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Need Lore Experts! - Printable Version

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Need Lore Experts! - Felix Sideris - 08-10-2013

There is a story Remnance and I have been working on and have a pretty solid rough draft for it so far. We're not quite ready to show our idea to the public just yet, but we need lore experts willing to keep it a secret and read over what we have to make sure we aren't going/overly bending any lore.

The last thing we want is to go against lore or break any hidden rules, although as I am fairly new to the FFXIV lore, I am not one to argue and defend it being okay.

So! Is anyone out there a lore junkie or knows a good amount of lore?

Knowledge in the following topics would help in this:

The Various Eras and what has happened in them


Leve plates


the Guardian Deities, specifically Nymeia

The guardian deities possible connection to the Aether, if any

Fortune telling in FFXIV if there is any lore/history on it

History of Bards

Knowledge in any of those would help in this.

Again, the more you know about lore the better! 

Post a reply here if you are willing to help out, and I'll Private Message you what we have so far. It's just a rough draft, but it is enough to do lore corrections with if any are needed.

RE: Need Lore Experts! - Merri - 08-10-2013

Lore on the eras.

Lore on Guildleves and leveplates.

Lore on Aether.

Lore on the Twelve.

As far as Bards are concerned, there's this snip from the main site:

Quote:"The word "bard" ordinarily puts folk in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords. Few know, however, that bards in fact trace their origins back to the bowmen of eld, who sang in the heat of battle to fortify the spirits of their companions.
 In time, their impassioned songs came to hold sway over the hearts of men, inspiring their comrades to great feats and granting peace unto those who lay upon the precipice of death."

The Bards in question in XIV primarily originated in Gridania with the God's Quiver, if I'm not mistaken. A more seasoned bard will be able to help you out there. I don't really remember the quests, as I just did them to have them done.

Fortune telling in XIV exists, and seems to be something aligned with female Dunesfolk. It's definitely a thing in Ul'dah, though. We don't know much beyond that, however.

If anything needs any specific elaboration, I'd be more than happy to offer insight as needed beyond what's linked here.

RE: Need Lore Experts! - Mtoto Wamoto - 08-10-2013

To answer the first question - here is the revamped timeline I'm currently working on based on several other timelines and other lore bits available to us. There are some things missing (i.e 1567 - year 5 of the 7th Umbral Era) and this is still a work in progress. In reference to bard lore, I'll gather what I can and post it on this thread for you.

History Timeline

First Umbral Era
Peace among the Twelve is broken and life is created to wage their wars. The Age of Gods ends as the Twelve ascend from Eorzea.
First Astral Era
The Age of Man begins.
Ancestors of the Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te are said to exist.
Second Umbral Era - Third Umbral Era
Little is known regarding these eras. The Age of Bronze is likely to have begun sometime during one of the three eras.
Third Astral Era -  5,000 - 4,000 Years Ago
  • The Great Allagan Empire is founded, stretching across the continents of Aldernard and Ilsabard and possibly the isles of Vylbrand.
  • The Royal Sunway and the Royal Starway are constructed in present day Thanalan.
  • The tradition of mothers and fathers giving Onion Knight helmets to their children before beginning a life journey is started.
  • Allagan runestones are created, depicting the symbols of the Twelve, and are distributed throughout the realm.
  • The first emperor of the Allagan Empire, Xandes I, is born.
  • A crystal crypt is made for Xandes I upon his ‘death’, located in present day Mor Dhona.

Fourth Umbral Era
  • Possibly the first sighting of the Elder Primal - Bahamut.
  • Bahamut is sealed away by the Allag by use of Allagan magic and technology inside a satellite now known as Dalamud. The celestial object is banished to the skies.
  • The Allagan Empire falls into decline, eventually marking the end of the Empire.
Fourth Astral Era
Little is known of this era.

Fifth Umbral Era
  • Hydaelyn suffers a global ice age, marking the start of the Age of Endless Frost.
  • Miqo’te begin migrating to Eorzea across the frozen seas.
  • Man discovers magic, helping keep the cold at bay and giving birth the Fifth Astral Era.
Fifth Astral Era - 3,000 Years Ago
  • Old Six arms is said to be born during this era.
  • Man begins to seek greater power in the form of magic. Black magic, the art of destruction is born through this desire.
  • To counter the force of black magic, white magic, the art of succor, is created.
  • The black mage, Shatotto, casts meteor to bring down a star, using the fragments to create the Stardust Rod and the Gem of Shatotto.
  • A terrible darkness fills the sky and descends upon the realm, blocking out all light and darkening the hearts of men.
  • Man becomes corrupted by the darkness, giving birth to a struggle of wealth and power among the nations. The arts of black and white magic are perverted and used for personal gain, further engulfing the land in chaos.
  • The Grand Companies are formed towards the end of the era.
Sixth Umbral Era - Over 1,500 Years Ago.
  • The Twelve drown the world in a cleansing deluge to purge the realm of the sins of avarice in man. The Black Shroud grows to swallow all that the flood doesn’t. Much of the realm is destroyed.
  • Archons, incarnates of the Twelve themselves, descend upon Eorzea.
  • A cabal of dark mages appear and begin creating further chaos in the realm.
  • With the help of the Archons, the Grand Companies manage to bring peace to the world as the waters recede.
Sixth Astral Era
  • 1 - The Sixth Astral Era begins.
  • 233 - Lewphon of Sharlayan pens “The Five Ages - An Eorzean Chronology”
  • c. 572 - First migratory wave of Hyurs arrive in Eorzea from the surrounding islands and continents.
  • c. 572
    • Thordan leads his people to the Promised Land to found what is now Ishgard.
    • Nidhogg descends upon the new people of Ishgard, seducing the weak of heart to turn on their leader. Thordan is pushed to his death. Haldrath takes up his fallen sires lance and prizes out Nidhogg’s eye, giving birth to the first Azure Dragoon.
    • Nidhogg flees and enters his slumber.
    • The Goblins conduct a pilgrimage to the cities of man.
  • c. 872 - The city state of Limsa Lominsa is founded from the wreckage of the Galadion and the rest of its armada which had fled from the waters of a kingdom far to the south.
    • The Goblins conduct a pilgrimage to the cities of man.
  • c. 972 - Sasagan Ul Sisigan, first of the line of Ul, founds the nation of Ul’dah. The Sultansworn are created to guard the royal family. Three brethren blades are formed, Curtana among them, and are given to the band the brotherhood of the founding Sultansworn.
  • c. 972 - 1072
    • The aqueducts of Sil’dih are constructed.
    • King Lalawefu Sil Tatawefu, the King of Springs and ruler of Sil’dih dies.
    • Drought strikes the region of Thanalan, creating a desire for water in both Ul’dah and Sil’dih.
    • Sasagan Ul Sisigan wages war on SIl’dih in order to claim water resources discovered as a result of King Lalawefu’s flood control acts.
    • The Sil’dihn elite devised a plan to zombify their deceased to battle the army of Ul’dah. This plan ultimately turned on the people of Sil’dih and the zombifacation spread to the populace. Ul’dahns then proclaimed the war to be a crusade to send the abominations to the realm of Thal, sealing the gates shut and entrapping both the living and dead within leading to the fall of the nation.
  • c. 1022 - The Ixal settle in the Twelveswood, known to them then as Tinolqa - meaning “Blessed Forest” in Ixali. They begin worshipping Garuda, the Empress of Birds
  • c. 1022 - 1422 - The Ixali are exiled from the Twelveswood by the Elementals. They migrate to the canyons of Xelphatol where their young are born featherless.
  • c. 1052
    • Gelmorra, a subterranean city beneath the Twelveswood, is founded.
    • The arcane art of Conjury is created from the knowledge of primitive magic.
    • Man makes first contact with the Moogles.
  • c. 1102  
    • The Pact of Gelmorra is established, with the elementals bestowing chosen conjurers with the powers of white magic and transforming them into the Padjal.
    • The Elementals allow the Gelmorrans to live above ground within the Twelveswood, thus founding the city-state of Gridania.
  • c. 1200 - 1300 - Baldric Thorne becomes sultan of Ul’dah - he is feared across the region for his quick temper and even swifter justice. The tradition of Little Ladies Day is founded.
  • c. 1272 - Gigas are enslaved during the Thorne dynasty to work the mines of Copperbell.
  • c. 1422 - Dirigibles are invented, allowing the Ixali to return to the skies.
  • 1468 - Ala Mhigo invades the East Shroud, prompting the start of the Autumn War.
  • 1469
    • The Eorzean Alliance is born. Ul’dah, Limsa Lominsa, and Ishgard come to the aid of Gridania to repel the Ala Mhigan invasion. Ala Mhigo withdraws, ending the Autumn War.
    • Beltrant Durendaire, an Ishgardian scout along with his Choboo Ouranos, uncover a secret Ala Mhigan march while on patrol. Despite being heavily wounded Beltrant and Ouranos return to camp and make known of the Ala Mhigan position. Ouranos dies of his wounds. As a result Chocobo Barding was developed.
  • 1472
    • The Black Mage Ququruka allows himself to be imprisoned in the Marasaja Pit.
    • The Goblins conduct a pilgrimage to the cities of man.
  • 1506 - Roddard Ironheart, grandfather of Nedrick Ironheart and Millith Ironheart, drafts the first complete map of Eorzea.
  • 1521 - The Garlean Republic sees a technological golden age. The then legatus - now reigning emperor - transformed the nation into a formidable military power after attaining the position of Dictator.
  • 1521 - 1557 - The Garlean Republic expands across Ilsabard and Othard as Soluz zos Galvus conferrs upon himself the title of Emperor, this turning the Garlean Republic into the Garlean Empire.
  • 1542 - The Thousand Maws of Totorak is closed and sealed by the Elder Seedseer as another gaol is created closer to Gridania.
  • 1552 - 1556
    • Theodorac proclaims himself the divine ruler of Ala Mhigo, stating that his right to the throne was the divine rule of Nymeia herself. It was at this time that he also banned the worship or likeness of any other god and executed any who defied his uncontested rule.
    • The monks of The Fist of Rhalgr begin to rebel against Theodorac, but Theodorac used the uprising of the monks as a reason to imprison them, torture them, and finally kill them. Around this time, or shortly after, Theodorac led a vast army to the main temple site of the Fist of Rhalgr. The army surrounded the temple and massacred all those within. It was on this day that the monkhood was nearly completely lost, save for a few survivors who might have escaped.
    • Theodorac earns the title: The King of Ruin and labels any followers of The Fist of Rhalgr as heretics, starting a crusade to hunt them down.
    • Theodorac succeeds in eliminating most followers of The Fist of Rhalgr and continues to rule unchallenged. The people of Ala Mhigo eventually got fed up with the daily public beheadings and the tyrannical rule of the king and revolted, storming the palace grounds.
  • 1557
    • After inciting unrest within the masses of Ala Mhigo, the Garleans are able to capture the city and proceed to occupy it.
    • Theodorac commits suicide rather than being dethroned by the Garleans. Many of the citizens of Ala Mhigo saw the Garlean force as liberators at first. Couple this with the fact that the city was thrown into chaos, leaderless, and desperate for a new rule, the annexation and occupation of the city was relatively easy and happened near over night.
    • Nidhogg awakens and destroys the town of Ferndale.
    • The Dragoon Ser Alberic meets Nidhogg in combat, Ser Alberic suffers injuries and willingly abandons his Dragoon powers.
    • Nidhogg begins his slumber once more.
  • 1567
    • The Admiral of Limsa Lominsa is killed due to the coup caused by Commodore Sthalmann. Sthalmann is removed from the Knights of the Barracuda.
  • 1572 - M’toto sailed the ocean blue.

RE: Need Lore Experts! - Felix Sideris - 08-10-2013

(08-10-2013, 08:04 PM)Merri Wrote: Lore on the eras.

Lore on Guildleves and leveplates.

Lore on Aether.

Lore on the Twelve.

As far as Bards are concerned, there's this snip from the main site:

Quote:"The word "bard" ordinarily puts folk in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords. Few know, however, that bards in fact trace their origins back to the bowmen of eld, who sang in the heat of battle to fortify the spirits of their companions.
 In time, their impassioned songs came to hold sway over the hearts of men, inspiring their comrades to great feats and granting peace unto those who lay upon the precipice of death."

The Bards in question in XIV primarily originated in Gridania with the God's Quiver, if I'm not mistaken. A more seasoned bard will be able to help you out there. I don't really remember the quests, as I just did them to have them done.

Fortune telling in XIV exists, and seems to be something aligned with female Dunesfolk. It's definitely a thing in Ul'dah, though. We don't know much beyond that, however.

If anything needs any specific elaboration, I'd be more than happy to offer insight as needed beyond what's linked here.

Yeah we've run through a lot of the wikis you provided to get a bases on what might be allowed before writing, I am just being cautious as I don't want people shutting down the story because of it bending/breaking lore xD

A lot of what we need would be deeper lore than what is easily find-able, hence my asking. 

Which with that said I probably shouldn't worry, but still. Better safe than sorry.

RE: Need Lore Experts! - Merri - 08-10-2013

(08-10-2013, 08:07 PM)Felix Sideris Wrote: Yeah we've run through a lot of the wikis you provided to get a bases on what might be allowed before writing, I am just being cautious as I don't want people shutting down the story because of it bending/breaking lore xD

A lot of what we need would be deeper lore than what is easily find-able, hence my asking. 

Which with that said I probably shouldn't worry, but still. Better safe than sorry.

You're more than welcome to shoot me a PM or post here with specifics and I'll let you pick my brain for a bit~

RE: Need Lore Experts! - Felix Sideris - 08-10-2013

(08-10-2013, 08:11 PM)Merri Wrote:
(08-10-2013, 08:07 PM)Felix Sideris Wrote: Yeah we've run through a lot of the wikis you provided to get a bases on what might be allowed before writing, I am just being cautious as I don't want people shutting down the story because of it bending/breaking lore xD

A lot of what we need would be deeper lore than what is easily find-able, hence my asking. 

Which with that said I probably shouldn't worry, but still. Better safe than sorry.

You're more than welcome to shoot me a PM or post here with specifics and I'll let you pick my brain for a bit~
You asked for it Thumbsup

RE: Need Lore Experts! - Mtoto Wamoto - 08-10-2013

In regards to aether and the things that weren't touched upon in Merri's link...

Aether is the lifeblood of the entire planet of Hydaelyn. All things, living or not, are created from aether. In a sense, it can be compared to the basic building blocks of all matter in real life. 

When a creature dies and its body decomposes, the body is returned in the form of aether to the lifestream of the planet. 

A portion of that aether lingers, and over time, that aether that is left over condenses with the other free floating aether to form aetheryte crystals.

In the case of teleporting and how it works, basically we are using the lifestream of the aether to traverse from one aetheryte crystal to the next. We do this by attuning to the crystals in question and using the spells teleport or return. Two things happen when we use these spells. 
  • The body breaks down into aether and returns to the lifestream (much like it would if you were to die)
  • Your conscious soul is seperated from your body but is sent to the destination you are teleporting to. The lifestream then essentially rebuilds your body with aether. 

    Fun fact - anima is defined as the inner personality turned towards the subconcious of an individual. It is also the feminine part of a man's personality. The mother crystal, the source of all aether, uses the female's voice to represent itself and speaks to our characters subconsciously. While anima was present in 1.x, anima isn't used in ARR or touched on much.
Going back to all things being created of aether, this is how the arcane magics are created.

Conjury makes use of the aether found in nature, most notably in the elements of earth, wind, and water - the most abundant and easily ready.

Thaumaturgy uses the caster's own innate aether from within them. Every individual has their own aether pool they draw their magic from, but it is also the lifeblood of the individual. Using it without restraint can lead to severe penalties such as death. Some people are inept at casting magic, likely because their own aether pool is limited or stunted. 

Arcanist use tomes filled with geometric gyphs to cast their spell. The type of ink used to scribe the glyph has an effect on the spell and acts as a conductor for the aether. The glyphs themselves are there for the arcanist to see the image, place it in his mind's eye, and cast the spell. It can be said that arcanist use both  external and internal aether when casting. 

I'll add on if I missed anything, but that's all I can think of right now. Once ARR comes back up, I can provide more information.