Hydaelyn Role-Players
Dag sem nótt ég geng nú einn... [semi-closed] - Printable Version

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Dag sem nótt ég geng nú einn... [semi-closed] - Erik Mynhier - 10-06-2014

Note: Before anyone uses google to translate the title, google will not translate it right as google hates Iceland. The title translates to "Day and night I walk alone."

~1557-Ala Mhigo~

"Pull him off!" Shouted the tall women, tears streaming down her own face, her left arm clearly broken. Two men near by grabbed the boy, no more then thirteen, blood covering his hands, his eyes red and glowing. He roared as they pulled him from the dead man he raged against. The man's head was crushed, caved in by the paranormal strength of a boy who's soul had been touched by the darkness of his forefathers. As the men, by no means weak, pulled the boy he roared like an animal, the blood drenching him taking the same glow as his eyes. He shook one loose, taking the other with his free hand he hurled the second man like he weighed nothing. He turned on the woman, his eyes savage. Without fear she slapped the boy hard, causing him to hit the ground hard. The glow subsided as he held his face where his mother had struck him. She was cold.... she was never cold. Heather was a warm hearted woman. Despite all the trials the Twelve had dealt her in her life, she never lost her smile. There was no smile, only a stern wall of determination holding back a flood of tears. She knew her husband was dead, her baby daughter, she would not lose her son too. The darkness gave power, but ate life, it was a hungry power. Her voice was hard, "Eirikir! Á fætur!" He stared at her for what seemed like forever. "Mère..... Mère!" She seemed unmoved, "I said get up Eirikir." He looked around at the devastation, the people around them, all wounded to some degree, even his mother. He looked back at the man he had killed. She repeated, this time yelling "Get up damnit! We have to run! I know you hear them!" She looked off toward the gates, mixed of hyur and elezen, her eyes and ears were sharper then those of the assembled highlanders, all but her son's. He looked where she did and saw what she saw, what she had seen. "Mère, what about Tietra? We cannot leave her! We have to find her!" She would not lose him too, "I swear by the Fury's shield Eirikir Lumière Mynhier, I will drag you by your feet with my broken arm! Now se lever!

Raising to his feet he seemed distracted as the others gathered. One of the men stepped forward, "You hear them coming from the gate Heather? What about the west gate?" She turned toward the west and listened, "I hear them that way too." Another man panicked, "They have us surrounded!" All seemed to grow silent with the approach of the soldiers. Heather then turned her head, the trickle of water catching her ear. She saw a grate, "The aqueducts! Follow me!" The company surged toward the grate, a man and woman took either side of the grate and pulled it from the stones. Once all had entered the two pulled the steel gate closed. The group started to move down the tunnel but the boy stood looking through the gate. The others called to him, his mother the loudest. They did not want to lose their advantage, their escape would be assured if they could make it past the city walls. He looked at the gate one last time, toward his sister, his father, his home.... "Goodbye." he whispered as he turned and ran.... he never stopped running.

RE: Dag sem nótt ég geng nú einn... [semi-closed] - Tietra - 10-06-2014

The elderly man continued on his journey, he made little presence merely hobbling this way and that. His walking stick was far too large for his tiny huddled over frame, his clothes were old, ratted and fell far too large over his seemingly fragile body. Muttering under his breath of times long past, the man was nothing to look at in fact many would not even bother. His hair was long, stringy, and nearly perfectly white - well past his prime years. Now just a lonely man that walked the plains alone. Although, in his arms he carried a small nearly pristine pink blanket a bundle he was far too protective over. He would stop only when he reached his destination, and as luck would have it - even the soldiers did not stop to take too much notice of him. But then, he was simply a old man, crazed by the looks of it and the mutterings under his breath. 

Asgeir was his name, he had found a small child a girl he had also seen the destruction that took his city, and the family. There was little that he missed - even at his age. Tietra was her name, she belonged to Heather and her family - although he had hid from them when they searched for survivors, he would have slowed them and that was something he could not risk. Instead he let them continue on, race off towards safety, leaving him behind. But it was for that reason, that reason alone he found the girl, the blanket the tiny little cries and muffled groans of the baby girl. He would see the girl taken to safety, hopefully back to her mother's loving arms. 

Asgeir's journey was hard, his bones were far from use to traveling such distances especially not with a tiny baby. He was not allowed many places to safely rest, nor where there places to purchase food for either of them. Stealing what he could, purchasing others, and living off the unforgiving land was the only way they survived. His eyes were always looking for where the survivors had gone, but they traveled faster, they were long ahead of them and no matter how quickly he shuffled his feet, it was quite apparent catching up to them was not going to happen. Instead he turned his attention towards their survival. 

Doma. It became their new target, Doma. It was a place he had traveled to when he was younger and Asgeir needed a place he knew, that he understood if he was to care for this babe, until her mother returned for her. Doma, it would provide the safety they needed. And so, with that, young Tietra and Asgeir turned and departed, heading in an other direction and leaving all else behind. 

Days turned to months and months faded into years, Tietra grew up under Doma's watchful eyes, Asgeir ensured she was raised as properly as he could with what he had - which was not much. They scraped by, and she did what she could for the only family she knew. It was not that Asgeir did not tell her of her family - it was that he was the only one there. He was her family. He made sure to tell her one day her mother would come for her, her brother would find her. The man she called Grandfather knew it would happen, knew it would come to pass. Yet, he died in his sleep, long before that came to pass. Tietra was left to her own devices, with little left to her name, and no way to know where her family was. Hope faded, and soon anger took its place. How could they not come for her? How could they forget her? How could a mother turn her back on her daughter? How could a brother forget about her? How could they not search for her? Soon even the anger faded, leaving her simply empty.

RE: Dag sem nótt ég geng nú einn... [semi-closed] - Erik Mynhier - 10-07-2014

~The Present - Mor Dhona~

Erik had no fondness for the Free City of Mor Dhona. Using the word "city" was being kind. It was a large settlement, but it was no city. He moved through the crowded streets, his hood drawn on his black cloak. Maybe the "city" came from the population? There were thousands here. They came from all over, the five city states, refugees from the Empire. Attracted by the lack of laws and authority, if you could survive, you would do well here. Adventurers, craftsmen, former military, and according to internal reports, even the Scions of the Seventh Dawn made their home here. Be he was not here for any of them, he was in search of a Viper. His information told him that the one he was looking for had been living in Mor for little over a year. He wandered the stalls and buildings looking for the Roe. He was experianced enough to know when he was being followed. It wasn't the Roe though.... someone else. He darted suddenly down an alley and vanished into a sea of people.

RE: Dag sem nótt ég geng nú einn... [semi-closed] - Tietra - 10-08-2014

Tietra had joined many of the Doma survivors as they traveled to Mor Dhona, seeking refuge there. At first it was hard, being turned away and traveling further. She picked up what jobs she could, earning what she could. Although after giving her name to several people and getting some odd looks, or being asked if she had a brother soon it became clear her beloved brother was somewhere here. He had spent his time here, not looking for her. If she could locate him, or at least know his basic where-abouts he must not have looked very hard for her. Soon her goal became to find him. Although she didn't know what she wanted after finding him, she just wanted to find him to see him. 
More questions, more traveling, till finally she had found him. Someone had recognized from in the tavern, the man approached Tietra and informed her he was here in Mor dona. Her foot steps were quiet, and she did nothing to hide. She had no reason to, he wouldn't know or care. The black cape was enough for her to follow. Her emotions were running high, and if she listened to her training she should have called it off - left him to his own devices, but she couldn't. Tietra had to know, to just know. She hadn't been following him for long, before his steps quickened and he disappeared into a sea of people. Her training screamed out to her, leave, find him again another day. The hunt should cease, but her emotions had been raging since she had been told he was here. She had no choice but to follow, at least that is what she told herself. 

Moving towards the alley and pausing there at the entrance her eyes scanning the people that sat around the edges, the ones that were moving and trying to sell what they could, the others that hid in the darkness. His black cloak and hood was no where to be seen. Her steps were quiet and careful. Blue eyes scanning the crowds glaring at the ones that dared to approach to try and peddle their wares, watching the ones that dared to watch her. It wasn't the most friendly place, but then she had never been accused of being very friendly herself. She fit in here, it was as close to home as she had come in a long time. Plus her beloved family was here. 

Although instead of moving further into the alley she paused about a quarter of the way down. Taking a deep breath, and closing her eyes for the briefest of moments before opening them once more. She spoke softly, if her brother was close he would hear if not, the hunt was off for now. "Tietra." 

With that she turned, and it was her turn to attempt to disappear and vanish ducking into the crowds and moving with them carefully to leave. The hunt would begin another day, her training had won.

RE: Dag sem nótt ég geng nú einn... [semi-closed] - Erik Mynhier - 10-08-2014

From the roof of one of the buildings making up the alley way, Erik watched the girl scan the crowd. She was the one that had followed, her foot falls called out to him from the throngs of people by their familiarity. He had heard steps like those before. He watched her while she thought to herself. He closed his eyes and concentrated, opening them, their green changed to lavender, a glow from them. He had often found the Libra skill was invaluable to him and his work. Peering at the girls aetheric aura he learned that she was in good health, hyur.... mostly? And there was something else... his eyes widened as he realized what he saw in the flowing energy around her, as he heard the name....

As she vanished he stood. Placing a finger to his ear he spoke into the pearl, "Kahn'a.... I will be delayed in my return. I have something to see to here in Mor."

RE: Dag sem nótt ég geng nú einn... [semi-closed] - Tietra - 10-08-2014

Tietra vanished for several days, leaving the city and hiding away on some hill top. She covered her tracks, she had done everything her training and told her to do. There was no one that should have been able to find her, it was how she wanted it. The young woman remaining there, watching the sun and the moon, the purple haze as it floated over the area only to vanish once more. What was she doing? She should have left well enough alone, he didn't care about her, she shouldn't care...not that she did care...about him. It took her several days to convince herself this, him, changed nothing. It changed nothing, it would change nothing, he was nothing. 

Finally on the following day she made her way back to the city and to the tavern. She needed one good, stiff, very stiff drink. Then she would get back on track, get back to doing what she had come here to do - make coin. After a stiff drink. Pushing the door open and taking a deep breath, the familiar smells assaulting her nose. Men and women that hadn't bathed in who knows how long, the stench of alcohol and smoke. The noise, and the stories. Smirking her to herself as she moved off to a open table, far from the corner, and far from the shadows. He was not going to control her life, he was not going to force her to seek sanctuary in the shadows. She was here, and she didn't care that he was - although she did honestly believe he would have left by now. 

Giving her order to the waitress, and kicking her booted feet up to the table she relaxed. Tietra pulled a small knife from her waist band, and started to clean her nails with it as she half listened to the stories of the group at the table beside her. Adventures and their stories - always good for a laugh.