Uldefyn Bloodwillow

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Uldefyn Bloodwillow
A stoic and quiet defender
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Sea Wolf
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa



It is said that the Sea Wolves find their days upon the sea, either as sailors or fishers. The sea runs in their veins, the smell of the coast filling their nostrils.

This one though, she is no ordinary, run of the mill Sea Wolf. The wood of a boat is only under her feet when she needs to travel, as the solid earth is what she treads.

Along with her ward, a lalafell named Lucy McStuffin, she travels Eorzea as a bodyguard ... yet there seems to be something else she is searching for.


Towering over other races at 7'3", Bloodwillow looks like your typical Sea Wolf clan Roegadyn. Well built with nice curves, she holds herself with a down to earth demeanor.

Black hair feathers out around her face and rests on her shoulders loosely, blood red highlights streaking in clumps of strands. Small shells and metal bands could be seen and heard tinkling as she moves her head, a gift from days past.

Her face is young and barely scarred, except one upon her chin. A tone of blue skin contrasts the blood red vertical paint on the right side of her face, a cold, silver colored eye boring out from within. Her left eye is red in color, some saying because of all the bloodshed she saw in her youth.

Her attire ranges from light armor with plates sewn in to entire suits of heavy plate armor.. A large axe can be found strapped securely to her back, or hefted in a relaxed fashion over her right shoulder. She is not into materialistic things, so her jewelry and trinkets about her are sparse, except for one ring on her left middle finger.


A quiet individual, she is not known to put herself in the middle of any social gatherings. You can find her off to the side, always watching those around her and the environment. When she does speak, it is to the point as to not "waste her breath".

When around her ward, she is all business. She takes what she does seriously and puts everything she can behind her work. It is difficult for her not to crowd the small lalafell as they go about their day, but she tries very hard.



Trained in the arts of a Marauder, Bloodwillow carries her axe with ease and confidence. Her mind is always focused on her opponent, but always scanning for more dangers around the field of battle.

With Lucy at her side, who follows the art of the Arcanist, she has her work cut out for her keeping the lalafell protected.



  • The color of blood red
  • Regarding food, anything she hunts and kills herself



  • Self taught Armorer
  • Through years of training, she wields an axe as if it was part of her body from birth




When asked her answer is always the same. Limsa Lominsa is my father, the sea is my mother.


Her one true friend is Lucy McStuffin, a young, chipper lalafell who became her ward. Lucy is an Arcanist, who wants to travel Eorzea, create as many items as she can, and fish every single fish there is. Lucy is more social than Bloodwillow is, and that is fine with her.




Common Rumors

  • She goes by the name of Bloodwillow though that isn't her "true" name.

Moderate Rumors

  • In her youth, to be accepted into the Marauder barracks, she had a sliver of Materia placed under the skin of her temple, causing her right eye to change color.

Rare Rumors

  • Her first name is given to the one who takes her heart.
  • Her silver eye allows her to see openings and weaknesses in her opponents before they even strike

PC Rumors

  • Bloodwillow's stoic and quiet demeanor hides a very painful secret from her past



100 Questions IC Interview

Part 1: The Basics

1.What is your full name?

  • You may call me Bloodwillow. You are not trusted enough to know my first name.

2.Where and when were you born?

  • 6th Umbral Moon, 12th Sun. That is all you need to know.

3.Who are/were your parents?

  • Limsa Lominsa is my father, the sea is my mother.

4.Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

  • No.

5.Where do you live now, and with whom?

  • All of Eorzea is my home.

6.What is your occupation?

  • Marauder and bodyguard.

7.Write a full physical description of yourself.

  • ((See Appearance above))

8.To which social class do you belong?

  • Mercenary

9.Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

  • Only a fool would divulge such things. I am no fool.

10. Are you right- or left-handed?

  • Both

11. What does your voice sound like?

  • I am talking to you now. You tell me.

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?

  • I let my actions speak for me.

13. What do you have in your pockets?

  • I do not have pockets.

14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

  • I have been known to strike down fools who ask stupid questions.

Part 2: Growing Up

15. How would you describe your childhood in general?

  • A blur of axe, blood, and pain.

16. What is your earliest memory?

  • Memories should never be trusted. We all lie to ourselves.

17. How much schooling have you had?

  • None. I learned as I stayed alive.

18. Did you enjoy school?

  • Irrelevant

19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?

  • On the sea and within Limsa Limosa's Marauder barracks.

20. While growing up, did you have any role models?

  • Anyone who was still alive after a battle.

21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?

  • I learned to be quiet and do your job.

22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

  • Still alive.

23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?

  • Working with metal.

24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?

  • I am who I am, now and back then.

25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?

  • Friends come and go. As well as popularity. Irrelevant.

26. When and with whom was your first kiss?

  • Ask me again and I break your fingers.

27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

  • Ask me that again and I break your legs. (cracks her knuckles)

28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.

  • I am Roegadyn. Nothing more.

Part 3: Past Influences

29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

  • Gaining respect and acceptance within the Marauder community and barracks.

30. Who has had the most influence on you?

  • No one. I am my own person.

31. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

  • Not strangling you because of these stupid questions you ask.

32. What is your greatest regret?

  • Nothing. Living your life with regret means you are not truly living.

33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

  • What is evil to you was necessary for survival to me. So many things.

34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?

  • No.

35. When was the time you were the most frightened?

  • Fear is part of life. Embrace it and let it fuel your will to live.

36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?

  • (sits and glares at the reporter in silence)

37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?

  • Agreeing to this stupid interview.

38. What is your best memory?

  • Memories lie.

39. What is your worst memory?

  • (says nothing, folding her arms)

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

  • Neither

41. What is your greatest fear?

  • Only a fool divulges such. I am no fool.

42. What are your religious views?

  • It does not play a large part in my life right now.

43. What are your political views?

  • I am a citizen of Limsa Lominsa. That is all you need to know.

44. What are your views on sex?

  • (glares quietly at the reporter)

45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?

  • Always.

46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any being could do?

  • Let their weaknesses overwhelm them.

47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?

  • Yes.

48. What do you believe makes a successful life?

  • Surviving to see another day.

49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?

  • I show people what they need to see. I have not found anyone yet who is worthy to see who I truly am.

50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?

  • There are too many Miq'ote around. They shed.

51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?

  • Die for a stupid cause or reason.

52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?

  • Those whom I guard. As of this moment, Lucy.

Part 5: Relationships With Others

53. In general, how do you treat others? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?

  • All are treated as strangers until they prove to me they are worthy enough to be trusted around Lucy.

54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

  • As of this moment, Lucy.

55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

  • There is one. I will not name him to you.

56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend?

  • Friends come and go like the tide.

57. Do you have a spouse or significant other?

  • No.

58. Have you ever been in love?

  • (glares)

59. What do you look for in a potential lover?

  • (growls)

60. How close are you to your family?

  • Limsa Lominsa is my father, the sea my mother.

61. Have you started your own family? If not, do you want to?

  • No.

62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?

  • Myself. If I cannot survive the situation I was in, I do not deserve to live.

63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?

  • There might be someone, but you will not know who.

64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?

  • I do not know.

65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?

  • You are getting close.

66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

  • Conflict flows in my veins.

67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

  • No.

68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people?

  • No.

69. Do you care what others think of you?

  • No.

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes

70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

  • Sharpening my axe and maintaining my armor.

71. What is your most treasured possession?

  • My life.

72. What is your favorite color?

  • Blood red.

73. What is your favorite food?

  • Anything that I hunt and kill.

74. What, if anything, do you like to read?

  • Tactical manuals.

75. What is your idea of good entertainment?

  • Watching people.

76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?

  • No.

77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

  • What in seven hells is Saturday?

78. What makes you laugh?

  • I don't laugh.

79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?

  • Lightning elementals.

80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?

  • There are plenty of creatures to slay.

81. How do you deal with stress?

  • Kill things.

82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

  • Only a fool jumps into a battle without a plan.

83. What are your pet peeves?

  • Annoying questions.

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.

84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?

  • I wake at dawn, making sure my armor and weapon are in proper shape. I double check food and potions in my bags. Once Lucy wakes we head out. If disrupted I do not care. I continue.

85. What is your greatest strength as a person?

  • I am a Roegadyn. We are strong of arm and want of freedom.

86. What is your greatest weakness?

  • (sighs) I have answered that before, fool.

87. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

  • Nothing.

88. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

  • Are you trying to take me on a date?

89. Are you generally organized or messy?

  • Organized.

90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.

  • Killing, shaping metal, protecting Lucy. You know my answer to your second stupid question.

91. Do you like yourself?

  • Yes.

92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public?

  • Bad luck. Fate. Chance. Call it whatever. But Lucy was thrust upon me when her parents disappeared. I am now tasked with helping her find them while she gets into trouble.

93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?

  • I have not thought about it.

94. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

  • Alive.

95. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

  • In the midst of a glorious battle, knowing those whom I were to protect are still alive.

96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

  • After strangling you, I would go out to fight and not sit on my rear end. (interviewer swallows hard)

97. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?

  • I do not know.

98. What three words best describe your personality?

  • Words can never accurately describe a person.

99. What three words would others probably use to describe you?

  • Fighter, Protector, Killer.

100. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character?

  • (the brunette woman seated at the other end of the room puts up her hands) Hey, don't look at me, I'm just as scared of her as you are!


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea