Hydaelyn Role-Players
The Red Wings: Take Flight - Printable Version

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RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Knight Kat - 12-30-2014

Kiht's stern expression softened when Siha spoke to her. The Moon-sister had spirit buried under some bashfulness. It was evident in the way she spoke, and how she affirmed things. It set Kiht at ease a bit. She was regarding Siha, and almost grew a smile until Youkio opened his mouth again.

Rude? The male had no idea how rude Kiht could be. Several retorts surged into Kiht's mind; including, a retort with her spear. However, she knew that would help nothing, and only make the situation worse. Kiht was there to help, not to cause problems. She had a feeling that Youkio would be nothing but a problem though.

Kiht's expression went back into a cold neutral as she buried building anger under her trained discipline. She just could not stand people she saw as 'cocky'. In Kiht's eyes, Youkio fit the bill. She just stared at him until he finished talking. She bit her tongue because an argument with him would only waste more time.

When Youkio set off, Kiht would wait to follow Siha.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Kahn'a - 12-30-2014

Plick, plock, plick, plock, plick.

For long, this was the only noise disturbing the thick silence of the room plunged into darkness. The rhythm was implacable, and it carried on for longer than the mind can focus on it. Kahn'a could not even confirm whether this was water or his own blood dripping like so. He did not care. He did not care much then, but be left alone. He was cold, aching, battered, fatigued, but he was still there, still conscious. It was not adrenaline or even hope that kept him up when he should have passed out. No, it was guilt.

An insidious, slimy warmth creeping on his body, but it was merely another ailment amongst others more concerning. Yet... it kept Kahn'a awake. He could simply not oversee what he had done, well, said rather. He had the choice to keep silent, but the longer the interrogation dragged out, the weaker the idea sat in his head, only to end up being a folly not to pursue. It was not the first time Kahn'a had told a person about the true nature of the Red Wings, but it was assuredly the first he knew the information he gave away would be used against him. The confession was barely a few words, but they had reached the ears of the sadistic mind Kresha sported. Did she believe him? Probably just enough to stop indulging her sick sense of pleasure.

There was also another worry that occupied a tiny corner of Kahn'a's mind. When she left, the torturer mentioned with delight having to meet someone else; a guest, she called it.

... What was happening? Had someone else strayed off the Captain's orders and got captured? Had they crumbled to the pressure of being on the run, and turned themselves in, much like what Kahn'a did? The possibility was dismaying. Another prisoner meant another person that would without much doubt suffer at the hands of the almighty Kresha. But more importantly, it was another mouth, with words held right behind the teeth. Another mouth to speak, to tell a different tale. It was a danger, a sword floating above the Miqo'te's head and that could drop at any moment. What if the versions did not match? Whether those words carried truth or not, he was persuaded that at the slightest difference in their forced confession, his jester play in front of the impudent queen would resume, a cruel show paid in blood and steel. She told him so.

Don't give in, help is coming, stay strong.

In the dark, Kahn'a laughed.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Erik Mynhier - 12-30-2014

Ryder was an older man, mid-40s, dark haired peppered with grey. His voice was plain, a slight rasp with no noticeable accent. "Good afternoon gentlemen. My name is High Flame Commander Ryder, Royal Hall of Records, Classified Operations Division. I am here to have a talk about one of my units, my little pet project. I assume you have put the Lieutenant through his paces enough that you have been given some odd intel. Black Chain's interrogation is pretty efficient I've been told, so either its come up or it will soon. So I'm here to debrief you before you continue further. Understand this is not an exercise in persuasion. I am not ordering you or even asking you to hold your hunt. Despite my opinion on the matter we all have our orders" He looked around, "Now.... I need a room and ten minutes with you."


The shard in his open eye socket, a sliver of fire aether which connected the eye to his system, was glowing red as he watched through the locket what Mikh'a faced. As the Keeper was hauled up the stairs, Erik calmly sent his last transmission, hopeful his aid got it. He packed his equipment and readied himself for the performance.

Pulling up his hood, he shook his body out for a moment, took some deep breaths, and drew the massive axe from his back. He focused aether to his socket, causing the red glow to sharpen, a good effect from under a hood. He waited until the elezen's had touched the door then with a roar he sent his axe through the door, destroying it utterly. He took the butt of the axe to one of the men, swinging his hand free to grab by the throat the one who had held Mikh'a the same. In the lowest, graveled, beast-like voice he could manage he whispered, "..... Die..." Swinging the man in his hand into the wall caused him to rag-doll. He then threw the body down upon the others who had followed them. As the lot tumbled down the steps, alarm raised as voices from below reacted to the men falling. Erik took Mikh'a's hand and pulled him up the steps higher with the word, "Run!"


Outside the abbey sat in a small seat the Abbot of the little chapel. A priest to the Fury his whole life, he had been the one who baptized both Heather and her children. He had been given word to expect Raimy, so he waited, the news fair.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Askier - 12-30-2014

Titor's Cell

Alec sighed and closed the book.  He gave a nod of his bald head and the two men with him stepped forward and violently seized Titor and dragged him over to the stone chair in the rooms center.  The men tossed Titor into it and held him down with one hand each as they shackled the male to the chair in a similar manner to how Kahn'a was bound. 

Alec waited till Titor was snug and then slowly approached, his pen twirling in his fingers as he  spoke.

"I am sorry for what is coming.  This all could have been so painless.  I hope that between now and the arrival of our mutual friend, you can find your tongue...before you lose it."  Alec suddenly took his pen and drove it into Titor's cheek, letting the blood coat the writing implement.  He then turned and opened the book to the page about Titor.  At the bottom, in fluid words, he traced in blood the words "Requires motivation."

Alec then left the room.

It was nearly a bell later that Kresha entered, her white robes hanging loosely about her as her black hair hung around her neck.  Two men came with her, carrying buckets and towels.  The female looked at Titor in the chair and gave a polite smile as she saw the blood oozing from Titor's cheek. 

"I see you already wear the crimson.  I do hope I am not forced to make you wear more.  Our commanding officer was rather hopful you would be wiser than the other Red Wing I just finished questioning.  So then, care to speak of your own free will?"

Black Chains HQ

A'trus stood dumbfounded at Ryder's disclosure as he blinked.  So he had been right, something WAS going on and he was smack in the middle of a game the higher ups were playing. 

A'trus dropped his salute and nodded quickly, keeping his thoughts to himself.

"As you say sir, if you will follow me." 

The miqo'te turned and exchanged brief words with Sergeant Rungee.  The Sergeant nodded and slipped off as A'trus began leading Ryder to a small room with a circular table and six chairs surrounding it.  Once both officers were inside the room, A'trus shut the door and turned to his superior.

"Alright sir, please fill me in on what is going on with this hunt.  Because I have gathered some rather distressing details about the Red Wings that was not only not imparted to me in my orders, it seems that I am caught in some sort of game between the higher command and if I am going to be losing any more of my soldiers I want to know why."

A'trus had to bit the inner lining of his lip to stifle his frustration and keep his military bearing.  The fact that this man was here, now, was all the proof he needed to know he was being used and the solider of ten years wanted to vomit.  He served Ul'dah, not some senior officers personal agenda.  He would gladly bring in the Red Wings for their crimes, but he was going to raise all sorts of hell if he was going to be continually sent in blind against enemies that obviously matched or exceeded the talents of his own forces.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Melkire - 12-30-2014

((only just got back from xmas vacation, you folks have been busy))

~Three Suns Ago~

A glass pitcher, appropriated from gods knew which table, sailed through the air across the tavern and struck some poor Sea Wolf sod on his thick noggin, spilling the pitcher's contents over many a patron throughout the chamber. Cries of disbelief and outrage preceded the inevitable fight that broke out and spread like wildfire throughout the Wench. Consequently, no one saw the small hooded figure in his mole brown robe skirt around the sea of bodies and dart into the chaos just long enough for a hand to shoot out, take the seated Seeker by the arm, drag the male off his chair and out into the cold Lominsan air.

"Jin," breathed the man, his emerald eyes darting back and forth from beneath the hood as he guided Lon'qu along the upper decks, "we've been had. Was a setup after all. Captain and most o' the company headed back t'Aldenard, t'see what can be done. A'laric and I stayed behind, t'learn what we could. Ain't much, but I've a few leads."

He pulled Lon'qu aside just enough to allow a warbling pair of drunk Yellowjackets to pass them by, then the Red Wings were on their way again, themselves passing into one of the glistening marble towers of Limsa. 

"I need you to draw from whatever personal funds you can, hire out a number of trusted men 'n' women. The sort o' mercs you'd take on as caravan guards. Send 'em t'me at Moraby Drydocks. I'll need them. Then make yourself scarce." The bearded midlander glanced at his companion, then scowled. "Someone's goin' t'get caught, Jin. Someone always gets caught. Then the bastards'll carve 'em 'til they talk, and that talk'll bring trouble. They'll be hot on our tails, but we can cut 'em off, maybe take a bastard or two alive and actually learn something. Anyroad, hands off the pearl from now on. They'll be listenin'."

The company's sergeant gave the company's quartermaster a pat on the back, then broke away, turning the corner and mounting the steps headed towards the Aftcastle. Melkire stripped his robe off, revealing a lighter robe of mesa red underneath, then tossed the mole brown garment to another midlander who'd been reclining against the wall. The stranger caught the fabric, donned the robe, then leapt over the rails and made for the opposite direction.

A moment later, the Hyur were out of sight... but a single voice sounded across the Red Wings' linkshell.

"Noble, this is Shadow. Made contact with Merchant. We're going t'need knaves with knives. I'm too well-known in these parts, so you'll have to be the one t'cross palms. I want us ready within two suns. Same rendezvous as the last. Silence on this shell startin' now. Oschon guide your steps."

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Titor - 12-30-2014

Titor had been so lost in thought that the pen to his face made him yelp. He stared at a single spot after he had been left alone, his cheek bleeding steadily. Even after a bell, it had not stopped bleeding in the slightest due to his anemia. 

When the woman entered the room, he seemed to break out of his trance, looking up at her. Blood had trailed down his face. He had thought long and hard in the time he was in. He had to choose one or the other, or none. 

He had been in this situation before, back in Garlemald. They had experimented in him, and the port-like implants still ran up and down his back. Were his shirt to be removed, they would see them, they would wonder how such things happened, what they did. It would give him even more connection to Garlemald. Maybe he was the antagonist all along, never knowing it at all. 

He had been in this situation before. He was not about to be in it again. Back in Garlemald, the whole time he simply wished he could end it. When he got out, he made sure that it would never happen to him again. He had a self-destruct switch now. A small shard of corrupted aether embedded deep in his body. Three sparks of controlled aether to it, and his aether would ignite and explode violently.

Of course this had been meant to be used against a clear enemy. Never in his wildest dreams did Titor believe he would be put in such a situation of unsure loyalty. He could just disappear, choose no side, but the violent explosion would likely hurt his captors, who may very well be in the right.

"...I do not want to hurt you... or anyone..." he said his voice was already distant. "....I do not know." he said, closing his eyes. What would come would come. He could not derive information. He could not terminate himself. There was no winning. He wanted to pick no side. That was not an option. A bit of corruption may have been seeded in him, he wanted to protect his friends. His comrades.... The Red Wings.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Kels - 12-30-2014

Raimy had asked some random person on the grounds where to find the Abbot and they directed him toward the man in the little seat. Raimy gave a little nod of his head, mostly looking down. Just a lowly courier, nothing more. Raimy walks up to the Abbot and looks up and directly at the man for just a second to judge the receptiveness and alertness of the other. "I have a message for the Abbot." After getting a confirmation that this is indeed the Abbot, Raimy will reach into his satchel and pull out a small hard case he uses to carry sealed letters in so the seals won't accidentally break while he's traveling. Raimy doesn't really know any way to prove the man is who they all say so he'll just have to take their words for it. He opens the case and takes out the letter, glancing at the still in place seal first just to make sure and then offers it to the Abbot. He says nothing else. Talkative couriers annoy people.

Trying to pretend the cold isn't bothering him, he stands and waits as if for a response. You always wait to see if there will be a response. He keeps his eyes still downward mostly, but also paying attention to the task at hand. He watches the Abbot's hands taking the letter and will glance away only if the Abbot breaks the seal to read it in front of him. A good courier doesn't try to peek at such things.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Gray - 12-30-2014

Sieg shrugged and sighed a bit.

It's got knots and there's dust in it.

His posture, motions, and microexpressions, if she were good enough to look for that, would not indicate that he was outright lieing to her.  Perhaps just that he was holding some stuff back, but then he had told her as much. 

Fair enough.  Just laying it all out there.  Makes it that much easier if it's not an issue for you, though, so we'll skip the personal stuff.

Sieg listened in curiousity and interest when Clio started talking about lions.  He was sure she had gone way off with that one, but then she brought up GREY ones.  He smiled in amusement, and pointed at her as if to say "youuuuuu."

The funny thing about that is, I'm not keeping any secrets about my time with the Grey Lion Mercenary company.  I would have told ya, if you'd asked.  But since you know about that, you must know there aren't many of them left.  Wiped out at Cartenau.  That was one contract we should've skipped.

Sieg crissed his arms, and slowly began walking around her as she continued speaking, of suppor, and Ala Mhigo.  He stopped once he got behind her, and then answered.

Touched, Lady.  Not to be a party pooper, but this group of yours.  It doesn't amount to much in the grand scheme of things.  It's my in.  The Flames are what I need.  Not a single unit.  Not that I'd turn the support away.  Just wanted you to know that this all goes beyond that level.

He then turned toward her, and took a step closer.

Why bring up Ala Mhigo?  I've barely remember any of Gyr Abania.

Had she really dug deep enough to find the full measure of his secret?

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Siha - 12-31-2014

Siha's violet eyes jumped between Kiht and Youkio with wariness, she had a feeling there wasn't much love there, at least on Kiht's end. Thankfully Kiht was graceful and didn't bother biting back at the semi taunt the male threw out, Siha make sure to give her a grateful look before she turned her attention to Youkio when everything was said and done. "No, we can't afford more exposure than necessary, we have too many we don't need catching wind of where we are" she admitted to the scarlet haired male. She tossed one more look around them before waving at Youkio to lead the way, "Take us there then, quickly, I'm sure Miss Kiht and I can keep up with you..." she assured and took steps to follow him when he moved.

She had a lot of thinking to do on the way, she was sure Clio likely had a plan on getting the Bandit Captain that had attacked them but that didn't mean that every detail was worked out. They would need more than the five of them if they wanted this to be easy and quick, they really couldn't afford for it to be done any other way. Her expression creased as they moved, perhaps her father would be of use, he had his crew and if nothing else they'd be good informants...though she loathed involving them at all. She knew Yuzu'ya was seasoned enough that he wouldn't be stupid enough to be caught, and he wouldn't be cowed by the situation, he never was. She'd have to make a call to him or send a messenger, perhaps Youkio or Kiht would be better than a linkpearl. Less possibility of being traced.

Her thoughts would continue to entertain her until they arrived wherever it was the male was taking them, though she knew her feet would remember, it was one of the perks of her upbringing.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Cliodhna Eoghan - 12-31-2014

(12-30-2014, 08:55 PM)Gray Wrote: Had she really dug deep enough to find the full measure of his secret?
His words weren't met with any reply; skittles had fallen asleep by this point after finding the dusty and tangled hair more than accommodating for his nap.

Cliodhna regarded Sieg quietly, mirroring a small smile with his apparent amusement on her lion comment. "You state it wasn't a secret, yet you failed to mention it at all since you've joined the Red Wings. From what I've understood; most people are more than happy to brag about past heroics, unless they have a reason to hide it...but than again, the loss of most of your group could be the reason for your silence." She mused aloud, her eyes following his movements as Seig started to circle her.

Discreetly her hand strayed under her cloak as if to merely rest on her hip but instead rested on the hilt of one of her poisoned tipped daggers. Cliodhna really didn't want things to get violent right now; their numbers were already small and If Seig was truly on their side as he claimed, he would be more useful in full health than if she did any damage to him. Yet his circling left he wary.

"Firstly, three's no need for the formality or lack there of; Tempest is fine for the moment until we get out, not lady. Also don't feel as if you need to fluff my feelings; though our unit has it's own special brand of ranging talents we are still a small group. From the sounds of what you're hinting at; you'd need enough bodies to start a damned war....or rather continue a long standing one..."

As he rounded closer and faced her once more, Cliodhna merely looked up at him. Eyes never straying from his features but her peripheral vision already keeping track of his motions to detect an attack if there was need to parry and counter.

"I think you remember more of Gyr Albania than you're telling me and I think you already know we both know that." She replied quietly, her voice low but knowing he heard her above the rush of the river nearby. "My mother lost her life fighting for the resistance against the Garlean empire when they first took over."


Catching Kiht's even slight change in facial expressions was still enough for Youkio to tell he was really getting under her skin. Mentally he shrugged, wasn't the first time nor would it be the last he'd have a less than desirable result with a Miqo'te female. But being raised away from the whole social standing that was essentially his heritage gained that reaction as the norm when he encountered them in passing.

Apparently a stronger willed male was hard to come by, but this never concerned Youkio either. He would much rather live out his meaningless little life with enough cash, women and drink to make him happy, just like any other man with his attitude dreamed. sides. He mused silently. A single man can't have every fish in the sea.

Nodding along as Miss Siha talked, he led them back cautiously through the wooden scaffolding that made up Skylift. Mentally of course he had taken to calling the small keeper "Miss" but it was in more an affectionate way than from respect, regardless; Youkio figured it wouldn't hurt long as he refrained from doing it out loud. If the little bit of friendly chatter had made her blush hard as it did; she most likely would get a tad too flustered if he pushed it much longer....plus Tempest might give him another shiner for anymore of his shenanigans right now, seeing as the situation put her on edge.

Frowning at the thought; Youkio poked the black eye again, wincing slightly. He'd need to put something cold on it soon. Just as promised the hike was short and discreet, fairly soon his small shack appeared on the edge of his vision. "Over there. Sorry it ain't much but anythin too fancy would draw attention, ya know? So I guess it works out for what we need right now. An if anyone needs anythin, just holler an I'll be happy to pop over and round up some supplies." He continued, chattering on more to Siha since Kiht could very well walk into town on her own legs if she preferred. She wasn't in hiding and given their meeting, would most likely reject any help form Youkio if she could till she warmed up a bit more to him; if at all.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Aduu Avagnar - 12-31-2014

Nako walks at double speed to the barracks. Double checking the wards he had in place as he passed them. He needed to get to work hiding some of his more, questionable tomes. Luckily he still maintained his network of safe houses around Eorzea. Gathering them all up, leaving only tomes that could be found amongst the libraries of the three different Magical Guilds. 

Gathering the aether around himself, he settled on a location and released it, guiding himself across the aether. He appeared with a lurch, never being the smoothest at teleportation. Looking around, the single room building was bathed In a blue light from an aetheryte shard, picking up the golden and bronze bindings of the aetherial tomes on bookshelves around the walls.

Dropping the sack with his books he proceeded to change his clothes. Removing anything hat might identify him as a flame, he pulled on a red robe, belted a tome to his side, and picked up his staff. Pulling a scarf around his neck for warmth, he pulled a lever, opening he room to the elements outside. Stepping up, he pushed back on the entrance, closing it with a click, fresh snow covering the gap in the stone that marked it as an entrance.

Taking his Shadow Visor out of its pouch, he placed it over his eyes. Turning it on with a press of a button, it bathed his eyes with a blue light as it sharpened his vision and allowed him to pick out the aether of particular people. He was going hunting.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Knight Kat - 12-31-2014

Kiht followed silently behind Siha. She had been very on-edge. She continued to survey the land as she moved with the two, but not as much as she usually would. She found herself drifting into her own thoughts. It was during the hike that she began to calm down.

The tension from the mysterious meeting, the feeling of being out of her environment, the fact that she had not noticed Youkio sneak up on them and his rather cocky, chauvinistic attitude all added up to turn what would be a minor annoyance into something that got Kiht angry. She let out a quiet sigh.

She almost exploded on someone who did not deserve it. It made her ears droop, and her expression soften; not that any of the two in front of her would notice. Youkio's attitude was worth some eye-rolling, but not worth the urge to spear him.

When they got to the shack, his rather friendly attitude only added to Kiht's guilt further. She was relieved that she managed to restrain herself enough to where she had given him nothing more than a blunt statement back at the cave. Her gaze fixed on Youkio as he talked to them about his willingness to get supplies if needed.

She allowed herself a mild smile at him. "My gratitude. What did you say your name was again?" She asked in a more casual tone. That was her attempt to be more friendly. The male seemed like an urban "street rat" to her, but she really did not know anything about him.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Siha - 12-31-2014

They were at their destination much faster than the Keeper would have preferred if only because it would have been nice just to keep walking. But that wasn't an option. She lifted her gaze to Youkio and for once let herself really take in his appearance and commit it to memory, the black eye that was starting to puff up sparked concern in her as it would with any hurt creature, and her gloved hands flexed. His apologies about his home made her shake her head, "It's wonderful, just what we needed" she reassured him and gave him a warm smile, it didn't matter where anyone lived to her, mansion or shack, she was equally grateful that he'd offered them sanctuary.

She nodded at his offer of rounding up supplies, "That will be appreciated for sure, but right now I'm not sure what we'll need to pull this off" she admitted quietly and looked to Kiht for a brief moment. She had kept hoping on the walk that Clio would have a plan, because nothing she thought of would be good enough, however her resolve had strengthened. She didn't have the military training the others had but she had spent more than enough time around the Red Wings to have picked things up. And she was not stupid. That burgeoning thought had made her a bit more confident and she lifted her chin, looking towards the shack and taking purposeful steps in that direction. The faster she spoke to the others the better.

She could hear Kiht asking the male a question and she hesitated...had she forgotten to ask his name? She had. She winced internally, how rude of her, she cast a glance over her shoulder and stopped though she had been reaching for the door. It was only polite that she hear his name and that he give her permission to enter...she had been eager was all. She wanted them all together again, and she wanted them all safe.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Gray - 12-31-2014

I've got my reasons for not waving it in everyones faces.  It was just work.  I doubt anyone in this group readily volunteered their life story when they joined up.  What's the big deal about me not mentioning I was a merc?

She may or may not be able to tell, but he was asking an honest question.  Though she did have a point.  There were plenty of people who'd brag about it.  Was he hiding it?  Ord id he truly not think it worth mentioning for whatever reason?  Either way, it wasn't something he sought for honor and glory, though, for as much honor and glory as one could expect from a bunch of people who fight for money.

We spent years fighting together, then at Cartenau, most of them died.  That's what happens to warriors.  They die.

He continued to circle her slowly, for not, movin gonly a few steps before stopping again.

Surely you know that, Tempest.  You're clearly not just some pretty face that doesn't know about life and death.  You're smart, and despite what happened back at the bridge, probably fairly strong, too.  Even now, you've got your hand under there, probably ready to pull out a weapon.  A dagger.  A knife.  Maybe a small sword.  No need to worry, though.  I'm not about to attack you or some crazy thing like that.  I'm not an enemy.

Sieg continued moving, until he was back in front of her, as she spoke more.

Fair enough, Tempest.  Yeah, I'm sure you all, as a group, have your own special niche that you fill.  Your methods, connections, and, equipment, and affiliations that are unique to this group.  And I'm sure those would be damn useful.  But you're right.  I need bodies.  Well, not to say it that way.  Makes it sound like I'm looking for sacrificial pawns.

He stepped closer again, and looked down at her.  His arms at his side, and his back straight.

My mother lost her life fighting for the resistance against the Garlean empire when they first took over.

Maybe we'd best put this conversation on hold.  We're not exactly in the best place right now.  We should stay vigilant.

RE: The Red Wings: Take Flight - Jin - 12-31-2014

"You could have at least let me get my drink" Jin said to himself with a sigh. He twisted one of the arms on his cactuar earring down, tuning the linkpearl to a secure frequency as he headed towards Hawkers Ally.

"Ash! It's been too long! How's the family?" Jin said walking up to a clothing stall.

"The mission was a set up sir? What's your status?" a female voice said firmly.

"Oh I've been good, just taking a nice vacation in Limsa. Went to see where they make the boats too!" he said happily while browsing the selection of a very confused looking lalafell. "Oh you and the girls should come by sometime!"

"Roger sir, I'll dispatch Maala and Mesa to the Drydocks."

Jin was inspecting a robe, nothing fancy just made of cotton, "Tell them they can bring some friends and make sure you send them with some spending gil! Can't have a vacation without some souvenirs." he said shaking his head and returning it.

"Understood sir, they'll be accompanied by the Battle Maidens and the Crimson Wolves."

"Great! I can wait to see them again!" Jin said as he patted down his sides, "Oh and Ash?"


"My luggage was lost on the trip over, I guess so octopi stole it from the ship. Be a dear and send my bag with the girls." Jin looked up to the face of a disapproving shopekeep.

"Of course sir." the lady said with a small laugh.

With that, Jin made his way to the lower decks to book passage back to the dry-docks to meet up with his mercs and, more importantly, his pants.