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Septha is cynic, borderline asshole and I can see her running with Ice more than anything else. She never reveals her true feelings and if so it is awfully cryptic. There is an element of uncaring as well which further adds to the association.
Crisiet is, unsurprisingly, ice. Cold, unmoving and difficult to be close to. He is not impossible, however.

His deity is still Halone though he left Coerthas a long time ago.
Either ice or water, depending on who she is with. Like a heart with an icy exterior but a warm, watery core... hehehehe...

Good luck finding it now though, off top.
I would say water and wind for Nathan, free to move and bring life and relief to all without discrimination, only cold or hot in reaction to those around.
I suppose water would be the best fit for Graeham. He's from La Noscea and had always been fond of swimming. Since he has Garlean blood in his veins manipulating aether isn't really something he can do without immense effort on his part so magic is out of the question.

He isn't particularly religious either so he doesn't put much faith in the Twelve beyond lip service to keep up appearances.
Lightning/Thunder for Dimona!  There is a sort of calm ominousness to her, a sort of build-up of pressure, and then a sudden strike that just might illuminate the sky for malms and malms around!
Hawu is definitely likened to wind. It can be extremely pleasant or hideously destructive, and yet it's a powerful force at all times. 

She never stays in one place for long, and I would say one can't very well fold their hands around wind and expect to catch it. It can change in the blink of an eye...yeah, Wind.
Val would probably be fire. It just seems to fit him the most. Melfice's I would imagine is Thunder, while Vallois and Cyrus would probably be Earth-based.
I like to think Jajara would be earth-aspected. Her home was in the desert, she makes her living off of hitting rocks and making things out of shinier rocks, she's tough as a boulder and about as stubborn on the worst of days. She is usually pretty calm and even-tempered and has a habit of being walked all over, but when she does actually snap at folks, it isn't very pretty! Her patron, Byregot, is Lightning so that doesn't quite match up either on aspect or resistance.

Delial is probably either fire or lightning. Fire would be more in line with her ancestry and her magical potential, as well as her temperament... however lightning seems more appealing sometimes if only because she sees herself as a judicator of sorts. Her presence is generally more obscure and her strikes, when she makes them, precise and unforgiving. Rhalgr happens to also be lightning aspected so there's that.
Virara has the whole "at time placid, at times raging" thing going on with water. I would say it fits her, even if the sign is not hers. But she has some elements of fire too, including a heat motif that I've invoked a lot. It's sort of hard for me to say, as I never had a single specific one in mind. I feel like she lacks the subtlety often associated with air, her actual game element, but could easily grow into it.

White Hair
White Eyes
Pale Skin
Last name is Frostheart
Reserved quiet and comes off cold in personality (albeit accidentally)
Nickname is Snowcap.

Yep. Aaron is definitely fire aspect. Anyone who thought different obviously missed the signs.
AU, gold is his element, duh.

I always used lightning for Flynt in RP, seeing how he only really bothered himself to master Raiton.
Water for Kurt, he'll just be passive and roll with the punches if not weave his way around them. He's a follower of Nymeia so it's pretty much a fixed flow in his eyes seeing as she weaves stuff and has a flow and stuff, just gonna have to ride it to wherever. And like rapids, he tends to pick things up quickly if it piques his interest and like a waterfall he's been going nowhere but down recently huehuehuehue
I think that Klyn and Dani both share certain aspects of wind and water.

Dani's dualistic nature is most closely aligned with wind, which can be either soft and nurturing or brutally destructive. It also represents her flexibility and restlessness; an idle Dani will always be an unhappy Dani.

Although many of the same concepts apply to Klyn, water seems to represent her better as a whole. The element is a source of life and health, while also supporting freedom of movement. Although bouyant and bubbly in small doses, it contains surprising depths. When stirred to motion, it's strength is uncontested, but it's full power is only seen when driven to great heights.
Earth, to represent stability, security, traditionalism, and strength.
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