"O is for Odin....Oodin...Ooooooodin." G'leo repeats to himself for the fifth time in the past six hours. The shade of the tent provides an adequate position to lounge as well as an excellent reading position as the young miqo reads aloud. His back shifts slightly as Norrington, the sundrake and close friend of the miqo'te, stirs from his slumber; the drake shuffling his tail to the right just in time to avoid the pounce of a young girl belonging to the refugee camp.Â
She giggles and screams joyfully as she chases after the tail. Her antics bringing a smile to G'leo's face, even as Norrington huff's out a plume of smoke while expertly bouncing his tail shy of the girl's reach. Even on the outskirts of Ul'dah, and looking much like a refugee himself, he is content knowing that he was among a group of people who welcomed him so kindly, even if for a short time. Eva was right; these people truly were something worth fighting for.Â
The past few days of travel had brought much wisdom to G'leo's eyes; finally able to see what and whom the elezen female spoke of. They are a hardworking people, intent on helping out each other and their family, and strong-willed outcasts; people that he himself is more than comfortable being around having been outcasted. They lacked resources and the knowledge that could help them survive the wilds, but G'leo brought it upon himself to help educate them in this matter. Having survived in the wilds as a young lad, every since his banishment...Curious thought to be having at this time, haven't thought about going home in over 15 years. Â
He muses with a sigh before returning to his studies in "A is for Aldgoat". At least reading is a lot easier than trying to hunt a sandworm, not to say that doing both at the same time yesterday wasn't entertaining, but G'leo's never been very studious (and sandworms really are just bait for the bigger prey).Â
"S is for Sh-aye-va...Sh-aye-va...Sh-ay-"
"You're saying it wrong! It's, Sh-eee-va!" corrects the young girl, now firmly gripping Norrington's tail. She holds on tightly as he lifts his tail off the ground and back again; her entire body barely hugging the tip of it.Â
"What? But that isn't how it was pronounced earlier...It's supposed to be 'aye'."Â
"No! Silly cat-man," scolding him now. (He murmurs, "Lion" under his breathe.) "It's different this time. It's not a long 'aye', it is a long 'Eee'."
He scratches his head confused...Bloody hell, maybe I'm not getting it after all.
She giggles and screams joyfully as she chases after the tail. Her antics bringing a smile to G'leo's face, even as Norrington huff's out a plume of smoke while expertly bouncing his tail shy of the girl's reach. Even on the outskirts of Ul'dah, and looking much like a refugee himself, he is content knowing that he was among a group of people who welcomed him so kindly, even if for a short time. Eva was right; these people truly were something worth fighting for.Â
The past few days of travel had brought much wisdom to G'leo's eyes; finally able to see what and whom the elezen female spoke of. They are a hardworking people, intent on helping out each other and their family, and strong-willed outcasts; people that he himself is more than comfortable being around having been outcasted. They lacked resources and the knowledge that could help them survive the wilds, but G'leo brought it upon himself to help educate them in this matter. Having survived in the wilds as a young lad, every since his banishment...Curious thought to be having at this time, haven't thought about going home in over 15 years. Â
He muses with a sigh before returning to his studies in "A is for Aldgoat". At least reading is a lot easier than trying to hunt a sandworm, not to say that doing both at the same time yesterday wasn't entertaining, but G'leo's never been very studious (and sandworms really are just bait for the bigger prey).Â
"S is for Sh-aye-va...Sh-aye-va...Sh-ay-"
"You're saying it wrong! It's, Sh-eee-va!" corrects the young girl, now firmly gripping Norrington's tail. She holds on tightly as he lifts his tail off the ground and back again; her entire body barely hugging the tip of it.Â
"What? But that isn't how it was pronounced earlier...It's supposed to be 'aye'."Â
"No! Silly cat-man," scolding him now. (He murmurs, "Lion" under his breathe.) "It's different this time. It's not a long 'aye', it is a long 'Eee'."
He scratches his head confused...Bloody hell, maybe I'm not getting it after all.