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Full Version: This Game Hates Me!
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Hold on, this isn't quite what you think.

Almost all games have some sort of difficulty. It can vary from fight mechanics to tricky jumps to button-reading AIs. Something to keep your journey to the "end" of the game from being effortless.

However, has there ever been a time that it seemed like a game was... actively working against you? Either actual or perceived, it seemed like the game had somehow gained some sort of sentience and was actively trying to ruin your day. That super-hard enemy popping up in a random battle when you're trying to run to the save point, the boss chaining into an inescapable combo, even just a Goomba being right where you didn't need it.

FFXIV actually gives me this feeling sometimes, oddly enough. The perceived spite and hatred. Especially in WoD - when running for NIN and tank gear respectively for Chachan in it, it ALL drops on Gogon. Like, straight up, I had a WoD on him where every drop was NIN gear save for Cloud. On Chachan? MNK and DRG gear.

And, of course, there's all the 80% chance failures and normal-quality items crafted despite being at 96% quality.

To move away from it, though, I'll mention the game that got me thinking about making this thread in the first place: Dokapon Kingdom. Now there's a game that seems to openly hate you, especially if you're playing with the AIs. If you ever play it, I warn you now, the computer cheats like crazy. You have no idea how many perfect rolls the computer got when playing on Friday night.

... I think the only thing that helped bring down the one AI was the OTHER AI.

But anyway, anyone else have situations where it just seemed like the game they were playing was actively against them?
Criminy. That Dokapon round.

I once tried to explain cheating AI to a sister-in-law-of-sorts. She's not a gamer, so she didn't really grasp how a computer can "cheat" at a game. I wish I could show her five minutes of Dokapon Kingdom.

It's not even subtle! It's not. The computer-controlled characters (one on Medium, one on Hard) roll exactly what they need to land on exact spaces. It's not so much a character as it is a force of nature, time limit made flesh that moves systematically from locale to locale, always doing exactly enough to win every encounter, and always managing to avoid bad luck. Where Chachanji and I ended up sometimes doing laps around spaces to land where we wanted, the AI moves from town to town, conquering and consuming everything. It was ridiculous.

Mario Party and Mario Kart comes to mind, too. Those games definitely don't care about established rules or parameters. They WILL beat you.
Friendship Destroyer Dokapon Kingdom is amazing though! I played this one game that lasted MONTHS with my roommates once. ...we agreed we would never play a full story ever again. Ever.
FOr other games that love to make you suffer bring joy to others, see: Mario Party 1 and 2.
I'm pretty trash at games and I have made the mistake of falling in love with Monster Hunter. I love the monsters but they don't love me. Sad Always trampling me when I'm trying to honk out a song or something, or when I'm trying to chug a potion. I'm not a threat, I promise!!!!
Well at least I'm not alone in this mindset. Hey let's bring Ramona through WoD...s'alright i guess I'm getting drops Effie, Keil or Kurt/Nah could use. Switch over to Nah, the Robe of casting drops twice...consecutively and the belt(which is the last thing Kurt needs) drops twice. Of course Nah could use it but I get annoyed since a 'what if' scenario comes in my head. Like what if I was playing Kurt then got the belt...then ditched the raid I could have completed the Demon Fending set. Still on the upside, weekly drop limit is gonna be dropped. Hue. 

But wait don't you feel like you deserve that Allagan Tomestone thingy after sitting through ST 8 times in a row but you always roll single digits anyway.

I still think SE is developing a higher form of AI...one with a programmed Malice suite and a Self-awareness function.
Don't mistake the Rule For Alts for anything SE is doing. It's a known fact that if you have multiple raiding characters on different classes, they're going to see one another's drops. It's just a fact of life.
(03-23-2015, 11:04 AM)Warren Castille Wrote: [ -> ]Don't mistake the Rule For Alts for anything SE is doing. It's a known fact that if you have multiple raiding characters on different classes, they're going to see one another's drops. It's just a fact of life.

There's that but I still think something's up when I'm going all WAR on Ramona in Brayflox and the game is taunting me with Battlemage drops...every...damn...time.
Mario Party almost ruined My friendship with Warren.

Monopoly with an AI player is another good example of cheating by the computer.
(03-23-2015, 03:55 PM)Hauruh Nunh Wrote: [ -> ]Mario Party almost ruined My friendship with Warren.

Monopoly with an AI player is another good example of cheating by the computer.

It wasn't even a good Mario Party.

We should try that again sometime, though. It might be fun!
Each and every single one of my college roommates and I would refer to Super Mario Bros. Wii as "The Divorce Game". Why?

Because when it came out, the bromance went on pause.


On a more "the AI hates me" note, UFO: Enemy Unknown, more commonly referred to as X-COM: UFO Defense. The original. My God, rookies. My God.
skyrim. for reals. i hated the camera didn't auto follow and it made it soo damn hard to fight in 3rd person mode for me. i hate first person mode but a lot of my fights ended up like this so i just ragequit and never went back.
[Image: 3779451_o.gif]
Can't really think of a time I felt a game betrayed me. Most of my failures or misfortunes are a product of ineptitude at a critical point.

Barring that disclaimer...

In tekken with Angel, whenever I land 4 Ewgfs and miss the fifth one to complete the combo by no more than two or a few frames....
I die a little inside.
Puzzle Quest and its sequel, Galactrix.

Biggest cheating AI ever.

Though every Civilization AI gets the honorable mention.

I refuse to play most racing games for the same reason.
Civ 4.

I've got a squad of Navy SEALs outside my opponent's city. I send them in with a 93% chance of success. They are defeated by a pair of medieval longbowmen.

I send in two more squads of Navy SEALs and and a unit of Marines.

The longbowmen are still standing.
The first time I decided to strike a cucco on the legend of zelda: ocarina of time.


A lesson was learned that day.
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