Hydaelyn Role-Players
Half naked! Oh no!! - Printable Version

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RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Edgar - 10-10-2014

Bitches be jealous of your body.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Kellach Woods - 10-10-2014

It makes more sense to show skin in Ul'dah due to, y'know, trying to dress to impress/seduce/etc. than in the actual desert, but hey I'm not about to start complaining about that since I wanted to run Coerthas in a bikini.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Nebbs - 10-10-2014

I do believe that people should wear and play what they want... However, throughout the MMO's I have played I have associated the ones with the least coverage as people to avoid. This is not a universal truth but my experience makes me wary.

Generally when doing walk by RP I would pick the ones in more normal modest attire. This also goes for flashy PvP & PvE gear. I suppose I look for character over gear.

Though hypocritically I have been known to get skimpy from time to time.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Zyrusticae - 10-10-2014

(10-10-2014, 09:54 PM)LiadansWhisper Wrote: Actually, wearing long, loose, light-colored clothing is cooler in a desert environment than going around with your skin exposed.  Which is why "tribal clothing" doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense.
This is why I wish cloaks were a thing. I can be all but naked underneath but that cloak will keep that nasty sunlight off of me.

At any rate, running around half-naked only makes sense in lightly forested areas, and even then it can be inconvenient if you have to deal with bramble patches and biting insects and all of that stuff. Well, okay, granted, unless you cover up everything those insects are going to get at you one way or another. The scratching is still an issue tho.

Outside of the desert, running around half-naked all the time can be seen as expression of pride, as in "I'm so damn tough, I don't need protection!" and such. Someone with muscles so built and skin so tough they can wade into a pile of thorns unscathed is pretty impressive, you have to admit (and is more likely in Eorzea thanks to aether and stuff). Still not very smart to go into battle like that, though.

Then again, glamours... yeah...

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - CrookedTarot - 10-11-2014

(10-10-2014, 05:21 PM)Zyrusticae Wrote: Funny, I wear "slut gear" all the time and I'm usually the most skilled player in the party.

Also I would refrain from using the phrase "slut gear" ever again, thank you very much. Some basic respect would be appreciated.

(10-10-2014, 03:17 PM)CrookedTarot Wrote: Isn't it possible, in a world like Eorzea that has a proud history of adventurers of all stripes, that seeing someone ANYONE walking around in metal-plated skivvies to be typical? Not just talking men or just women but in general. The game itself is part of a series where ridiculous clothing is the norm (see Kuja from FF IX who no one ever talks about in any game about how HE is dressed).

They still made up the culture in the first place. It's still possible for the fictional culture they created to be completely unbelievable and/or nonsensical. Not to mention at least some of it was because of development constraints (i.e. they can't be arsed to make dialogue specifically for players wearing that gear, or doing so would take up too much memory etc.).

I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to defend or explain away obviously sexist armor designs. The coliseum sets actually have a justification (i.e. both males and females are mostly naked) but stuff like the "magic bikini" are just dumb, period. It's an excuse to throw more straight male-oriented fanservice into the game. Now, I personally, don't mind if they do throw in that sort of fanservice, but I would appreciate some balance (that is, if you throw in a magic bikini you should be throwing in a magic speedo as well).

Ah I see so when I mention something involving bikinis it's wrong and sexist but it's not 'slut gear' if YOUR character wears it. Got it.

And that is not what I said, at all. I don't support sexist male fantasies. What my point is that this game, this setting, was created by two companies known for

A. Outlandish clothing
B. Scanty outfits that are not considered 'stand-out' in the culture of the world.

Meaning that we, the players should expect, in lore, to have nothing keeping us from dressing however we want so long as it isn't straight up smallclothes and be able to get away with it, in setting.

Whether other players feel this is right or wrong, I don't care. I enjoy seeing characters expressed through their clothing. I enjoy the mystery of it--is this person dressing like a stuffy knight but actually a relaxed man-about-town? Is this Lalafell REALLY a gladiator or is it a disguise? Is that Hyur in the bikini just a silly girl or actually an assassin. Clothes add just as much to a character as anything else, and with the introduction of glamours, no one has any reason to not dress how they want. Being told a person is 'sexist' or a 'perv' because of it is just as wrong as calling it 'slut gear'.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - LiadansWhisper - 10-11-2014

Hey Crooked...Zyrus was the one who had a problem with the word "slut gear" used at all.  He never used it.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Berrod Armstrong - 10-11-2014

[Image: gallery_1_6_4517600.gif]

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Unnamed Mercenary - 10-11-2014

(10-11-2014, 03:44 AM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: [Image: gallery_1_6_4517600.gif]

Excellent derailing there.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Iex - 10-11-2014

Just a random point of comment.

I see more distrust of 'Lightning/Snow' glamor than.... 'slut gear.'

Also, it is very often when people say slut gear they are referring to the sexualized armor sets present in all MMOs and in some MMOs equally shared between both genders. They are not referring to player who has created a set of glamor using the armors presented to them by the developers. If it is used as slant at all it is to the game developers for designing such gear. "Slutty" clothing in general is clothing designed to bring attention to areas of the body that are often sexualized by anyone. It does not matter who it is on, someone will find enjoyment of it. I am sure someone out there looks at someone wearing hiking boots and a full-body snowsuit and has some sort of sexual thrill out of it. (And thank-you RPC... now my browser history has me looking up the exact definitions of slut and slutty) Frankly, when referring to MMO gear no one is using the exact definition of 'slut' or even 'slutty.' If anything its 'use' is made to remark about absurdity of design rather than character, player, or even gender of the character.

I personally call some of my gear slut gear because I enjoy how it sexualizes my character... on maybe a deviant level. Do I ever call someone else's gear 'slut gear?' Only if they call it that first, means we both have an understanding by what we mean by it, otherwise I remark about how revealing it is. I also rarely make remark about the OOC character of the player based on the gear they choose... unless they are tank in all dps gear expecting me to heal them through a speed run pull. I am sure some people see my 'slut gear' and make some terrible assumptions about me as person or my character... some of which may very well be true.

ICly is an entirely different matter. If a character looks like a whore to another character that is an IC matter. I do not assume OOCly much of anything about someone's character based on what they wear, but rather how they RP or if they make note of the attire in a note. One of my characters, Vulgar Beast, will call some a whore if in his eyes they look like one, but Vulgar Beast's player makes no such actual assumptions as best he can. (I mean... sometimes you look at how the person has dressed their character and make your little guesses.)

As for the lack of balance between sexualized gear.... there is very little compared to other games. We don't have full plate armor that is just a metal thong and bra. Most of the 'medium' armor gear is identical between the genders save for the addition of more 'armor' to create a bra. The tricky thing is when you come to 'cloth' gear. The solution.. glamor away if it bothers you. I know quite a few male characters that glamor their gear to sexualized as much as possible. It isn't perfect even, but I honestly don't think it can ever be perfectly balanced, but the developers added ways within the art style of the game to achieve the look you want, be it 'slut gear/sexualized gear' or something more modest.

In the end how a character dresses often does little to define the character's roleplay or the player. It is an accent designed to demonstrate some trait of the character. How the character looks is based on the particular likings of the player and how they would see their character present themselves tot he world. Some characters are modest, some are timid, some are dashing and grand, some are sexual, some are proud of how they look, some are ashamed and conceal themselves as much they can, some pick fashion over function, some wouldn't leave the house without seven pockets and three knives strapped to their legs, and some... just don't give a damn what other characters think of how they look.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Zac Evans - 10-11-2014

I will continue to wear my Galerus and Subligar, and anyone who has a problem with it can move up past my dark tanlines and kiss the starkly contrasting, whitest part of my ass.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Aldotsk - 10-11-2014

(10-11-2014, 05:46 AM)Zac Evans Wrote:
I will continue to wear my Galerus and Subligar, and anyone who has a problem with it can move up past my dark tanlines and kiss the starkly contrasting, whitest part of my ass.

You are the best Hyur male "slut" there is, Zac. I think people should not be sensitive and follow your example.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - OttoVann - 10-11-2014

(10-11-2014, 01:12 PM)Aldotsk Wrote:
(10-11-2014, 05:46 AM)Zac Evans Wrote:
I will continue to wear my Galerus and Subligar, and anyone who has a problem with it can move up past my dark tanlines and kiss the starkly contrasting, whitest part of my ass.

You are the best Hyur male "slut" there is, Zac. I think people should not be sensitive and follow your example.

Wow hold the phone here.

How dare you forget me.

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - Aldotsk - 10-11-2014

(10-11-2014, 01:24 PM)OttoVann Wrote:
(10-11-2014, 01:12 PM)Aldotsk Wrote:
(10-11-2014, 05:46 AM)Zac Evans Wrote:
I will continue to wear my Galerus and Subligar, and anyone who has a problem with it can move up past my dark tanlines and kiss the starkly contrasting, whitest part of my ass.

You are the best Hyur male "slut" there is, Zac. I think people should not be sensitive and follow your example.

Wow hold the phone here.

How dare you forget me.

You don't wear speedos. Get outta here. You are half "slut"

RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - OttoVann - 10-11-2014

(10-11-2014, 01:28 PM)Aldotsk Wrote:
(10-11-2014, 01:24 PM)OttoVann Wrote:
(10-11-2014, 01:12 PM)Aldotsk Wrote:
(10-11-2014, 05:46 AM)Zac Evans Wrote:
I will continue to wear my Galerus and Subligar, and anyone who has a problem with it can move up past my dark tanlines and kiss the starkly contrasting, whitest part of my ass.

You are the best Hyur male "slut" there is, Zac. I think people should not be sensitive and follow your example.

Wow hold the phone here.

How dare you forget me.

You don't wear speedos. Get outta here. You are half "slut"


RE: Half naked! Oh no!! - OverlordOutpost - 10-12-2014

Quote:And that is not what I said, at all. I don't support sexist male fantasies. What my point is that this game, this setting, was created by two companies known forA. Outlandish clothing B. Scanty outfits that are not considered 'stand-out' in the culture of the world. Meaning that we, the players should expect, in lore, to have nothing keeping us from dressing however we want so long as it isn't straight up smallclothes and be able to get away with it, in setting.

This logic is wrong.

You're using non-universe, OOC information to determine in-universe IC information.  The company's past games and trends, which are incredibly varied and not just your A/B answers, are not relevant to the in-universe fashion or acceptability of outfits.  Neither is the use of festival gear; wearing a Freddy Kruger outfit is acceptable in Halloween, does that mean it's acceptable all the time?

To determine what's acceptable in-universe, ICly, one needs to look at the actual game and the NPCs in it.  What are the NPCs in your area wearing?  That's what's considered normal or acceptable.  

Can you go a little above or below that without batting an eye?  Yes.  Can you walk around in undies with a giant bobbling slime hat while doing business in the Quicksand and expect to be taken seriously?  No.