Hydaelyn Role-Players
The Lonely Cart [closed] - Printable Version

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RE: The Lonely Cart [closed] - Clover - 08-02-2013

When Alana talked about her chocobo, Clover managed to return her glance—or what was almost a glance. Even if she was still unused to the farmer’s accent, the initial awkward feeling of spending time with a stranger had diminished slightly. Perhaps it was due to her interest in hearing those stories; Clover had never owned any chocobo, and albeit she had visited a few farms in the past, that kind of life differed significantly from her own. Alana was a bunch of different experiences, from the way she hung from trees to her coexistence with different creatures.

At the girl’s latest question, more like an invitation, Clover turned her eyes to the fluffy animal which definitely had been enjoying the petting. A slight nod was the first indication that she’d move closer, and so she did. Slowly, a hand travelled to the bird’s beak until a soft stroke was born from her fingers, much to the animal’s delight.

“I’ve never had a chocobo of my own...” she commented with an inexpressive tone, merely for the sake of comparing their experiences. Her eyes were glued to the happy animal she was petting. “Ah, I heard... that one of the chocobos would give birth soon, but…”
“The farmer said that one of his chocobos will give birth in a few days!” Two kids had approached them, excitement colouring their eyes and voices. “Alana should come to see it! Please come!”

RE: The Lonely Cart [closed] - Monogatari - 08-03-2013

Alana watched the chocobo. It hadn't even occurred to her that Clover may not have been accustomed to handling animals. The friendlier things of nature --as well as some of the less friendly things-- were as much a part of Alana's life as breathing, and everyone breathes. As Clover pets the beak, Alana gently ruffles the feathers atop the bird's head, searching for ticks and lice with her fingers without conscious effort. She didn't find much, which she was a little surprised over. Gertrude attracted the things like... Well, Clover wasn't really sure what it was like, but Gertrude usually had a few.

Alana's head turned slightly when the other girl mentioned that her family didn't own a chocobo. It made sense after a moment. If they lived somewhere near their shop, they wouldn't need to cart goods into town or anything; they're already there. Still, it was a life she couldn't imagine. Alana enjoyed her own company as much as the next girl--probably more-- but with her brother gone, Gertrude was the only one she could talk to, and Gertrude never told her to go away like her brother did. That was a good thing.

"Give birth? Y'mean one's going t'lay an egg?" Curiosity along with a bit of surprise and excitement dragged Alana's eyebrows up. Of course, Clover had answered the question herself, Alana was just a little slow. The two children drove it home however, and she nodded, taking a couple of steps toward the children before looking back, waiting for Clover to follow. She'd left her stick where it was. They were relatively safe now, after all, even if she felt otherwise. Clover was one thing, but the children were small and loud and far too pushy for her to be entirely comfortable with. And it was almost as though they looked up to her. That was even stranger to her than the thought of not owning a chocobo.