Hydaelyn Role-Players
Tiergan / Lurial Vashir - Printable Version

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Tiergan / Lurial Vashir - Tiergan - 11-07-2013

I. Basic Info
  • Characters: Tiergan Vashir, Lurial Vashir, Leilani Leilai, Furious Storm
  • Primary character: Tiergan Vashir
  • Linkshells: Aeon, Immortal Flames, Grindstone
  • Primary RP linkshell: Aeon

II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy): Medium to Heavy. I am in-character when I am not grinding or in party tackling PvE content.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries: I like RP combat so long as the other player isn't magically invincible and manages to dodge every strike coming his or her way.  I am okay with freeform combat, rolling using dice, deciding on the outcome of a fight beforehand OOC, or pretty much any other way of determining outcomes if it makes the other player comfortable. I don't mind my character getting injured during combat so long as they're not getting horribly maimed in a way that's permanent.

    If you want my characters to get injured in a specific way, I'd like to be asked permission first.

  • Views on IC romance: Not really looking for it at this time. I like all the tension and interest leading up to a romance more than the actual romance itself because it makes for a good story full of tension and story-conflict. An ideal IC romance for my characters would be a situation where the characters are attracted to each other, but 'something' prevents them from truly ever becoming involved with one another - fueling tensions. My main interest in regards to romance is character development and story progression.

    If an actual romance were to occur, I would prefer that it develops naturally. I dislike IC romance for the sake of romance and am strongly opposed to planning out romances OOC like a script.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): I welcome any character connections people would like to forge with my own. If you want to forge a blood-relation to my character however, I would want to RP with you a bit and get to know you as a player first.

  • Views on lore: I'm down with unique groups, places, items, and set-ups so long as they don't directly conflict with established game lore.

    I think FFXIV provides a lot of flexibility to do your own thing and perhaps bend (but not break) the lore a little bit - provided you do it with finesse and with the intent on creating a good story for everyone, not just yourself. 

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc): Say, Linkshell, Shout (except when Fate Grinding), Yell, and sometimes Whisper are all IC for me. 

    Party is generally not IC for me unless it is explained to me beforehand.  If someone whispers me in-game and they are obviously talking to me OOC - I will adapt to what they're more comfortable with.
III. Other Info
  • Country: US
  • Timezone: PST
  • Contact info: Feel free to either PM me here or on Enjin.  You can also send me tells in-game if you can catch me.

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RE: Tiergan / Lurial Vashir - Tiergan - 11-11-2013

Derp. I made a mistake and hit 'quote' instead of edit. (At least I think that's what happened?)

I actually just meant to edit my original post and it seems like I don't have the permissions required to delete this accidental one. Apologies.