Hydaelyn Role-Players
Funeral for a friend.... - Printable Version

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Funeral for a friend.... - Erik Mynhier - 09-19-2014

He dressed in his finest uniform. Gazing into the mirror as he adjusted the hat, he hated the hat, he went over in his mind what he would say. This was no normal memorial, Alexei had no family that he knew of... except for them, the Red Wings were his family. Soon ready, he exited his room and the headquarters. Out in the yard sat a multitude of people who had come to pay their respects.

Erik approached the podium, removing his hat and placing his glasses on he began to read from his notes to the crowd, "Good morning. We are gathered here to pay honor to our dear friend..."

RE: Funeral for a friend.... - Erik Mynhier - 09-19-2014

"Alexei Volkov was a man I knew little of. He was my friend, and a trusted ally, but I knew little of his past." Erik cleared his voice, "I met him in battle. He showed great courage and little moves me more. In time he joined us here in our work, he became our brother." Erik put down the paper, disapproval at whatever he had written, stepping out from the podium he continued. "I have never met anyone like him. He claimed to have no feelings, but never did I sense a larger heart. His hand's and mind were steady, his heart true. I will miss him tonight... I will miss his soul." Erik removed his glasses, placing his fingers at the bridge of his nose. Collecting himself he spoke, "Who else would speak?"

RE: Funeral for a friend.... - Erik Mynhier - 09-25-2014

Erik listened as several people approached and spoke, some he knew, others he did not. When they were finished he returned to the potium, "It is now time to say goodbye. And to my friend I would say it the way I have in the past to those closest to me. It is something my father told me long ago, I feel it fits with Alexei." Erik drew his favorite book from his coat. It was pocket sized in his hands, a lite blue cover, originally a story book, but now a note book too, the added blank pages used as notes to life itself for the Ala Mhigan. He found his page and read, "I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us and part of us remains. Go anywhere in this place when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while, you will hear the echoes of all our conversations, every thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we are gone, our voices will linger in these walls for as long as this place remains. But I will admit that the part of me that is going will very much miss the part of you that is staying."

Erik steeled himself as he shut his book. He looked down for a few moments, then lifted his eyes to the assembled, "And the part of us that stays will indeed miss the part of you that goes Alexei. Good Journey my comrade, my friend."

~The End~