Hydaelyn Role-Players
Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Printable Version

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RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Elyscia - 07-10-2014

Elyscia watched his chest puff out and quickly turned her head to the side to try and save herself an awkward look - her face felt warm again.

Tilting her head to the other side, her damp ear flopped down and dipped into the water and still kept her gaze averted from him, "D'ya ken what ah'm like, like? Ah saw ye fer like two suns or somethin'... Wells, ah'm 'ere wae me sist'r.. me boyfriend wis-like.. still try'na get 'em t'stop bloody hatin' ea'chother.." She mumbles and shrugs again, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

".. 'Sides.. y'smelled familiar. Ah sorta ken who y'were... Ah dunno. Ah wee bit's changed since y'last saw me. Folk've been helpin' me be ah wee bit braver.. 'n' ah've been learnin' t'fight fer mesel' so ah'm no' -tae- scared." The miqo'te smiles proudly to herself from how much she's grown-up and learned, and her body - well, her head since that's the only thing Warren could see - was slightly swaying and bobbing as her tail swished happily in the water behind her.

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Warren Castille - 07-10-2014

Warren noted her turn away and felt guilty. He only had an estimate of what was going on with her but he didn't mean to scare her. That's what he thought it was, anyway.

"We only worked together for a pair of days, but a lot happened in that time. I think so, anyway. I might not be too smart but I like to consider myself observant at the very least. I didn't realize I had a smell though..." He looked himself over selfconsciously then submerged deeper into the pool, up to his shoulders.

"You've been learning to fight?" He sounded pleasantly surprised. "I wouldn't have guessed it. Maybe I'm not as observant as I thought."

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Elyscia - 07-10-2014

A very un-ladylike snort which was also the sound of the miqo'te trying to suppress laughter, was pushed out when Elyscia saw the man sink down into the water until only his head was could be seen.. just like hers.

She just wasn't able to keep her laughter under-control as she burst out into little giggles and brought a hand up to cover half of her face, unable to look at him.

"S-sorry. G-gie me ah wee bit tae-..." her voice was shakey from the tittering.

"G-Gods, Mist'r Warden.." Finally calming down, the girl quickly dunked her face into the water and let out a 'hah' out of her system; her face was clearly beaming red and she still couldn't bring herself to look at him properly, feeling awkward and embarassed.

"U-uhmns, a-anyways... A-aye! Ah'm .. learnin' t'like.. fend fer mesel'.. Heh. Me boyfriend's teachin' me t'like.. -uhmn - use wee weapons. How t'like, throw folk 'round if they even try'n' touch me. That sorta shite."

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Unnamed Mercenary - 07-10-2014

As Kage left the room, he couldn't come to any other conclusion than "Eorzeans are weird". He'd know. Even if Frhanz wasn't exactly "average" among them, there were enough differences between Eorzean and Garlean culture to make his head spin.

Wasn't a name simply a title for something, including a person? He didn't really understand what Kage had meant by "he needed to be a person". Mumble to himself, "...I think I have a pretty define sense of self, even if I can't remember most of it." He could only hope that he'd get some other pieces of his life back.

Not wanting to have to explain being a Garlean to anyone else, he placed the glamour for his Garlean third eye back on, to hide it away. Natalie and Kage may know his secret, but the rest of Eorzea probably wouldn't take it as well. The two miqo'te did seem to even care, which he found odd.

Going to another room that was empty, he made use of aetherial garments once again, changing into some shorts Frhanz had left over. The entire idea of storing equipment, items, and clothing that way struck a heavy blow on his national pride, but he was willing to say Garlemald was behind the time on storage if he could keep the ability.

Once changed, he exited the room to look for Natalie and Kage. "Maybe now we'll get to enjoy those hot springs..."

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Warren Castille - 07-11-2014

The thought of the tiny miqo hip-throwing handsy roegadyn causes the highlander to crack a smile.

"I can see that working. It's an impressive art, using someone's momentum against them? I only know the basics myself, mostly so when people try to throw me into the sun I can know."

He splashed his face with the water, shaking his head and spraying droplets all about.

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Elyscia - 07-11-2014

"S'no' jus' that, Mist'r Warden.. s'like.. keepin' ah wee knife on me or somethin' 'n' all, like in me bootsies.. Ah don' wanna be all useless 'n' shite 'n' no' b'able t'help mesel' - ah'v had enough'ah that shite."

Watching him splash his hair about like a model made the childish miqo'te snicker again - the giggles wasn't entirely out of her system. How do you even wash dreads, anyway?

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Warren Castille - 07-11-2014

"I can respect that. I hope it works out for you, Miss Rose." He smiled at her genuinely, glad to see the girl had found something to fire herself up with. If not for the fact she kept laughing at him, he almost would have taken her for an older sister to the girl who was trembling at the sight of multiple people.

"You seem to be doing alright for yourself. That's good!" He pulled back the braids and set the braids over his shoulder. What kind of person has dreadlocks, anyway?

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Elyscia - 07-11-2014

Elyscia looked at his braids, and wondered how people braided their hair, and wondered how people washed their braids.

"Ah guess. Ah still feel like ah wee dumb lassie who kens fuck all but shite 'n' all that.. But wha'bout you? Ah mean, y'said y'still wear that big hunk'ah met'l 'n' stand 'round th'Quick Sand? How's Miss Momodi?"

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Warren Castille - 07-11-2014

"Of course I do. It's not here because I didn't think bathing in it would help any, but that's my job you know. I keep the peace! Momodi is doing quite fine, as ever. I think that woman's going to run the Quicksand forever.

"You're still young, you know. No one expects anyone to know everything by your age. Hells, I didn't straighten up and figure out what I wanted until I was well into adulthood. Don't sweat the details."

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Elyscia - 07-11-2014

Elyscia shakes her head, exclaiming, "Nay! Folk're s'posed t'figger their shite out 'n' ken whit they wanna b'doin' when they're well young! Ah ken wee lassies who're seein' their bloody fifteenth Summer 'n' can bloody fight bet'r than me, 'n' ken mare 'bout ah buncha other shite!"

Sighing out, she then considers to ask, "...When'd ya figger y'wanted t'dae all'ah this Pally shite, anyroad?"

The girl also considered something else; that they had been in the hot springs for quite a wee while, and she brought her hands up to her face to look at her fingers, which looked as wrinkly as a...-

..-all of a sudden, a small splash came in-between the miqo'te and the hyur: it was a beach ball. Of Eorzean standards. You know. It was shaped like an angry, orange bomb. It made Elyscia shit herself and gasp an almost-scream out.

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Warren Castille - 07-11-2014

Suddenly! A bomb! Warren sprung into action as the voidsent splashed down between them, lunging forward and uppercutting the thing into the stratosphere.

...that was a near-literal summary of events as the paladin's reflexes made him full-out attack a beach ball. The orange toy went spiraling into the air, becoming a much smaller dot as it sailed up and away.

"...hey! You big jerk! I was trying to play!" The ponytailed blonde from before was yelling at him from a distance. "Beachbomb, come baaa~aaaack!" She went traipsing after it and waving frantically.

Warren sank back into the pool up to his nose, mumbling on his way down.

"...was because of a girl." He looks away, eyes guilty.

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Elyscia - 07-11-2014

Gobsmacked. The miqo'te girl was completely gobsmacked by what had just happened, and how quick the large highlander's reflexes were that she actually felt sorry for the inaminate object that was offered to the Gods and launched towards the sun.

Thinking that his guilty mumbling was a mention to the pig-tailed blondie, Elyscia just shook her head wondering out loud, ".....What'f that wis ah wee Lala-folk canonballin' intae th'wat'r 'n' y'jus'... smacked 'im outta th'pool..?"

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Warren Castille - 07-11-2014

"Lalafell don't normally look like oversized Voidsent! I wouldn't have hit a person! I don't really do that." He snapped back, defensive and embarrassed. "It just... surprised me is all. Wasn't expecting a monster to attack during vacation..."

Warren folded his arms and pouted, still looking away.

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Elyscia - 07-11-2014

His snappy tone made the young miqo'te girl pout and frown; ears fell down to the side of her head, and she floated a few fulms back away from him.

"...Bloody Hells..." she mumbled. Noting that this grown man was acting like a child, though, with his pouting and folded arms and looking away like a little boy having a tantrum, Elyscia responded with what she felt was the most appropriate action.

With both her hands in the water and by her hips, she turned her palms to face him.. and with all her force she swung them upwards, and a torrent of water fell upon the man's head.

Elyscia narrowed her eyes at him in a mock-glare, the side of her mouth curled up mischievously.

RE: Onsen Omake (Semi-Open OOC Welcome) - Warren Castille - 07-11-2014

Warren didn't move a muscle at first, only blinking to shield his eyes before they darted towards the girl. His mouth curled into a slow smile, a wicked grin and he dunked himself, spreading his arms out just beneath the surface and then sending a wall of white water splashing across at his pool-mate.