in his hands.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Izmina - 04-17-2014

K'zhumi's ears twitched back in irritation as her sister placed a hand on her to stop her from pushing through the crowd. Her mood soured further as she was passed off to their brother like a small child, she needed to see to her patient. Meeting her brother's unfriendly gaze with an equally displeased glare of her own, Zhumi wondered how long the males would posture out there and keep her from K'luha.

A slightly unsettling grin crossed Zhumi's face as she thought over her sister's orders to K'rahto. Watch me? He can watch me heal my patient. she grinned to her self and began working around behind the crowd of curious onlookers, not even looking around to see if her brother had noticed her move, assuming her would follow K'iara's instructions and come with her.

Furious at the percieved mistreatment of her aunt, K'tahjha reached for her right boot and pulled out her knife. Tail lashing and ears flattened, she began cutting K'luha loose from the board.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - K'nahli - 04-17-2014

K'nahli's ears twitched suddenly with anxiety as K'yohko gave the order for the huntresses to raise their arms in readiment. The harsh vibrancy of her maroon eyes glowed brightly like a flickering, morning campfire that contested Azeyma's overwhelming dominance as her gaze fell upon the large and unmovable silhouette that placed himself between the unfamiliar miqo'te and his family. The nunh's large shadow almost seemed to extend to infinity behind them as he stood alone before the outsider, defiant as he saw fit.

The young girl breathed a soft sigh to herself that sounded almost critical to his sudden behaviour, though her eyes would refuse to detach themselves from the scene before her. Her natural reaction begged her to walk away and give the silly scene no further merit by standing by as a spectator... but in truth, she didn't know. As her eyes slowly moved from one male to the other, observing every subtle hint of body language and facial expression from the pair, she grew less and less sure of herself. Less and less sure that she actually knew her father as well as she had thought.

("....would he..?")

Half a step was taken forward towards the towering form of her father as concern slowly took a firm hold over the young huntress's body. Should she intervene? Say something? Do something? Was this outsider even worth the trouble it might cause for her to do so? She was already on rough terms with her father as it stood. She hadn't even spoke to him properly since he last scolded her.

Still, she edged just a little closer every now and then... holding out hope that things would resolve themselves before she felt compelled to invade the scene... and also hoping that she would not come to her decision too late. K'yohko claimed the girl's final glance as she moved a little closer toward the front of the group once again. His defiance was not misplaced... though perhaps his aggression was. What was he capable of, the girl wondered?

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Xha'li Moui - 04-17-2014

Xha'li felt the tension in the air, but made to move to grab either the spear or crook he'd taken off of his chocobo and set with the rest of his gear, instead he stepped further away from his weapons and kept his hands visible, sounding mildly confused and with his ears partway back he looked K'yohko in the eyes and asked, "Did I say something to offend?  If so I offer my sincerest apologies, but as I said my chocobos are in condition to travel, and will need to rest until the night.  Keep  a watch on me if you wish, but I'm not going to risk my birds, nor do I wish to fight."

As Li spoke the chick that had been with him came up to him and chirped, grinning slightly at it as he scratched over its eye Li continued in a light friendly tone he used for soothing unruly chocobo, "I simply wished to learn more about the other side of my family."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Naunet - 04-17-2014

"Firedancer, explain this to us all!" The voice, ancient and rattly, strained to cut across the space from several yalms behind the huntresses. Its bearer, gripping a bone white walking stick that dug deep into the sand, lifted her wrinkled, drawn face to the standoff, and the wagon just beyond. The colorful wraps and bone beads swaddling her hunched body swung and clattered in a short gust of wind.

Back in the tent, K'deiki had not let K'ile Tia speak more than a few words before interrupting him with a sharp slap of her hand against the ground. So many had come to their sanctuary lately, with tales and excuses and pleas, and Elder K'deiki had had just about enough of these things. "Demonstrate to us a reason we should not cast all intruders back into the sand," she had said to him before exiting the tent with a speed perhaps surprising for her old age.

So now she stood, her worn ears swiveled back, straining to hear K'ile's footsteps behind her, while her pale eyes squinted through flurries of sand at the scene at the edge of their camp.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 04-17-2014

"If that's what you choose to do, then that's what you choose to do. I'm not going to defend the kid." K'ile Tia stood behind Elder K'deiki, his brow low over vexxed features, empty hands beside him, red-stoned bracelet still on his wrist. He hadn't expected them to make such a fuss over an outsider wandering into camp, especially one that arrived with family and just might be family. K'yohko looked like he hadn't been meditating enough or a vilekin had crawled into his pants.

His red tail flicking behind him, K'ile said, "If he is "K'zhuzu's kid, then he isn't that different from K'tahja: child of an outcast. You can treat him like an outsider if you want, but remember one of the main reasons we decided to relocate the tribe was to be closer to outsiders. So we could trade with them. If we don't want them in the camp anymore, we'll have a hard time trading."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Naunet - 04-18-2014

"We relocate for survival, firedancer," K'deiki sighed out, squinting at the blurry shapes ahead of her but unable to distinguish by sight who was friend and who was new. At least her nose had not failed her in her old age, and she caught the unfamiliar, earthy scents of the stranger almost immediately. "And you should know well our reluctance to accept even K'yohko's wayward daughter. But she is daughter of the nunh. This one..."

Her shoulders shook with a hacking cough, her frail body bowing forward. The reflex sent a shudder through her ribs, into her spine and down to the tip of her thinly furred tail. The spell lasted several seconds before she could recover herself and then she only said, "We have had too many visitors since you were last here, firedancer. Too many demanding change. Demanding forgiveness without regret, when they should have thought first to seek our support. My patience grows thin," and her body weary, she finished silently, bowing her head and trusting her nose to keep track of the stranger. K'zhuzu Tia's child. She wondered how many more outcasts were scattered from Azeyma's eye that they did not know of. She knew they could never replace the ones they had lost.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Clover - 04-18-2014

"O...oi! Zhumi!"

K'rahto's frown deepened when his sister started moving so carelessly, ignoring him. Hadn't she heard K'iara? Didn't she see the tension as some of the huntresses pointed their weapons to the single, unarmed stranger...?

...Alright, perhaps there was no reason for them to simply wait behind, as if the outsider posed a terrible danger for all of them. K'luha needed medical care as soon as possible, after all.

With a permanent annoyed expression, K'rahto followed his elder sister. "Don't just walk away without me, alright?"

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 04-19-2014

Although K'yohko did not formally recognize it in his head, the faint magical charge given by Xha'li's necklace was keeping him so close to the edge he very well might jump. Almost everytime something magical came into camp, it ended in loss and tragedy and pain. Although he felt that static charge, his attention was so honed into upon the intruder he could not recognize his own loathing of it.

Xha'li's attempts at diffusing K'yohko only made the Nunh more cautious. He did not trust the outsider, not even when he claimed to be family. What proof did he have that K'zhuzu was really his father? They vaguely looked alike, but it mattered not. K'zhuzu was not welcome back at the tribe, and more certainly his illegitamite brood were not.

"Your very exsistance is an offence." K'yohko snarled viciously, moving forward at Xha'li again. The boy was as stubborn as a babe. Did he not realized he was outmatched? Did he think his chocobos could save him? He knew nothing, and he was nothing but poison. Naught could catch his attention from the intruder, save for the elders themselves. And it should happen that an angry elder emergered from the tent scolding K'ile, who followed behind. K'yohko took note immediately of K'deiki's prescence, which only served to further his aggression. With an elder about, what proof did he have that Xha'li was not here to attack them? They were the anchorstones of the tribe's culture. And K'yohko would not allow them to be harmed. He snarled again at Xha'li and stepped forward, meaning to push Xha'li further away from the camp.

Noting K'yohko's aggression, his courel did the same. The great beast snarled and stalked forward at Xha'li's chocobos, as well as the intruder itself.

K'luha slumped over a bit more with every rope that Tahj cut. She was too used to being bound and too tired to sit herself upright. As she leaned further over, her hip began an agonizing pain. Luha let out a sharp cry before forcing her hands down to hold herself up.

"Hurts... ow...damnit..." Luha cursed at herself. She hated being tied down, but she hated the newfound pain from her release.

K'yohko noted the yelp, but his viciousness nor his eyes strayed from Xha'li. He was aware of K'zhumi sneaking around the back, but he did move to stop her or her brother.

K'iara looked to Luha as well, a bit startled at the yelp. Somehow an elder charging out of the tent being upset didn't really surprise her. Still, K'iara kept her axe up and ready. Her eyes moved to K'zhumi and she grumbled a little. It wasn't safe for her to be running out with a limp like that but... she left it up to K'rahto to keep Zhumi safe for now at least.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Xha'li Moui - 04-19-2014

Seeing the courel approach Li muttered a soft incantation to put the chick to sleep before whistling soft and moving back so K'yohko was not right in his face and he was between the courel and chocobos, it was then that he spotted the older woman with K'ile, his uncle, behind her.  As K'ile had said he'd be going to see the elders when they arrived, Li surmised that this older woman was one of them, bowing deeply towards he spoke is a respectful tone, "I greet you in peace honored elder."

While he spoke however he did not take his attention off the big cat, one of his ears twitching as it tracked the beasts movements.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 04-19-2014

"It's not fair to just reject people out-of-hand for being outsiders." K'ile remained behind K'deiki, speaking more to her than anyone else. His body was bowed forward, arms at his sides in open posture. He did his best to sound subservient. "There's nothing wrong with being cautious. But we're not afraid of him, are we? If he can't hurt us and isn't being rude then aren't we just being bullies?"

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Naunet - 04-19-2014

K'deiki tilted her head back, turning the deep lines of her face towards Azeyma's gaze, seeking silent guidance from the watcher, their guardian. The sun bore down bright and hot upon all of them alike, she thought, and would burn them all the same as well. Was this Azeyma's wisdom?

"K'yohko," she spoke, not looking away from the sky. Her withered hands twisted about her staff. "There has been enough trouble within our family for now. The strange comes to us with our missing. Perhaps there is a sign in that. We'll hear what he has to say."

The elder K'deiki would turn then, lowering her head, and begin to shuffle back the way she had come, though at a much slower pace. "Welcome him for now, and welcome our lost home."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Izmina - 04-19-2014

K'tahjha winced in sympathy as her aunt cried out from the pain in her hip. Slicing the last binds she carefully moved to lift K'luha's head and shoulders the small amount it took for her to slip under her aunt so she could cradle K'luha's head in her lap and help steady her hip. Her ears drooping apologetically Tahj murmured soothingly and stroked K'luha's hair and worked through a few of the tangles with her fingers.

K'zhumi sighed in relief as she finally reached the back of the wagon without incident. Climbing into the back with some effort due to her weak leg, Zhumi's ears flattened as she saw her patient for the first time, her sense of smell telling her more than her eyes that she must hurry. Kneeling beside K'luha, Zhumi frowned heavily as she noted the woman  was heavily dehydrated. Setting her book aside, she began pulling various herbs and powders from her bag and mixing them together. Taking note of K'tahjha for the first time, she handed the girl the vial ordering her to mix the contents thoroughly and looked back for her brother and the other bag of supplies.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 04-24-2014

Xha'li's refusal to walk away or back off did nothing but inspire more fury within the Nunh. So persistently these city cats came to spew their lies and poison. The boy's disrespect did nothing but mirror K'ile's similar disrespectful attitude; an attitude K'yohko would see abolished if it was the death of him. And it would, most likely, be the death of him. Too many things seemed to look at him with the intent of death. Too many enemies, too few left he trusted any longer. As Xha'li greeted K'deiki, K'yohko found a protective rage lashing out before he had time to think on it. All consuming and overwhelming, he outright roared at Xha'li and stepped between the city cat and K'deiki. His ears flattened and turned out with his rage that could not form words but only incomprehensible sound that filled the desert's vastness.

K'yohko's hate filled eyes of purple never left Xha'li's form, but his ears clearly heard K'ile. It had been a long time since anger and hatred had consumed him so fully. Every part of him wanted to lash out. To rip apart the boy in front of him and show him his fragility. But when K'deiki called to him, he found even the elder's wisdom could not reach him where his hate had taken him.

Finally he tore himself from the intruder's visage and turned on K'ile instead.

"The boy is arrogance and caustic." He hissed at K'ile, his eyes darting between the elder and the formerly missing fire dancer. "And you-" K'yohko roared again, turning on K'ile fully now. "would not be so eager to welcome outsiders either had you actually been here to seem the kill another one of ours." And from his hip where he kept few precious things in a small pouch, he pulled out an all too familiar bandana. It smelt still of K'ailia even though it had been weeks since she left. With the same anger, he threw it at K'ile and looked angrily in its direction. "K'ailia is dead because of them. And I would not see another outsider so soon after it happened. I will not entertain this outsider or your supposed kindness at him." K'yohko snarled and turned sharply on the sand. His anger burned hot in the air as he mounted his courel and whistled for it to ride.

"I will hunt for our returning family." K'yohko's courel stalked past the huntresses. K'yohko only too a short moment to meet eyes with K'nahli, a thin and stern look still smoldering on his face. "I will trust you, K'nahli, to see to it that this outsider does not cause more trouble when he is left alone."

As the tension turned to fury from K'yohko, K'iara could help but shirk back a little. She had never seen him this angry before. It was a little frightening. Did he have only two emotions? Apathy and anger? Her eyes drifted towards K'zhumi, K'rahto, K'luha, and Tahj. She could help but to subtly walk towards their directions as if to protect them from both the outsider and K'yohko. Part of her agreed when he said it, that it would be best for him to go hunt and cool his head.

K'luha found herself with her head placed in Tahj's lap. The younger girl somehow seemed to know how to soothe her pain by untangling her matted tresses. What would she do without Tahj? There was the sound of anger and yelling, a yell she knew from some time long ago. She strained her ears to listen in and heard only a few words of the conversation. Words she might have been better off not hearing.

"K'ailia is dead...?" Luha croaked almost immediately towards Tahj. Her eyes forced open and looked panickedly at her niece. "It's not true. Tell me it's not true." K'luha very nearly begged. Her hand weakly grasped back at her niece, her eyes looking at K'zhumi when she noted the healer tending to her.