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[Balmung] Looking to help some criminals! - Printable Version

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Looking to help some criminals! - That Guy - 09-15-2015

Hi! I have a relatively new character I'd like to find some connections for! 

On the surface he has a normal, every day job. However, he also belongs to a rouge militia group called the Faces of Mercy. They are a lore based organization that can be read about in 1.0 quests. 

My character specializes as a 'cleaner.' He hides bodies, makes murders look like accidents, and gathers and provides information. In return he asks for intelligence on heretics in Eorzea and help bringing them back to Ishgard. And if you can't do that then coin works too. 

In short: He's a spy for Ishgard who scratches the underworld's back in return for a favor or two. This means I need quite the network if anyone is interested! 

Right now, I'm more concerned with making friends than enemies though the later is sure to happen eventually!

Who my character can help:
> Someone looking to hide a body or cover up a crime
> Someone who can frame another person
> Someone who can help you get a new identity
> Someone who is very good at getting information
> Helping someone lay low
> Patching people up (though nothing too in depth. He knows how to shove a potion down your throat and pop your shoulder back into place. That's about it.)
> Heretic hunters
(So basically he's the side kick every good criminal needs.)

What my character needs:
> Bomb maker
> Potion maker
> A good healer who doesn't mind patching up a scoundrel or two. 
> Bounty hunters. Always good to have muscle. 

Who probably wouldn't like my character:
> The Law
> Heretics 

If you're interested please PM me in the RPC. We can hash it out there as I can't exactly put their name all over the RPC. Kind of defeats the 'secret spy' purpose. That said, I'm very careful with who knows what my character is. So please respect that. He's worthless if everyone knows he's a spy both ICly and OOCly lol.

RE: Looking to help some criminals! - Aya - 09-15-2015

Aya wouldn't be interested in his services, but I imagine there are many who may be!  Could you tell us a bit more about him?  Where is he based?  With whom does he have connections?  What is his COVER? (His legal cover i presented, but obviously he doesn't tell his criminal contacts that he is an Ishgardian agent, so what does he tell them?  Building criminal contacts is largely about trust which can be difficult to establish.  He must have done good work for enough people in the past to earn a reputation right?

RE: Looking to help some criminals! - Ignacius - 09-15-2015

If you end up on Gilgamesh, we'll talk.  Don't be shy.  You can't get arrested for having a chat.

RE: Looking to help some criminals! - Seye Qhesu - 09-15-2015

Flower makes bombs.

Flash bombs 
Ala mhgian mustard bombs
Smoke bombs , etc.

No questions asked if you bring her the parts and sweets fully sealed and marked by the Bismark. She has a terrible trust with strangers and will be on guard but has a hard time refusing sweets.

RE: Looking to help some criminals! - That Guy - 09-15-2015

TWelp, his 'criminal cover' is that he's an Ishgardian who was exiled from his house after being caught helping a number of heretics escape Ishgard. One was captured and turned him in so now he's gota grudge a mile wide and hopes to find the specific heretics that lead to his discovery as a heretic sympathizer. He hopes doing so will get him pardoned and if not...well at least the bastards will burn with him. 

Above that is his Civillian cover. He's a  civilian coroner for the Maelsrtom and is based in Limsa. Generally his job is to investigate suspicious deaths. He also helps hunt down any black magics that involve the dead such as necromancy, restless spirits, drowned...that sort of thing. 

This puts him in a good position to keep an ear out for any heretical magics. It also allows him to forge evidence and gives him firm grasp on the criminal justice system in Limsa. Sometimes he's on loan to the other City States when Limsa is feeling friendly but usually he sticks to La 

As far as contacts go he does have a few. He's already sent a few other people who RP faces of Mercy after heretics but hasnt really done so himself. Like I said, my character focuses more on Intel then the actual assassination. 

However there aren't a whole lot of people who RP faces of mercy and the onces I dug up aren't on much, hence why I want to stretch out a bit. 

Let's see....other contacts include a courier and a healer. Npc wise he has the Faces of Mercy to work with however I would love to replace NPC's with actual PCs.

RE: Looking to help some criminals! - Conor - 09-15-2015

I sent you a PM!