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With all these new games coming out that will either make us go "That's pretty neat." to "Meh.", have you ever, or still pre-order games from retailers or digitally?

Maddaself, Madda takes a strong opposing stance against the pre-ordering fiasco, as it's gotten to the point where the items included should be in the retail version of the game (see Alien: Colonial Marines where Ripley is a pre-order bonus). 

Madda does make an exception to MMOs, as normally, they offer Standard versions for those that don't want to shell out an extra $20 for stuff they don't need.
It depends for me. If it's a Final Fantasy game, I'll pre-order it, hells I'll even shell out extra for Collector's Editions. Though most games, I'd just stick to standard pre-orders.
I will never pre-order another game. Most of them are hyped up to the point that what you get is far from what was promised. You are better waiting for the game to release, then looking at the 'real' reviews from people who bought it and just ignoring all the paid review hype.

I'm even to the point of not buying things the day they're released on Steam either, because most of the games are unfinished, mid-alpha/beta quality that require 3 to 4 patches before they even play correctly.

Homeworld Remastered, for example, was a huge let-down for fans of the original game. I've not played more than 6 hours of it because most of the game mechanics are still broken.
It depends. Like, I'll preorder the digital CE for Heavensward because I know I'll get my money's worth. I'll generally preorder SMT/Persona games, Zeldas, Mario platformers and Karts, and Dragon Quests when they're actually localized. Everything else, I'll wait for impressions. My backlog is huge enough to discriminate.
After getting burned on Elder Scrolls Online's Imperial Edition and the Founder's Pack for ArcheAge, Heavensward is about the only thing I fel comfortable pre-ordering anymore.
I tend not to, unless I am very loyal to the game. I would probably do it in XIV because I can't foresee me leaving for a good while even if it does end up being a bucket full of crushed hopes and dreams. I'd never pre-order an entirely new game that I hadn't at least been in a beta or likewise for - but even that is becoming a paywall, these days.
Otherwise, I tend to wait until the games eventually fall in price or go on sale when it's not a game I super duper want but would like to play sometime down the line.
Rarely, this year has in fact been a boom in preorders for me. Let's look at what I'm currently waiting on and why.

Bloodbourne - spiritual successor to the Demon/Dark Souls - vetted developer
Heavensward (duh)- active player of FFXIV, transparent, vetted developer
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD - reviews have been out for years, looks like something I'd love
Dragon Quest Heroes - I love everything Dragon Quest, gameplay videos just look great

Last year I pre-ordered exactly zero games. So this is a big change for me.
I realized a few weeks ago that I only preordered two games in the last two years. Both are from SE and one is gonna be released in 10 days lol

But srsly, no I don't preorder. First of all I'm a greedy whore, which means I try to buy discounted games or find a pre owned copy. For that I'm patient, I don't have to play them right at the release.
Secondly, I'm done paying for Beta testing. I'm done paying for unfinished and overhyped games that turn out to be massive disappointment. AC Unity, The Order: 1886, Evolve, Destiny, etc. The list is way too long by now. All those games were imo not worth the money they were sold for.
Only for a handful of games, mostly Dragon Age and possibly Heavensward. Other than that, never again. Been burned way too many times by companies front-loading the experience with lackluster end game, bugs, day one-DLC that has entire swaths of story cut from the main campaign to justify it's existence, always-online DRM, and broken promises aplenty. There is just no point in pre-ordering from companies I do not trust, and even then I'm leery of even that.
I used to be huge on it. 2011 was like the worst year in my life with the massive glut of games I wanted.

But nowadays it's just Halo games or things with pre-order bonuses I want. I wasn't even going to pre-order Heavensward until they said early release and I was on board for that. I pre-ordered Type 0 but only to get the 15 demo.
It really depends. If I am really hyped or it's from a studio I adore then yeah I'll pre-order it. Though the serious standard franchise that get pre-orders from me are Disgaea/NIS titles.
I'll probably pre-order the Heavensward CE because heck yes but naw, I don't anymore. No real reason to unless it's for specialty things like, yeah, CEs.
I preordered a few games. Mostly Wow when I raided but only two other games I preordered and one of them I should have saved the money but let my friends talk me in to it.

1) Neverwinter *twitch* yes, I was an idiot and spent $200 for the Renegade Drow pack (But it is money I made soley through drawing so nothing out of my bank account)

2) Wildstar, I loved the game, don't get me wrong but it was the RP and housing I was looking forward to. As soon as Mega servers hit I couldn't stand the trolling.. Most of the community had quit by then or went to hide in housing. RNG was a pain and while I ran adventurers and dungeons as much as possible I couldn't get the drops I needed to move on and do other stuff.

I will be preordering Heavensward because I enjoy the game and I need more stuff for my gaming self.
I preordered Heavenward, Bloodborne, Type - 0, and Xenoverse. . .  omfg Xenoverse is the main reason I'm not playing XIV anymore ATM probably until Heavenward.

So many betting matches. . . . so many wins. . . . nothing but profit. . . .


Anyway ya, preorders are all or nothings pretty much.
I have in the past. I did it for TTT2 Because I respect harrada's views on how a game handles content. (Not to mention the game was generous with content. And a great game overall.) Knowing that I could have my main (who was free content regardless of pre-order or not) Day one with no wait? That was a no brainer.

So essentially I need:

To respect the developer

And be sold on incentive.
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