Hydaelyn Role-Players
Thruinaux Baelmont - Printable Version

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Thruinaux Baelmont - Phoenix - 06-10-2015

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Thruinaux Baelmont
  • Primary character: Thruinaux Baelmont
  • Linkshells: None(Yet!)
  • Primary RP linkshell: None(Yet!)


II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
  • If I had to classify myself into a category of RPer, I would most certainly refer to myself as a heavy RPer. I love long, overarching plotlines and well developed characters. I also tend to be In Character as often as possible, as the bulk of my reasoning for playing MMOs as a whole is RP. (Though I find myself enjoying FFXIV to a far greater extent that just about any other MMO I've ever played, and as such this motivation may find itself subject to change)

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
  • I feel that RP combat can be thoroughly enjoyable, provided that OOC communication is maintained throughout the course of the interaction in question. I personally have no problem relying on random /rolls and the like, though my personal preference in regards to RP combat is to free emote whenever possible. I find that free emotes provide the opportunity for greater creativity and more dynamic encounters.

  • Views on IC romance:
  • I feel that IC romance can be an exceptional opportunity for character development, though I also feel that IC romance should take place over an extended period of time, rather than simply popping up out of nowhere at the drop of a hat. That said, I feel strongly that(like any other form of RP) romance RP requires OOC communication between all parties involved.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
  • Just as I feel that IC romance can be a great opportunity for character and plot development, so too can non-romantic RP. Close character friendships, familial ties, and even distant acquaintances are perhaps some of the most defining factors of who an individual is, and as such, RP characters are no different. I personally am happy to RP just about anything that could conceivably fall into this category (I quite literally am just happy to RP in general) that said, as with any manner of RP, I strongly believe in consistent OOC communication.

  • Views on lore:
  • Though I am still relatively new to FFXIV lore, I have enjoyed just about all I have been able to discover and learn about thus far. In regards to how lore impacts RP on a more general level, I feel lore should be adhered to within the bounds of reason for RP. That said, I have never been a lore purist so to speak in any setting before now, and doubt that I'll develop such a mentality here. Provided your character has a valid reason for being who they are or doing what they do, I feel lore can be interpreted fairly loosely... That said, if your character is the long lost step-child of the Primal Shiva, I'm probably not going to be terribly inclined to believe you.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
  • As of the present, I am still fairly hazy on how some of the more unique chat functions of FFXIV work (Linkshells are mind bogglingly confusing to me at the moment, though I expect this to change once I gain some personal experience which them). I generally RP with custom emotes, and denote OOC conversation and actions with a pair of double brackets "((...))"
  • As far as RP goes, I tend toward longer, paragraph length and above emotes, though this isn't to say I dislike RPing with people who prefer other styles, this is simply what I'm used to and prefer out of habit.


III. Other Info 
  • Country:United States
  • Timezone:EST
  • Contact info:I can be reached in game as Thruinaux Baelmont, or right here on the RPC as Phoenix!


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