((My apologies to everyone who's been waiting for this post, both for my tardiness and lack of availability recently. I've been down sick with the flu followed by post-nasal drip. Coughing, hacking, puking, the whole shebang. Only just finished adapting this for the forums. Enjoy.))Â
This... this is disgusting.
Osric Melkire frowned despondently down at the cup and saucer that the Sea Wolf had served him.
Tea. Why does anyone drink tea? It ain't sweet enough, and when it is, they serve it so warm it settles right into the stomach and puts you to sleep. Rather have water. Or ale. Or rum. Hells, I could go for some o' that dragonfire whiskey. Anythin' but--
He groaned, but waved a hand in response to the barista's raised eyebrows and unspoken question.
"Fine, it's fine, as long as it's chamomile."
"As if I'd botch an order as simple as that. Enjoy, ser."
The sergeant nodded as he shivered and reached up to smooth out the lapels of his shirt. He was dressed Limsan-fashion tonight; something had possessed him, some need to remind the people of this city of who he was and where he'd come from. He'd even gone with an appropriate color scheme: black bandana, black leather shirt, black gloves, black pants, black boots....
I need her to understand that, though I work with the Order now 'n' again, I ain't one o' them. I'm somethin' else. I'm the dagger that Erik's honin', not some shinin' sword for the paladins.
He lifted the cup from its saucer and took a long, slow sip. He'd been right about one thing: the tea here was soothing, and he was going to need it soon. Gods knew keeping his temper had never quite been a strong suit of his. The chamomile would help; he had no intention of burning bridges with the likes of Coatleque Crofte.
He glanced back over his shoulder as he settled his teacup onto its saucer on the countertop. He turned to face her... and grimaced in anticipation of an impending headache. The Face of the Order was dressed in her usual white garments, the ones that screamed "inspector".
Still green, Crofte? I'd have thought you'd learned some subtlety by now.
That was what he thought. What he did was give her the respect and the salute owed to her station. She took her time in circling around to one of the nearby tables and setting down her things before returning his salute. "Thank you for agreeing to meet. Apologies for the wait."
He sighed theatrically as he lifted his saucer and walked over, settling the china onto the wood with barely a clutter. He waved towards the chair opposite his. "Hardly an issue. Please."
She nodded in thanks as she sat; he followed suit, slipping the bandana from his head into his lap as he did. She flattened her dress and removed her beret before leaning forward slightly and taking two small items from a small pouch at her waist. She placed them on the table and left one hand over top of them. The two items already on the table turned out to be an opened letter and a... a wrapped bottle of... was that spiced wine?
"Sergeant. You know why I asked to talk. I suppose I should allow you to go first, seeing as I have slighted you in some way."
Besides bein' an idiot?
"Quite frankly, ser, if I've come across as belligerent or untoward over the 'shell, it's been more a matter of security." He pulled a green linkpearl from his breast pocket and held it up to the light. "I've handed out far too many of these to too many people who'd find themselves on opposite sides of a divide."
"A fair point. I had not thought of who may also be listening. I simply assumed it was secure enough for your purposes."
She picked up one of the smaller items from under her hand: another pearl, this one the same color.
"Rightfully speakin'," he went on, "it is secure enough for my purposes, seein' as how I'm the only one who knows all the others who have one. Apologies if my methods of networking, intelligence gathering, and so forth seem... crude."
"They can be trying to decipher to someone such as I, Sergeant."
"Mmm. Something I'd not given much thought. It was only ever intended as a means for m'self to reach others. Again... apologies."
The woman across from him nodded with a slow blink. "Accepted. I too apologize if I had gotten the wrong impression. Though I am sure you have many questions. I will answer what I can."
The sergeant squinted at her. "In the interest of clearing the air... why did you follow her, instead of lead her? Surely you knew who she was speaking with, how much time they spent together, and that many of her efforts and actions were either suggested or prompted by him." He grit his teeth. "His employers are known, as are his interests. That is not 'neutral'."
"You certainly knew her as well, and likely more, than I. Was she one to allow someone else to lead?"
"I'm more concerned why you chose to follow."
"Are you asking why I accompanied the mission?"
"Though that would satisfy a curiosity... no. I'm asking why you allowed a 'sworn under your provisional command and supervision to allow her personal and political motivations to come before her duty to the sultana... not once, but on quite a few occasions."
"I made every effort I could to lead her by example. I tried to show her a more diplomatic way to solve problems. For a time I believe she was coming around. My example was not the only one she heeded, however. And I could not be with her all of the day."
He leaned back. "...and Taeros?"
"My involvement with Taeros is nothing more than polite conversation. Much as we are having now. He indulges me, and I afford the same to him--"
And therein lies the problem.
"--within reason, of course."
"... of course."
"Until now, Natalie was the one who openly assisted him. We who remain share a mutual respect for our positions. I keep from crossing him overly much, and he allows me to... continue breathing, I suppose."
Melkire planted both arms on the table as he came upright, snarling. "That doesn't concern you? That you live or die at his behest, and those of his employers, rather than the sultana to which you swore an oath?"
Crofte blinked again. "He has not done anything yet that gives me reason to place him under arrest. If you must know, the Captain and I just this day spoke of the same."
The sergeant smirked, but remained silent as he pushed back off the table, his tea completely forgotten.
The things you don't know, Coatleque. The things you don't know, and the things, even now, that you don't ask. That don't occur t'you to ask.
"I do not live or die for the man, Sergeant. I am only aware that he has enough power to decide it should he chose to flex. Do not mistake this for fear, please. I am more... fascinated than anything else. But he has not tried to buy me yet." Her eyes darted around the room for a moment... and he didn't miss it.
Shite, Crofte, ain't you smarter than this? Hells was your background 'fore turnin' to the 'sworn, anyroad? I was you, I'd have had this whole chamber on lockdown 'fore comin' here to discuss anythin' like this.
She took a slow breath as her eyes settled on him once more. "But back to your question of my leadership. I did have my own side investigation parallel to Natalie's. I did not inform her of this... nor Taeros."
Osric Melkire blinked.
"Natalie had initially asked the hep of Master Arasgain, as you know. I intercepted him before he could report."
He blinked again. He narrowed his eyes at her, and a smile slowly dawned on his face. "Well. Well, well, well. Ain't green, now."
"I do learn, Sir."
"A thousand pardons, I was more used to dealing with... her. She never did. A moment, please."
He tapped rather abruptly at the third pearl present this evening, the one in his ear, and muttered under his breath.
"Lieutenant. Need the city landing secured against eavesdroppers as soon as possible. Send me whomever y'can."
He dropped his hand back to his lap and returned his attention to the paladin, his gaze meeting Crofte's once more. "You were saying?"
She couldn't help but smirk. "Arasgain gave Natalie the location of the warehouse we visited. But what he did not tell her is that the Pirate was no longer in Thanalan, nor La Noscea. He has another safehouse, or stronghold. I am unsure which. Coerthas. North of Dragonhead. Providence Point--
He gaped, his right hand reaching up to stroke his beard. "That's... odd, for one of his ilk--"
"--he is collecting ceruleum, for which we both have a fondness, I am sure."
"--ceruleum?" He scowled.
"I wish I could say more. I had intended to go to Limsa Lominsa, observe the trade, and follow his men back to Coerthas. Fio never contacted me before the trade, however, and searching Providence Point would be a great undertaking. It is a mountainous region, cold, with numerous caves or crags to hide in."
Osric reached inside his shirt and slowly drew out a knife from its sheath. Its point he inserted face-down into the table as he started plying the wood . He glanced up. "Lazarov's insanity will lead to mass bloodshed, and that cannot be allowed... and I thought I had warned you. Arasgain, if he is what we believe, holds no allegiance to the peoples of this city."
Crofte nodded in agreement. "Oh, you did warn me. And I made it a point not to let him know that I am wary of him. Had he contacted me, I would not have been at the warehouse raid to begin with."
"As for the raid itself... my involvement was ... unfortunate. I had gone only as a favor to Natalie. I had intended to keep her... well... alive. To prevent a diplomatic incident."
He plucked his knife from the new dent in the wood and slipped it back into its sheath beneath his shirt as she went on.
"We were hidden along the side of the building, watching as our agent dressed as Maelstrom was speaking to the guards. Natalie slipped away without my notice and circled around to Mergrey. Before I knew what was happening, she ran to the door and lobbed a grenade. Afterwords... panic."
He stared.. "Callae was not Maelstrom?"
Crofte shook her head. "Brynnalia Callae is another of Taeros's agents."
"...would've been helpful t'know, at the time. Damn." He sighed as he rubbed the heels of his palms into his temples. "So y'sought to prevent an incident and failed. Happens."
"More than failed, I would say. A friend of mine is now gone because of my inaction." She sighed and shook her head. "I cannot dwell on that now however."
"...I'm satisfied. I've asked my questions. Ask yours."
"I've only two questions, Sergeant."
Osric Melkire made it a point to give her his very best blank stare.
"First," she held up her green linkpearl, "do you still trust me?"
He rubbed at his eyes with the knuckles of his left hand. "Enough t'cooperate with you, provide you with answers and assistance when I can, in exchange for the same? Yes. Enough to compromise my other contacts in a damning fashion, the way some of them might prefer me to compromise you? Hells no. Trust is a two-way street."
"I agree. But your words, along with previous explanation, are enough for me." She placed the pearl back into her pouch. "Secondly, are you willing to help me track down this pirate?" She slid the letter across the table to Osric. "This note is all that Natalie recovered of interest."
The sergeant gazed into Coatleque's hazel eyes for a few moments, then reached across the table and slid the letter over without breaking eye contact.
"It was accompanied by the bottle here."
He unfolded the letter and mouthed the contents silently to himself as he read it. "You thinkin' this is related t'Lazarov?"
"Whether it is, or is not, it is the only lead I have beside a blind search through northern Coerthas for a safe house that may or may not exist."
"...not sure what t'tell you... though I suppose you're not used to this sort o' writing." He folded the letter again and gently flicked it across the table.
"I do not know this name, Redgrave, and no, I am not." Crofte caught the letter, dragged it the rest of the way across the table. "I take it you are."
"Redgrave's likely an alias. You're lookin' at a smuggling ring, perhaps black market. Someone well connected enough to operate out of the Goblet without fear for search and seizure. They wouldn't dare write the address down otherwise. That means they're likely chartered. Legal. Legitimate. As for this Redgrave.... where exactly was this letter recovered from?"
"From the warehouse. Moraby Drydocks."
"From someone's person? An office? A strongbox?"
"Unfortunately, I was dealing with two armed thugs at the time. I never actually entered the building."
"Shite. Well, I'd say you'd need t'look into the address. Fat chance o' findin' this Sebastian if all you have is a name." He narrowed his eyes at her again. "No warrants, no official or unofficial searches. Find someone t'go undercover for you, someone they won't recognize." He waved a hand. "Pose as a potential client lookin' to secure a line o' goods."
She thought that over for a moment, then gestured to the wine bottle. "Or perhaps a delivery to someone."
"That would work just as well."
"I would not want the rightful owner to be deprived, after all."
"Hmm. One last bit o' advice."
"Not a word t'Aya."
"Miss Aya? Why would she be involved?"
Learn faster, Crofte.
"She's on very good terms with C'kayah Tia. Close friends, those two. And what Aya knows, C'kayah will hear about. He has a long history here, many connections. Doubt there'd be an operation on the scale implied by your letter there without his knowin' of it. Aya hears about this from you, C'kayah hears about this from her, your pirates hear about it from him, and suddenly you're up shite creek without a paddle."
"Point taken... though C'kayah seems rather pleased with me right now regardless." She lifted the other object she'd been covering with her hand... she held out another linkpearl.
Osric groaned. "Do I want t'know?"
"No, but you should. The reason he is allowed into Thanalan again is because I lifted the order against him that Natalie had in place."
He ran a hand up and back through his hair at that. "Not sure if that was wise."
"The details of that do not matter as much. A favor for a favor, I am sure you understand."
He winced, recent events still fresh on his mind. "Aye."
"But I do agree. I am watching him as closely as I am able. Anyroad, he offered me this pearl in return, as well as a teleportation crystal. To use before I 'turn myself in' to the Captain."
The sergeant frowned. "You've not reported in yet?"
"Of course I have."
"Someone should know, however, that he courted me with this idea. Should I lose my better judgement."
Osric sighed one last time as he lifted his bandanna from his lap and fit it snug and tight over his head again. "Was there anythin' else, ser?"
Ser Coatleque Crofte shook her head as she put the second pearl away as well. "Nothing further, Sergeant. Thank you for your time. I shall consider your advice before proceeding."
They stood and exchanged salutes. As he turned to leave, though...
Aw, hells. She's comin' along. Might as well throw her a bone or two now 'n' again.
"...one last thing," he said over his shoulder.
"I know the Order is pressed on men, but if you've concerns regarding eavesdroppers, please mention it ahead of time. I had to have the lieutenant pull a few men away to secure the area." He nodded towards the various members of the Red Wings who had quietly, surreptitiously, inconspicuously taken up guard around the perimeter of the airship landing over the course of the last half bell.
She glanced around the supporting pillars to the various corners of the room and sighed as he smirked back at her.
"Twelvespeed to you, Sergeant Melkire."
He gave her his best bow as he backed away. "Good hunting, Ser."
Learn faster, before this city kills you like it killed Nat.
This... this is disgusting.
Osric Melkire frowned despondently down at the cup and saucer that the Sea Wolf had served him.
Tea. Why does anyone drink tea? It ain't sweet enough, and when it is, they serve it so warm it settles right into the stomach and puts you to sleep. Rather have water. Or ale. Or rum. Hells, I could go for some o' that dragonfire whiskey. Anythin' but--
He groaned, but waved a hand in response to the barista's raised eyebrows and unspoken question.
"Fine, it's fine, as long as it's chamomile."
"As if I'd botch an order as simple as that. Enjoy, ser."
The sergeant nodded as he shivered and reached up to smooth out the lapels of his shirt. He was dressed Limsan-fashion tonight; something had possessed him, some need to remind the people of this city of who he was and where he'd come from. He'd even gone with an appropriate color scheme: black bandana, black leather shirt, black gloves, black pants, black boots....
I need her to understand that, though I work with the Order now 'n' again, I ain't one o' them. I'm somethin' else. I'm the dagger that Erik's honin', not some shinin' sword for the paladins.
He lifted the cup from its saucer and took a long, slow sip. He'd been right about one thing: the tea here was soothing, and he was going to need it soon. Gods knew keeping his temper had never quite been a strong suit of his. The chamomile would help; he had no intention of burning bridges with the likes of Coatleque Crofte.
He glanced back over his shoulder as he settled his teacup onto its saucer on the countertop. He turned to face her... and grimaced in anticipation of an impending headache. The Face of the Order was dressed in her usual white garments, the ones that screamed "inspector".
Still green, Crofte? I'd have thought you'd learned some subtlety by now.
That was what he thought. What he did was give her the respect and the salute owed to her station. She took her time in circling around to one of the nearby tables and setting down her things before returning his salute. "Thank you for agreeing to meet. Apologies for the wait."
He sighed theatrically as he lifted his saucer and walked over, settling the china onto the wood with barely a clutter. He waved towards the chair opposite his. "Hardly an issue. Please."
She nodded in thanks as she sat; he followed suit, slipping the bandana from his head into his lap as he did. She flattened her dress and removed her beret before leaning forward slightly and taking two small items from a small pouch at her waist. She placed them on the table and left one hand over top of them. The two items already on the table turned out to be an opened letter and a... a wrapped bottle of... was that spiced wine?
"Sergeant. You know why I asked to talk. I suppose I should allow you to go first, seeing as I have slighted you in some way."
Besides bein' an idiot?
"Quite frankly, ser, if I've come across as belligerent or untoward over the 'shell, it's been more a matter of security." He pulled a green linkpearl from his breast pocket and held it up to the light. "I've handed out far too many of these to too many people who'd find themselves on opposite sides of a divide."
"A fair point. I had not thought of who may also be listening. I simply assumed it was secure enough for your purposes."
She picked up one of the smaller items from under her hand: another pearl, this one the same color.
"Rightfully speakin'," he went on, "it is secure enough for my purposes, seein' as how I'm the only one who knows all the others who have one. Apologies if my methods of networking, intelligence gathering, and so forth seem... crude."
"They can be trying to decipher to someone such as I, Sergeant."
"Mmm. Something I'd not given much thought. It was only ever intended as a means for m'self to reach others. Again... apologies."
The woman across from him nodded with a slow blink. "Accepted. I too apologize if I had gotten the wrong impression. Though I am sure you have many questions. I will answer what I can."
The sergeant squinted at her. "In the interest of clearing the air... why did you follow her, instead of lead her? Surely you knew who she was speaking with, how much time they spent together, and that many of her efforts and actions were either suggested or prompted by him." He grit his teeth. "His employers are known, as are his interests. That is not 'neutral'."
"You certainly knew her as well, and likely more, than I. Was she one to allow someone else to lead?"
"I'm more concerned why you chose to follow."
"Are you asking why I accompanied the mission?"
"Though that would satisfy a curiosity... no. I'm asking why you allowed a 'sworn under your provisional command and supervision to allow her personal and political motivations to come before her duty to the sultana... not once, but on quite a few occasions."
"I made every effort I could to lead her by example. I tried to show her a more diplomatic way to solve problems. For a time I believe she was coming around. My example was not the only one she heeded, however. And I could not be with her all of the day."
He leaned back. "...and Taeros?"
"My involvement with Taeros is nothing more than polite conversation. Much as we are having now. He indulges me, and I afford the same to him--"
And therein lies the problem.
"--within reason, of course."
"... of course."
"Until now, Natalie was the one who openly assisted him. We who remain share a mutual respect for our positions. I keep from crossing him overly much, and he allows me to... continue breathing, I suppose."
Melkire planted both arms on the table as he came upright, snarling. "That doesn't concern you? That you live or die at his behest, and those of his employers, rather than the sultana to which you swore an oath?"
Crofte blinked again. "He has not done anything yet that gives me reason to place him under arrest. If you must know, the Captain and I just this day spoke of the same."
The sergeant smirked, but remained silent as he pushed back off the table, his tea completely forgotten.
The things you don't know, Coatleque. The things you don't know, and the things, even now, that you don't ask. That don't occur t'you to ask.
"I do not live or die for the man, Sergeant. I am only aware that he has enough power to decide it should he chose to flex. Do not mistake this for fear, please. I am more... fascinated than anything else. But he has not tried to buy me yet." Her eyes darted around the room for a moment... and he didn't miss it.
Shite, Crofte, ain't you smarter than this? Hells was your background 'fore turnin' to the 'sworn, anyroad? I was you, I'd have had this whole chamber on lockdown 'fore comin' here to discuss anythin' like this.
She took a slow breath as her eyes settled on him once more. "But back to your question of my leadership. I did have my own side investigation parallel to Natalie's. I did not inform her of this... nor Taeros."
Osric Melkire blinked.
"Natalie had initially asked the hep of Master Arasgain, as you know. I intercepted him before he could report."
He blinked again. He narrowed his eyes at her, and a smile slowly dawned on his face. "Well. Well, well, well. Ain't green, now."
"I do learn, Sir."
"A thousand pardons, I was more used to dealing with... her. She never did. A moment, please."
He tapped rather abruptly at the third pearl present this evening, the one in his ear, and muttered under his breath.
"Lieutenant. Need the city landing secured against eavesdroppers as soon as possible. Send me whomever y'can."
He dropped his hand back to his lap and returned his attention to the paladin, his gaze meeting Crofte's once more. "You were saying?"
She couldn't help but smirk. "Arasgain gave Natalie the location of the warehouse we visited. But what he did not tell her is that the Pirate was no longer in Thanalan, nor La Noscea. He has another safehouse, or stronghold. I am unsure which. Coerthas. North of Dragonhead. Providence Point--
He gaped, his right hand reaching up to stroke his beard. "That's... odd, for one of his ilk--"
"--he is collecting ceruleum, for which we both have a fondness, I am sure."
"--ceruleum?" He scowled.
"I wish I could say more. I had intended to go to Limsa Lominsa, observe the trade, and follow his men back to Coerthas. Fio never contacted me before the trade, however, and searching Providence Point would be a great undertaking. It is a mountainous region, cold, with numerous caves or crags to hide in."
Osric reached inside his shirt and slowly drew out a knife from its sheath. Its point he inserted face-down into the table as he started plying the wood . He glanced up. "Lazarov's insanity will lead to mass bloodshed, and that cannot be allowed... and I thought I had warned you. Arasgain, if he is what we believe, holds no allegiance to the peoples of this city."
Crofte nodded in agreement. "Oh, you did warn me. And I made it a point not to let him know that I am wary of him. Had he contacted me, I would not have been at the warehouse raid to begin with."
"As for the raid itself... my involvement was ... unfortunate. I had gone only as a favor to Natalie. I had intended to keep her... well... alive. To prevent a diplomatic incident."
He plucked his knife from the new dent in the wood and slipped it back into its sheath beneath his shirt as she went on.
"We were hidden along the side of the building, watching as our agent dressed as Maelstrom was speaking to the guards. Natalie slipped away without my notice and circled around to Mergrey. Before I knew what was happening, she ran to the door and lobbed a grenade. Afterwords... panic."
He stared.. "Callae was not Maelstrom?"
Crofte shook her head. "Brynnalia Callae is another of Taeros's agents."
"...would've been helpful t'know, at the time. Damn." He sighed as he rubbed the heels of his palms into his temples. "So y'sought to prevent an incident and failed. Happens."
"More than failed, I would say. A friend of mine is now gone because of my inaction." She sighed and shook her head. "I cannot dwell on that now however."
"...I'm satisfied. I've asked my questions. Ask yours."
"I've only two questions, Sergeant."
Osric Melkire made it a point to give her his very best blank stare.
"First," she held up her green linkpearl, "do you still trust me?"
He rubbed at his eyes with the knuckles of his left hand. "Enough t'cooperate with you, provide you with answers and assistance when I can, in exchange for the same? Yes. Enough to compromise my other contacts in a damning fashion, the way some of them might prefer me to compromise you? Hells no. Trust is a two-way street."
"I agree. But your words, along with previous explanation, are enough for me." She placed the pearl back into her pouch. "Secondly, are you willing to help me track down this pirate?" She slid the letter across the table to Osric. "This note is all that Natalie recovered of interest."
The sergeant gazed into Coatleque's hazel eyes for a few moments, then reached across the table and slid the letter over without breaking eye contact.
"It was accompanied by the bottle here."
He unfolded the letter and mouthed the contents silently to himself as he read it. "You thinkin' this is related t'Lazarov?"
"Whether it is, or is not, it is the only lead I have beside a blind search through northern Coerthas for a safe house that may or may not exist."
"...not sure what t'tell you... though I suppose you're not used to this sort o' writing." He folded the letter again and gently flicked it across the table.
"I do not know this name, Redgrave, and no, I am not." Crofte caught the letter, dragged it the rest of the way across the table. "I take it you are."
"Redgrave's likely an alias. You're lookin' at a smuggling ring, perhaps black market. Someone well connected enough to operate out of the Goblet without fear for search and seizure. They wouldn't dare write the address down otherwise. That means they're likely chartered. Legal. Legitimate. As for this Redgrave.... where exactly was this letter recovered from?"
"From the warehouse. Moraby Drydocks."
"From someone's person? An office? A strongbox?"
"Unfortunately, I was dealing with two armed thugs at the time. I never actually entered the building."
"Shite. Well, I'd say you'd need t'look into the address. Fat chance o' findin' this Sebastian if all you have is a name." He narrowed his eyes at her again. "No warrants, no official or unofficial searches. Find someone t'go undercover for you, someone they won't recognize." He waved a hand. "Pose as a potential client lookin' to secure a line o' goods."
She thought that over for a moment, then gestured to the wine bottle. "Or perhaps a delivery to someone."
"That would work just as well."
"I would not want the rightful owner to be deprived, after all."
"Hmm. One last bit o' advice."
"Not a word t'Aya."
"Miss Aya? Why would she be involved?"
Learn faster, Crofte.
"She's on very good terms with C'kayah Tia. Close friends, those two. And what Aya knows, C'kayah will hear about. He has a long history here, many connections. Doubt there'd be an operation on the scale implied by your letter there without his knowin' of it. Aya hears about this from you, C'kayah hears about this from her, your pirates hear about it from him, and suddenly you're up shite creek without a paddle."
"Point taken... though C'kayah seems rather pleased with me right now regardless." She lifted the other object she'd been covering with her hand... she held out another linkpearl.
Osric groaned. "Do I want t'know?"
"No, but you should. The reason he is allowed into Thanalan again is because I lifted the order against him that Natalie had in place."
He ran a hand up and back through his hair at that. "Not sure if that was wise."
"The details of that do not matter as much. A favor for a favor, I am sure you understand."
He winced, recent events still fresh on his mind. "Aye."
"But I do agree. I am watching him as closely as I am able. Anyroad, he offered me this pearl in return, as well as a teleportation crystal. To use before I 'turn myself in' to the Captain."
The sergeant frowned. "You've not reported in yet?"
"Of course I have."
"Someone should know, however, that he courted me with this idea. Should I lose my better judgement."
Osric sighed one last time as he lifted his bandanna from his lap and fit it snug and tight over his head again. "Was there anythin' else, ser?"
Ser Coatleque Crofte shook her head as she put the second pearl away as well. "Nothing further, Sergeant. Thank you for your time. I shall consider your advice before proceeding."
They stood and exchanged salutes. As he turned to leave, though...
Aw, hells. She's comin' along. Might as well throw her a bone or two now 'n' again.
"...one last thing," he said over his shoulder.
"I know the Order is pressed on men, but if you've concerns regarding eavesdroppers, please mention it ahead of time. I had to have the lieutenant pull a few men away to secure the area." He nodded towards the various members of the Red Wings who had quietly, surreptitiously, inconspicuously taken up guard around the perimeter of the airship landing over the course of the last half bell.
She glanced around the supporting pillars to the various corners of the room and sighed as he smirked back at her.
"Twelvespeed to you, Sergeant Melkire."
He gave her his best bow as he backed away. "Good hunting, Ser."
Learn faster, before this city kills you like it killed Nat.
![[Image: 1qVSsTp.png]](http://i.imgur.com/1qVSsTp.png)