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[Balmung] Pilot Looking for Associates - Printable Version

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Pilot Looking for Associates - Mercurias - 04-27-2015

Soren Walker is a native Ishgardian airship pilot who has crash-landed in the City-states. At the moment, he is scrabbling to make money in order to make a living for himself in a strange land. Currently, Soren takes work where he can get it so long as it allows him to be in the air.

Primarily, these days, he acts as a fill-in pilot for the ship taking patrons to and from the Gold Saucer. It brings him the same weird stories anyone gets while doing that sort of work, but he's a bit of an adrenaline junkie, so he finds it dull.

Soren is a new character and sort of needs people to interact with. In terms of personality, he eschews a grim facade for jokes and enjoys coaxing people into sharing their stories, preferring to get other people to talk about themselves over rattling off his own personal biography. In fact, he normally prefers to avoid talking about himself much at all unless it's for some amusing anecdote. In other words, he keeps his own story close to the vest and is careful about whom he shares it with, preferring to be taken as just another fun-seeking face in the crowd.

Physical Features:
  • Soren is a hyur midlander with sandy hair left shaggy enough to partially cover his green eyes, primarily because he can't afford to have it cut.
  • Soren is very expressive. Every smile is as if you'd told the best joke in the world, and every sad look is like you're a puppy with puppy cancer. He carries himself in a very cocksure manner.
  • When in places that could be trouble, the character prefers to carry a weatherbeaten old lance, maybe with a knife or two hidden under his coat. The wooden haft of the lance seems to have had some words carved into it, but they're so faded that they're difficult to make out. He carries the thing with casual ease.
  • Soren limps slightly on his left leg, and he occasionally stops and rubs that knee as if it bothers him. If his pant leg is ever rolled up, it would be noticeable that he has on an odd sort of brace. It occasionally makes soft whirring noises.
  • Often seen with a tool belt or pockets loaded down with something clanky. He seems to enjoy tinkering.
Meeting Soren

As a pilot and all-around odd-jobber when he can't be in the air, Soren can be found just about anyplace. His current base of operations, however, is Ul'dah. He currently keeps rooms at the Quicksand and is often pestering Momodi for flyers about new jobs.

He also can be seen on occasion in the Shroud, talking to a woman with green hair.

In other words, send me a PM and I'd be happy to RP. 

You Might Like Soren If...
  • You're willing to handle long-term plots and stories.
  • You're willing to handle short-term shenanigans and japery.
  • You like in-depth RP. 
  • You don't want to fall into an IC romance within the first two weeks of meeting IC.
  • You understand that dark sides don't need to be constantly on display to exist.
  • You like getting drunk and base jumping naked IC "Because we got bored".

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Mercurias - 05-17-2015

Shamefacedly bumping after nearly three weeks and no replies. Still looking.

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Martiallais - 05-18-2015

Zarek owe Soren a round of fighting at the very least. Violence aside, I think they'd get along and could see them kicking it at the Saucer gambling honestly.

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Nataru - 05-18-2015

Nat would totally hang out with them at the saucer as well.

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Mercurias - 05-18-2015

Soren would buy them drinks and make sure there are no hard feelings after tonight.

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Martiallais - 05-18-2015

Welp that settles that. Guess I should go unlock it on Zarek then.

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Nataru - 05-18-2015

Haha! Totally should!

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - DoomsdayClock - 05-18-2015

I actually play a doofus of a highlander who is Icly making a killing on betting on Chocobo races. Its completely possible they might have met...unless you prefer the schrmeing, aether eating Doom Cat .
im always down with meeting fun folks.

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Mercurias - 05-18-2015

I want this to happen now.

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - C'kayah Polaali - 05-18-2015

Wanna be a smuggler... Wink

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Aya - 05-18-2015

Want to hang out with a former Ishgardian dancer now a barmaid, hmm? ^_^

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Erik Mynhier - 05-18-2015

Wanna come by and help train new Red Wings as pilots? For a fc of airships are best pilot is a paranoid hyperactive mammet. You dont have to join if you dont want to. Just show up and help me give flight training.

RE: Pilot Looking for Associates - Nirri - 05-18-2015

Aeron would hang out with Soren after last night tournament. Get in touch! xD