Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] So umm got any more of that food? - Printable Version

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So umm got any more of that food? - Kurt S. - 03-31-2015

Seeing as Kurt is my crafting dude and has a sizable sum of money while Ramona just got into a sizable sum of money which I can replicate with Keil Nah and Effie.

I thought I could at least do something with Kurt's crafting disciplines. Specifically Culinarian. On top of being an tech head, I'm reviving his old interest in cooking and fishing you know before he became...well before he got roped into nigh endless work by the YTC and before me as a player totally forgot he was a budding food wizard in training among other things when he stepped off that Limsa Lominsa bound boat so long ago.

To that end I'm wondering if there are any foodies here or master chefs or something and if maybe we could set something up. I mean I dont mind ridiculousness either because god knows Kurt probably needs it. Then there's food theory which is going to be interesting I wonder how they cook in Eorzea and what sort of spin others do to make dishes that have flair and flavor.

And by ridiculousness I mean. "Hey Kurt you know what would make this dish better? A side of wyvern eggs. Some megalocrab meat would be nice too."

Also fishing, he's got some idea on account of his hometown but I'm sure it's not a lot. Also I'm pretty sure it can tie into the cooking bit too.

Also you guys post your times because I am well aware that I'm on the other side of the planet so to facilitate this shtick I'll just try to match your availability so I know when I should wake up stupidly early or skip sleep entirely.

RE: So umm got any more of that food? - Aduu Avagnar - 03-31-2015

psssssh endless, do you forget your hour break each week? you'd think minions would be more thankfull Tongue

RE: So umm got any more of that food? - Kurt S. - 03-31-2015

I did say nigh endless. I haven't forgot the biweekly half hour breaks that came with the promotion.

Anyway yeah fooooooood.

RE: So umm got any more of that food? - FloriaRaine - 03-31-2015

Floria is a bismarck trained culinarian, and anyone who has rp'd with her and got a meal from her will confirm the amazing food porn that caused them hunger in real life, I'm on EST but I'm usually nocturnal

RE: So umm got any more of that food? - T'caska Khevo - 03-31-2015

(03-31-2015, 04:14 AM)FloriaRaine Wrote: Floria is a bismarck trained culinarian, and anyone who has rp'd with her and got a meal from her will confirm the amazing food porn that caused them hunger in real life, I'm on EST but I'm usually nocturnal

Quoted for truth. I watched Floria make a house full of people drool a couple days ago.. We had to swim out of there.

RE: So umm got any more of that food? - Kellach Woods - 03-31-2015

I'm a master chef on the mic, does that count?

RE: So umm got any more of that food? - Kurt S. - 03-31-2015

I'll take any and every bit of help I can use to further Kurt's cooking career so since I already have you on my friends list Floria it shouldn't be too hard to get in touch with you. And Kell, as long as you're a master chef that's good enough for me, might be I could apply RL tricks in game. 

After I run WoD to hell and back on Ramona that is...