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Forum RP and how to build my character a bit more - Printable Version

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Forum RP and how to build my character a bit more - OttoVann - 09-18-2014

Well I have a few questions.

I am unsure that I am good enough to RP with others on this forum. Frankly I know I'm not so I was wondering if I could, or if its considered appropriate/inappropriate to maybe write like a blog and/or monologue about my days from time to time.

To explain a bit further I could...write details of like my morning. But I have questions about how explicit it can or can't be. I'm not looking to go NC-17, but perhaps PG-13 with a shade of hitting the R ceiling is ok? I am not sure. I am not looking to disturb the flow of the site.

Why I want to do this is so help put in greater backstory. To me at least, this seems like a good way for me to get better at RP if I sit down one day and make a blog-like, monologue, or diary entry just illustrating what I did or will do or think about.

All of this is nice and easy to say, but the execution seems daunting. How should I format such forum style RP? Is it canon to bring it over ICly inside the game or is it a separate world. I really don't know.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading.



RE: Forum RP and how to build my character a bit more - TheBlob - 09-18-2014

I think if you look through the forum RP you'll find quite a few in character journals or simply stories that others have shared about their characters' antics and lives.
They may be able to help with formatting or even ideas.
I used to journal Daphine's patient notes and clinic books as if she were leaving notes for the next doctor on shift just a a prompt for myself and to develop her voice a bit more in my head.

It is certainly acceptable to pull events and situations from an RP into game for your character. It's the same world, the forums just allow a little more creative ease to scenes or NPC use; the timing is also much slower paced usually which some people enjoy.

As to the rating I'm not sure I can answer that. I'd like to think that as long as you weren't writing Fifty Shades of Grey... Gray?.. whatever, it'd be fine.

If you're looking to RP in game or in a forum I'd be more than happy and willing to help you get your feet wet. Don't be scared and don't feel inferior or intimidated this should be fun!

RE: Forum RP and how to build my character a bit more - OttoVann - 09-18-2014

(09-18-2014, 04:21 PM)ShayRei Wrote: I think if you look through the forum RP you'll find quite a few in character journals or simply stories that others have shared about their characters' antics and lives.
They may be able to help with formatting or even ideas.

It is certainly acceptable to pull events and situations from an RP into game for your character. It's the same world, the forums just allow a little more creative ease to scenes or NPC use; the timing is also much slower paced usually which some people enjoy.

As to the rating I'm not sure I can answer that. I'd like to think that as long as you weren't writing Fifty Shades of Grey... Gray?.. whatever, it'd be fine.

If you're looking to RP in game or in a forum I'd be more than happy and willing to help you get your feet wet. Don't be scared and don't feel inferior or intimidated this should be fun!

Oh I'm not looking to write sordid tales of Otto's exploits with women. More like just wondering how much texture detail to go into things like that.

Nothing explicit, at least I don't think of it as such.

RE: Forum RP and how to build my character a bit more - MattieBoi - 09-18-2014

Just slap the "NSFW" label to the title of the thread and I think it'd be fine. Smile

RE: Forum RP and how to build my character a bit more - MattieBoi - 09-18-2014

Or even "R-rated" maybe if that would be more fitting.

RE: Forum RP and how to build my character a bit more - TheBlob - 09-18-2014

(09-18-2014, 04:33 PM)MattieBoi Wrote: Just slap the "NSFW" label to the title of the thread and I think it'd be fine. Smile

Makes sense to me!

RE: Forum RP and how to build my character a bit more - Unnamed Mercenary - 09-18-2014

To modify an idiom, if you write it, they will read it.

Journal/Story threads pop up pretty regularly on the IC board in Town Square. If you're looking to get a feel for it, or to kinda figure out how it works, the Night at the Quicksand ones are always open to anyone. 

Alternatively, if you're looking for a more controlled Forum RP, you can designate it as [closed] to random people joining out of nowhere.

If you're looking for a shot at forum RP, make an open thread with a fairly open-ended prompt or setting. If it's something Franz could be in, I'll plop him in.

RE: Forum RP and how to build my character a bit more - FreelanceWizard - 09-18-2014


PG-13 to a shade of R is fine. Think about what would happen if a generally cool boss read it over someone's shoulder. If you think there's a chance they'd go running to HR about it, mark the thread NSFW and enclose the iffy parts in a spoiler tag that is, itself, marked NSFW. That way, everyone knows what they're getting into and can decide for themselves if they want to go there. Smile

That said, anything that's NC-17 or would be better suited for certain "adult" fan fiction/RP forums (you know which ones I mean) isn't permitted here at the moment. If there's demand for that, I might be persuaded to create a private, opt-in only forum for such works, though; those who're familiar with the Raven-Mythic forum, for instance, know more or less how that'd work.


Taking the magic admin hat off, in terms of what to do, you could do it as a journal and mark it closed so people know not to post on it. I would suggest, though, given the nature of the journal, you might redact names (so if you took L'yhta to bed, hypothetically, you might refer to her as "L." or something like that). Mostly, that makes your character sound classy, but also, some people might not like their characters being featured in that way for a variety of reasons (personal comfort level, desire to avoid metagaming, etc.).