Hydaelyn Role-Players
Oh, why hello there! - Printable Version

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Oh, why hello there! - Blythe - 04-22-2015

Hello! Blythe here. 

I'm from the Balmung server, which I stayed up until the last minute before maintenance to create my character just two odd months ago. (I enjoyed the thrill of possibly having server shut down in the middle of making my character.) Someone from tumblr actually referred me here and it feels nice and cozy so far.

While I have played countless MMOs and I have played on many forum roleplays, I am an absolute newblet on MMO roleplays. ; A ; Please be gentle with me! For me, this is going to be a new experience from two things that I love and just mushing them together. (Hey, at least I got the /em function down. It's a start. : D)

But I must say from what I see on Balmung (when I am visiting Quicksand mostly), I enjoy watching people roleplay. That just made me sound a bit like a creep. >>;
Now, to answer some things from the thread marked 'optional'~

Character ideas/info

Currently, my character idea is forming around an Au Ra, specifically from the Xaelan clan. Her tribe has immigrated to Eorzea during the past generations, due to a battle with another tribe (I believe this would be the right word) almost wiping the tribe out. I'm still deciding where they would have immigrated to, but I feel like it would be a split between Thanalan or Coerthas (because i love the cold myself). I'm still working out more details though on how she'd be played right now. 

(Because of RL finances, I'll still be keeping my original name and probably saying why her name is such while still giving her a Xaelan name - when the conventions for names are up -  for RP purposes with other Auri. I hope that makes sense. > n <; )

What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I would probably say a mixture of light and medium, probably more on the medium side. I want to have a nice little mix between roleplaying and gaming. 

Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)
I recently graduated from college last year with a Bachelor's degree. However, I am still looking for a job. I am tutoring a 5th grader on vacation. And I am a total manga nerd and I going to the convention near me yearly. 

(Gosh I hope this didn't sound like a hot mess. >__>)

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Nebbs - 04-22-2015

Welcome to MMO RP and the server, it really has a lot to offer. It sounds like you are already out there and sampling some of what goes on.. it can be diverse Smile

I suppose the main difference with forum play is the immediacy, it is more like chat room RP with the addition of a physical representation. So you can invest a lot in how the character look and move/emote them in creative or just mundane ways. In larger events the text can scroll a lot and some jump into parties for closer RP.

Do skim the RP Handbook, most of which you probably know and it should also give you some MMO side ideas to add to it.

I'd recommend a Linkshell (shared chat channel) and Free Company (like a guild) that supports new and learning RPers. Though I would bet you pick it up quickly.

So welcome and go get that RP... btw I am beginner friendly so feel free to give me a poke if you need help.

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Unnamed Mercenary - 04-22-2015

Hiya! Welcome to the RPC.

While I'm likely completely uses on Au Ra-based questions, I can offer help in other aspects of the game lore or in actual gameplay itself!

It's nice when the forums are all comfy and approachable. If there's anything I can help out on (even if it's like "Hey, would be be able to run a dungeon" or "darn, I need some gear"), let me know! ((I uh, like giving away free crafted items. I'm sure there are a few people who can attest to that somewhere))

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Lamia - 04-22-2015

Welcome to the RPC! And I feel you on those character lockouts for balmung, I am -never- rolling another character on this server again and just sticking to the two I have now. ((Attempting to character create while fighting off sleeping pills is an adventure in itself)). If you ever wish rp, and want to meet a laid back tradesman, or a chocobo handler feel free to hit me up for rp in game on Levinth Dunant, or So'larin Tia! If I'm online I'm usually available to be stolen for RP things, so neeever feel like you'd be a bother, or interupting something ^ ^

I do hope to hear form you, and enjoy the RPC community! Big Grin

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Bryn - 04-22-2015

Hi Blythe, and welcome to Balmung and the RPC. I look forward to seeing you around!

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Khuja'a Awandah - 04-22-2015

Welcome! Big Grin

RE: Oh, why hello there! - SicketySix - 04-22-2015

I gladly welcome any race other than Miqo'te to Balmung, so....WELCOME TO THE RPC!

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Barengar - 04-22-2015

Ahoy there and welcome!

I look forward to seeing you around Eorzea!

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Maril - 04-22-2015

Welcome aboard! 

[Image: 40cc32f82f053e1ecf32d50354f74655.jpg]

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Coatleque - 04-22-2015

Welcome to the forums, and I hope to see you around!

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Kellach Woods - 04-22-2015

Welcome! Don't be afraid to hit up any of the fine folks who posted in here (or... in everywhere really) for RP if you meet 'em in game.

Don't worry about being a hot mess we've seen hotter messes ohgodthatsoundedbadplsforgiveme.

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Faye - 04-22-2015

Hello there, welcome to the RPC! Big Grin

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Blythe - 04-22-2015

Thank you all for the immense warm welcome! : D *attempts to say hi to everyone*

@Nebbs: I will be sure to check out that RP Handbook. It looks fairly good for me to educate myself on. Hehe. And that explanation of MMO RP makes a lot more sense. It's a bit of a mix of the two then. I think that I'll be able to adapt pretty quickly then. And while I might not join an FC, I definitely will check out some of the LS (I still have yet to actually join just one).

@Unnamed: Lore wise, I definitely might be asking you some questions. I still need to read up on a lot of the lore though. But I know (from a bit of lurking) everything is up to interpretation and all that gewd stuff. And it's okay if you don't know a lot about the lore for Auri, there's not a lot anyway. :c

@So'larin:  Hello! And we have felt that pain together. ; o ; I've actually also stayed up for other people to let them know when the server has gone up because the really weird times Balmung actually goes up. I will take you up for your RP session soon! Don't you worry. c:

@Bryn: Hello! c: I'm sure you will. I do kind of run around a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw you but didn't know who you were.

@Khuja'a: Hello there! 

@Casden: Hehe. Hiya! And... yay that I'm not a Miqo'te? >.>; I think they look adorable, I just can't play one...

@Barengar: Hi hi! And you will most definitely... one day soon... hopefulllllly. :'3

@Nailah: KITTEH! Also, hello there. I see Zelda homage there. 

@Coaleque: Hello! Nice to meet ya. c:


@Kellach: You've seen... hotter messes. Gasp! And It's a-okay. Hehe. But thanks for the warm welcome. (And I obviously will now be stalking everyone before going up to them in game now...Shhh)

@Faye: Hi there! And thank you for the welcome. c:

RE: Oh, why hello there! - DeathGodSkeith - 04-22-2015

Anytime you wanna RP im free as long as im not at work. and if im workin im on here all day lol. Just approach me in game and we can go anytime.

RE: Oh, why hello there! - Fox - 04-22-2015

Welcome to the RPC. 
I really like what I'm seeing so far of the Au Ra as well. Personally I'll be playing both tribes. It's expected that the benchmark should be out this weekend! I hope it will be. Smile 

Anyway if you ever want to do some rp between au ra once they come out I'll be totally free thanks to summer break.