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Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Printable Version

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RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Gharen - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 09:35 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: I got 16, then I decided that's too low, and Nat needs to be a Vampire, and also in a lesbian relationship with Nanamo.



I think you've broken the scale, this requires a new classification of sueness, McSue, Nat-sue?

Natsue... I suddenly feel the need to go get sushi.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - McBeefâ„¢ - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 09:39 PM)Gharen Wrote:
(08-29-2014, 09:35 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: I got 16, then I decided that's too low, and Nat needs to be a Vampire, and also in a lesbian relationship with Nanamo.



I think you've broken the scale, this requires a new classification of sueness, McSue, Nat-sue?

Natsue... I suddenly feel the need to go get sushi.


Oh... Natsue..

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - DreamedReality - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 09:39 PM)Gharen Wrote:
(08-29-2014, 09:35 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: I got 16, then I decided that's too low, and Nat needs to be a Vampire, and also in a lesbian relationship with Nanamo.



I think you've broken the scale, this requires a new classification of sueness, McSue, Nat-sue?

Natsue... I suddenly feel the need to go get sushi.
Sue Beef! It's what has you for dinner! And gets away with it with her high powered lesbian connections.  

Edit cuz Aysun has a point:

I also can't say one way or the other if anyone was in the 'wrong'.  Without seeing logs and seeing how things were presented and taken. Or see if it was just a clash of styles. And hopefully it'll be a point that is brought up sooner by the folks that backed out of the plot in the future so this doesn't happen again. Since it's a fairly relevant point to make for two opposing groups or individuals.

And I've also never heard of anyone distinguishing themselves as a 'combat' rper. But no, there is nothing wrong with adding combat into your RP. There is even a thread here in these forums discussing the various ways people incorporate combat and try to keep it fair. There have been several places I've seen tips being given to new folks wanting to join RP or start RP combat.

But I think you have the right of it. Trying to find others that are more in line with your own RP tastes. If they don't want any physical conflict ever in their RP then that's their choice I suppose. And I am sorry it took so long for them to tell you combat conflict wasn't something they'd do. Hope you manage to find others that are more in line with what you're looking for in your plot.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Aysun - 08-29-2014

Guys, I know you're all trying to just make light of things, but the manner in which you're doing it is kind of ehhhh...

The OP is airing her grievance, opted to edit her posts on your request (finally), and does have a good point as far as people being possibly discriminatory against an RP style (cuz dat ain't cool). Should just offer your advice or opinion if you have some and leave it at that rather than further derail her thread.

Honestly, the whole 'combat RPer' distinction I think is unnecessary. Without seeing logs, I can't say who I would think is in the right or wrong in your situation.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Jana - 08-29-2014

I got a 12 on the litmus test. I've been thinking of changing my character a bit though... She could stand to stand out a little more.

To answer the question in title of the thread, I think there are definitely some people who are leery of combat-based RP characters, largely because combat in RP can be difficult to enforce. I'm sure most everyone has run into SuperBatGoku characters by now.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Enteris - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 06:38 PM)LiveVoltage Wrote: We have to encourage people to be more open minded about different RP styles and groups.

Perhaps I'm looking into this a bit too much, but I have to disagree with this statement. It is not anyone's job here to encourage anyone to stay open minded, depending on your definition of open minded.

If, by open minded, you mean not going around griefing, or blatantly whispering someone that their rp is "dumb" and so forth and so on... then yes, I agree. To put it simply, explain to them that that is rude and unnecessary... then move on.

If, by open minded, you mean accepting all the RP types that exist out there and learning to cope with and intertwine your RP with theirs... then no, I disagree. That borders very closely on (may even push over the line) trying to force people to play your way. 

Example: (This will be an exaggerated case for a reason) Lets say you RP your character as a vampire. You then approach my character with the stereotypical "blah blah, I vant to suck your blood." It is not your place to attempt to force me to RP with you, should I choose to ignore your character. However, if I am an ass and tell you that your RP is dumb, etc. etc.... then by all means you should call me out and tell me I was rude, then move on.

I should not have to accept anyone else's RP simply because they feel their RP is good/right. If you want to RP a Harry Potter fanfic in the middle of Eorzea, more power to you, but don't act surprised if I end up ignoring your emotes.

Again, exaggerated examples, but the point still stands. "Encourage" is only a step away from "force"... I'd be careful with how you "encourage" people to be whatever your definition of open minded may be.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Val - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 06:35 PM)Verad Wrote:
(08-29-2014, 06:33 PM)LiveVoltage Wrote: Im not changing anything because this is an important issue that need's to be addressed. If someone called you're character a mary sue, without even knowing how you RP or what you're RP history was for that matter, you would get mad too.
No, I wouldn't. Why would I?

I'm just going to go ahead and agree with Verad here. If someone called Val or any of my characters a mary sue, I'd probably just shrug and laugh it off. I know they aren't, and honestly some random person's opinion in the internet isn't really going to grind my gears enough to make me angry.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Aya - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 10:29 PM)Val Wrote: I'm just going to go ahead and agree with Verad here. If someone called Val or any of my characters a mary sue, I'd probably just shrug and laugh it off. I know they aren't, and honestly some random person's opinion in the internet isn't really going to grind my gears enough to make me angry.
They'd better call Aya a Mary Sue! (Or an Aya Sue, I like that!)  If they don't I'll have to fight Verad for his crown!

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Faye - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 05:55 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: Almost everyone on this board does combat RP from time to time. So either

A: They're jerks

B: You're doing it in a jerky way

Not sure what else there is to say. If this is the first time it happened, maybe A, if it happens a lot, probably B.

This pretty much sums it up. But my personal thoughts: Obviously there's nothing wrong with doing combat RP--I think most of us do it from time to time, if not frequently. However, if you try to force combat RP on anyone, I could understand their annoyance. Not everyone likes combat RP, and no one likes having something forced on them. You can be the best combat RPer in the world, but that doesn't mean I always want to have my character fight yours.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Mr. Wolfdog - 08-29-2014

(08-29-2014, 09:53 PM)Aysun Wrote: Honestly, the whole 'combat RPer' distinction I think is unnecessary. Without seeing logs, I can't say who I would think is in the right or wrong in your situation.

This. I would have to wonder what scenario you had offered up and if you had written out how you wanted it to run. Could there have been something in there that they had taken to be Mary Sue-ish?

I still do not quite understand what a combat RPer would be having never seen the tag through the years, I really didn't understand the differentiation in the original explanation as talkers vs fighters. I know that some people back on City of Heroes had the requirement that their character be beaten in pvp for them to be beaten by a character in an IC fight, which Igenerally disliked as it tiered people in terms of in-game skill rather than character concept and execution. Is that what a combat RPer is? I imagine its not what you mean given that would be greeted more with a 'no' rather than Mary Sue accusations.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - ArmachiA - 08-29-2014

If someone calls my character a Mary Sue, which has yet to happen even when I did roll a Mary Sue in FFXI (I didn't know any better! It was my first MMO!) I would probably just ask them to explain why they think so, because it could be something as simple as "Well, my character has a lot of combat experience so they would obviously win" and THAT could be taken as a Mary Sue. Then talk it out so they either understand she's not a Mary Sue OR I understand how my character is coming across and tweak a few things.

Angry? Never. Criticism is the only way you know how to get better at something. If it's constructive, I'll have an entire conversation. If it's not, then I don't need their advice anyway.


On another note, I really hate when people see you chatting all the time ICy that people just assume that's -all- you do. Obviously most people here are probably involved in plotlines with political intrigue or mysterious secrets or Garleans or whatever that involves a lot of combat, but we just don't see it when were walking past taverns. I never assume when someone is constantly chatting up characters that they are just "Talking rpers" it's weird to think. All combat and plotlines are going to have downtime and some rpers have more time than others so during that downtime they are probably just chatting and hanging out. I have a few people in my FC who only appear for combat plotlines, they don't socialize at all as is their right, who I would consider "Combat RPers" but that certainly isn't the case for the majority of them - who have all gotten into combat scenarios then hung out in bars for days.

Armi scored a 7 BTW but I honestly think they didn't ask some questions that would give her a higher score. SO -I- would put her at 15-20 myself.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Fenrir - 08-30-2014

We didn't reject you for being a combat RPer.

We heard you out.  We were willing to work with you.  Everything seemed hunky-dory, we told you we'd prefer if we could avoid any combat because otherwise it's just six pissed off criminals against your lone character. You argued that because your character is a special serpent soldier they could fend off six people and walk it off.

I stopped you there.  I didn't do it in a good way.  I apologized for calling you a mary sue, and then explained that one of our friends had just gotten done dealing with a dragoon doing this sort of stuff, and that we've personally dealt with it before in the past (another dragoon..) so we'd rather just call it off.  I thought we ended on pretty amicable terms. 

I guess not.  Next time, however, feel free to contact me and we can talk it out, because I assure you we did not pull out because you're a combat RPer.

We obviously did it because you're a dragoon.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - Faye - 08-30-2014

And there it is.

RE: Is being a fighting RPer a turn off to other RPer's? - FreelanceWizard - 08-30-2014


Yeah. So, to prevent any further drama, I'm going to just go ahead and lock this. I think the underlying topic (the use and importance of combat RP) is relevant, but this thread is now about one post away from detonation.
