Hydaelyn Role-Players
Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Printable Version

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RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Naunet - 04-25-2014

The worn tip of K'deiki's staff sunk deep into the sand as she came to a halt several steps away from where she had only moments ago handed out her decision. She bowed her neck forward until her forehead rested against the pale, dry wood, breathed in K'yohko's sharp, furious scent, and let him speak his piece without reproach. She could understand his anger; she had felt it herself and knew at least one of the other elders would likely agree with him.
But K'deiki was tired of this negative energy draining her family.

"Do not hunt alone," she spoke after the nunh's words waned, though not his anger.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Twinflame - 04-25-2014

When K'yohko spun on him, the muscles in K'iles limbs snapped tight against his bones. His back straightened, eyes opened, tail shot out behind him and his chin lifted. Instinctively, he expected K'yohko to rush him, and he was ready to fight the Nunh if he was attacked. He was always read to fight K'yohko. The Nunh possessed a maddened heart, where reason only dwelt on the best of days. He was a cruel and powerful man, unbalanced. K'ile Tia's readiness to fight the man was as inextricable as his readiness to sleep at night, to awaken at morning, to close his eyes against sudden light. Before K'yohko could ever attack him, well before the time came, K'ile Tia would be read to fight back.

That time was not now. The bandanna in the sand was a familiar gesture, smelling of the girl that had foolishly gone ahead. It shifted in the wind and settled. The migrating sand tried to bury it, like a corpse. It reminded him of the trappings K'aijeen had left behind when she'd walked into the sands to die. Looking on the bandanna, listening to K'yohko's accusations, it felt familiar. It felt nostalgic. It felt...

Something turned inside the Tia's belly. Like a hibernating animal sloughing the mud from it emaciated body, something nauseous rolled over inside him. It made him sick.

It made him smile.

As K'yohko Nunh fled from confrontation with his own bitterness, K'ile's blue eyes slid in their sockets to watch him. From the shadowed veil beneath his red hair, as though from behind smoke and fire, K'ile peered at the monstrous man. His smile was small, and his head did not turn. His body remained still and his arms at his sides.

His tail flipping behind him twice, K'ile turned to K'deiki's back and spoke in a very small voice, like a hesitant breath, to keep his happiness out of his tone. The Tia instead sounded humble. "I have to the apologize to the Elders for being gone so long, and for mistakes I've made. I hope they can forgive me. We can make things right again if we all work together."

K'ile Tia's fingertips were numb. He felt like he had climbed a very great height up sheer rock -- so high that he had lost sight of the summit -- and just now found the utmost cliff, gripping it fast in shock. His hands curled into light fists. He smelt K'luha and K'tahjha on the wind, K'airos on the cart, but no sign of K'ailia or K'aijeen. It was like succulent blooms to his senses. It was like the morning air the instant before he began to dance.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Naunet - 04-25-2014

"We hope there is truth in your words, firedancer," K'deiki shook her head slightly and shifted her wiry, ratty tail beneath the many wrappings that obscured her body. Sand blew past her face, chafed her weathered nose, sunk into the crags of her features, and with one hand she tightened the cloth about her head. A defensive gesture.

"In all her wisdom, Azeyma still shines, and yet we all find ourselves wary of being burnt once more."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Izmina - 04-25-2014

K'tahjha's ears flattened at the sound of her very angry father outside, she hoped no one else would be hurt, but could not look out to see with her aunt's head cradled in her lap. She frowned as she caught a few words of the conversation drifting on the wind and hoped K'luha had not heard them. The immediate look of panic on the woman's face however told her the hope was futile.

Quickly shifting the vial of thick, noxious liquid she was stirring for the healer to her opposite hand, Tahj grasped her aunt's searching hand with her own and gave it a firm squeeze. "K'ailia was well and whole when she left camp."

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Clover - 04-25-2014

K'rahto didn't get on the carriage when his elder sister did. He just stood in the back, taking a look at what was found inside. K'luha didn't look right. He didn't know what the hell had happened to her, or how K'ile had allowed such a thing to happen, but it didn't look right. The boy's frown deepened. A Tia would always be a Tia, right? K'ile wasn't much better than him.

"K'zhumi!" K'rahto stretched his arm with the medical bag to her, eyes deadly serious. K'luha needed his sister's attention now, and this was everything he could do to help. Other than that, he'd have to wait and make sure that his sister and her patient were safe from the stranger, as if that miqo'te posed any real threat to the tribe's huntresses and even the Nunh himself. The Tia didn't trust him, of course not, but he very much doubted that the newcomer would stand a chance in this situation. Why did he even have to play the role of a bodyguard?

He diverted his gaze to the angry Nunh, paying more attention to studying him than to the scene itself. With darkened eyes he observed his expression, his movements, even the menacing way his voice sounded. K'yohko was unmistakably the Nunh; if K'rahto wanted to take his place someday, he'd need to become like him. Simply beating him in combat wouldn't be enough, though that was already a feat. He had to become the impressive and respected being K'yohko was.

With the same frozen expression, honey orbs moved sideways and stopped at the sigh of a certain huntress. K'nahli Yohko, the proud and arrogant archer who had rejected and treated him like an inferior being. She really was K'yohko's daughter. Had she been born male, she'd have been Nunh material with no effort. The mere thought didn't but deepen K'rahto's frown.


From her spot, K'mih's heart stopped at the mention of K'ailia's death. When...? How...? Her mind raced, and quickly remembered the linkpearl K'ailia had given her. If nothing was clarified, she'd have to call her dear sister to confirm her well being...

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - K'nahli - 04-25-2014

A wave of sheer relief had washed over K'nahli from the moment K'deiki and K'ile had both intervened. A soft sigh escaped past her tinted lips as she sought a momentary comfort from gazing into the sand that crunched and shifted beneath her feet. In truth, she was doubtful that she could have said anything that would have succeeded in even slightly pacifying the nunh's temper. He was a good man, no.. a great man..... one who sought only the best for his family.

The girl blinked slowly in thought.

But even so, he was still just another person to whom K'nahli had difficult expressing herself to. Her words, were she able to so much as even find them, would likely never reach him.

A few seconds had passed before she tilted her head upward to study him once again. Though she could clearly see his lips moving, she had now grown deaf to the entire exchange as she fell into an unknown world of her own. The aggression that sought to control him was clearer than any Sagolii sky as it rolled expressively through his every body movement to the point that it could almost be felt bubbling, fervently and deeply within his veins. His anger was an unusual concoction, an elixir created through the many secret and fermenting emotions that had long remained hidden beneath his stern yet unafflicted appearance. It seemed to be only now that the girl was realising the truth. At the heart of it all, he was still only miqo'te. Relied upon by many but seemingly leaning on no-one else in turn. K'mih had quietly been K'nahli's source of comfort since the days of the Calamity, a person to which she could reveal her more fragile side to when she had felt the need to, someone from whom she needn't shield her emotions in fear of ridicule or further heartache; but... who did K'yohko have?

The girl blinked slowly as she fell down into the depths of her own pressing thoughts. To the perceptive of those whom did not know the girl, she may have subtly hinted towards an expression of worry and even concern. It would not be a simple task to forget what K'mih had told her, she thought to herself as she bit the inside of her lower lip - but... K'yohko was not to blame for that. It was wrong and childish of her to turn her disapproval toward the situation on him when he, blind to what K'nahli herself had known, had done nothing to deserve it.
She would not lie to herself. She wanted to be able to talk to him, to say something that might help calm him down and soothe his mind - even if it was only a feeling born now out of her own guilt upon seeing him behave like this; but that, as she well knew, was not something that she had any affinity for. Her father was hurt, that much was obvious. Though his wounds lay a secret beyond what his flesh alone could betray, and despite everything, even this small feeling of familiarity and closeness that had presented itself in the form of his sudden anger, she felt that she could never help him.

She observed alone and in silence as the older tribekin continue to converse in a fashion that, had she been listening, would have proven to appeared more like a contest of spitting violently, contrasting opinions. Though the focus had moved away from the stranger and instead came to be a disagreement between K'yohko and the firedancer K'ile, it still carried with it it's own form of tension, though not one that would be found to be of any concern to K'nahli. The girl's expression softened into something akin to relief for a moment. In the end, K'yohko did not entirely submit to his emotions.

"I will trust you, K'nahli, to see to it that this outsider does not cause more trouble when he is left alone."

The mere mention of her name had caught the girl off-guard, sound suddenly returning to the world around her as her father's voice claimed her back into the realm. Maroon eyes - that had grown wide with surprise - traveled across the saffron sands on which they stood to meet with K'yohko's brief gaze. His mauve eyes were as sharp as ever as he requested, no, commanded her assistance with the matter of the outsider. The girl shifted uncomfortably on the spot at the mere thought of involving herself with the outsider's business. Had it been at any other time she likely would have immediately contested such a request and sought a more reasonable person to pass such an unfavourable duty on to. Though this time it felt very, very different. All that she could do was oblige.

A hesitant nod was the girl's only answer as her eyes fled to the corner's of her eyes as though trying to hide her obvious disdain for having been bestowed with such a mundane task. After a few seconds, her gaze once again sought out K'yohko's large form as it briskly departed from the group; alone. She continued to watch his large, muscular back as he hastily abandoned the scene, and hopefully his uncharacteristic anger, behind him.

Though his sudden request had stolen some of her attention away from her personal concerns, it still lingered stubbornly somewhere within the depths of her own thoughts.

What was this strange feeling tugging at her heart?

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Izmina - 04-25-2014

K'zhumi took the second bag from her brother and favored him with a small smile of gratitude, the expression was rare, as were the times she actually noticed her sullen brother unless they were argueing, but she quickly returned her attention to her patient.

Zhumi's ears flattened as she heard the yelling and her mood turned dark as she saw it's effect on her patient. Idiots! Stupid male posturing. she thought angrily,K'luha did not need the extra stress as sick as she was. Observing K'tahjha try to calm her aunt somewhat mollified Zhumi as well, perhaps the outsider wasn't useless after all. Catching K'luha's panicked gaze she smiled reasurringly and patted her arm, before reaching for the vial Tahj was holding. The liquid it contained was thick and unappetizing looking but as she held it for K'luha to drink she spoke sternly,"This will not taste good, but you must drink it all and keep it down. It will help absorb some of the toxins your body has been building up." 

Turning her attention to the second bag of supplies K'rahto had brought, she began sorting through the herbs and powders, when a sudden twinge in her leg protested the long kneeling on the hard floor of the wagon. Annoyed Zhumi raised her voice to any who could hear, now that it had fallen silent outside. "How am I supposed to work in this contraption? I need someone to carry this woman to the medical tent!"

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Xha'li Moui - 04-26-2014

Xha'li felt his ears fold back and tail fluff out as K'yhoko's anger became a burning presence in front of him, while with out even noticing it his left hand started to slip behind his back to grab the spear that was lying several yalms away next to his crook and bags.  With a sheepish grin he returned his arm to his side, but remained tense until K'yohko rode off, and was out of sight beyond the crowd surrounding him whereupon he breathed a sigh of relief and visibly relaxed.

"K'ailia's dead?  When did that happen?" Xha'li whispered softly as he bent down to move Fubuki back towards the other birds and finish setting up his camp for the night.

((Fubuki is the chocobo chick, got tired of always saying the chick, and since he's now been named IC I'm using it here even though ICly the chick won't be named for another moon or so after this))

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - K'nahli - 04-30-2014

K'nahli's long, slender ears flicked and twitched suddenly upon hear K'zhumi's agitated call for assistance. Having been engrossed in her own thoughts, she had completely forgotten about the injured K'luha who lay just out of sight in the back of the carriage. The shaman's harsh voice sliced through the air like a steel-tipped arrow aimed directly for the blue-haired huntress, as she would have had herself believe. It was a welcomed excuse. Perhaps with that, someone else could tend to the unsavoury introductions of the outsider.

Hastily, K'nahli turned away from the group; her powerful legs taking her toward the chocobo cart that lay just outside of the camp's borders with the quick strides of a jog. Numerous, soft clouds of saffron were kicked up into the air behind her, creating a faint trail that almost seemed to dance in the wind before being carried away by the gentle, rolling, desert breeze. As she drew closer to K'zhuzu's alleged son she couldn't help but to allow her eyes to flick toward him for a brief moment. A sharp glance passed over his form only to retreat away once again before she believed he would have felt her stare. Subtle and short-lived as it was, the girl was sizing the male up; determining his strength and potential should he be foolish enough to try and stir up trouble later on.

Just as quickly as her thoughts had turned to the male however, they had removed themselves from him once again, satisfied with her assessment, as she eagerly made her way toward the back of the carriage from where she would take her first glance inside and see K'luha for the first time since she had left the camp.


The girl's vibrant eyes immediately grew wide with shock upon beholding the feeble stranger who lay weakly on K'tahjha's lap. It was a very strange, almost unnerving sight to behold. The proud and independent K'luha - as K'nahli had always known her - had never been one to show weakness, and yet seeing her like this now was enough to make even K'nahli feel compelled with worry. The woman was in far worse shape than she could have imagined. The girl's maroon eyes refused to remove themselves from the sight before her, fixated and interrupted only by a few uncertain blinks as though she were verifying that her eyes were not deceiving her.
K'zhumi, quick to uphold her duties, had already made a start on helping K'luha in whatever way that she could, but even so, the wounded miqo'te was still clearly in a lot of pain. K'nahli remained idle on the spot as she hesitated for a second or two longer before she finally clambered into the carriage and placed herself alongside her pitiful aunt.

"Where does... it hurt?" the girl asked hesitantly as her eyes scanned across K'luha's fragile body, unsure of where to place her hands without causing further pain in the process. Did her pain extend beyond her hip? It didn't look like it but she certainly did not want to risk it.

With an injury like this, K'nahli remained unsure of how they could move her safely back into the camp by hand. Her countenance was unmistakably scrawled with total shell-shock as her glance moved from face to face, searching for proper instruction for what to do next.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Clover - 04-30-2014

"Stay out."

K'rahto's voice could be heard behind K'nahli, cold and even aggressive. The tense circumstances were added to his already unfriendly nature, making him curter than the habitual. He climbed the carriage as well, looking at an injured K'luha with a permanent frown.

"I'll take her."

It wasn't just that he was sick of the huntresses treating him like an useless Tia. He was truly concerned about the injured woman.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - K'nahli - 04-30-2014

K'nahli passed her glance back toward K'rahto, squinting her eyes slightly as he suddenly snarled at her. In truth she hadn't given much attention to anyone's presence other than the injured K'luha and their shaman, K'zhumi, whom tended to her. Regardless, her expression remained adamant with worry; absent, too, of her usual firey nature as she succeeded in suppressing it, even in spite of K'rahto's arrogant and icy demand.

"K'rahto..." her voice trailed off with uncertainty as her eyes briefly diverted toward K'luha's injury.

"Her hip might be broken. You cannot expect to carry her alone like that, you could easily hurt her.."

A slight waver in her voice revealed the lack of confidence that it carried with it, though it wasn't enough to deter the girl. Until someone else instructed otherwise, she would not bend to K'rahto's command.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Clover - 05-01-2014

The Tia's frown deepened.

"Do you want to leave her there, then? Of course it's going to hurt, but it must be done."

He stepped closer, making his intention to carry K'luha even more clear. All he needed was for K'nahli to step away.

"Move if you're not going to help."


As K'yohko walked away and the huntresses seemed to lower their weapons, the foreigner returned to his chocobos, willing to do as much as spending the night in their camp. From the distance, a pink haired miqo'te looked at him. She waited a bit to make sure that the situation had calmed down, before she decided to approach the male.

"Where did you come from?"

K'mih's voice sounded from behind the boy. She looked at him with curious and innocent eyes, hands crossed behind her back. There was no visible threat in her attitude.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - K'nahli - 05-01-2014

K'rahto's words made the girl flinch. A puzzled expression momentarily occupied her features as she studied him curiously. Why was he being so difficult? Had she done something to offend him? Silently she sought an answer, though regardless of what his reason may have been, it wouldn't have affected her reaction.

"Perhaps you should clean the eighteen summers' worth of sand out of your ears, tia. I was merely suggesting that you not risk unnecessary discomfort for her by insisting on doing it alone" K'nahli returned snidely as her eyes narrowed into more of a glare.

His snarky attitude was testing her temper quite carelessly and even her concern for K'luha would not be enough to keep her calm if he persisted the way he was. Maroon and amber waged a silent war against each other in that moment, neither of the two miqo'te having the humility to heed the others' words with any grace. They were very much alike in that sense, but their similarities were not seen positively in either case. It seemed to be that the pair only saw eye-to-eye when they found need to exchange glares.

"..tell me what I must do..." K'nahli added eventually, trying to retreat from her approaching sense of anger and back to the issue at hand. Contempt, however, still burned fervently within her eyes.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Nauta Lyehga - 05-01-2014

The sands moved swiftly beneath him, and in a swift moment K'yohko and his courel had vanished alone into the sands. 'Do not hunt alone'. K'yohko would oblige her, only there was no one to join him in the hunt. He paused atop a sand dune far out and looked back to the small distant tribe. He saw what he was to them, what he must be, and lamented it.

K'ailia had been alive and well, but was she not now? Or did K'yohko mean...? K'luha felt her heart drop as the realization sunk in. Her daughter was gone. Maybe not dead but, dead to her. Dead to her family. It was almost as if she had committed suicide. After all, she chose this path. That way of life that brought her so far away. She found outsiders her new family, and to K'luha? K'luha had lost another child. She had given everything her spirit let her give to K'ailia. All of her worries and actions were for K'ailia. For her well being and saftey. To teach her and show her the beauty of the world and their way of life. Perhaps it was time for her to leave. Perhaps it was Azmeya's wisdom that she take her knowledge and skill elsewhere. But the Tweleve forbid, K'luha did not have the strength in her to accept her daughter's choice.

But what little she had not given away of herself, she would give to Tahj and K'ile. If they would accept it. It was how she had dealt with her son's death. And it would be how she dealt with K'ailia's.

Luha glanced up towards Zhumi and the unappeitizing looking vial. She looked briefly to Tahj, passified from her panaic and instead taking on an expression of pain and weariness again. She took the vial and quickly downed it. If it would help her, she would drink it. The taste was something between vomit and other things Luha would rather not admit she'd tasted. It made her nauseaous and considerably dizzy.

K'iara watched the scene nervously, stepping around the cart just a little ways away now. Her eyes drifted to the elder and her Uncle K'ile before turning back towards the cart. It was getting rather crowded over this way. But when K'zhumi shouted angrily to have someone carry Luha, she knew she could at least be of use. When K'nahli came over to the cart however, K'iara remained a few steps off for a moment, wondering what it was K'nahli would do..

Even in her naseusa and dizziness, Luha could recognize K'nahli's hair and voice. Although it took a few moments for her to recognize someone was even there in the first place.

"K'nahli?" Luha asked, reaching a hand up to rub at her eyes as if to clear them. Still, they were blurry and unfocused. Perhaps she was just exhausted. Still, she offered a smile at K'nahli's appearance. "K'nahli it's good to see you again." Luha paused at the quest of pain. Where did it hurt? Why, well, everywhere. Her body, her head, her heart, everything was hurting right now. But there was Tahj here, and she still had her family. K'nahli and K'zhumi and K'rahto were all proof that she had her family again.

Both Luha and K'iara looked to K'rahto when he demanded K'nahli stay out, and then that he would take her. K'luha looked a bit worried that the tiny tia was going to carry her, and K'iara looked peeved at her younger brother for being arrogant and rude. At least, K'iara had to think, K'nahli was a smart girl. A hip injury like this wasn't something K'rahto could carry alone without injurying Luha even more.

"Do I have a say in who carries me?" Luha mumbled, still rubbing at her eyes.

K'iara frowned and came up behind her brother, agitatedly reaching forward to pinch his ear. She oft pinched his ear to warn him when he was being rude or abbrassive.

"Don't be rude Rahto. Use the board she was laying on earlier so you don't' have to hurt her hip anymore than it already is." K'iara pointed out the board before looking to Zhumi. Hopefully that would maybe pacify Zhumi for a moment...? Because if Zhumi was going to whack K'nahli and K'rahto, K'iara was already prepared to duck.

RE: Searching The Sagolii(Looking for the K tribe) - Izmina - 05-01-2014

"That is quite enough!" if Zhumi's voice had been any louder it might have scared off the area wildlife. Ears flat and eyes flashing angrily, she spun to stare at the small gathering. "At least one of my siblings is capable of thinking." she smiled briefly at K'iara. "You may both help. Use the board so K'luha stays flat and her weight doesn't shift. " Glancing back at K'tahjha who was still cradeling her aunt's head, "You can help carry my things back to the medical tent.' Zhumi knelt by K'luha and placed a small leaf in her mouth,"Keep this under your tongue, no matter how careful those two are it will hurt. This herb will help."

K'tahjha sat quietly while everyone around her argued over who would carry her aunt, jumping as Zhumi began to yell. Finally it seemed settled and Tahj relaxed, slipping carefully out from under K'luha, she began to gather the supplies as Zhumi asked her.