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Linkshell/FC Hall forum cleaning

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Finding RP that fits with your character can take time and often ranges from painless to frustrating. To ease your search on the RPC we'll be looking at the Linkshell Hall forum regularly and doing a sweep to keep it clean and up to date. 


What we've noticed:

Many linkshellls and free companies have left the game, ended operations, or otherwise faded away. While it's always a sad thing when this happens, what's more sad is when an RPer sees a LS or FC that'd really fit their character, only to find that the group no longer exists (or no longer exists in the form in the LS Hall).


Our course of action:

1. We will look for any group in the Linkshell Hall that doesn't post at least once per 60 days/2 months on its thread. 



  • The post doesn't have to be from the leader. 
  • Anyone in the group can post (indicated by user profile, signature, or in the post's text). 
  • The content can be anything you like, so long as it confirms that the group is still active. Use the activity requirement to: a) Update prospective members on your current plots, b) Give membership numbers, c) Signal recruitment status, policies, d) etc. 

Edits to the main post do not count as activity.


2. We will begin marking as inactive and moving it to its Chronicles sub forum if no monthly post exists in the thread. 


3. Cleaning will occur on or around the first of the month on a 60 days/2 month cycle. 


Still here but forgot to stay active?

You'll need to PM a staff member to get it moved back. The current list of RPC moderators/staff that can help you can can be found here.


Thanks for your help in keeping the RPC a useful resource for RPers!


tl;dr: A group must have some activity on its thread in the prior 60 days/2 month cycle to not be marked inactive and moved to the Chronicles subforum at the beginning of that month.

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