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  2. Hey everyone! I've just stumbled upon an incredible website that's all about crypto markets. If you're interested in trading cryptocurrencies, this might be the ideal place for you! The site (https://cryptoairdrops.ru/) offers in-depth analysis of a wide range of cryptocurrency platforms, including fees, security measures, available cryptocurrencies, and user experience. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an advanced user, there's something for everyone. What I found particularly useful was their comparison tool, which made it super easy to compare different exchanges and find the one that best fits my needs. They also cover the latest trends in the crypto world, which keeps you informed on all the important news. If you're curious about diversifying your portfolio, I highly recommend checking this site out. It's a goldmine of information that can help you make educated moves in the volatile world of cryptocurrency. Let's explore it together and share our experiences! Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with different exchanges as well.
  3. No, the site is not back. I'm...not sure how you made it through the login-blocker, as that's supposed to deny all connections outside of a whitelist of exceptions. While I'm running it off some hardware I have available, there are no backups or redundancy and when things break, I just roll back to the last final backup of the production site I had. (This thread will be archived when I sort out how things even got this far)
  4. Was just searching for this site on a whim. I understand it shut down there for a while. I'm now on Famfrit as Aran Bunansa, but it'd be great to reconnect with some folks from here--especially Crisiet Liautroix, my elfbro, and Lottie Forsaidh. Hit me up, guys. So many fond memories of this place.
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