Hydaelyn Role-Players
Noble Einherjar's Characters - Printable Version

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Noble Einherjar's Characters - Noble_Einherjar - 08-19-2013

I. Basic Info
  • Characters: A'muro Nunh, Iaian Lawfer, Jandor Leingod, A'muro Tia.
  • Primary character: A'muro Nunh.
  • Linkshells: None, yet.
  • Primary RP linkshell: None, yet.
II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    It depends on what I'm doing. If I'm running an instance for the first time, RP is usually not my first concern unless I happen to be in a full group of RPers. I guess overall I would say I am a Medium RPer. I'm in-character more often than not, but even when I'm RPing I enjoy OOC chatter either in whispers or in linkshell chat. Though if a scene is particularly tense/intense, I lean more toward total immersion. I RP a lot by myself, too. Small things. Like having my character wipe sweat from his brow after he's been chopping at trees for a few hours, etc.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    If it's an injury that's going to incapacitate a character in any way or leave a permanent mark, I prefer to talk it out beforehand. It's not imperative, but personally if I planned to do harm to another character I would ask for their consent first. And should one of my character's suffer a broken bone or fall into a coma, I will be faithful to that when RPing with others, but it won't stop me from leveling or anything else that's gameplay-based. As for the combat itself, I don't really have any favorite way of going about it. I like just writing descriptive fighting posts and having my opponent react to them, just with the kind of trust that neither of us will god-mod. I have this fantasy of making a duel system based off of base stats, but not every MMO allows for the type of rolling required. I think when RP combat gels like it should, there's this kind of unspoken connection, and things will flow organically. Though surely there are times when the victor/loser are scripted in advance, or when the combatants recognize who the likely winner will be (like the patient mentor putting an upstart pupil in their place or something).

  • Views on IC romance:
    I've been all over the place with IC romance. From planned, scripted romance to having it grow organically over time (preferred). I know it seems generally frowned upon, but if your RP end-game is to have your character find love, go for it. If you prefer love scenes to fade to black, go for it. If you enjoy playing out those more intimate scenes, go for it (as long as the involved parties keep it private). I don't have a lot of judgements when it comes to RP romance. Whatever makes you happy.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    I dunno if I really have a 'view' for stuff like this. If you want your character(s) to be related to others, then by all means.

  • Views on lore:
    I'm not concerned with sticking 100% to the lore as I am with not completely breaking it. If you don't want to follow the naming conventions for your race, that's fine. But RPing some race that's not even in the game is crossing the line for me. I'm a little more lenient for human characters RPing that they somehow came from another dimension (or even another game). Not really my cup of tea, but if you can make it work, good on ya.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    /say has always been IC to me. I would like Shout to be IC, but usually it's not by virtue of the sheer volume of people that don't use it that way (not saying they're wrong for it). 'Global' channels are definitely OOC to me, and Linkshell/Free Company chat is whatever the leader(s) say it is.
III. Other Info
  • Country: US
  • Timezone: CST
  • Contact info: PM, or in-game via characters listed above (primary most likely). Also I'm usually willing to share my various IM client usernames.