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FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Printable Version

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RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Gideon Aryeh - 07-04-2013

(07-04-2013, 02:14 PM)CallmeYahweh Wrote: I've got to say, I thought I'd be a little weirded out by the idea of different Final Fantasys bleeding into ARR but I am surprisingly okay with it.

(07-04-2013, 07:29 PM)Mtoto Wamoto Wrote: FFXIV is SE's love letter to the entire series. We're gonna see a lot of cross overs from the other games and we're gonna have to deal with it.
 Personally while I am no fan of XIII I love seeing other things like Magitek armor, and even the black screen that says "Defeat such and such" before a super hard boss fight (that you are more than likely going to get your ass kicked on, ever notice when you get the normal transition screens in a boss fight its much easier than what I like to call the black screen of death boss fights? Am I the only one who noticed this from the series?).
I love the fan service!

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Ashren Dotharl - 07-04-2013

One thing to keep in mind is that this probably won't be sticking around for long either, being that it is most definitely just a promotion for FFXIII-LR, it'll probably last until the game launches (considering we probably won't even see this stuff added to the game until closer to next year when the game is supposed to be released) and then it'll be taken out. This kind of thing makes me think more that it's a short term promotional event, so you can do it or ignore it and in a month or so it'll be gone from the game forever, pretty much like the Goobbue Mounts.

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Renaise - 07-05-2013

The more and more I hear about this the more and more I like it. One of my personal gripes about 1.0 was it didn't feel Final Fantasy enough, now are they maybe over compensating for that fact? You betcha! Am I happy about it? You also betcha! Big Grin

I'd like to see this happen more often in fact.

I can understand some people are worried about this opening the floodgates to people bringing characters along from other universes. But to be fair people who want to do that would have done it anyway. Most people will be sensible with it and even if they aren't you still have the option to not RP with them.

Big Grin

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Ryanti - 07-05-2013

I just want the damn coat.

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Uther - 07-05-2013

I haven't read all 90-something responses, but I can honestly say I don't like this. I remember every Final Fantasy having its own unique story, feel, and look, with few similarities between them. This is blatant and obvious fan service to get more advertising. FFXIII is their cash cow right now, and they are just beating it to death to get some extra cash. I bought this game to play FFXIV, not FFXIV Presents FFXIII. Of course one could make the argument "Don't wear the gear if you don't like it." but frankly, I don't even want to see it.

And that's all I have to say on this subject.

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - CassandraJean - 07-05-2013

I can't say that this bothers me, it looks fun? If it's an optional event and not really anything to do with the storyline, than it shouldnt be a problem for anyone. It's just something to do for fun one day when you're feeling out of character.

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Ashren Dotharl - 07-05-2013

(07-05-2013, 06:15 AM)Uther Wrote: Of course one could make the argument "Don't wear the gear if you don't like it." but frankly, I don't even want to see it.

Turn your camera away if you see someone wearing it? Tongue

This sort of thing really doesn't seem like that big a deal to me, and lets face it. SE could use all the advertising they could get. It wasn't that long ago that the internet was flooded with articles about how they were facing bankruptcy if things continued to trend the way they were with their games. After he flop of a game that FFXIV 1.0 was, and the horrible sales that the initial release of FFXIII got in the western market, as well as the downward spiral KH was going with all the rehashed and sideplot games that were coming out they are hurting REALLY bad to get people to buy their stuff, so a little cross-franchise advertising isn't a bad thing. Afterall, if FFXIII sells good, then SE has more money to throw around towards further development for FFXIV, or even FFXV if you're waiting for that.

So in short, I think this kind of thing doesn't really hurt anymore. No more than buster sword limit breaks, the return of old FF game villains (Xande and Cloud of Darkness), or even Atomos/Cavernous Maw being taken right out of FFXI and put into the game. There is SO MUCH fanservice in this game already, anyone who complains about any single thing can be seen as just nit picking really.

Edit: Also another thing to keep in mind, every single race in this game came from another game, and most of the monsters while recurring monsters from all FF, are visually direct ports from FFXI. One could say that FFXIV in its entirety is from another game, the only thing unique about it is Hydaelyn.

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Mtoto Wamoto - 07-05-2013

I think people are missing the coolest thing about Lightning's outfit...





[Image: Dissidia_Warrior_of_Light_ex.png]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSx06sjxhMCBY2ShM319_C...d2GvdZlSu7]

Also, Beta Behemoth seems cool. Wonder how they're gonna explain that one.

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Mtoto Wamoto - 07-05-2013

Edit:: Oops, double post. My bad.

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Martiallais - 07-05-2013

I'm more than okay with seeing costumes (dye-able, yes please) from other FF games. As for those characters making possible appearances? I'll chalk it up to being just like running an instance or dungeon (more often than not) and explain it away as needed, which shouldn't be much if it's just an event ingame.

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Orlog - 07-05-2013

(07-05-2013, 06:15 AM)Uther Wrote: I haven't read all 90-something responses, but I can honestly say I don't like this. I remember every Final Fantasy having its own unique story, feel, and look, with few similarities between them. This is blatant and obvious fan service to get more advertising. FFXIII is their cash cow right now, and they are just beating it to death to get some extra cash. I bought this game to play FFXIV, not FFXIV Presents FFXIII. Of course one could make the argument "Don't wear the gear if you don't like it." but frankly, I don't even want to see it.

And that's all I have to say on this subject.

EVEN THOUGH I HONOR YOU, GUILDY, I'm going to have to disagree here.

I'm pretty sure all of the content that will be added to the game will be free, so there's not much of a cash grab as some people seem to be seeing it as, and more just... regular marketing? This sort of thing happens all the time, even within the other Final Fantasy games.

I mean, I'll be skipping the outfits, but the weapons... look damn awesome. Even if you're not a fan of the game itself, just looking at the weapon options on their own have their own merits. There's some pretty sound designs there. And to add on to that, I'm also pretty sure that this stuff will only be implemented in an event, suggesting that it'll only be around for a short period. So even if you hate the idea of seeing hundreds of Lightning copy cats running around (which honestly has me wincing as well), it'll only be for a short time... hopefully.

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Uther - 07-05-2013

(07-05-2013, 06:06 PM)Bea Wrote: EVEN THOUGH I HONOR YOU, GUILDY, I'm going to have to disagree here.

Hahaha, I'm fine with that. People can't always agree on everything. Maybe my issue is that FFXIII is too... fresh? 

I mean, clearly the Dragoon armor is a tribute to Kain from FFIV, and the same could be said about the Paladin armor and Cecil (unless there's some other FF I'm not thinking of that has that armor). And I love both of those sets. They're iconic, and they scream "Final Fantasy!" to me. I just dislike the idea of putting in clothing from the most recent FF into the game already, it just kind of seems tasteless to me... Unless they put in Auron's coat from FFX... Then all bets are off and my opinion might have to flip 180 degrees.

Idk, to be honest my initial response of shock and disgust feels like overkill in retrospect. I still think it's kind of lame, though. 

Granted, this is just my opinion and everyone is free to disagree. I'm not going to be the in-game clothing police or anything. Tongue

RE: FFXIII Outfits in XIV. - Averis - 07-05-2013

Yeah, I think I just have this fear of seeing a bunch of Lightning clones running around and hearing newer role-players use this as an excuse to bring in characters from other universes. While I certainly have no control over any of this and what people do within the game is none of my business, I'll just have to try and turn a blind eye to it like I have to with other elements. It's purely a case of my image of what I thought the game would be from a strict RP perspective compared to the more casual FF melting-pot angle they seem to be going for. I'll likely play the mission(s) from a gamer perspective, but likely not from an RP perspective.