Hydaelyn Role-Players
Site overhaul - Printable Version

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Site overhaul - Kylin - 12-11-2012

There's been a lot of feedback through various outlets regarding the RPC's future design. My original plan was to merely update the graphics and leave the base code and whatnot as is. The background, forum borders, and logo/banner, and colors were the only things that I had planned to alter. You can take a quick gander at the direction I /was/ heading here if you so desire (you may have to refresh the page for it to show properly--also note that it is/was nowhere near completion): http://www.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/testforum

There have been numerous suggestions up until now that we should just overhaul everything in its entirety as well. Recently, I've actually begun to look into this and it may very well happen now. I'm actually planning to move /away/ from phpbb now to a new forum software entirely which seems to be pretty good so far. Don't get me wrong. I still stand by my view that phpbb is a very powerful forum software where sky is the limit. But I won't deny that the programmers behind it have a very...archaic view of things and are quickly losing their competitive edge as a result. The coding for things can be viewed by some as spaghetti code that's hard to decipher. Adding mods, while very possible, requires more effort than it should. So after much deliberation, I'm now leaning toward a complete overhaul and have even started doing so already. Fear not though! It will be 100% possible to retain all posts/user information and so on within the new forum software. There may be some lost information (like custom titles, current listed linkshell, etc), but for the most part nothing of value will be lost. Also note that this will not impact the wiki in the slightest, as it is a standalone section of the site that merely draws on this forum's user database for logins.

Now, assuming we go through with said overhaul...there are some things to keep in mind. First, I would greatly appreciate help in the graphic design area. While Sienna was awesome enough to create a new banner that you can see in the link above, it would no longer work in the potential new site design that I'm about to reveal. A new background image would also need to be tailored to fit the new forum. Other various smaller scaled images may also be required. Second, I may take this opportunity to "cleanup" our database some more by deleting long-time inactive users or old posts from 2010. Suggestions on how much to purge (up to what date, etc) would be welcome.

The new forum software I plan to potentially switch to seems far more progressive...but also simplistic in some regards. For instance, the gallery is a stripped down version that doesn't allow users to create personal albums, though I think people wouldn't have a huge issue with this so long as the pre-made gallery categories are well laid out. I have also not verified that all current features we have now would be immediately available/compatible by the site's launch. The bazaar in particular may see the axe, though it's not used ever anyway it seems. I do plan to install as many of the present features as possible before the site would be launched though for a seamless transition.

So without further delay, let me show you the new potential layout of the site. Please note that it is NOT FINISHED AT ALL. It does not yet have any of the RPC branding/FFXIV imagery. Not all features are yet implemented. And not everything is organized 100% as it will be. Also please refrain from hostile feedback. There's a difference between being constructive and insulting in such things and some people seem to have problems differentiating between the two. The main thing to look at is the layout and overall basic design for right now: {site link removed to keep some of the redesign under wraps from here on out xD )

The new software actually has a lot of features pre-made into its code, unlike the phpbb software that forced me to code in just about everything. It seems pretty powerful, sleek, and not nearly as "dated/archaic" as these forums. It is however extremely different and may take some getting used to navigation-wise. Feel free to create a test account on the link to play around for a better feel if you want.

So my question is: Do you want me to continue work on the first link I posted and keep the current type of design? Or begin pouring energy into the second design? Or something else entirely (be very specific please...). Regardless of what people want, I want this all done and launched ASAP so we can begin re-advertising ourselves once more. Alpha is almost over after all and beta will be starting up before we know it.

EDIT: I'm fully aware of "Zaloguj" currently showing up instead of "Login" by the way. Zaloguj sounds better, just admit it Tongue

Re: Site overhaul - Ellie - 12-11-2012

It's beautiful and sleek and cool and I love it so much! Big Grin (the second one, obviously)

Considering our situation right now, I don't know how much help I'd be, but I want to help as much as I can. <3

Re: Site overhaul - Aysun - 12-12-2012

I think the second one is the way to go FOR SURE! It's time. We need the update. I suggest finding a nice color scheme and getting the font sorted out for now (looks like you've started doing that already). Then set in a 'filler' graphic for the header (the correct size) so that we can see where it goes when the color scheme is complete and then we can put together a proper logo/banner.

If you'd like different smilies, I did create a blank moogle gif awhile back for SR's forums that can be made into a smilie set. [Image: w0j5ap.gif]

I think purging some stuff would be a good idea, but at the same time will be a huge pain in the ass for you. I think the only way you could do it is actually go through and delete individual threads, while leaving others in tact. Purging anything beyond a certain date makes me nervous because there are some valuable old lore posts floating around still.

Re: Site overhaul - Ellie - 12-12-2012

Aysun, do you mind if I play around with your moogle smiley? :3

Re: Site overhaul - Aysun - 12-12-2012

Go ahead. XD He has no mouth for a reason! Pooka made some awesome smilies with it.

Re: Site overhaul - Gerik - 12-12-2012

I like the second one!

Re: Site overhaul - Kylin - 12-12-2012

After playing around enough with the other forum software, I seem pretty confident that we'll be switching now. If you'd like to give any suggestions for what you'd like to see/not see in the new design, please don't hesitate to speak up. There are some things we need to keep in mind as to what will transfer/not transfer. (The below lists do not necessarily include all items).

Will transfer:
--Calendar feature
--Gallery feature (more simplistic version)
--Wiki (will not be impacted in the slightest)
--URL will remain unchanged
--Private messages

Won't transfer:
--Current custom titles
--Current linkshell as listed in your profile
--Advanced posting editor as seen when posting (though a different version may be available)
--Bazaar feature
--All past events recorded on current calendar
--Likes given/received counts (sorry :/ )
--Some post formatting (will try to implement as much cross-site compatibility as possible pre-launch)

May/may not transfer:
--Images in gallery
--Chat feature (will be vastly different if transferred...maybe even just a shout box).

Additional features:
--Sidebar on all pages (forum index only to start)
--Latest threads in sidebar
--"Lite" version and mobile support
--Login via username OR email
--Completely revamped systems and database
--Completely revamped imagery
--Featured articles image slider on the front page

Re: Site overhaul - Gerik - 12-12-2012

I guess my only thing is that I don't like the hand cursor that pops up when scrolling through the menu up top, but I guess that's mostly aesthetic.

Re: Site overhaul - Gerik - 12-12-2012

If you wanna be really lazy about the color scheme, you can use this I think, there's all kinds of modes and stuff to pick what you want, PLUS it's good for people who are terrible with colors, like me! http://colorschemedesigner.com

Re: Site overhaul - Ellie - 12-12-2012

Gerik Wrote:I guess my only thing is that I don't like the hand cursor that pops up when scrolling through the menu up top, but I guess that's mostly aesthetic.

Actually I noticed that, would we be able to change it to something else? It might be cool to put in something like a moogle popping up or an old school Final Fantasy hand cursor.

[Image: FF7Cursor.png] like this but flipped to face the other way.

Re: Site overhaul - Kylin - 12-13-2012

Changing the hover icon should be no problem at all. I was thinking of hopefully putting up a chocobo or moogle icon but we'll see what looks best without coming across as too over-the-top. If worst comes to worst, I'll just use the suggested classic FF hand icon.

Just recently completely overhauled the layout of the profile section. Check it out and tell me what you think of it: (link removed)

Looks like I'll be able to accomplish everything I wanted so far and beyond. I'll be working on the portal system soon which will display a sidebar on the home page (portal), main forum index, forum list page, and on the topic page (not on other pages though). Do you prefer such a sidebar on the left or right hand side?

Colored custom titles looks like it'll be impossible (at least right now) so that's going on the back burner. Custom titles by themselves are still possible.

Still testing the reputation/likes system, though it seems like I'll have to do some tweaking to that to make it work properly. Reputation system is now operating as intended (and superior to this one's!). Negative reputation will be disabled of course.

The gallery, though more simplistic, seems superior despite that. The calendar looks to be about the same (yet less complex coding-wise) and will finally allow me to sync the homepage current/upcoming events side widget with it properly. All other features look superior so far as well.

The biggest challenge at this point will be graphical/color scheme aspects.

Re: Site overhaul - Gerik - 12-13-2012

I think it really might look best with no cursor or anything for the bar at the top, but I'm a fan of a more minimalist-sleek look.

Re: Site overhaul - Aysun - 12-13-2012

Gerik Wrote:I think it really might look best with no cursor or anything for the bar at the top, but I'm a fan of a more minimalist-sleek look.

I agree 9000%. I dislike little novelty things like that. x_x Clutter. Extra stuff to load. Sleeek and preeeetty plz.

Re: Site overhaul - Tadir - 12-14-2012

I have to admit, I hate cursor changes on websites. I'd leave the cursor as system standard instead of changing it.

Re: Site overhaul - Eva - 12-14-2012

I also agree about the cursor. It comes across as tacky and unprofessional.