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Closed Club

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About This Club

A Balmung Free Company IC: Have we really discovered everything this world has to offer? All its secrets? Do we have the best understanding of Aether and Magic we will ever have? Are the technologies we use today, the best they will ever be? Or could all of this be better? A deep-rooted desire to see what lies beyond the horizon, what tomorrow may bring, and what those of ages past have left for us to unearth, fuels the Aeonian Expeditionary Project. The Aeonian Expedition has been commissioned by the Grand Companies to explore affairs throughout Eorzea and beyond. The projects mandate centers on research, knowledge, cataloging, assessment, and containment of anything that might expose the people of this realm. With a broad mandate and substantial funding, there are few limits to which the organization can delve into. OOC: Our community is an friendly and welcoming outlet for people to explore and share their stories. With our open concept based in game lore any player can find a home in our company. We Offer: - Campaign outcomes that are based on player involvement. The story grows and evolves with your character's decisions! - Weekly events In Game and through Discord for players with busy schedules. - A unique Rolling system that allows you to explore your character's abilities. Simple profiles are created for players not as interested in dice systems. - An original storyline combined with social and player-made events make for a unique experience! Are you looking for a helpful community that will focus on your character's inclusion at the participation level you're interested in? Our dedicated officer team will work with you to find out how best to include your character in the company! Here in The Aeonian Expeditionary Project, our primary goal is to ensure all players have fun and enjoy themselves while playing FFXIV.





Group Type

Free Company

RP Intensity


Story, Adventure, Exploration


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