(10-30-2015, 12:21 PM)Kage Wrote: granted none of these characters or player characters are actively proposing the subjugation of eorzea, but there is no lynch mob just because someone is garlean.
Execution is everything.
We're talking about someone asking about the validity of being a Garlean killing-machine-captain-general-turned-diplomat-to-talk-Ishgard-into-surrender.
Not exactly a grey area in terms of subjugation, you know?
Edit: Not to mention being so great at murder that they were apparently in the Emperor's rolodex when it came to special contacts.
Double edit: To borrow a phrase that's been used a bit lately in various places, this character sounds fine from a fiction standpoint but not very approachable from a roleplaying standpoint. There are subtle but distinct differences in the two.