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What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Printable Version

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RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Celsius - 08-08-2013

The only boss that's given me any trouble at all was that weird flying thing in the canyon. The Nameless something-or-other. Otherwise, it's been pretty easy, yeah. And I turned the difficulty up before I even began.

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Lren - 08-08-2013

(08-08-2013, 05:45 PM)Shizu Wrote: The only boss that's given me any trouble at all was that weird flying thing in the canyon. The Nameless something-or-other. Otherwise, it's been pretty easy, yeah. And I turned the difficulty up before I even began.

I went in expecting Vesperia so... By the time you get the third party member, we jacked it up. XD Yeah, that was the one we had a fun time managing. Since you can't link when doing two player and we were also the only ones alive... It was tricky to find times to strike then to split up so that we could heal. Can't wait for maniac difficulty!

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Celsius - 08-08-2013

Sounds about the same experience I had - I played the first 15 hours or so with a buddy of mine. Soon as we got Leia, I started using her (instead of Milla) for her heals, and it worked out wonderfully.

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Lren - 08-08-2013

(08-08-2013, 06:01 PM)Shizu Wrote: Sounds about the same experience I had - I played the first 15 hours or so with a buddy of mine. Soon as we got Leia, I started using her (instead of Milla) for her heals, and it worked out wonderfully.

My brother has been using Alvin and I've been with Jude. SECOND FIST FIGHTER PROTAG, GOTTA REP THAT! xD Leia's heals have been great and she has some really good combo's too! It's fun getting together, having her launch them up, then doing a few air combos xD

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Celsius - 08-08-2013

Her juggles are nuts once you get them down pat. I mean, it's a terrible waste of TP, but I'm pretty sure I can kill an enemy in a single aerial combo, assuming I have like...8 or 9 AC at the time.

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Lren - 08-08-2013

(08-08-2013, 06:18 PM)Shizu Wrote: Her juggles are nuts once you get them down pat. I mean, it's a terrible waste of TP, but I'm pretty sure I can kill an enemy in a single aerial combo, assuming I have like...8 or 9 AC at the time.

Oh, for sure but I'll be damned if it doesn't look flashy(and awesome) as hell! Which for some reason reminds me... What do you think of the leveling system? I'm getting some FFX vibes from it every now and then but I kinda like it. Diverse character builds and the skills it gives you are nice.

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Celsius - 08-08-2013

I actually rather enjoy the levelling system. Allows for a bit more input on it. Of course, the addition of the auto-level is a good idea, since you can still play a classic game if you use it.

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Lren - 08-08-2013

The auto level is certainly nice. How big those grids can get... I'm happy to use that on characters that won't be in the party(Due to how I want my party comp to be.). Certainly speeds things along >>;;

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Celsius - 08-08-2013

(08-08-2013, 07:00 PM)Lren Wrote: The auto level is certainly nice. How big those grids can get... I'm happy to use that on characters that won't be in the party(Due to how I want my party comp to be.). Certainly speeds things along >>;;

Yup. I also love the ability to focus on getting artes as soon as possible. Also, in case you haven't seen it yet, once you "complete" an orb, a new one will show up and you start with a small one again. (You don't have to actually get all the nodes, just focus on expansion.)

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Lren - 08-08-2013

(08-08-2013, 07:05 PM)Shizu Wrote: Yup. I also love the ability to focus on getting artes as soon as possible. Also, in case you haven't seen it yet, once you "complete" an orb, a new one will show up and you start with a small one again. (You don't have to actually get all the nodes, just focus on expansion.)

Huh, that's actually really good to know xD I've been focusing on artes with Jude and Alvin, so that's a good thing then. Thanks!

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Celsius - 08-08-2013

Yeah, no problem! I don't really have many other good insights though. XD

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Demon Fox - 08-08-2013

Up until a few days ago i was locked into guild wars, but people are leaving and the world just ran dry for me, i'm keeping a close eye on Wildstar and World of Darkness.

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Felix Sideris - 08-08-2013

(05-31-2013, 08:30 PM)Bea Wrote: A pretty straight forward question. Are you guys playing anything now, or looking forward to any other MMOs aside from 14?

I'm a bit of a MMO vagabond, even without waiting for 14, I'm constantly playing and looking forward to the newest MMO. But, currently I'm mainly playing Guild Wars 2 (Tarnished Coast server), with a little bit of Lord of the Rings Online and The Secret World from time to time.

As far as MMOs I'm looking forward to... At the smack dab top of my list is WildStar, followed by Black Desert, and The Elder Scrolls Online. And waaaaay off in the unforeseeable future (...or maybe never) Monster Hunter Online.
Playing GW2, Ace of Spades, and old 64k emulators with a friend to keep me busy. I am going insane. My arms itch, and I need my fix. Bouncy

The only other MMO I'd look at is Elder Scrolls Online, which seems to be going in a pretty good direction as well. I've been an elder scrolls fan since the dawn of time, but I have always liked final fantasy as well. Although I know far less about the FF universe than the ES universe.

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Zyrusticae - 08-08-2013

I'm so confused right now.

I could have sworn I posted in a thread just like this one, except it was under a different name... but I can't find that thread anymore, so I'm just kind of lost now.


I've been playing LOADS of PSO2. Like criminal amounts of PSO2. I mean look how many screenshots are in my PSO2 folder, and then consider that I culled about 200 shots from it earlier this year, and that should give you an idea of how much I've been playing this thing (or at least, how many screenshots I've been taking of it).

Aside from that, I dabble in a bunch of other random shite every now and then, but it's been becoming increasingly rare for me to bother with anything other than more PSO2. Something about being unable to get invested in the avatar makes it very difficult for me to play other games (with Dragon's Dogma being a notable exception thanks to its excellent character creation).

Right now I'm (still) looking forward to Blade & Soul, as a sort of minor distraction (I really don't believe the game is going to be something I want to pour hours into like PSO2), and EQNext is very, very strong on my radar right now, even though I barely know any details about how the nitty-gritty of the game will actually function. Pretty much none of the so-called "next-generation" console games have piqued my interest, so it's just... yeah. That's about it, really.

Kind of depressing how little I look forward to nowadays...

RE: What games are you playing/looking forward to? - Aleister - 08-11-2013

Only games I am waiting for are FF14, Pokemon X and Y and Destiny.. That is it really.