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Full Version: Eorzean lore and facts
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Didn't really see a thread dedicated to this, so I decided to start gathering up all the random facts and tidbits of lore scattered around Eorzea that have no huge impact on the story - but could be useful to Roleplayers. May eventually add a spoilers section for storyline related lore.

I may go through and eventually update it again with references to the quote, however for now I'm just going to either mark it "L" for levequest, "Q" for quest, or "N" for NPC. At least until I have the time to go through and fix things up. Those in brackets have their links already. All you need to do is mouse over them and the text will appear. My posts will simply paraphrase, though they may not be perfect - so final word should always go to the actual text.

White links are crafting levequests, and orange are battlecraft leves.

Added the storyline section. Will contain random bits of lore, both significant and insignificant. If you don't want the storyline spoiled, don't open the spoiler. Having direct quotes for reference will be difficult, but I'll work on it.

I'll update it as I go along. Feel free to tack on any little interesting facts you learn.

Updated 2/20/12

Diseases, Curses, and Afflictions
[L]* Ceruleum Eye: An affliction which causes the infected eye to cloud a deep blue. Causes temporary blindless, paralysis, and nausea, among several other symptoms.

L* Saint Allene's Fire: An extremely lethal disease, capable of killing off those afflicted in a matter of days.

L* The Crimson Flux: A disease that can be obtained from drinking contaminated water.

[L]* Dodo Rage: A plague which causes savage aggression in Dodos. It is transmitted through Ladybug bites.

[L]* Blackroot Rose Syndrome: The leaves of the Blackroot Rose, when consumed, cause nightmarish visions and induce extreme fits of violence.

[L]* Lycanthropy: An curse that can cause those afflicted to transform into werewolves - whether involuntarily or voluntarily.

Random Facts and Lore
[L]* Potent variations of your every day poison powder causes temporary blindness if it comes in contact with one's eyes.

L* Pests known as "Burrowing Moths" secrete an acid which they use to erode the inside of trees to lay their eggs. The resulting larva suck the trees dry of their sap, causing the trees to wither away.

Q* It is not uncommon for Lalafellin blacksmiths to be thrown across broken bridge gaps by Roegadyn smiths while repairing said bridges.

[L]* The Dagger Dance: A game made popular in Ul'dah. It consists of three to five players quickly tossing a dagger back and forth. Players are eliminated if they fail to catch the knife or are wounded, and the last player standing wins.

[L]* A Brass Blade's rank can be determined by the amount of circlets they wear on their arms.

[L]* Megalocrabs have a tendency to cut open fisher's nets to steal their fish.

L* Horses, dogs, and cats exist in Eorzea.

[L]* Coblyns eat ore and rocks.

[L]* Cactuar legs have healing properties, and are often used in salves for bites and burns.

[L]* Imps have the ability to disguise themselves in various animal and humanoid forms.

[L]* The term "Necrologos" refers to a book which can be used to imprison the souls of dangerous beasts and seal them away within it's pages. Upon breaking the seals, the beasts are able to once again be set loose. Supposedly there was an original Necrologos, with additional copies having been made over the years.

L* Orobon whiskers are used by some healers in the concoction of powerful potations and unguents.

[L]* The Woodgreet Mass: A gathering of Conjurer's from the Stillglade Fane during which the Loam Eye ceremony occurs. The ceremony uses Earth Orbs alongside leaves and soil to bless newcomers to the Fane and open their inner eye to the land around them.

[L]* The Leafreading Ceremony is yet another ceremony held during the Woodgreet Mass. The ceremony involves several of the brothers and sisters ingesting Shriekshroom spores, which are said to give them the temporary power to “see” the messages left by the spirits in the leaves.

[L]* Kecks were originally worn as a traditional article of clothing by the Ala Mhigan Bladedancers of ages past.

[L]* The Far Eastern kingdom employed the use of various types of Gladii and Falchions, possibly having introduced the weapon to Eorzea during a war between themselves and Ala Mhigo ages ago.

[L]* The witch doctors of Meracydia use gnat antennae for a yet unknown purpose. Most likely a ritual or some sort of medicine.

?* Materia is a physical form of what is called a spirit bond. Memories and experiences garnered whilst wearing or wielding equipment accumulates a spirit bond between the armor/weapon and it's wearer. That spirit bond can eventually be extracted from the armor in a physical form, creating powerful crystallized gems that can be used to enhance other pieces of equipment.

*[Q] The Amalj'aa gift spiked chokers to family members of fallen Amalj'aa - as both a means of imparting news of their death, and a token of remembrance. Said chokers bear a small silver spike on the inside, which pierces just underneath their scales to a pressure point, providing a form of needle-therapy. They apply various ointments to the tip to ward off hunger and drowsiness, suppress pain, and trigger the release of adrenaline.

*[Q] Vengeance orders: Sanctioned killings performed by Thaumaturges of the Azzraneth Ossuary. Vengeance Orders are placed upon beasts and people alike as means of revenge for murder.

*[Q] Scarlet Oil: Oil blessed by the Azzaraneth Ossuary for use in burial rites. Spreading it over the deceased is said to nullify the smell of decaying flesh. It also has the ability to prevent steel from rusting when mixed with other materials.

*[Q] Flame General Raubahn Aldynn gained his seat on the syndicate solely through his Coliseum victories making him one of the wealthiest people in Ul'dah. He is also the reigning champion of the Coliseum, and is the owner of the entire stadium.

*[N] It is rumored that Garlean soldiers are infused with machina in order to improve their strength and agility.

Storyline Lore
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Official lore from Square Enix

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Wow, thanks for this! We've actually begun a small version of a similar project over at the Everwatch forums. It's a compilation of useful RP guides, discussions, and lore bits. This will certainly go in there. Feel free to add other links if you want, or take from the links already provided. It's meant primarily to be a resource for new RPers or new FFXIV players, but obviously has very useful info for experienced RP'ers as well.

Role-Play Resources Link
AETHER is working on a wiki site comprised of 100% IC articles and lore, open to the community as the academy's archives in Gridania. Progress is going a bit slow due to... well, me being lazy /cough but we ought to have it presentable in the quasi-maybe-near future! I'll be sure to toss a link when it's presentable.
I had to post just to say this: What a great collection of information! You're doing the community a great service by recording and providing this. Thank you.
Can you please provide at least a vague reference to where you got these from?
Updated to the main thread a bit, but I'll work on giving them their sources eventually. It'd just take a long time, and I don't have that to spare at this exact moment. However, I've marked what they come from. Everything up there so far either comes directly from a levequest, or a quest itself. If anything, it's been paraphrased slightly and carefully.

Edit: Updated some. All you have to do is mouse over the L's in brackets, and the quest will pop up right on these forums.
Whoa- now /that/ is cool.
Been awhile, but I've once again started updating this thread. Added a bit on to the storyline section, with more to come.
Gods, I was looking for something like this without knowing I was searching. Excellent job so far!
very informative, Thanks Merri
Fleshed out more quest and storyline information today.

I'll mention it again as it's rather hidden in the main post, but if you have anything you come across that you wish to see added to the list, go ahead and send me a message on the forums here with the information and a reference.

Also added a new section called "Official lore from SE" that has been posted by community reps/developers/etc over on the official forum - lore that cannot be found in-game specifically, but is canon none the less.
Before I came here there was a thread on the official forums that I found...it has some good extra info but none of the super awesome notations you have Merri. :3

Anyway, here's the link if anyone wants to try and salvage some more info from it:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/23487-Azury-Ariella-s-Lore-Compilation-Guide-PLEASE-CONTRIBUTE">http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/thre ... CONTRIBUTE</a><!-- m -->
Some information on Leveplates from the forums on the lodestone:

A player had some questions regarding guildleves and mentioned that the official site explained that guildleves are plates that are inlaid with stained crystal, but was curious how the actual leve content is inscribed within them. Foxclon was able to track down someone from the Lore team to provide some insight into the physical guildleve plates that I think some of you will find interesting.

First, there are two types of details regarding Guildleves; that which is displayed on the plate and that which is not.

Issuing city-state (Lower right of the plate)
This is the name of the city state of the adventurer’s guild that issues the leve.
Theme (Top of the plate)
This theme is shown through words of highly virtuous deeds performed by people known as sages in the past. The stained crystal picture also has an image of the sage.

The above two types of details that are displayed. Besides this, specific information such as leve content and rewards are not physically written onto the plates. This information is shared with the adventurer directly from the person at the adventurers' guild counter. Similar to how you can check your journal for general quest content, the idea is that you’re recalling the content that you remembered (from your notes perhaps?).
A player also asked about starting a leve at an aetheryte, how the plate image is displayed above your head and asked for more info about that.

Momodi and other NPCs tell adventurers that within aetherytes exists the key to unlocking the power of guildleves. In order to carry out duties outside of the city-state, or that are very far away, a magic seal is applied to leve plates.

The aetherytes and aetherial gates function as a key, and by having them resonate when you complete your duties it is possible to open an aetherial node to return with. This is what the animations above your head signifies.

This is standard amongst adventurers, so even for duties within city-states that don’t utilize aetherial nodes, the same thing takes place when the leve begins. This is a kind of “wish” that you will complete your duties safely and return.

As a matter of fact, aetherytes are referred to as the manifestation of the planet’s lifeblood, which is made up of aether. Due to this, leve plates are also made of crystal which makes it easy for the two to resonate. NPCs at the counter of the adventurers' guilds will explain other things about aetherytes, too. We plan on posting an article on Lodestone in the not too distant future discussing methods for intercity-state travel with aetherytes.

We’re currently working really hard behind the scenes on reading material you can read while in-game. While we can’t promise a time period for it, we will be sure to let you know when we can offer up some more details!
Thanks, Aysun. Just got around to updating it now, as well as adding a bit more to the other sections. Still need to transplant the recent lodestone lore we've received, but I'll get on that when I have more time. Hopefully we get some more this week.

I've also been meaning to go through and add links / more detail to facts lacking references at the moment, but seeing as that also will be a time consuming process, it will have to wait. Plus I was going to scan through the guildleves again to see if I missed any of note.
Really, really awesome post. Thank you very much.
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